Fall 2004 History 84101. Beyond Slavery: Explorations in the Problem of Freedom in the Americas Mondays 5—7:50 JRL 503 Tom Holt 702-8389 tholt@uchicago.edu Office Hours: Mon 2-3:30, and by appointment SS213 This course will explore the nature and problematic of “freedom” in modern social life through a comparative examination of slavery emancipation in the Atlantic world. Among the topics to be addressed are the conceptualization of free labor in the early 19th century, the design and execution of the emancipation process, the tension between political and economic freedom, and the influence of state formation on citizenship and self-determination. Requirements All members of the class are required to attend all classes, participate actively in class and Chalk website discussions, and write a short review (1000 words) of one of the required readings (due Oct. 15th). Each student is expected to lead two class discussions, one on the common readings and one on a supporting primary document. The second writing assignment (approx. 500 words, due Dec. 6th) will consist, in the case of seminar students, of a prospectus for the paper they will write in Winter Quarter and, for colloquium students, an essay addressing either the historical issues raised by one of the class sessions or a review essay based on the equivalent of three book-length texts. Readings: Available for purchased in Seminary Coop and on Regenstein Reserve: Frederick Cooper, Thomas C. Holt, and Rebecca Scott, Beyond Slavery (UNC, 2000) Laurent Dubois, A Colony of Citizens (UNC, 2004) Eric Foner, The Story of Freedom (Norton, 1998) Steven Hahn, A Nation Under Our Feet (Harvard, 2003) Thomas C. Holt, The Problem of Freedom (Hopkins, 1992) Orlando Patterson, Freedom in the Making of Western Culture (Basic Books, 1991) Theodore Rosengarten, All God’s Dangers: The Life of Nate Shaw (Chicago, 1974) Julie Saville, The Work of Reconstruction (Cambridge, 1994) Amy Stanley, From Bondage to Contract (Cambridge, 1998) Available Only in Regenstein: Elsa Barkley Brown, “To Catch the Vision of Freedom: Reconstructing Southern Black Women’s Political History, 1865-1880,” in Ann D. Gordon, et.al., eds., African Americn 2 Women and the Vote, 1837-1965 (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1997), 66, 68-87. [E-reserve] David B. Davis, The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution [available as E-book] Laura Edwards, Gendered Strife and Confusion Eugene Genovese, Roll Jordan Roll ________, From Rebellion to Revolution: Afro-American Slave Revolts Mae Ngai, Impossible Subjects: Illegal Aliens and the Making of Modern America Anthony Parent, Jr., Foul Means: The Formation of a Slave Society in Virginia Orlando Patterson, Slavery and Social Death Leslie A. Schwalm, A Hard Fight For We Schedule of Classes 1st week Sept. 27th—What’s At Stake? Readings (available on web site and to be distributed in class): “The petition of Edisto freedmen, 1865.” Patterson, Freedom, pp. 1-5. Holt, The Problem of Freedom, pp. xvii-xxv. Foner, Story of Freedom, pp. xiii—xxii. 2nd week Oct 4—What ‘s At Stake?, cont’d Readings: Cooper, et.al., “Introduction,” in Beyond Slavery, pp. 1—32. Patterson, Freedom, pp. 9-19, 47-105. Holt, The Problem of Freedom, pp. 2-79. Supplementary: Foner, Story of Freedom, chaps. 1 and 2. 3rd week Oct 11—Is Freedom Slavery’s Janus-Face? Readings: Patterson, Slavery and Social Death, pp. 33-65, 94-101, 209-296. Genovese, Roll, Jordan, Roll, pp. 3-112. Parent, Foul Means, chap. 2. Supplementary: Frank Tannenbaum, Slave and Citizen. 4th week Oct 18—Slavery and Freedom in the Age of Revolution Readings: Dubois, A Colony of Citizens, tba Davis, The Problem of Slavery, chaps. 5 and 9. Supplementary: Genovese, Rebellion or Revolution. 3 Laurent Dubois, Avengers of the New World. 5th week Oct 25—The Political Economy of Freedom Readings: Stanley, From Bondage to Contract, chaps. 1-2. Holt, The Problem of Freedom, pp. 80-176. 6th week Nov. 1—The Politics of Freedom Readings: Hahn, A Nation Under Our Feet, pp. 163-313. Scott, “Fault Lines, Color Lines, and Party Lines,” in Beyond Slavery, 61--106 Holt, The Problem of Freedom, pp. 179-309. Supplementary: Ada Ferrer, Insurgent Cuba. 7th week Nov. 8—Historicizing Social Relations: Gender, Kinship, and Family Readings: Schwalm, A Hard Fight For We, chaps. 1, 2 and 6. Edwards, Gender, Strife, and Reconstruction, chaps. 1 and 4. Stanley, From Bondage to Contract, chap. 5. Holt, “The Essence of the Contract,” in Beyond Freedom, 33—59. 8th week Nov. 15—The Everyday of Freedom Readings: Saville, The Work of Reconstruction (All) Brown, “To Catch the Vision of Freedom.” 9th week Nov. 22—Freedom as Lived Experience Readings: Rosengarten, All God’s Dangers, Parts 1 and 2) 10th week Nov. 29—Freedom and Citizenship in a Postcolonial World Order Readings: Cooper, “Conditions Analogous to Slavery,” in Beyond Freedom, 107-151; and “Afterword,” 151--156. Ngai, Impossible Subjects, pp. 1-14, 227-270. Final Papers due Dec 6th