In Sir Charles Robert’s “History of Canada”, he tells us that in the year 1750 and 1753,
two hundred families came from Lunenburg, Hanover and settled where the town of
Lunenburg now is in Nova Scotia. They called the town and county after the city they
came from. In the year 1762, sixteen of these families went to Halifax, the capital, and
got a grant of land from the government there. This document was signed by the head of
each family, and also by the representative of King George III of England. Among the
signers was one John Diel. That grant of land was 1350 acres, where Dutch Village now
stands, just outside of Halifax. When I left Nova Scotia in 1895 it was three miles from
the city, but when I was back there in 1941, the city had grown out to Dutch Village.
In 1941 I went to the Provincial Building and copied that document. The John Diel that
signed died in 1772. His son, John Adam Deal, for they had changed the spelling to the
English way, died in 1813. His son Conrad Deal, born 1771 and died 1838, was my great
grand father. His son, Richard Alexander Deal born 1808, died 1885. He was the father
of William Henry Deal born 1834 died 1904. He was the father of Fred Hudson Deal,
who died 1916. Also of Jessie Baker and two other daughters that lives in Halifax. One
married a Mr. Fry. Their families live in different parts of Nova Scotia. On of William’s
brothers went to Australia. His descendants may be there. William had a son named
William who went west to Black Hills, South Dakota. He died out there. I do not know
if he left any descendants. Conrad had another son, Cornelious Deal born 1810, died
1850. He was my grandfather. He married and English girl named Elizabeth Blood born
1815, died 1885. Their children, Beartha Deal born 1842, died 1861. Arthur C. Deal,
who was my father, born 1844, died 1915, married Mary Belle Aker in 1872. She was
born 1848, died 1900. Their children Rebecca Elizabeth Deal born 1873 married
William Cartile born 1866, died 1946. They were married in 1894. Their children
Marguriette Cartile born 1895, died 1950, married an Englishman, Frank Wake. They
live in Montreal, Canada. They have a baby born 1952. Beatrice Cartile born 1897
married Ralph Raine born 1894. They have on daughter, Eivian Raine. She married
George Warner, born 1942, Graham Warner born 1944, Victoria Elizabeth Warner born
1950. Willie Cartile born 1902 married a Scotch girl, Grace Cain, 1931. Their children,
Eddie Cartile born 1932, Beverly Cartile born 1934. Live in Montreal.
Harry G. Deal born 1874, died in 1915, never married. Arthur A. Deal born 1876 came
to U.S.A. in 1895 married Lena Faires, 1905. Lives in Des Moines, Iowa. She was born
in 1873 died 1944. Their children, Glen A. Deal born 1906 married Orpha Callen 1935.
She was born in 1902. They have on son, Richard G. Deal born 1943. Marie B. Deal
born 1908, married Roy L. Riley in 1927. He was born 1904. Their children Roy Riley
Jr. born 1928 married Barbara Jean Rummans who was born 1930. They were married
1946. Their children, Dennis Lee Riley born 1947, Stephen Craig Riley born 1949 and
Robert Wayne Riley born 1951. Gene Riley born 1931 married 1952 to Loretta Mae
Waughtel who was born 1934. Leona Deal born 1910 married Louis Brose 1928. He
was born 1910. Their children Richard Brese born 1930 married Maryln Nicodemus
1951. They have a boy born 1952. Nadine Brose born 1932, married Donald Gene
Miller 1951. Charles Brose born 1934 is single.
Beatrice Deal born 1878 married Richard Woolridge 1912. He died 1938. No children.
She lives in Montreal, Que, Caanda. England
Hearmust E. Deal born 1880 married Beartha Rexford 1909. He lives in St. Johnsbury,
Vt. She died 1914. Their children, Ralph Deal born 1910 married Flora Mason 1940.
Their children, Elizabeth Ann Deal born, 1941 and Norma Jean Deal born June 20, 1944.
