Minutes - Housing Consultative Panel

9TH JUNE, 2004
The meeting commenced at 6.30 p.m. and closed at 8.50 p.m.
Members of the public present at the meeting – 5
Mrs A Warren (Chair)
Mr S Brown (Vice-Chair)
Councillors Belcham, Bulteel and Miss Wilson
Tenants’ Representatives
Mrs A Dixon, Mrs A Deacon, Ms T Guile, Mrs D Knights, Mrs N McLaughlin and Mr T
Leaseholder Representatives
Mr B Jones and Mr K Shirland
Poole Housing Partnership Board Members
Mr J Tyrell and Mrs J Vincent.
Also Attending
Mr J Logan – Head of Housing Management Services
Mrs D Allen – Housing Management Services
Mr M Jones – Housing Management Services
Mr D Mullany – Housing Management Services
Mr R Harris – Head of Democratic Services
Mr M Saunders – Democratic Services
RESOLVED that Mrs A Warren be elected as Chair until the first meeting of
the Panel in the 2005/2006 Municipal Year. The Chair thereupon took the Chair.
RESOLVED that Mr S Brown be elected as Vice-Chair until the first meeting
of the Panel in the 2005/2006 Municipal Year.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor M Collyer, Mrs E
Hancock, Miss S Lamb and Mr D Robinson.
None were declared.
The meeting was reminded that there was an insufficient number of tenant
representatives present at the last meeting to constitute a Quorum and that all
recommendations needed to be ratified.
The Committee concurred with all of the recommendations of the unquorate
meeting, and it was RESOLVED that the minutes be confirmed and signed as a
correct record subject to the following amendment:
M5 – That the HCP constitution be amended.
Brian Jones corrected the Minutes by highlighting that the constitution needed
to be amended to allow the ALMO Board Members to attend meetings on the same
basis as the Borough of Poole’s Elected Members.
Office Relocation
Joe Logan updated the meeting that the ALMO were still looking to acquire
offices. He mentioned that the ALMO Board Members were interested in a few sites
but had to consider the criteria that had previously been discussed, for example,
proximity to Civic Centre, transportation issues, etc. He concluded that HCP
Members would be invited to attend a site visit at an early stage if suitable offices
were found.
Interim Arrangements for Housing Consultative Panel
Joe Logan reported that it was AGREED that during interim arrangements for
the Housing Consultative Panel that ALMO Board Members would be entitled to
attend meetings in the same capacity as Elected Members but would not be able to
Conference on Decent Homes
Joe Logan reported that three residents had attended a “Decent Homes”
Conference organised by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and the Housing
Minister, which was enjoyed by the residents and had received good publicity.
Estates Inspection 2004 Schedule
Joe Logan reported that it was: RECOMMENDED that a Schedule of planned
inspections of housing estates in Poole take place in 2004, and that this was
highlighted in a report by the Audit Commission.
It was highlighted that Leisure Services and Consumer Protection Services
needed to be involved and it was suggested via the Crime and Disorder Reduction
Partnership that the Police needed to be represented. Elected Members were
asked to support this recommendation.
Brian Jones stated that PHP Board Members were interested in attending and
requested that they needed to receive copies of the dates of the planned
inspections. Joe Logan concluded that the PHP role was to act as the landlord and
that all visits would have to comply with the current framework.
Bob Harris, Head of Democratic Services informed the meeting that the
constitution of the Housing Consultative Panel need to be updated. It was
suggested that a draft constitution needed to be produced and then adopted formally
by the Housing Consultative Panel.
The need for a revised constitution to reflect the distancing of the role of the
Council now that the Arms Length Management Board had been established was
reiterated by Councillor Bulteel.
It was AGREED that a Special Meeting of the Housing Consultative
Panel be held consider an updated Constitution and Democratic Services in
conjunction with the Chair and Vice Chair arrange this.
Mark Jones, Technical Services Manager, Housing Management Services
reported that he had circulated the notification repairs request for to obtain the views
of the HCP.
Mark Jones explained that the form had been piloted on the door replacement
scheme with approximately 80 forms being returned. Mark concluded that he was
sending out the forms to the Tenants’ Reading Group to ensure clarity and ease of
response from all tenants.
Dee Knights highlighted that on both the forms and letters there needed to be
a requirement that stated that the workforce must show their identification badges
when visiting the tenants.
Mark Jones appreciated the suggestion and highlighted that there was a Code
of Conduct and that Housing Management Services had to follow and concluded that
all residents were informed not to allow contractors access to their homes unless
identification was supplied. Mark explained that the door replacement program had
commenced which had an identity slot which enabled callers to pass their
identification through the doors.
Brian Jones reported that he attended the kitchen visits and two tenants had
expressed interest in becoming Tenant Representatives.
Brian Jones highlighted that contractors should have scheduled appointments
when visiting tenants’ homes. Mark Jones acknowledged that this matter needed to
be addressed. He informed the meeting that he would be meeting with the Signpost
Services to discuss this issue and suggested the possibility of having a diary system
that had two hour time slots.
It was suggested that the telephone number, along with the best time to call,
needed to be concealed for security reasons. Mark Jones responded and stated that
to provide a stamped addressed envelope might be too costly. Mark concluded that
he would investigate a solution and obtain the comments of the Tenants’ Reading
It was AGREED that the amended customer notification repairs request
form would be tabled at a future meeting to seek approval from the HCP.
