Heterogeneity of the Concept of “Cause” in Medicine1 Eterogeneità del concetto di “causa” in medicina Paolo Vineis University of Torino and Institute for Scientific Interchange Foundation, Torino The concept of cause has been the object of a number of analyses, and is one of the most important subjects for discussion in philosophy. It is possible to identify several different traditions on causality in the history of philosophy, and each of these corresponds to a different conception of causes in medicine. 1. A first, deeply-rooted tradition is represented by the aristotelian point of view, based on the central idea of material and efficient cause. This tradition had its maximum development in the medicine of the early nineteenth century, when Bichat stated that an autopsy can shed more light on disease than hundreds of physical examinations of patients. This tradition is founded (a) on morbid anatomy, that is on the identification in the dead body of characteristic lesions left by the cause of disease, and (b), especially after Virchow’s contribution, on the identification of the cell as the main actor in the pathogenetic process. Another extension of this traditional paradigm is microbiology, with its search for agents that meet Henle-Koch’s criteria, that is a single, necessary and sufficient cause. The cause is an agent that is always identifiable in the lesions, can be observed, it is absent in healthy subjects, and causes the disease by inoculation into animals. The experimental attitude becomes so extreme that Pasteur makes brave and sometimes ethically questionable experiments, like the vaccination of Joseph Meister, that Pasteur’s disciple Roux refused as premature and dangerous. A typical example of the conception we are considering is the German school of physiology, that included Carl Ludwig, Helmholtz and Du Bois-Reymond, the latter being the main representative of medical positivism. 2. To such a tradition, that dominates science in the nineteenth century, a reaction arises in the first years of this century, aiming to substitute the concept of functional “law” to that of material cause. The most important expression of this tendency can be found in Mach’s philosophy – who proposed some typical themes of Hume’s philosophy while criticizing a naive and material conception of causes -, and subsequently in Bertrand Russell, who claimed that the concept of cause would have soon become out-of-date like the monarchy. Also this conception finds a correspondence in medicine, in the school of Virchow’s disciples. Students such as Martius and Hueppe, in fact, developed causal models of a multifactorial kind, that we find in the current probabilistic interpretation of causality. They insisted on the fact that we should get rid of a unilateral conception of causality, aiming to search for necessary causes. According to Mach’s functionalist philosophy, Martius interpreted the “disposition” (internal cause) and the “stimulus” (external cause) as variables subject to a mathematical treatment. 1 Acknowledgment: this research has been made possible by a grant of the Compagnia di S. Paolo (Torino) to the ISI Foundation. According to the even more radical school of “conditionalists”, the word “cause” itself had to be completely abandoned and replaced by “determining condition”: “all the conditions in a process are equally important”, that is no hierarchy can be established. Hanemann claimed that the monocausal point of view was promoted in medicine because of a prevailing interest in cure, but from a strictly scientific perspective monocausality should be abandoned (1). 3. A third recent stream is represented by the development of modal logics and particularly of “counterfactual conditionals”. The basic idea is that of the cause as a “conditio sine qua non” for the occurrence of the effect; thus, the background is still that of the necessary cause. One the most representative philosophers in this stream of thought is Mackie, who suggests the concept of cause as INUS (Insufficient Nonreduntant component of an Unnecessary Sufficient Complex) (2). In other words, Mackie claims that there are not separate causes, but causal complexes; the different complexes are sufficient to induce the effect, but none of them is in itself necessary. Within such complexes, however, “non-redundant” (i.e. necessary) components can be isolated, and these represent the true causes. This style of reasoning is very common in experimental medicine: a large part of the knowledge we have in endocrinology, for example, comes from experiments aiming to show the effects of the elimination of a certain gland. However, this approach is not very effective to describe probabilistic inferences in epidemiology, when these consider the individual subject: lung cancer can arise in the single individual even in the absence of cigarette smoking, which is not a necessary cause. The counterfactual reasoning, though, is applicable at the population level: without cigarette smoking there would not have been the long-lasting epidemic of lung cancer that has characterized developed countries and is now spreading to developing countries. 