
Annex 27
Institutions for Young Offenders
Detention centres
(Detention Centres Ordinance (Chapter 239))
Age: 14 to 25 years
14 to 17 years:
Young Offender (Junior) Section
18 to 20 years:
Young Offender (Senior) Section
21 to 25 years:
Young Adult Section
Length of sentence:
14 to 20 years:
1 to 6 months
21 to 25 years:
3 to 12 months
Institutional programme(s)
 works skills, physical education training, high standard of discipline
 custodial
officers, throughcare and aftercare, 'Never Again
Association' gatherings involving inmates’ families
 to instil respect for the law
 to develop self respect
 to raise awareness of neglected capabilities in legitimate pursuits
 to learn to live with others in harmony
Monthly Board of Review chaired by Senior Superintendent of the
Correctional Services Department
Upon Board’s satisfaction with inmate’s institutional performance and the
inmate securing suitable employment or a place in school
Post-institutionalisation statutory supervision
One year, monitored by aftercare officers
Breach of Supervision Order
14 to 20 years: may be recalled for further detention until the expiry of 6
months from first admission or 3 months from arrest, whichever is the
21 to 25 years: may be recalled for further detention until the expiry of 12
months from first admission or 3 months from arrest, whichever is the
Training Centres
(Training Centres Ordinance (Chapter 280))
Age: 14 to 20 years
14 - 17 years:
} separate centres for male offenders
18 - 20 years:
14 - 20 years:
female offenders
Length of sentence:
6 months to 3 years
Institutional programme(s)
 half-day education in primary to secondary level classes. Inmates are
encouraged to participate in public examinations
 half-day vocational training in typewriting, food and beverage
services, refrigeration and air-conditioning, printing, plumbing,
electrical fitting and installation etc.
 throughcare and aftercare involving inmates’ families
To develop good working habits and skills which would help secure
employment after release
Monthly Board of Review chaired by Senior Superintendent of the
Correctional Services Department
Upon Board’s satisfaction that inmate has reached peak institutional
performance and upon arrangements for suitable employment or a place
in school. Arrangements are made for inmates who wish to continue their
vocational training to further their training in the Vocational Training
Council or the Construction Industry Training Authority
Post-institutionalisation statutory supervision
3 years
Breach of Supervision Order
May be recalled for further detention until the expiry of 3 years from first
admission or 6 months from arrest, whichever is the later
Young Prisoners Programme
(Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Chapter 221))
14 - 20 years
Institutional programme(s)
 half-day education. Study modules cover general academic subjects
such as Chinese, English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Moral and
Civic Education and commercial courses leading to public
examinations in book-keeping, typewriting and accounting. Inmates
are encouraged to participate in public examinations.
 half-day vocational training in craft skills, telecommunications,
plumbing and pipe-fitting, food and beverage service, refrigeration
and air-conditioning, technical drawing, general engineering,
practical word processing, electronics and electricity.
 throughcare and aftercare, "Never Again Association" gatherings
involving inmates’ families.
 to cultivate good work habits and prepare for fulfilling employment
upon release
 to equip inmate with a level of skills training commensurate with
aptitude and capacity
 to develop confidence, satisfaction and self respect
 to facilitate re-integration into community upon release and to refrain
from crime
Breach of Supervision Order:
May be recalled for imprisonment for a period equivalent to the amount
of remission earned
Drug Addiction Treatment Centre Programme
(Drug Addiction Treatment Centres Ordinance (Chapter 244))
14 years and above
Length of sentence:
2 to 12 months
Institutional programme(s)
 medical treatment for drug withdrawal, check-ups, recreational
activities, physical education
 work therapy, individual and group counselling
 compulsory remedial education for young addicts
 aftercare team offering support and guidance, family involvement
 to improve health and mental development
 to develop good work habits
 to build self-confidence and sense of responsibility
Board of Review chaired by Senior Superintendent discusses the case
during second month, and at least once every two months after first
interview, and thereafter, monthly
Post-institutionalisation statutory supervision
One year statutory supervision to assist re-integration into society
Breach of supervision order
May be recalled for treatment until the expiry of 12 months from first
admission or four months from arrest, whichever is the later.