Intro, Notes Date: __________ Latin Pronunciation: Name: Period: VOWELS Short Long ā as in __________ (vīllā, pāx, fās ) a as in __________ (ad, dat, amat, casa ) ē as in __________ (dē, rēs, rēx, sēdēs ) e as in __________ (ex, et, sed, bene ) ī as in __________ (sī, quī, hīc, vīdī ) i as in __________ (in, quis, dissimilis ) o as in __________ (ob, mox, quot, quod) u as in __________ (sub, ut, dum, tuus ) ō as in __________ (dō, nōn, mōrēs, ōs ) ū as in __________ (tū, plūs, dūcō, rūs ) DIPHTHONGS (Vowel Combinations) ae as _____ in __________ (prae, laetae, saepe, aetās ) au as _____ in __________ (aut, aurum, laudō, audiō ) ei as _____ in __________ (deinde ) eu as _____ as __________ (heu, seu, Eurōpa ) oe as _____ in __________ (poena, proelium, moenia ) CONSONANTS bs/bt as _____ (urbs, obtineo) qu as _____ (quid, quoque ) c as _____ (campus, cīvis ,Caesar) s as _____ (silva, rosa, summās ) ch as _____ (chorus, pulchra, schola) su +v as _____ (suus, persuādeō ) g as _____ (gloria, gens, gesta ) t as _____ (tum, tempus, timeo ) th as _____ (Athēna, thermae ) gu +v as _____ (lingua, anguis ) i +v as _____ (iam, ius, iubeō, maior ) v as _____ (via, vivō, video ) ph as _____ (amphora, amphitheatrum ) x as _____ (vōx, rēx, dextra ) Latin Syllables: Dividing Words Into Syllables 1. ________ vowels or a vowel and a ____________ are separated. Example: 1. Dea de – a 2. Deae de – ae Practice: iubeō aedificium duodeviginti 2. A _________ consonant between _________ vowels goes with the second vowel. Examples: 1. Amicus a – mi – cus Practice: dominus fuga nātūra 2. Spiritus spi – ri – tus agricola 3. When ______ or more consonants stand between _____________ vowels, the last consonant goes with the second vowel. Examples: 1. Mittō mit – tō 2. Servāre ser – vā – re Practice: annus bellum temple frātribus appropinquō Syllable Accent or Stress 1. In a word of _________ syllables, the accent always falls on the __________ syllable. Example: fā ma ser vō saepe nihil 2. In a word of ____________ or more syllables, the accent falls on the _________ to _________ syllable if the syllable is long. This is called the ______________. Example: ser vā re for tū na Otherwise, the accent falls __________ to last syllable before, which is called the _____________________. Example: mo ne ō pa tri a pe cu ni a Syllable Quantity (Long or Short) Long by Nature: Syllables are long if it contains a long vowel or a diphthong. Long by Position: If a short vowel is followed by two or more consonants or an x. Short: If a short vowel is followed by another vowel or a single consonant.