1. TITLE 1.1 Data Set Identification RAISE Soil data set_ asano 1.2. DVD-ROM File name 1) Major plant species of the steppe sites 2) Brief description of the soil profile morphology 3) Physico- chemical characteristics of steppe soils 4) Soil classifications of steppe soils 5) Isotopic variation of soil organic matter and pedogenic carbonate at steppe soils 2. INVESTIGATORS 2.1. Investigators Name and Title. Kenji Tamura (Associate Professor of Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba) Maki Asano (Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba) 2.2. Contacts (For data production information) 2.3.1 (Name) Contact 1 Kenji Tamura Contact 2 Maki Asano 2.3.2 (Address) Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennoudai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8572 Japan 2.3.3 (Tel.) + 81-29-853-7201 2.3.4(Fax.) + 81-29-853-xxxx 2.3.5 (E-mail) tamura@agbi.tsukuba.ac.jp masano@hc.cc.keio.ac.jp 3. Materials and Methods 3.1 Major plant species of the steppe sites For the vegetation survey, five quadrats of 1m ×1 m were established at forest steppe and steppe site, and the plant coverage (C; %) and height (H; cm) of each species in each site were measured using the modified Penfound–Howard method (Numata, 1987). Extended summed dominance ratio, E-SDR2 (Yamamoto et al., 1995) was calculated to compare species compositions among different communities. The value of E-SDR2 was obtained using the following equation (1): E-SDR2 = (C’ + H’) / 2 (1) where C’ and H’ are relative coverage value and relative plant height of each species to the respective maximum values of all communities, respectively. Nomenclatures of the species were assigned according to the Committee of Flora of Inner Mongolia (1994). Vegetation survey was conducted on 11 August 2002 at KBU, 21–26 June 2003 at BGN, JGH, UDH, and DH sites. 3.2 Brief description of the soil profile morphology Soil profiles were observed and described according to the FAO (1990). Soil survey was conducted on 11 August 2002 at KBU, 21–26 June 2003 at BGN, JGH, UDH, and DH sites. 3.3 Physico- Chemical characteristics of steppe soils 3.3.1 Materials Soil samples were collected from each horizon of the six soil profiles. The soil sampling depth was described in table. Undisturbed soil core samples for physical measurements were sampled using a cylindrical 100-mL core sampler. Soil samples for chemical analyses were air dried and sieved through 2 mm. The samples were subjected to the following physical measurements and chemical analyses (Committee of Soil Environment Analysis, 1997). 3.3.2 Measurement of physical properties Three-phase ratio was calculated according to the actual volumetric method. Saturated hydraulic conductivity was determined by the falling-head permeability method. 3.3.3 Measurement of chemical properties Organic carbon and total nitrogen contents were determined by the dry combustion method using an NC analyzer (Sumigraph NC-900, Sumika Chemical Analysis Service, Tokyo, Japan). Inorganic carbon content was determined by the wet combustion method (Clark and Ogg, 1942). Values of pH were determined for a 1:2.5 air-dried soil / distilled water mixture using a glass electrode pH meter. Electric conductivity (EC) was determined for a 1:5 air-dried soil / distilled water mixture using a platinum electrode. Exchangeable bases were determined for 1 M CH3COONH4 (pH 7.0) extracts by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and cation exchangeable capacity (CEC) was determined according to the semi-micro Schollenberger method (Committee of Soil Environmental Analysis, 1997).Water-soluble ions were extracted in a 1:5 air-dried soil / distilled water mixture. Cations of Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+, and K+ were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AA-6200, Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan), and anions of SO4 2–, Cl–, PO4 3–, and NO3– were determined by ion chromatography (7000 Series II, Yokogawa IC, Tokyo, Japan). 3.4 Soil classifications of steppe soils Soils of each site were classified by the WRB (FAO/ISRIC/ISSS, 1998) based on soil profile morphology and physico-chemical properties. 3.5 Isotopic variation of soil organic matter and pedogenic carbonate at steppe soils 3.5.1 Materials Soil samples were air dried and were re-grained and passed through 0.2 mm mesh sieve. Soil samples for the measurement of δ13C value of soil organic matter and pedogenic carbonate as well as Δ14C value of pedogenic carbonate were selected based on the organic and inorganic carbon contents. Soil samples obtained from A horizons at the study sites were forδ13C measurement of soil organic matter (BGN, A1/A2/AB; JGH, A1/A2; KBU, A1/A2; UDH, A1/A2; DH, A1/A2), and those from Bk horizons at the study sites were for δ13C and Δ14C measurement of pedogenic carbonate (BGN, AB/Bk1; JGH, Bk1/Bk2; KBU, Bk1/Bk2; UDH, Bk1/Bk2/Bk3; DH, Bk1/Bk2/Bk3). 3.5.2 Measurement of δ13C of soil organic matter Samples containing ca. 0.1 mg of carbon were weighed into tin capsules. They were combusted in an elemental analyzer (Fison EA-1108), and combustion product (CO2) was directly introduced into mass spectrometer (Finigan MAT 252). The A horizon sample from the BG site was pre-treated by 1 M phosphoric acid to remove carbonate. 