They live in Detroit, Mich. Marie Deal born 1912 married Albert Desrochers, a
Franchman, 1933. Lives in St. Johbury, Vt. Their children, Marie Ann Desrochers born
Aug. 16, 1934. Paul Desrochers born 1936 and Carman Desrochers born March 16,
1938, and Eleanor Desrochers born Nov. 2, 1940. Paul Deal born 1914 married Esther --- 1939. They have three children. Pauline Deal born 1940, Paticia Deal born 1942 and
Paul Deal born 1951. They live in Boston.
Stanford J. Deal born 1883 married Bessie P. Haley in Sept. 12, 1905. She was born
Aug. 31, 1889 died 1934. Lives in South Rawdon, N.S. Their children, Mildred J. Deal
born March 8, 1906 married Russell L. Smith who was born Aug. 11, 1895. They
married Aug. 23, 1939. Live in Bedford, N.S. They have a son, Frank C. Smith born
Oct. 26, 1940. Mary Belle Deal born Aug. 24, 1909, not married. Lives in Ottawa,
Canada. Rawdon, N.S. John W. Deal born Oct. 19, 1911 married Oct. 13, 1933 to Bertha
M. Wier born Sept. 24, 1913. Their children Greta M. Deal born May 18, 1934. Earl J.
Deal born Sept. 22, 1935. Greven Given I. Deal born Jan. 2, 1949. Royce A. Deal born
Sept. 15, 1951. They live in South Rawdon. Marguriette A. Deal born Aug. 5, 1913
married Nov. 7, 1937 to William J. Elliott, born Feb. 21, 1904. Lives in Upper Rawdon.
Owen C. Deal born Nov. 234, 1917 married July 24, 1945 to Hellen B. Benedict born
Jan. 27, 1922. Their family, Brenda L. Deal born June 23, 1946. Gary O. Deal born Oct.
17, 1947. They live in South Rawdon. Charles V. Deal born July 16, 1920 married Sept.
29, 1939 to Georgina E. Benedict born Aug. 14, 1919. No family. Arthur A. Deal born
Sept. 29, 1924 married Dec. 19, 1948 to Claire Dinna Simms March 11, 1930. Their
family, Irene S. Deal Verna Deal born Nov. 11, 1949. Janet E. Deal born Dec. 20, 1952.
They live in Halifax. Carol Blanch R. Deal born March 19, 1928, not married Married
Art Lovell, who died, then Charles Cocharne. Lives in Halifax.
Robert E. Deal born 1885 married March 1905 to Hattie Leathyvy?. She died 1944.
Their children, Robert Deal born Aug. 13, 1905, not married married Catherine Boullier.
Arthur Deal born May 20, 1907. Married, has 3 children. One boy and two girls.
Married in 1941. Roy Deal born April 1909, married, had a son. He lives, last I heard
from him, Starratt Olsen Mines, Red Lake, Ont. George Deal born 1911. Not married.
Florence Deal born Jan. 3, 1919 married a Mr. Jackson. Has on girl. Marilyn Francis
Deal born March 19, 1940, divorced and married again Charles Llewellyn, and had a
boy, Gary Charles Llewellyn. Dorothy Deal born June 2 ??, 1922. Not married. Married
Percy McPhee. . Lives in Parrsboro, Halifax N.S. Had two daughters, Theresa Rose,
born April 21, 1940 and Kay ??. Theresa married Douglas O’Neil, Sept. 1959, has 3
daughters. Marie Deal born June 3, 1923 married lives in Cape Briten Island.
Vance W. Deal born 1887 married Lulu Small in 1912. Their children, Edgar, Melva,
Roland and Robert. Lynn Edgar Deal born 1914 married Vivian Powell. They have 3
girls, Maddelin Deal born 1940, Beverly Deal born 1942 and little girl March 21, 1951.
They live in Milleapolis, Minn. Melva Deal born 1916 married Lynn Burnett. Their
children, Gary Burnett born 1940 and Sharon Burnett born May 22, 1945. They live in
West Liberty, Iowa. Roland Deal born 1920 died 1950, married Aug. 7, 1947 to Lorraine
Seale. They had twins born to them July 13, 1948, Linda and Livi Deal. They live in
Moline, Ill. Robert Deal born 1924, not married. Lives in Davenport, Iowa.
