Aylesbury Canine Training Society
Note new venue
Note new venue
Schedule of
Held under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations H and H(1) at
Thame Show Ground
Thame, Oxfordshire OX9 3JL
Saturday 6th & Sunday 7th August 2005
Show opens 7.30am
Briefing 8.15am
Judging starts 8.30am
Entry Fees: £2.20 per dog per class plus 35p postage fee
Limited camping at £14.00 per pitch for the weekend
ENTRIES CLOSE: Saturday 25th June (1st class postmark)
Entries are welcome on-line through www.iShowServices.com
Otherwise Entries with Prepaid Fees to:
Aylesbury CTS, c/o iSS Ltd,
1 Mare Lane, Beenhams Heath, Shurlock Row, Berkshire RG10 0QH
Entry enquiries only tel: 01189 320619 (8am – 6pm)
After closing date tel: 0870 766 1958 (8am – 6pm)
Show Manager
Colin Harpley 07050 015517
Show Secretary
Jill Spurr, 35 Aiston Place, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP20 2BS
 01296 434402
Gilly Norris, Hollybush Farm, Westbrook End, Newton Longville, Bucks MK17 0DF
Alison Caldwell-Nichols, 217 Aylesbury Road, Bierton, Buckinghamshire HP22 5DS
Alan Bowles, Cobwebs, School Lane, Chearsley, Buckinghamshire HP18 OBT
Dogs entered in more than 3 classes will be removed from the highest individual class
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Shaws Pets Mini Starters Jumping
Shaws Pets Mini Novice Agility
Shaws Pets Mini Intermediate Jumping
Class 22 Shaws Pets Mini Starters Agility
Class 23 Shaws Pets Mini Novice Jumping
Class 24 Shaws Pets Mini Intermediate Agility
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
General Pet Store Midi Starters Jumping
General Pet Store Midi Novice Agility
Class 25 General Pet Store Midi Starters Agility
Class 26 General Pet Store Midi Novice Jumping
Class 27 General Pet Store Midi Intermediate Agility
Class 7
Class 8
Class 9
Class 10
Oscar Pet Foods Elementary Agility
Oscar Pet Foods Starters Jumping
dogagility.org.uk Novice Agility
dogagility.org.uk Intermediate Jumping
General Pet Store
Midi Intermediate Jumping
Class 28
Class 29
Class 30
Class 31
Class 11 Nick Ridley ABC Agility * (Jumps at 65cm)
Class 12 J & T Condra Veteran ABC Jumping *
Oscar Pet Foods
Oscar Pet Foods
Elementary Jumping
Starters Agility
Novice Jumping
Intermediate Agility
Class 32 Nick Ridley ABC Jumping *
Class 33 Nick Ridley NBC Agility * (Jumps at 65cm)
Class 13 Nick Ridley NBC Jumping *
Class 14 J & T Condra Veteran NBC Jumping *
Class 15 Any size Jumping *
Class 16
Class 17
Class 18
Class 19
Class 20
Class 21
Class 34 Any size Jumping *
Colortec Mini Power & Speed *
Colortec Midi Power & Speed *
Colortec Standard Power & Speed *
Pat’s Pooches Mini Up and Under *
Pat’s Pooches Midi Up and Under *
Pat’s Pooches Standard Up and Under *
Class 35
Class 36
Class 37
Class 38
Class 39
Class 40
Classes may be split if necessary
Pat’s Pooches Mini Agility/Jumping Pairs *
Pat’s Pooches Midi Agility/Jumping Pairs *
Pat’s Pooches
Standard Agility/Jumping Pairs *
Colortec Mini Time Fault & Out *
Colortec Midi Time Fault & Out *
Colortec Standard Time Fault & Out *
* denotes special classes
except Midi and Veteran– see rules 4 & 5
Rosette for best AYLESBURY CTS MEMBER and BEST RESCUE in each class
It is the responsibility of the handler to notify the pad steward
of eligibility in each individual case before working their dog
Becky Parkes
Andy Widdess
Tony Dickinson
Sheila Eckersley
Helen Wilkie
Ian Watts
Tim Griffiths
Malcolm Jones
Frances Poulter
1, 4, 8
2, 9
3, 6, 10
5, 9
7, 15
10, 11, 12
13, 14
16, 17, 18
19, 20, 21
Mike Stelland
Heidi Totesaut
Alan Humphreys
Doreen Sizeland
Lesley Jeavons
Dave Jolly
Pete Daniels
Andy Farringdon
Carlos Longuiera-Barr
22, 25, 29
23, 30
24, 27, 31
26, 30
28, 34
31, 33
32, 38, 39
35, 36, 37
Kirsty Luttman, Richard Sizeland, Mike Douglas, Richard Brain
The Committee reserves the right to make changes, and/or additional appointments if necessary
ELEMENTARY: For owners, handlers and dogs who have not gained a third prize or above in an Agility and/or a Jumping
class at a licensed Agility Test. Jump height will be set at 2’.