3.5.3 Measurement of δ13C of pedogenic carbonate The samples about 100 μg of carbon were weighed into the vials in air, and they were sealed using septa. Residual air was removed from the sample vials by He flushing, and sample tray temperature was maintained at 72 ℃ until the end of the measurement in Gasbench Ⅱ (Finigan Inc.). The phosphoric acid (Merck, Ortho-Phosphoric acid, 99 %), which has the same temperature with soil samples, was injected into each vials. The reaction time of 60 minutes was used. Released CO2 was directly introduced into a high-resolution isotope-ratio mass spectrometer (Finigan MAT 252). 3.5.4 Measurement of Δ14C of pedogenic carbonate The soil samples were reacted with 85% phosphoric acid under a high vacuum to produce CO2, and they were then reduced to graphite by being reacted with hydrogen in the presence of highly pure iron (Vogel et al., 1984). The Δ14C value was determined by the Micro Analysis Laboratory of the Tandem-Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (MALT-AMS) system at The University of Tokyo (Matsuzaki et al., 2004). 3.5.5 Calculation of δ13C and Δ14C δ13C were reported following Eq (2) with respect to a standard.: δ13C (‰) = [ (R sample – R standard) / R standard] × 1000 where R is the ratio of 12C/13C (2) in the samples or standard. C standard was normalized with Pee Dee Belemnite (PDB). Standard deviation of determined δ 13C value < 0.1 ‰. δ14C were reported following Eq.(3): δ14C(‰)={14Rsample(-25) / 14R standard-1}×1000 where 14R is the ratio of 14C / 12C in the samples or standard. The (3) 14Rstanderd is the absolute value in the isotopic standard (NIST HoxⅡ, oxalic acid) corrected to 1950. Then, Δ14C were reported follow Eq.(4), which corrected to values corresponding toδ13C = -25 ‰, where δ13C was given Eq.(2). Δ14C(‰)=δ14C-2(δ13C+25)×(1+δ14C / 1000) (4) 4. DATA DESCRIPTION 4.1. Table Definition with Comments. 4.1.1 Major plant species of the steppe sites Per(perennial species), Ann (annual species), PFTs(plant function type (Pyankov et al., 2000; Liu and Wang, 2006)) 4.1.2 Brief description of the soil profile morphology Root size was designated as VF, F, M and C for very fine, fine, medium, and coarse root, respectively and the quantity is abbreviated as VF, F, C and M for very few, few, common, and many, respectively. Carbonate was designated as non-calcareous (N), slightly calcareous (SL), moderately calcareous (MO), strongly calcareous (ST) and extremely calcareous (EX). Hardness was measurement by Yamanaka type penetrometer and converted to pressure resistance. 4.1.3 Physico- chemical characteristics and isotopic variations of steppe soils OC(organic carbon content), IC(inorganic carbon content), N(nitrogen content), tr(trace) 4.2. Type of Data 3) Physico- chemical characteristics and isotopic variations of steppe soils Parameter Units Equipments/Methods Bulk density Mg m-3 the actual volumetric method Solid phase % the actual volumetric method Liquid phase % the actual volumetric method Gaseous phase % the actual volumetric method Symbol Hydraulic conductivity 10-3cms-1 the falling-head permeability method Organic carbon g kg-1 the dry combustion method using an NC analyzer (Sumigraph NC-900, Sumika Chemical OC Analysis Service, Tokyo, Japan) Inorganic carbon g kg-1 the wet combustion method (Clark IC and Ogg, 1942) Nitrogen g kg-1 the dry combustion method using an NC analyzer (Sumigraph NC-900, Sumika Chemical N Analysis Service, Tokyo, Japan) pH(H2O) 1:2.5 air-dried soil / distilled water, a glass electrode pH meter EC dSm-1 1:5 air-dried soil / distilled water, a platinum electrode Exchangeable base cmol(+)kg-1 atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AA-6200, Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan) Cation exchangeable cmol(+)kg-1 capacity the semi-micro method Schollenberger (Committee of CEC Soil Environmental Analysis, 1997) Water soluble cations cmol(+)kg-1 atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AA-6200, Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan) Water soluble anions cmol(-)kg-1 ion chromatography (7000 Series II, Yokogawa IC, Tokyo, Japan) 5) Isotopic variation of soil organic matter and pedogenic carbonate at steppe soils Parameter Units Sampling depth cm δ 13C value of soil ‰ organic matter δ13C value of pedogenic carbonate Symbol Depth mass spectrometer (Finigan MAT d13CSOM 252) ‰ carbonate ⊿14C value of pedogenic Equipments/Methods mass spectrometer (Finigan MAT d13CPC 252) ‰ andem-Accelerator Spectrometry Mass (MALT-AMS) D14CPC system, The University of Tokyo (Matsuzaki et al., 2004)) 5. REFERENCES 5.1. Methodology references Clark, N. A. and Ogg, C. L . 1942. A wet combustion method for determining total carbon in soils. Soil Sci. 53, 27-35. Committee of Flora of Inner Mongolia, 1994. Flora of Inner Mongolia 2nd edition. Inner Mongolian popular Press. Huhhot, 5 vol. (in Chinese) FAO, 1990. Guideline for Soil Description 3rd edition. FAO, Rome, 70 pp. FAO/ISRIC/ISSS, 1998. World reference base for soil resources. World Soil References Reports 84, FAO, Rome, 88 pp.Committee of Soil Environment Analysis, 1997. Methods for soil environment analysis. Hakuyu-sya, Tokyo. 427 pp. (in Japanese) Liu, X.Q., Wang, R.Z. 2006. Photosynthetic pathway and morphological functional types in the vegetation from North-Beijing agro-pastral ecotone, China. Photosynthetica 44, 365-386. Matsuzaki, H., Nakano, C., Yamashita, H., Maejima, Y., Miyairi, Y., Wakasa, S., Horiuchi, K. 2004. Current status and future direction of MALT, The University of Tokyo. Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 223-224, 92-99. 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