List of articles - Indiana University

presentation at ILF, Women in Indiana Libraries Division. April 2002.
Annual Report. Indiana State Board of Agriculture. Indianapolis, IN: Wm. E. Burford.
“The Woman’s State Fair Association of Indiana.” [Committee of men approved
Adkinson, Florence M. “The Industrial Progress of Woman.”
“The census of 1880 tells a wonderful story of woman’s industrial progress in the
United States….Impelled by necessity, or by failure on the part of the so-called “natural
protectors,” or by the growing demands of living and luxury, or by a desire to use
strength and ability more widely, women have entered 219 of the 265 occupations
enumerated by the census for 1880.”
Davidson, Miss LuLu A. (Montgomery County). “A Farmer’s Recreations and
“Next we come to the library…it is full of state agricultural reports and religious
debates….Begin at the bottom, put in histories first for the children and progressively up
the concise standard works for adults, interspersed with good biographies and books of
travel. The next shelf is for poetry and fiction, and we place caution at your elbow to
make you put in only the best….”
Hufford, Mrs. L. G. (Indianapolis) “The Place of Women among the World’s Workers.”
Seward, Hattie L. (Secretary, W.S.F.A.) “Review of the Woman’s State Fair Assocation
of Indiana.”
Sewall, Mrs. May Wright “The Industrial Relations of Women to the State.”
Harper, Mrs. Ida A. (Terre Haute). “Woman’s Work.”
“The first attempt at obtaining accurate statistics regarding women’s occupations
in the state of Indiana was made in 1881.”
Busick, Mrs. Kate M. (Wabash). “Our Jersey.”
Mick, Mrs. Catherine (North Vernon). “Silk Culture.”
Richardson, Miss Ida F. “Home, Mind and Social Interests.”
“The mother who has formed in her children a taste for reading, places a barrier
between them and Satan’s allurements. She may send her son to the great city without
misgiving. He will gravitate to the lecture room, the library, the society of the pure and
intelligent, and slowly his soul will be lifted to higher levels of thought….”
McRae, Mrs. Emma Mont (Purdue University). “Our Rural Homes.”
Meredith, Mrs. Virginia C. (Cambridge City). “The Columbian Exposition.”
Meredith, Mrs. Virginia C. (Cambridge City). “Farm Life—Its Privileges and
Carter, Mrs. Jennie B. (Connersville). “Responsibility of Parents for the Failures and
Successes of Their Children.”
Hine, Mrs. Jane L. (Sedan). “A Family of Feathered Friends.”
Meredith, Mrs. Virginia C. (Cambridge City). “Country Schools.”
Mount, Mrs. J. A. (Shannondale). “Economy, Its Use and Abuse.”
Smith, Mrs. A. L. (Princeton). “Housekeepers’ Clubs.”
Smith, Miss Franc C. (Middlebury). “Flowers and Their Mission.”
Staats, Mrs. Bel. F. (Dana). “Help.”
Stearns, Mrs. A. A. (Remington). “Two Sides of Home Life.”
Worley, Laura D. (Ellettsville). “The Farmers’ Reading Circle.”
Campbell, Miss Dina (Willshire Ohio). “Flowers—Their Influence in the Home.”
Fleming, Mrs. Cynthia A. (Tabor). “The Silo”.
Lane, Mary Wendling (Bainbridge). “Home Influence.”
Miller, Rua C. (Shannondale). “The Girl on the Farm.”
Quigley, Mrs.Sarah E. (Paradise). “Recreation on the Farm.”
Ringo, Mrs. Walter (Clay County). “Future of American Farming.”
Robertson, Miss Grace (Clay County). “Farm Life and Its Opportunities.”
Smith, Mrs. W. H. (Madison). “Man’s Duty to Domestic Animals.”
Wheeler, Mrs. J. J. (Rome). “Should a Farmer’s Wife Raise Flowers.”
Chamberlin,Mrs. R. H. (Bloomington). “A Higher Social and Intellectual Standard for the
Everts, Mrs. Clara S. (Griffith). “Women on the Farm.”
George, Mrs. J. E. (Miami County). “What has Labor Saving Machinery Done for the
Farmer’s Wife?”
Haas, Miss Digne (Tipton). “Influence of the Farm on National Advancement.”
Harrell, Mrs. S. S. (Brookville). “Home Reading.”
Hardy, Mrs. Geo. (Goodland). “The relation of the Home to the State.”
Morris, Mrs. Goldena (Westfield). “How to Make Home Happy.”
Reiman, Miss Lou (Rising Sun). “A Plea For a Higher Education for Farmer’s Sons and
Thompson, Miss Frances (Monroe). “The Unappreciated Advantages of Farm Life.”
Wells, Mrs. M. J. (Silver Lake). “The Duties of a Farmer’s Wife.”
Young, Mrs. Lou (Land). “Woman’s Relation to the Farm.”
Young, Mrs. Helen R. (Muncie). “Agency of Bees in Fertilizing Plants.”