STARTERS: For owners, handlers or dogs which have not won an Agility and/or a Jumping class at a licensed Agility Test
(Elementary excepted).
NOVICE: Open to all dogs except those eligible for Senior or Advanced classes at a Licensed Agility Test.
INTERMEDIATE: Open to all except dogs eligible for Elementary and Starters classes at a licensed Agility Test
OPEN: Open to all dogs.
MINI: Open to all dogs that measure fifteen inches or less at the withers. Jump height 15”.
MIDI: Open to those dogs measuring over 15 inches and 17 inches or under at the withers. Jump height 20”. Dogs may enter
midi OR standard classes but not both
Special Classes
Please listen to briefings for more information.
Warning: Only enter these if you have a sense of humour!
ABC: Open to standard dogs, of any breed except Border Collies, Working Sheepdogs and their Crosses (first cross). Heights
as per rule 15
NBC: Open to standard Border Collies, Working Sheepdogs and their Crosses (first cross). Heights as per rule 15
For clarity: Please enter into the spirit of these two classes. Collie crosses go into NBC. If in doubt, enter something else!
ANY SIZE: This class is open to any dog not entered in any other class on that day only. It is intended as a fun class for older
dogs, new dogs and 'don't fit in anywhere else' dogs, so that all our dogs may enjoy agility shows. Obstacle specifications are the
same for mini classes, with the following exceptions: There will be a max of 6 weave poles, and the tyre will be removed.
Heights as per rule 15.
POWER & SPEED: The course will consist of two halves. The first half will consist of contact equipment, plus any of the
following at the discretion of the judge: weaves, table, wall, spread, long jump. This section will not be timed. If the “Power”
part of the course is negotiated successfully, ie clear round, the handler then proceeds to the “speed” section – a jumping course
against the clock.
UP AND UNDER: This will be a flowing course consisting ONLY of jumps (all types) and tunnels. Everything else is up to
the judge…
TIME FAULT & OUT (TFO): An ordinary agility course, but with a twist. The judge will set a course time, and the dog has
that time to complete as many obstacles as possible. If the dog completes a full course, it should continue back to obstacle 1, (or
the obstacle the judge nominates). As soon as the dog incurs faults, irrespective of the nature of the error, they must leave the
course as fast as possible through the finish gate to record their time. Judge will indicate when faults occur; scribe will indicate
that time is up. The winner will be the dog that is clear round the most obstacles. If two or more are on the same number, the
faster course time will be given the higher place. The judge may put up a start and finish jump for the benefit of the electronic
timing; if so, they will not be faulted if the pole is dropped or if refused. However, the dog MUST start the timing before
proceeding to obstacle 1; failure to do so will result in elimination.
AGILITY/JUMPING PAIRS – two dogs, two handlers, two courses. One dog will attempt an agility course including at least
two pieces of contact equipment, the other will do a jumping course. There will be an exchange of baton, which must be passed
cleanly and stay behind the line in the box. Only one dog on the course at a time.
VETERAN ABC: Open to standard dogs of any breed except Border Collies, Working Sheepdogs and their Crosses, which
have attained the age of seven years on the date of the competition (see rule 5). Dogs entering veteran classes may NOT enter
any other class at this show. Jump height 18”
VETERAN NBC: Open to standard Border Collies, Working Sheepdogs and their Crosses which have attained the age of nine
years on the date of the competition (see rule 5). Dogs entering veteran classes may NOT enter any other class at this show.
Jump height 18”
A practice ring or Pay on the Day competition may be run on the day if time permits. Please note that equipment in the practice
ring may vary without notice throughout the day – working rings have immediate precedence for all equipment.
Dogs entered at a Kennel Club licensed agility show must be registered at the Kennel Club in accordance with Kennel Club
Regulations for Classification and Regulation B.