Jerry O. Deal born Dec. 28, 1889 married Irene Stahel Oct. 11, 1911. Their children,
Carlton Deal born, 1912 married Edith Spurgen 1933. They have one boy, Robert Deal
born 1934, married 1952. They live in Buffalo Lake, Minn. Bernice Deal born 1917
died 1937, not married. Jerry C. Deal Jr. born Sept. 15, 1927 married Mary Paulsen Oct.
17, 1942. Their children Larry Deal born May 16, 1943, Shirley Deal born April 14,
1949, Charlotte Deal born July 9, 1950. They live in Kellogg, Iowa. Charlotte Deal born
1921 married Robert Sixta, 1946. Their children, Juda Sixta born July 2, 1949 and Coral
Jean Sixta born Jan. 27, 1951.
Alice Thena Deal born 1891 married William Cunningham. Their children, Harold
Cunningham born 19-- married to Lois Van Dyke 1940. They have on girl born 1941.
Harold was killed in France in World War II. Little girl’s name Donna. Grace
Cunningham born 19--. She married Harry Dyers. They have two children, Diane Dyers
and Gary Dyers.
Alicia Deal born 1844 died 19--. Married Robert Carr. Their children, Louisa, Alice,
Alicia, Jessie, Louis and Lois Carr. Louisa Carr married a Mr. Brown. They went to
England and I have never heard from them. Jessie Car went to England with her sister.
She was 15 years old when she left Halifax. Alice Car died without marrying. Alicia Car
and Lois Carr, last I heard from them was Marlboro, Mass. Alicia Carr was my father’s
sister. Louis Carr married Matilida Deal. They have two girls and one boy. Last I heard
of them they lived in Summerville, Mass.
Norman Deal married a Miss Hubbell of which they had five children. Arthur N. Deal,
Frank Deal, Scott Deal, Matilida and Robert Deal. Arthur N. Deal married and last I
knew of him he had a boy and girl. That was in Carbou Gold Mines, N.S. in 1895. Frank
Deal died in young manhood, unmarried. Scott Deal lives in Halifax. All his life he
lived there. Died in 1946 at the age of 62 years. Never married. Matilida Deal married
Louis Carr. They had one boy and two girls. Robert Deal born 1878 married a Jennie
Deal. He had 3 boys. Robert Deal was killed in World War II. Arthur Henry Deal was
killed in a truck accident Dec. 1946. Norman Deal lives in Halifax, N.S. Two girls live
in Bedfor. Richard Deal born 1848 died 1912. Married Mary Langdon. Their children,
2 girls and 3 boys. Richard Deal born 1875. Edward Deal born 1878, Alicia Deal born
1880, William Henry Deal 1882, a daughter out in California. I do not know her married
name. She was born 1884. Edward Deal born 1878 married and had son, Richard Deal
who was in the U.S. Navy. He had another son I do not know his name. Edward died
1945. They live in Westchester, N.Y. Richard Deal born 1875 married and has two boys
and he lives in Florida. His boys live in New York City. They are engineers. Alicia
Deal born 1880 married John Deasmond. They had 3 boys and one girl. John Deasmond
married and lives in Mass. Dan Desmond, not married was in the Navy for 20 years.
Alicia Deasmond married and lives in Quincy, Mass. I do not know her married name or
how many children she has. Edward Deasmond is married and lives in Quincy, Mass.
Alicia’s husband died and she married again and his name is Rossi. They live in Quincy,
Mass. William Henry Deal born 1882 married. Has one son, Thomas Deal. He is
Athletic Director in the High School at Westchester, N.Y. I do not know of any more
children. I have never been in touch with any of Uncle Richard’s family except Alicia
Rossi in Quincy, Mass. William H. Deal lives in Boston, Mass.