Alexander, Mrs. W. M. (Rushville). “Our Habitation—What it Should Be.”
Coffman, Mrs. L. D. (Salem). “Give the Girls on the Farm a Chance.”
Goodrich, Miss LuLu (Anderson). “Woman’s Sphere in the Commercial World.”
House, Mrs. Ella (Aaron). “Poultry-Raising.”
Pleas, Mrs. Sarah A. (Dunreith). “The Fruit Garden.”
Pugh, Mrs. Mollie (Marion). “Our Country Homes.”
Walthall, Lydia (Dana). “Why there is Poverty.”
Allen, Miss Emma (Boswell). “The Home.”
Bloss, Mrs. J. M. (Muncie). “Economy-Farm and Household.”
Bruner, Mrs. Dr. Mary Bruner (Greenfield). “Canning and Preservation of Fruits.”
Chance, Mrs. Rose J. (Westfield). “The Overworked Farmer’s Wife—What is the
Cherry, Mrs. Wm. (Adyeville). “Farmers’ Institute.”
Crone, Annie Farr (West Lebanon). “Sheep.”
Davis, Mrs. Rush (Carlisle). “The Wife’s Place on the Farm.”
Elliott, Mrs. Harriett A. (Jefferson). “How I manage the Farm.”
Feed, Mrs. Orion (Oakland City). “Duties of a Farmer’s Wife.”
Foltz, Miss Tena (Knox). “Improving One’s Opportunities.”
Fitzgerrell, Mrs. Mollie (Poseyville.) “Poultry Raising for Profit.”
Harris, Mrs. Hattie W. (Kentland). “Farmers’ Clubs and Reading Circles.”
Holmes, Mrs. John (Delphi). “The Social Standing of the Farmer’s Wife, and How to
Better It.”
Houk, Mrs. R. A. (Ringen). “Poultry Raising.”
Huber, Mrs. Etta (Steuben County). “Raising Poultry.”
Kerr, Mrs. Chas. (Newtown). “How to Make Home Attractive.”
Johnson, Miss Gertie (Owensville). “The Telephone and its Relations to the Farmer.”
M’Clanahan, Louise (Sullivan). “Floriculture.”
Miller, J. H. (Petit). “How to Lighten the Labor of Housekeeping.”
Nye, Mrs. P. P. (Goshen). “Economy of Cleanliness.”
Percupile, Mrs. Elizabeth (Rensselaer). “Our Boys and Girls.”
Pugh, Mrs. Mary (Fairmount). “Higher Education.”
Royer, Mrs. Charles (LaGrange). “Management and Value of Farm Poultry.”
Scott, Mrs. Robt. (Switzerland County). “The Art of Butter Making.”
Well,s Mrs. S. V. (Covington). “How to Make Home Attractive.”
Brown, Mrs. R. M. “The Farmer’s Library.”
Caple, Mrs. Anna. “Condition and Success in Farming.”
Cummings, Mrs. Emma. “A Plea for the Intellectual, Moral and Social Advancement of
Framers’ Wives and Daughters.”
Hilton, Mrs. Wm. “The Farmer’s Choice.”
M’Coy, Mrs. Harriet. “Arrangement Indoor and Out.”
Lindley, Mrs. Harriet J. “Give the Wife a Chance.”
Parr, Mrs. J.R. “Poultry on the Farm.”
Sears, Mrs. Chas. “Domestic Economy.”
Snyder, Mrs. E. E. “Serpents in Eden.”
Barrows, Mrs. Helen. (Knox County) “The Secret of a Happy Home Life.”
Black, Mrs. C. E. (Orchard Grove) “The Unexpected Guest.”
Campbell, Miss Orpha (Bean Blossum) “How to avoid competition.”
Conger, Miss Myrtle (Flat Rock) “The Farmer’s Daughter.”
Gunkle, Mrs. S. J. (Mulberry) “Our Daughters—What shall we teach them?”
Harding, Mrs. Belle C. (Corunna) “Views of Farming from the tenant’s standpoint.”
Jones, Mrs. Carrie (Terre Haute) “Our Boys and Girls.”
Montgomery, Mrs. C. W. (Rochester) “Organization.”
Murray, Miss Nelle (Connersville) “What a women can do on a farm.”
Newlin, Miss Laura (Bloomingdale) “The Educated Farmer.”
Thomas, Mrs. C.M. (Rockport) “Poultry Raising.”
Whaley, Miss Alma (Stanford) “Unappreciated Advantage of Farm Life.”
Wheeler, Mrs. J. J. (Rome) “Mothers on the Farm.”
Yarling, Mrs. Michael (Shelby County) “Our Homes.”
Chappel, Mrs. Eugenia (Algiers) “Is it prudent for a farmer to sell his farm and move to
town to educate his children.”
Conger, Miss Myrtle (Flat Rock) “The Farmer’s Son.”