Entries may be made on line through www.iShowServices.com
Entry fees: £2.20 per dog per class, plus 35p postage. There is no fee for NFC (non-competing) dogs, but their details must be
entered on the entry form. If insufficient room, use a second form and staple together
The committee reserves to itself the right to refuse entries
Awards: Place rosettes in all scheduled classes except veteran* to at least 10% of entries. Trophies to 3rd place in all scheduled
classes except midi which are to 2nd place, and veteran*. Clear round rosettes in all classes except pairs. There is no prize
*Non-Competitive Veteran classes. Special clear round rosettes in both veteran classes. Special trophy for the Oldest Competing
Dog completing a clear round in each veteran class. Ages for Oldest Competing Dog will be taken from the details submitted on
the entry form.
Puppies under 18 calendar months of ages, on the day of the show are not eligible for Kennel Club licensed tests. Not For
Competition entries will be accepted for dogs aged four calendar months and over. All dogs must be Kennel Club registered
with their details recorded on the entry form or, if applied for, submitted on the day.
The mating of bitches within the precincts of the show is strictly forbidden. No bitch in season is allowed to compete.
No person shall carry out punitive correction or harsh handling of a dog at any time within the show boundaries.
Dogs must not wear any type of slip, half slip chains, collars or leads when under test. A flat, close fitting, leather or webbing
collar is permitted, providing the only attachment is a plain identification panel as an integral part of the collar, ie not attached
by a ring.
Should a judge be unable to fulfil the appointment, the committee reserves the right to appoint another judge.
No competitor shall impugn the decision of any judge or judges.
Sponsors are listed overleaf.
Dogs will be received at any time. It is the competitors' responsibility to be available for their class and running order. Handlers
working more than one dog in a class must ensure that the dogs compete in the sequence in which they are drawn. Failure to do
so may result in elimination.
Jump heights: Standard dogs 2’6” (24” in Elementary, 18” in Veteran classes); Mini dogs 15”; Midi dogs 20”. Any size
Standard 15”, Any size Mini and Midi 10”. Mini or Midi must be specified on the entry form. ABC and NBC Agility will be run
at the new height of 55-65cm
Food and toys shall not be carried in the hand or given to a dog in the ring.
In estimating the number of awards won, all wins up to and including seven days before the close of entries, ie Saturday 19
June, shall be counted.
Marking: Kennel Club Standard Marking Regulations will apply in all classes.
Judges at an Agility Test may not enter for competition a dog which is recorded in their ownership, or part ownership, or handle
a dog at the test which they are judging.
Reserve judges may be appointed at the discretion of show management.
A dog shall be withdrawn from competition if it is: a) a bitch in season; b) suffering from an infectious or contagious disease; c)
interfering with the safety or chance of winning of an opponent; d) of such a temperament or is so much out of hand as to be a
danger to the safety of any person or other animal; e) likely to cause suffering to the dog if it continues to compete.
Should circumstances dictate, the society, in conjunction with the judges may alter arrangements as necessary. Such changes
and circumstances surrounding them will be reported to the Kennel Club.
A dog must, at the time of entry for competition, be registered as required by the Kennel Club rules and regulations in the
competitors name (or registration or transfer applied for). In the case of a partnership the full name of every partner must be
given. In the case of dogs recorded as owned by a limited company, the directors and secretary of the limited company will
jointly be considered for the purpose of the regulations. A dog acquired, subsequent to entry having been made at a
competition, may compete as the new owners property, provided that an application for the transfer has been forwarded to the
Kennel Club before the competition and the new owner has undertaken to abide by the regulations and conditions printed in this
No animal, other than one officially entered, shall be brought into the precincts of the event during its continuance, except a
registered assistance dog or dogs required for educational or instructional purposes or by permission of the General Committee.
All dogs entered at the show are at the owner’s risk. Whilst every care will be taken, the committee will not accept
responsibility for loss, damage or injury, however caused, to dogs, persons or property whilst at the show.
No dog will be allowed in the rings at any time except whilst competing. Training in the ring during or after the show is not
Competitors may walk the course prior to commencement of the classes, but must not be accompanied by a dog.
In the event of abandonment of the show through circumstances beyond the control of the committee, expenses may be defrayed
from the entry fees to cover the cost of show preparation
Entries must be made on the official ACTS entry form or a photocopy of this. Incorrect entries will be returned.
Dog Fouling: Any owners, competitor, or other person in charge of a dog is required to remove, as soon as possible, any
fouling caused by their dog(s) at any Kennel Club Licensed event within the licensed venue and within the environs of that
event including car parks, camping areas, exercise areas and their approaches.
