Revised Year 7 Feudal Game Lesson Plan 20_6_11

Lesson Plan Format
Class: Year 7
Date: 20/6/11
Time: Start: _______12.05___________
Finish: _______12.55___________
Key Learning Area: History
Lesson Topic: The Feudal System of Government
Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):
Students have been studying Medieval Europe, its demographics and have a basic knowledge of the feudal model of government.
Syllabus Outcome(s):
One or two only. Please note the syllabus
reference number AND write out in full.
Indicators of Learning for this lesson:
By the end of this lesson, the students will:
-Ss recall the work they have been doing
during the preceding lessons during T led
class discussion.
- Identify the four key levels of the feudal system and describe the
defining features of each.
- 4.1 describes and explains the nature of
history, the main features of past
societies and periods and their legacy.
- 4.10 selects and uses appropriate oral,
written and other forms, including ICT, to
communicate effectively about the past.
- Take part in a game that simulates the Medieval European
feudal system of government.
- Write a short description from the point of view of either the
monarchy, the nobility, the knightly class or the peasantry,
discussing how they felt during the game.
- T monitors Ss as they engage in the Feudal
System game, assessing how well they
follow the rules and participate.
- T observes students as they complete their
evaluation paragraphs providing any
assistance necessary and answering relevant
- No formal assessment - T makes anecdotal
record of Ss’ efforts.
Any safety issues to be considered:
Ensure no obstructions to movement.
Ensure students do not swing on their chairs.
 Textbook- History Zone 1 Stage 4- World History Robert Darlington and Vicki Greer Harcourt
Education, Heinemann (2004)
 Board of Studies NSW (2003), History Mandatory and Elective Course Years 7-10 Syllabus: BOS
 Lap top- Powerpoint Presentation: Rules of the Game
 Game Cards- with different feudal system stages labeled.
 Hat or bowl
 Bag of lollies for the Feudal game
Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning
(What is Taught):
Note key skills, concepts and values
addressed in each section. Link to your
Indicators of Learning.
Identifying the Feudal system and its
effectiveness in Medieval European
(5 mins)
Q/ What was the system of government
used in the middle ages?
A/ Feudalism
Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:
(How it is taught)
Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do and
what students (Ss) will do.
Resources and Organisation:
T asks Ss to enter the classroom and sit quietly at their desks.
T greets Ss and makes them aware of the high levels of
behavior and work quality that is expected of them.
Whiteboard Marker to draw up key
ideas on the board.
T informs Ss that this lesson will be a little bit different and
potentially fun as well as educational but the choice remains
with the Ss if they work well then they will play the Feudal
game if not there are activities that we will work on from the
textbook silently.
Q/Who was at the top of this system?
A/ King
T asks Qs to the Ss to recall what they have learnt previously.
T reminds Ss to raise hands to answer.
Q/Who was at the bottom of this system?
A/Peasants or Serfs
Q/ How did the feudal system work?
A/ Land given in exchange for services.
Work, protection, allegiance, taxes, harvestfood
T introduces the layout of the lesson: Quick recall of Feudal
Model > Choosing a role from hat > Feudal game> Writing
Activity: How did your role & activity make you feel?
Identifying and assessing the
interactions of the different classes of
Medieval society.
Q/ Is this a fair system? Why or why not?
The peasants had to do the majority of the
work, yet were left with hardly any of their
“harvest.” The king did very little work, yet
he received a huge share of the harvest.
T roams around the classroom and allows Ss to draw a card
out of the hat.
T instructs all number 1’s to a certain area of the room all
number 2s to a different area and etc
T hands out Worksheet 1
T directs students to the instructions on the screen.
Lap top- Powerpoint Presentation:
Rules of the Game
Game Cards- with different feudal
system stages labeled.
Hat or bowl
T hands out 10 lollies to the Peasant class and has them sort
their lollies evenly.
Tell the Ss that it is the end of the harvest season. The serfs
have been working hard to harvest all the crops. (lollies)
Q/ How do the serfs feel? The lesser lords
and knights? The nobles? The king?
Remind the serfs that they need to give a portion
of all they grew for themselves to their lord. Have them hand
over 8 lollies to their knight.
Bag of lollies for the Feudal game
T roves to assist Ss
Remind the knights that they owe homage to their noble (also
called dukes or counts). Therefore, they owe their duke or
count 6 lollies from every 8 collected from their serfs. (If they
had three serfs under them, they would owe 18)
Finally, remind the dukes and counts that they owe homage to
their king. For every 6 pieces of candy they collected from
their vassal (which was collected from their serfs), they owe
the king four pieces. (Therefore, if the count or duke had two
vassals under them, who had each collected 18 pieces from
their three serfs, they would owe a total of 24 pieces to the
king- 12 from each or their vassals, or four from each of the six
serfs under them.)
Explain the key aspects of the feudal
system and describe the way that you
felt from the perspective of the group
that you were randomly allocated in the
Feudal Game
Have the Ss count their lollies
DISCUSS the game with the Ss
T instructs Ss to write a 2 or 3 paragraph report on how the
game made them feel. Was it fair? What was your position?
What did you enjoy/ dislike about the game?
Assess the significance of the feudal
system on the different levels of society
and why it was such a successful form of
T gains Ss attention
T poses Qs to the Ss in order to conclude the lesson
(5 mins)
T gauges Ss opinions and concludes the lesson.
Q/Was the Feudal system fair?
Q/Why was it so successful?
Q/Would there have been uprisings?
Ss pack away books.
Dismiss class when all Ss are quiet.