Mansfield District Council Council Minutes Date: Tuesday 28 October 2014 Time: 6:00 PM Place: Council Chamber Present: Councillor K Allsop (Part), Councillor K Atherton, Councillor M Barton, Councillor N J Bennett, Councillor T Clay, Councillor M Colley, Councillor P Crawford, Councillor A Fisher, Councillor S N Garner, Councillor C I Hammersley, Councillor A Harpham, Councillor P Henshaw, Councillor S Higgins, Councillor R Jelley, Councillor J Kerr, Councillor M K Lee, Councillor B Lohan, Councillor D Moody, Councillor A Norman, Councillor D O'Neill, Councillor S Richardson, Councillor P Shields, Councillor J Smart, Councillor R Sutcliffe, Councillor S Ward, Councillor A Wetton, Councillor M Wright In Attendance: R. Marlow, M. Pemberton, K. Rahal and Mrs. K. Vardy YOUTH MAYOR 2014/15 The Chair introduced Danielle Bridges to the meeting who had recently been elected as Youth Mayor for 2014/15. Miss Bridges outlined her manifesto for the year and up-dated members on her work to date. 14/93 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from the Executive Mayor, Councillor Adey, Councillor Bosnjak, Councillor Clayton, Councillor Hopewell, Councillor C.Smith and Councillor Tristram Councillor Allsop advised that she would leave the meeting at Agenda Item 9 14/94 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest 14/95 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 23 SEPTEMBER 2014 It was proposed by Councillor Kerr and seconded by Councillor Smart that the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 23 September 2014 be agreed as a correct record. 1 On the motion being put to the vote the Chair declared that the motion had been carried unanimously. RESOLVED - That the minutes be agreed as a correct record. 14/96 RECEIPT OF CORRESPONDENCE LAID BEFORE THE COUNCIL BY THE CHAIR, EXECUTIVE MAYOR, MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE AND HEAD OF PAID SERVICE There were no communications laid before the Council by the Chair, Executive Mayor, Members of the Executive or the Head of Paid Service. 14/97 ADVANCE QUESTIONS RECEIVED FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC There were no questions from members of the public. 14/98 ADVANCE QUESTIONS SUBMITTED BY PARAGRAPH 1.09.4 OF THE CONSTITUTION MEMBERS UNDER Question to Councillor Phil Shields from Councillor Sonya Ward Regarding the repairs needed to ensure the re-opening of Meden Sports Centre, what will be the total cost of these to the Council? Councillor Shields - The total cost is £374,425 Supplementary Question to Councillor Shields - that’s obviously a significant cost and I’m wondering since you’ve been in charge of leisure services for the last 4 years now what do you think you could have done differently to actually prevent or reduce those costs of repairs? Councillor Shields - I don’t think there’s anything I would have done differently I think that the reason it is that amount is because of the neglect that taken place throughout all our leisure centres so we are looking to put things right now. Question to Councillor Phil Shields from Councillor Amanda Fisher Councillor Shields do you feel that all the leisure equipment in the District that is managed by Serco for Mansfield District Council encourages disabled people to use it? Councillor Shields - As you know I’m aware Councillor Fisher I’ve received an email from yourself via a constituent and I’m currently looking into that exact thing and so I’ll get all the relevant information, as soon as I’ve got it I’m expecting it this week I’ve got quite a bit of it and I’ll be replying and writing to you within seven days. Supplementary Question to Councillor Shields - The Rebecca Adlington Centre is to have new equipment same as the Water Meadows, as you are aware from the emails from Miss Evans who’s a wheelchair user and struggles to use the equipment at Water Meadows and moved to Rebecca 2 Adlington. It’s a twofold question really; firstly have you sent a response with an explanation to Miss Evans?, the other question is do you not think it is discriminatory for Miss Evans to have to ask for help when an able bodied person like me or yourself doesn’t have to? Response from Councillor Shields - That will be in the report that I’ll get to you, I replied to Miss Evans saying that I was looking into it and as soon as I had the information then I would be replying to her as well and I fully intend doing that and that will be in the report that I’ll put in writing to you. Questions to Councillor Phil Shields from Councillor Peter Crawford (i) How much does this authority have to pay Serco during the period that Meden Centre is closed? Councillor Shields - At this particular time we don’t know how much it’ll cost because we don’t know until such it has all been assessed; at that point we will let everybody know how much it’s going to cost. Supplementary Question to Councillor Shields - When you read and signed the leisure contract from Serco on behalf of this authority, did you understand the concept that we would have to pay remuneration if closed by this Council, would your answer be fact or fiction? Councillor Shields - My answer would be yes I knew there would be a remuneration to pay. (ii) Owing to the importance of urgent fire safety and remedial work being done, why were these concerns not picked up following annual fire inspection in May 2014? Councillor Shields - Unfortunately I don't have any control over the Fire Service and the work that they do when they are doing the inspection. I don't know what we could have done, I can only relate it to when we take our cars for an MOT, do we get a second opinion on it, I don't know. Supplementary Question to Councillor Shields - Following the site inspection at Meden Baths carried out on 22nd August, 2014, the biggest risk identified was the lack of fire breaks due to removed ceilings, insufficient fire barriers, some of which had been breached and not of fire retardant materials, lack of fire protection around main fire escape routes and that the fire alarm system was only an M type, Manual Call Point Activation. When Fire Inspections have been carried out, who are reports given to at this Authority and what action is taken regarding any concerns raised and why were these points I have highlighted not reported? Councillor Shields - Not reported when? I don't understand the question. If you are talking about why they were not