BASPCAN – the Association of England, Ireland,
Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales for Child Protection
Key Note Speakers:
Principal Lecturer, Newman University,
Worcestershire Safeguarding Children Board
- Head of Early Years at The University of
Head of Division, Mental Health and
Wellbeing at Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick
, University of Northampton
This one day event is aimed at professionals who work with children and young people across a range of contexts and who want to understand more about how they can promote children and young people’s mental health and well-being. The mental health of children is becoming more of a complex and challenging issue for practitioners who are recognising that children and young people have to deal with difficulties and issues in their daily lives which can impact on their well-being, and also present as a safeguarding concern. Children’s families and the role of education are highlighted as pivotal in terms of access to early help, and a focus is placed on the good practices of child protection and statutory mental health services. The day will present some challenges about professional responses and debates on how to improve services for children and young people who experience mental health concerns.
Book on line at
Registered Charity 279119
Beautiful Minds: Nurturing and Promoting Mental Wellbeing In
Children and Young People
Monday 5 th October 2015, Birmingham
9.30am Registration and Refreshments
10.00am Welcome
10.10am Professor Swaran Singh, University of Warwick
A Medical Perspective To Children And Mental Health
10.50am Dr Eunice Lumsden, Northampton University
The Early Years and the Links to Mental Health
11.30am COFFEE
11.50am Dr Scott Buckler, Newman University and Angela Eason,
Worcestershire SCB
Focus on Bullying as a Mental Health Issue
Question and Answer Session
12.45pm LUNCH
13.45pm Dr Jane Callaghan, University of Northampton
Children who experience domestic violence: Emotional competence and paradoxical resilience
14.30pm Round Table Discussions for Delegates in Response to Presented
30 minute discussion and 30 minute feedback.
With Refreshments.
15.30pm Panel of Experts - Questions and Answers from audience
16.15pm Closing Comments
Principal Lecturer in Education and Multi-Professional Practice at Newman University. Scott has an extensive career within the primary and higher education sector. Scott’s background specifically relates to applied psychology within education, authoring a number of publications including ‘Psychology for Teachers’. As a transpersonal psychologist,
Scott is currently developing the area of ‘transpersonal education’, an approach to education which integrates the various domains of human experience for wellbeing and personal transformation.
Angela Eason is the Training and Development Adviser at Worcestershire Safeguarding Children Board. She has experience of working with young people and has taught at both primary and secondary school level in Warwickshire and Birmingham. Her Masters degree focused on the Theory and Practice of Parenting. Angela sits on the Quality
Assurance Group, Serious Case Review sub group, the Training Delivery Group and the Executive Board for
Safeguarding. She has recently undertaken some work with practitioners who work with children and young people at risk of self-harm and suicide. Another work stream is that of trying to ensure that the voice of child is heard via Service
User Feedback.
Dr. Eunice Lumsden is the Head of Early Years at The University of Northampton. She is a registered social worker and spent over twenty years in practice specialising in safeguarding and adoption before entering Higher Education. Her doctoral research focused on the professionalisation of the English early year’s workforce with a specific focus on Early
Years Professional Status. Eunice has been on the external reference groups for Early Years Professional Status and
Early Years Teacher Status standards and has been a member of the Task Force developing the International Step by
Step Association Quality Framework for Early Childhood Practices in Services for Children Under Three Years of Age.
She has been an adviser to the Flemish Administration in Belgium on workforce development in the early years.
Eunice is also the Academic Coordinator (Early Years) for the 1001 Critical Days Cross Party Manifesto.
Professor Swaran Singh is Head of Division, Mental Health and Wellbeing at Warwick Medical School, University of
Warwick, Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist at Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust and
Commissioner for the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Professor Singh initially trained as a surgeon and became interested in mental health following involvement with human rights groups working with children traumatised in ethnic violence in New Dehli. He trained as a psychiatrist at the Post-Graduated Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGI), Chandigarh, and moved to the UK in 1991.
Professor Singh was a lecturer and consultant in Nottingham and in 2001 was appointed Senior Lecturer at St
George’s, University of London. There he developed the ETHOS early intervention service, which gained an international reputation for its success in improving outcomes for young people with psychosis and for its costeffective use of resources. He was appointed Professor of Social and Community Psychiatry at the University of
Warwick in March 2006 and Head of Division of Mental Health and Wellbeing in 2010.
DR JANE CALLAGHAN is a Professor in the division of psychology, at the University of Northampton. She is the
Programme Leader for the MSc in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, and leads two research programmes - the
Centre for Family Life, and the Social and Cultural Research in Psychology Group. Her research has explored mental health, family life, and experiences of adversity. For the last two years, she was Principal Investigator for the European
Commission funded project ‘Understanding Agency and Resistance Strategies’, which focused on exploring children’s capacities for resilience, agency and voice in contexts of domestic violence.
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BASPCAN reserve the right to make changes to the advertised programme. Booking conditions: Cancellations must be made 10 working days before the Conference date and an administration fee of £30 will be payable. After this date full fee is due.
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