Throwing of toys: For safety, please, don’t throw toys in the vicinity of the show, including the exercise area. An area (dog
games area) may be designated for this purpose from time to time. It is the handlers responsibility to keep their dog(s) under
control and not to interfere with others in this area Use of this area when provided is strictly on a handlers own risk basis.
Limited camping to 250 pitches.
No arrival before 16:30 & after 22:00 on Friday. Or before 07:00 Saturday. Leave site by 19:00 Sunday
Camping as directed by marshals only (any problems see Show or Camping Manager, not marshals; they are
volunteers, and cannot change units around).
Campers must keep to their allocated space and must NOT obstruct any roadways (including but not limited
to: vehicles, table & chairs, children’s toys, bikes, training equipment etc).
All units must have adequate facilities for first aid and fire fighting (buckets of water are NOT sufficient
nowadays). Fire Equipment to be external to unit for easy access (out of date equipment is not acceptable).
The use of flagpoles / high level aerials / kites are not permitted.
All waste (including grey water) to be disposed of at allocated points only. Do not empty grey water onto the
The use of unattended generators is not permitted.
Any generators (whether in use or not) must have a fire extinguisher close at hand ready for use & be suitably
cordoned off. The use of generators is not permitted between 20:00 and 08:00 daily.
Open fires are NOT permitted.
BBQs may only be used in the open air, never left unattended, and must have a fire extinguisher close at hand
ready for use (if you do not have a fire extinguisher you cannot have a BBQ).
All BBQs must be raised at least 2 feet off the ground to prevent scorching of grass.
If you wish to camp in a group, it is your responsibility to indicate this on your camping application, so please
use the same group name (abbreviations may be mistaken as a different group.) Whilst every effort will be
made to match names and group units together, due to limitations of site this may not be possible.
It is the occupant’s responsibility to make sure their pitch is clean and tidy during use and on vacating.
If camping is important to your attendance of the show, please book your place before entering the show. We
will process all entries received even if camping is full, unless you state otherwise on your entry form.
With grateful thanks to our sponsors
Jan & Terry Condra
A personal sponsorship of the Veteran classes.
Shaws Pet Products
Shampoos, Grooming Nutritional and Vitamin Supplements, Fold-flat Cages,
Puppy Pens, Car Crates and Pet Carriers
General Pet Store
Online shop for all your pet supplies & wild bird care needs at
Web sites, e-mail & low price utility bills (UK's lowest price gas/electric)
hand made soaps, candles, aromatherapy oils & burners, incenses
Pat’s Pooches
Leads, collars, bowls, titbits, weaving poles, markers, dumbells, etc
Nick Ridley Photography
Professional digital photography specialising in animal portraits,
prints available on the day
Oscar Pet Foods
Quality feeds, range of treats, health care products and training aids
Colourtec John-Simon White
The mobile auto paint service that comes to your home to take care of any
scratches, repairs, chips and paint blemishes on your car
Order of judging will be sent out with
the running orders.
Catering, refreshments and licensed
bar will be available from Friday
evening to Sunday afternoon.
Trade stands and dog micro-chipping
services will be available.
Live entertainment will be laid on
Saturday evening.
A Tombola will be held each day in aid
of dog related charities, so please
bring some cash and buy generously.
Donations of prizes for inclusion will
also be very welcome.
We hope you enjoy our show. Have a
great day and remember, Agility is
Vet on call: Thame Veterinary Hospital
23 Wellington Street, Thame 01844 212000
Handlers/owners will be entirely responsible for any fees or expenses incurred
Nearest casualty department: Stoke Mandeville Hospital
Follow A418 to Aylesbury then pick up the signs (8 miles)
A418 Aylesbury
Thame Show Ground
A4011 Bicester
& M40 junction 10
A418 Oxford & M40 junction 8
Entrance off A4129 Thame
bypass east of the town – note
no right turn into showground
A4129 Princes Risborough
A329 M40 junction 7
B4445 Chinnor
Venue postcode for those using route planners or mapping software is OX9 3JL
If you can spare us a few hours of your time on either day, then we will:
Give you priority in queuing to run your dogs
Provide a sumptuous packed lunch; veggie's will be generously catered for!
Provide refreshments throughout the day
Try to get members of the same club on the same ring
Camping stewards are required on Friday night: 16:15 start : Early entry to show ground
So please do volunteer, although we appreciate that you cannot help with every Show
We will be eternally grateful . . . (well okay, until next year at least!)
we will try and make the experience as enjoyable, or at least as painless, as we can!
Please complete our helpers form and return with your entry form
Sincere thanks from the Show Committee in anticipation of your help!