Joe Logan reported that the HRA Business Plan was required to be submitted
to the Government Office of the South West (GOSW). It was explained that the
Business Plan would focus on the Council’s Housing Stock and sought to support
the wider Council Strategies and the Housing Strategy. It was noted that the
Housing Strategy needed to be submitted to the GOSW at the same time as the
Business Plan.
Joe Logan concluded that the proposed deadline would be September or
October, 2004 and that Officers would continue to develop the Business Plan. Joe
explained that the Business Plan would have to be agreed by the Council’s Cabinet
Committee and be published in the Council’s Forward Plan before it could be
submitted to the GOSW.
Joe Logan highlighted the last time that the Business Plan was submitted the
feedback was excellent, with the target included of providing 40% affordable housing
in the Borough of Poole. Joe identified that the £35million ALMO project and
£50million of affordable housing had been success stories for the Borough of Poole.
It was AGREED that a Special Meeting would be arranged to take place
in September 2004 to affirm the HRA Business Plan.
Joe Logan reported that he had attached a first draft of the Performance
Report 2003/2004 for a discussion of the layout, content and timing of future
performance reports.
Joe explained that Appendix 1 of the reported showed the performance and
Best Value commitment given in the delivery plan. Joe discussed Appendix 2 of the
report which highlighted the Key Performance Indicators with the performance of the
end of 2003/2004 outlined. Joe concluded that the above targets formed the basis of
the performance indicators for Poole Housing Partnership Ltd.
Joe explained that some of the information was incomplete in the table as he
was still waiting information.
Joe Logan praised Sue Phillips, who had been Project Manager in changing
the IT systems and he was pleased to announce that there was no loss in rent
collection during this period.
Joe Logan explained that all the information in the attached reports would be
sent to Tenants in the Poole Housing Partnership’s Annual Report.
It was AGREED that a summary of the Performance Report would be
produced which highlighted the key elements and be circulated to HCP
members at a future meeting.
Joe Logan reported that he had received an offer from a developer to
purchase the land at the rear of Turlin Road. Joe explained that the land was for the
enjoyment of the wider community and in its current condition, with ongoing
maintenance costs it was a financial burden for the Council.
Pictures of the site were circulated to HCP members. Joe Logan explained
that decisions would have to be agreed by the HCP and ALMO Board Members
before it was formally proposed to dispose of this site through the Council’s decision
making process.
The meeting was informed that the developer was willing to purchase the land
before planning permission had been granted and the company would then have full
responsibility for the land.
Joe Logan explained that the Developer had access to the plot due to owning
an adjoining property which was a reason why the site could not be developed
internally or by a Housing Association.
Joe Logan concluded that a capital receipt would be received if the land was
sold, a percentage of the money would go into the Housing Revenue Account.
Joe Logan highlighted that the Developer concerned provided a lot of low cost
accommodation in the Borough of Poole. The Borough of Poole’s negotiators would
work with the developer to obtain the best price for the land.
It was AGREED that the land should be sold to the developer at the best
price, in order to provide more low cost accommodation in the Borough of
Dorothy Allen, Tenant Participation Officer reported that she had attached a
Tenant Participation Action Plan for 2004 which was subject to a Best Value Review.
She explained that the Action Plan incorporated action to be taken by the
Tenant Participation Team with tenants and leaseholders, the Project Plan of the
Independent Tenant Advisor and Bournemouth University Research Department.
Dorothy Allen highlighted that the Action Plan set out a number of proposed
areas of development in order to widen the number of people involved in tenant
participation and prepare for the ALMO inspection.
She referred to the Action Plan which was produced with First Call Housing
Consultants. Dorothy explained that the four colours were as follows:Blue
Tenant participation
Other Poole Housing Partnership staff
First Call Housing Consultants
Outside Organisations.
Dorothy Allen requested the HCP members to read through the Plan and to
provide her with feedback.
Members of the HCP referred to the poster which advertised the Tenant
Participation Roadshows and highlighted that this could be improved in the future. It
was suggested that these roadshows could be advertised in the local press in the
The Chair highlighted that the HCP had agenda setting and briefing meetings
three weeks before the HCP meeting date and it was stated that these had not taken
place during the previous year.
It was AGREED and noted that according to the HCP’s current constitution
that the following should be convened for an agenda setting meeting.
The attendees were agreed as follows:Chair – Mrs A Warren
Vice Chair – Mr S Brown
Eastern Area Representative – Mrs D Knight
Western Area Representative – Mrs T Guile
Leaseholder Representative – Mr K Shirland
It was AGREED that Democratic Services was responsible for calling
and agreeing briefing and meeting dates for the HCP.
Keith Shirland raised the question if there were volunteers to attend various
working groups of the Poole Housing Partnership. Keith Shirland agreed that he
would be pleased to Chair the Contract Liaison Group in the future.
Dorothy Allen informed the meeting that she would ratify all of the working
groups and confirm the memberships.
It was AGREED that all Working Groups would continue to support the
Housing Consultative Panel.
Joe Logan circulated a copy of the Executive Summary of the Poole Best
Value Tenants Survey 2004 and informed the HCP members that a full report would
be made available if requested by Members.
Wednesday 21st July 2004 at 6.30 p.m. in the Committee Suite, Civic Centre,