reported in May, I can't possibly answer you, the report was done and it was given a clean bill of health in May. Subsequently when we went in to look at other work that needed doing, these were highlighted by the Fire Officer at the time and that time, for the 3 reasons you stated, the Leisure Centre was closed. Question to the Executive Mayor from Councillor Paul Henshaw (i) I have had a query from a member of the public asking how many tickets this Authority receives for attendance to the Royal Garden Party, can the Mayor tell the Council how many we receive? Executive Mayor - The Council receives two tickets annually. (ii) In your capacity as Mayor you attended the LGA conference this year in July can you explain why you have presented no report to this authority on your attendance? Executive Mayor - I have not produced a report from the conference as all the material which was considered by delegates at the conference is available on the Local Government Associations website and can be accessed by anyone from there. However, the overriding theme of the conference was the continuing reduction in local authority funding year on year until 2020. These further reductions will require greater partnership working and collaboration between authorities and within authorities in order to meet the challenges of these financial reductions. I am happy to discuss with any members any points of interest they may have. (iii) Recently you agreed to keep the Heading of supporting vulnerable people as one of our corporate priorities can the Mayor now outline how he is going achieve this aspiration and ensure all departments of this authority work towards supporting the vulnerable in our District. Executive Mayor - The Council already undertakes considerable work to support the vulnerable in the district for example through the provision of targeted nutrition and cooking sessions, assisted refuse bin collections, support through the Council’s Specialist Parenting Practitioner service, the ASSIST Long Term Housing Support and money advice amongst other services. Executive Members will continue to discuss this priority’s implementation with senior managers. (iv) Select Commission 3 recently produced a report on the impact of immigration on Mansfield and District. Will the Mayor tell the Council whether he has read the report and more importantly does he agree or disagree with its findings? Executive Mayor - When Council considered my recommendations for the Corporate Plan and priorities for 2015/16 at the last Council meeting I made reference to the report on Immigration, produced by the Graduate Researcher in Democratic Services which contained information from other sources including East Midlands Councils. I can confirm that I have read the report and will give further consideration to the recommendations. 4 14/99 EXECUTIVE DECISION BY EXECUTIVE MAYOR - 20 OCTOBER 2014, AMENDMENT TO EMPTY HOMES PROGRAMME ROUND 2 CAPITAL SCHEME AND HOUSING REVENUE ACCOUNT CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2014/15 In the absence of the Executive Mayor the Portfolio Holder for Resources proposed and the Portfolio Holder for Tenancy Services and Housing Needs seconded that the recommendations from the executive decision made on 20 October 2014 relating to the Empty Homes Programme be approved. One member spoke in favour of the motion although he was disappointed that the Council couldn't identify 12 empty properties as contained in the original proposal but that it was pleasing that five empty properties were being brought back into use . On the motion being put to the vote the Chair announced that the motion had been passed unanimously. RESOLVED (i) That the Council accepts a grant of £194,701 reduced from £447,498 for the national Empty Homes Programme Round 2 be amended. (ii) That the Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme for 2014/15 be amended to reduce the budget for the Empty Homes Programme Round 2 Capital Scheme to £500,000. 14/100 CONSIDERATION OF MOTIONS SUBMITTED BY MEMBERS (i) It was proposed by Councillor Henshaw and seconded by Councillor Fisher that an independent audit of all the Council's Leisure facilities be undertaken, to look at all related disability and access issues at the facilities and to report back to the Council within three months. In proposing the motion Councillor Henshaw stated that the Council's actions to disability needs to be in contrast to the stance of the Government on disability matters. The Council needed to send out the message that its policies and corporate priorities were applicable to all and that all member of the district were valued. The Council needed to be proactive to the complaints received regarding access to leisure facilities, to enable disabled people to exercise their right to participate in society. In seconding the motion Councillor Fisher stated that some of the disabled facilities at the flagship Rebecca Adlington Leisure facility were in a poor state of repair even after having been reported to Serco. Also following meetings with a Serco Officer there had been no improvement to access despite promises of improvement. One member spoke in favour of the motion stating that the Council's Leisure facilities should be for all whether disabled or not and that local authorities had a duty to enable people with disabilities to have the same independence 5 and freedom as people without disabilities. Prior to the motion being put to the vote ten members requested that a recorded vote be taken For - Councillors Atherton, Barton, Bennett, Clay, Crawford, Colley, Fisher, Garner, Hammersley, Harpham, Henshaw, Higgins, Jelley, Kerr, Lee, Lohan, Moody, Norman, O'Neill, Richardson, Shields, Smart, Sutcliffe, Ward, Wetton and Wright. Absent - Councillors Adey, Allsop, Bosnjak, Clayton, Hopewell, C. Smith, D.Smith, Tristram, Yemm and Executive Mayor. RESOLVED - That an independent audit of all the Council's Leisure facilities, be undertaken to look at all related disability and access issues at the facilities and to report back to the Council within three months. (ii) Councillor Smart proposed and Councillor Lee seconded that the motion relating to the re-naming the Water Meadows be withdrawn to enable further investigation of the issues relating to the motion. On the motion being put to the vote the Chair announced that the motion had been carried unanimously. Published: 11/11/2014 10:23. 6