PAKISTAN DAIRY ASSOCIATION (A company set up under Section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984) Registration No. 150 dated 09-Feb-2011 The General Secretary, Pakistan Dairy Association Dear Sir, Being desirous of becoming a “Corporate Member” of the Pakistan Dairy Association, I/We (M/s_________________________________________________________________________________) agree to abide by its Memorandum and Articles of Association. A sum of Rs.25,000/= (Rs. Twenty Five thousand only) being the admission fee together with a sum of Rs.150,000/= (Rs. One Hundred & Fifty thousand only) being the current year’s membership subscription, is sent herewith in anticipation of my/our being enrolled as member. Particulars of my/our business are attached herewith. Yours faithfully, Signature: ______________________ Dated:____________________ Proposed by _________________________________________ Name Name & Designation of the Applicant __________________________ Signature Company \ Farm: _____________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Seconded by _________________________________________ Name __________________________ Signature Company \ Farm: _____________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Name, Designation, Address and Signatures of the representative who will represent me/us in this Association. ________________________________ Attested Signature of the Representative ________________________________ Signature of Applicant PARTICULARS OF THE APPLICANT COMPANY Name of the Applicant Company\Farm Office Address for Correspondence Phone # (Exchange & Direct) Fax #: Email Address(es) Website Company Office Address Contact Numbers Farm Address (1) Farm Contact Numbers Farm Address (2) Farm Contact Numbers Plant Address (1) Plant Contact Numbers Plant Address (2) Plant Contact Numbers Plant Address (3) Plant Contact Numbers Name and Address of the Proprietor / Partners / Directors Authorized Representative's Relationship to the Applicant. Date of establishment Business Lines Principals: Others: Bankers (Name & Addresses) National Tax Number National Sales Tax Number I/We declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. Signature of the Applicant Dated: _________________________ Seal of the Company \ Farm GENERAL INFORMATION OF REPRESENTATIVE Name Designation Company \ Farm Name Company \ Farm Address (For Correspondence) Contact # (Exchange & Direct) Fax # Cell # Home Phone # Email Address Website CNIC # Company NTN Company STN Personal NTN Farm Address (1) Farm Contact Numbers Farm Address (2) Farm Contact Numbers Plant Address (1) Plant Contacts Plant Address (2) Plant Contacts Plant Address (3) Plant Contacts DETAIL OF INVESTMENT, MILK COLLECTION, PRODUCTION & DAIRY PRODUCTS Year Name of the Company \ Farm Total Investment as on ………………….. Annual Milk Collection Annual Milk Production (Farms) Detail of Animals Total Number of Animals Detail of Animals by Category (Local, Imported, Cross Breed, Sahiwal, Friesian, Jersey etc) Any other Detail about Animals Detail of Production Capacity Production Product Name Specification UHT Milk (in Million Litres) Pasteurized Milk (in Million Litres) Tea Whitener – Liquid (in Million Litres) Tea Whitener – Powder (in Million Kgs) Powder Milk (in Million Kgs) Cream (in Million Litres) Ice Cream (in Million Litres) Flavored Milk (in Million Litres) Desi Ghee (in Million Kgs) Butter (in Million Kgs) Cheese (in Million Kgs) Yogurt (in Million Kgs) Any other Products by Name & Specification (in detail) Documents Required Please attach herewith following documents. 1. Cheque amounting Rs.175,000/= in favour of “Pakistan Dairy Association”. a. Rs. 25,000/= as Admission Fee b. Rs.150,000/= as Annual Subscription Fee for the current financial year. 2. Registration Certificate of the Company \ Farm. 3. Photocopy of CNIC of representative (Hard & Soft) 4. Passport Size Photograph (Hard & Soft) 5. Representative’s Personal Profile 6. Company \ Farm Profile 7. Copy of Acknowledgement of last Income Tax Return of the Company \ Farm of the preceding year (if any) 8. List of Products Headwise (Product & its name) 9. Current investment & future plan 10. Detail of Farm, if any