A PARENTS/GUARDIAN GUIDE The Basics: Syllables- parts of a word that go together There are six types of syllables (we will learn about at least 3) Vowel Sounds- there are two vowel sounds o Short – the short sounds of a vowel such as the a in apple; the o in octopus; the e in Ed; the I in itch; the u in up o Long- the long sound of a vowel, when the vowel says it’s own name such as the a in safe; the e in Pete; the I in pine; the o in home; the u in mule TYPES OF SYLLABLES: 1. Closed syllable – a syllable that has one vowel and must be closed in with a consonant at the end of it when you have a closed syllable the vowel makes a SHORT sound Examples: Cat (1 closed syllable) catnip (two closed syllables) Bath, clump, best, flash, up, etc. 2. Open syllable- when a syllable ends in a vowel; the vowel will make a looooong sound Examples:Go,label (first syllable is la/ second syllable is a closed syllable el) 3. V-C-E (vowel – consonant- e syllable) the vowel makes a long sound and the e is silent Examples: Plate, frame, cape, sale OTHER CONCEPTS BLENDS - Blends are when there are more than one consonants together and they make their own sounds - Examples: clump, blend, slam DIGRAPHS - a digraph is when you have to consonants together that make only one sounds - examples are: wh, sh, th, ch, (chop, path, when, shop) TRIGRAPHS - three consonants together that make only one sounds - examples are- tch (watch) SUFFIXES- a group of letters we add to the end of a base word - examples are: 1. VOWEL SUFFIXES- es, ed, ive, able, en, er, est, ish, y 2. CONSONANT SUFFIXES- s, ful, less, ness, ly, ty, ment FLOSS RULE- usually, if there is a word that is only one syllable and it ends in f, l, or s, we double the last letter (we call this a bonus letter) - examples: o glass, ball, staff These are just some concepts that I think will help you out this year!!! If you have other questions, don’t hesitate to email me!