Immigration Web Quest Use the above website for questions 1-14. Click the next button down at the bottom right hand side of the page to go to the next page. 1. Which ethnic group had the highest population during colonial times? 2. Why were Irish immigrants pulled to America (3 reasons)? 3. How could people finance their emigration if they could not pay their own way? 4. What is an indentured servant? How many years does an indentured servant work? (Google if you do not know) 5. Which president from Tennessee can trace their ancestral roots to the Scots-Irish? 6. Many of the Irish settled in the Middle Colonies (especially Pennsylvania). Based on your knowledge of the colonies why do you think they settled here?’ 7. What happened in 1845 that led to the Irish immigrating to the US? 8. In the 1840s which ethnic group comprised nearly half of all immigrants to this nation? 9. Describe the living conditions the Irish faced in America. 10. What type of jobs did the Irishman work in America? 11. Which political party fought foreign influences and promoted traditional American ideas? 12. In the South slaves were prohibited from participating in hazardous, life-threatening work. Why did the Irish work dangerous jobs? 13. How did the Irish transform politics in American cities? 14. How did the Irish contribute to American culture? (List at least 2 examples) The Discrimination of Irish Immigrants The Irish Immigrants of the United States faced many prejudices and discrimination from the Americans who came before them. The Irish were considered dirty, stupid, and lazy. Many newspaper cartoons depicted Irishmen as ape-like creatures and used the derogatory term Paddy’s to describe them. American’s blamed the Irish for taking their jobs and causing economic problems. Irish immigrants were predominantly catholic which was another reason to discriminate against them because they followed the rule of the Pope. Therefore, American’s believed that Irishmen would never truly pledge their allegiance to the United States because it was first and foremost pledged to the Pope. Excerpt from an article from the Boston newspaper, The Know-Nothing and American Crusader, Providence July 22, 1854 THINGS WHICH ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIESTS AND ALL TRUE ROMAN-CATHOLICS HATE….. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. They HATE our Republic, and are trying to overthrow it. They HATE our Flag, and they grossly insult it. They HATE the liberty of the Press. They HATE the liberty of speech. They HATE our Public School system. They HATE the Bible, and would blot it out of existence if they could! They HATE Protestants, and are sworn to exterminate them from our country and the earth. 8. They HATE all rulers that do not swear allegiance to the Pope of Rome. 9. They HATE to be ruled by Americans, and say “WE WILL NOT BERULED BY THEM!” 10. They HATE to support their own paupers and they are left to be supported by the tax- paying Americans. 11. They HATE, above all, the “Know-Nothings,” who are determined to rid this country from their cursed power. —UNCLE SAM Political Cartoons about the Irish Immigrants Excerpt from the book Wages to Whiteness by David Roedigers, 1991 Irish-Americans workers . . . were sometimes used as substitutes for slaves within the South. Gangs of Irish immigrants worked ditching and draining plantations, building levees and sometimes clearing land because of the danger of death to valuable slave property . . . One Southerner explained the use of Irish labor on the grounds that: “African Americans are worth too much to be risked here; if the Paddies are knocked overboard . . . nobody loses anything.”Irish youths were also likely to be found in the depleted ranks of indentured servants from the early national period through the Civil War. In that position they were sometimes called “Irish slaves” and more frequently “bound boys.” . . . In New York City, Irish women comprised the largest group of prostitutes, or as they were sometimes called in the 1850s,“white slaves.” Questions: (Use the information above to answers questions 15-19) 15. Why did people target Irish Immigrants? 16. What reasons did Americans give to discriminate against the Irish immigrants? 17. How do you think the Irish were treated? 18. Why was it a problem in America for people to be Catholic? 19. Were the Irish immigrants considered white during this time period? Explain you answer. 20. Write a journal entry from the perspective of a newly arrived immigrant in the U.S. What to include in your journal entry: -What country are you from -at least one Push factor and one pull factor -Which part of the US do you live in? (North, South, West) -Describe at least two challenges that you faced -Mention a contribution that immigrants from your country gave to the US -Must be at least 75 words