Dyer, Mrs. Lizzie (Lafayette) “Needs and Improvements of our Rural Schools.”
M’Cord, Mrs. C. S. “The Farmer as an Apologist.”
M’Dermott, Mrs. J. J. (Franklin) “How Shall Woman Accomplish the Most Good.”
Officer, Bettie (Volga) “The Value of a higher education for the farmer.”
Barnett, Miss Sallie (Cato) “The Ideal Home.”
Chillas, Mrs. J. M. (South Bend) “Sanitary Conditions of the Farm Home.”
Cronkhite, Mrs. L.F. (Hedrick) “Farm Advantages”.
Curtis, Ruth (Aurora) “Opportunities of Farm Life.”
Ferguson, Mrs. Oliver (Milton) “Why live on the farm?”
Harding, Mrs. Belle (Corunna) “The Wife’s Share.”
Harrell, Mrs. S. S. (Brookville) “Relation of Home Life and Diet to Cooking.”
Meeker, Miss Joie (Crown Point) “Nature Study in the Common Schools.”
Noe, Miss Fannie (LaPorte) “Sanitation of the Farmer’s Home.”
Ray, Mrs. George (Franklin) “Poultry.”
Roberts, Miss Lucy (Osgood) “Education of the Farmers’ Children.”
Saunders, Mrs. Joseph (Anderson) “Training of the Home-Maker.”
Alkens, Mrs. W. W. “Flowers and Shrubs.”
Burris, Mrs. J. B. “Flowers.”
Davis, Mrs. B. A. (LaPorte) “Possibilities of Plum Growing in Northern Indiana.”
Hitchcock, Mrs. Don E. “Use of Flowers in Ornamenting Home Grounds.”
Johnson, Mrs. Sylvester. “Women in Floriculture and Horticulture.”
Moorehouse, Mrs. J. W. “Shade Trees Adjunct to Beautiful Homes.”
Newman, Mrs. R. A. “Ornamenting Home and Shrub”.
Ross, Mrs. Florence. “Care and Keeping of Home Grounds.”
Stevens, Mrs. W. W. “Ornamenting Home, Yard and Lawn.”
Beckett, Mrs. W. P. (Aurora). “Some Conveniences in and about the House.”
Brown, Mrs. Mary D. (Covington). “Making the Most of Farm Life.”
Cato, Miss Mattie D. (Huntingburg). “How to Beautify the Farm Home.”
Comer, Mrs. B. D. (Rensselaer). “Farm Dairying.”
Carr, Miss Ethel (Rome). “The Best Crop on the Farm – Boys and Girls.”
Davis, Nellie Shugart (Marion). “An Ideal Home.”
Nillis, Mrs. Maggie (West Fork). “The Woman on the Farm.”
Vaught, Miss Grace (Shelbyville). “Influence on Home Surroundings.”
Bridges, Mrs. Carroll (Rockport). “Social Side of Farm Life.”
Davis, Mrs. Charles (Rockville). “Money in Poultry.”
Meredith, Mrs. Virginia C. “Why Short-Horn Cattle are Best for Indiana.”
Moore, Mrs. Joseph T. (Monticello). “Saving Strength.”
Ray, Mrs. Jefferson (Rockport). “Poultry.”
Stevens, Mrs. W. W. “Experiences and Observations at the World’s Fair.”
Whipps, Miss Clara (Carlisle). “Home and Farm Sanitation.”
Brumfield, Mrs. Annie Trusler (Connersville). “The Farmer’s Contribution to Society.”
Cottingham, Miss Hattie (Lawrenceburg). “An Evening in the Farm Home.”
Freshly, Mrs. Pearl (Chrisney). “Home Life on the Farm.”
Jenkins, Miss Ruby (Orleans). “The Country Girl Versus the City Girl.”
Little, Miss Florence (Logansport). “How to Select Food.”
Parkinson, Mrs. H. E. (Rensselaer) “Saving Strength.”
Scott, Miss Edith (North Webster). “Country Life and Agriculture.”
Standerford, Mrs. Wm. (Tipton). “Home Building.”
Stevens, Mrs. W. W. “Woman in the Home.”
Baker, Mary (Seymour). “Making New Soil Out of Old.”
Hootman, Mrs. A. M. (Lowel). “The Relation of Parent to Child and Child to Parent.”
Kissinger, Mrs. Rosa (Frankfort). “How Women Make Money on the Farm.”
Osburn, Miss Maude (Ober). “The Girl on the Farm.”
Sanford, Mrs. W. J. “Farm Boys and Girls: Advantages They have over the Children of
the City.”
Smith, Mrs E. F. (Center). “Our Girls and Boys, Are We Living for Them?”
Smith, Emily Hayward (Hobart). “Woman’s Place on the Farm.”
Tait, Mrs. Anna A. (Hanover Township). “The Church and Farmer.”
Williams, Mrs. J. H. (Cynthiana). “How to Feed and Care for Poultry for Profit.”