4. One of the interesting aspects of modal logic is that to reason about counterfactual conditionals we have to refer not only to the current situation, but also to one or more alternative, possible situations (or, according to Lewis and Stalnaker, “possible worlds”). The use of counterfactual conditionals is accompanied by a hypotheticdeductive style of reasoning, and to induction “by elimination”. A typical example is represented by the famous description, due to Hempel, of Ignatz Semmelweis’ work (3, 4). Hempel describes Semmelweis’ inferential procedures as an example of “trial and error” approach: after the early epidemiologic observations, that suggested the transmission of “particles” from dead bodies, he started seeking for evidence that would falsify his theory, and for alternative explanations. For example, he ruled out that puerperal fever had been contracted before hospitalization due to the women’s living conditions. He also excluded, partly by the means of experiments, several other potential confounders or sources of bias. 5. Still another peculiar and recent concept of cause has been introduced by Wesley Salmon through the idea of the “propagation – or trasmission – of a mark over time” (5). In fact Salmon proposes two different models for causality, which are supposed to integrate each other. The first model had been suggested by Reichenbach many years before, and it was simply based on probabilistic computation (the “positive relevance” criterion). The basic idea is that two events (A and B) have a common cause C if we can show (a) that the joint probability of A and B is greater than the product of their separate probabilities, i.e. p(AB)>p(A)p(B); (b) that the introduction of C into the equation entirely or at least partially explains the association between A and B. Condition (a) simply expresses the concept that the probability that two events occur jointly is the product of the individual probabilities if the two events are independent, while it is greater than the product if they are not independent. Condition (b) means that the joint occurrence of A and B can be explained by a common third event: for example, subjects A and B both have an angiosarcoma of the liver, and they were both exposed to vinyl chloride (VC) in the same plant. We compute that the probability of such joint events by simple chance is very low (condition a). In addition, hypothesizing that the common exposure is VC, we observe that all the excess risk (observed/expected cases) is explained by such exposure (condition b). However, according to Salmon this line of reasoning is not sufficient, because it does not allow us to distinguish genuine causes from confounders. He suggests that a way to establish whether an event is a genuine cause, in addition to the statistical considerations above, is to include it in a process, and establish whether along the process there is what he calls the propagation of a “mark”. In other words, a genuine causal process is one in which you can follow a “mark” that propagates in the course of time, precisely because the causal events are able to induce a structural change that becomes a part of the effect. According to a classical example, yellow fingers are a risk indicator for lung cancer: lung cancer patients, in fact, have yellow fingers more frequently than population controls, thus fulfilling Reichenbach’s definition of causality (positive relevance). However, clearly yellow fingers are just an indirect marker of exposure to tobacco smoke, and not a genuine cause of lung cancer. The reason is because they do not fulfill Salmon’s second criterion of causality, the propagation of a mark along the process. In fact, while you can identify p53 mutations in the lung cancer that are characteristic of tobacco carcinogens, thus following the structural changes left by tobacco into the lung, the same does not hold true with yellow fingers. We go back, in this way, to the nineteenth century idea of a “localization” of disease, that is the cause is an alteration that can be identified in the tissue and is characteristic of a certain agent (for example the tubercle for tuberculosis). The cause is, therefore, a kind of signature that persists over time. This is an extremely common concept in the history of medicine, now widespread thanks to the developments of molecular medicine: the “cause of cancer”, for example, is identifed with a genetic alteration such as a mutation in the p53 gene, the so called “guardian of the genome”. According to the theory of molecular “fingerprints”, a carcinogenic chemical would be able to leave a characteristic signature in a specific cancer gene, and this fingerprint would be transmitted through generations of cells until it is observable within the tumour. This is at the moment still a theoretical hypothesis with some observational basis (6). Salmon’s theory, incidentally, does not escape the difficulties of other strong, non-probabilistic views of causality. 6. There is still a problem that deserves consideration, that is the fact that both the idea of cause and the definition of disease have become “blurred” in the course of time. Let us consider the following Table: Table 1: Disease manifestations Definition of causal agent Monothetic Polythetic Polythetic Monothetic Tuberculosis (I) Smallpox (II) Bulimia and Anorexia (III) Lung cancer (IV) According to the table, for groups I and II the causal agent is single and well-known (a virus for smallpox, a bacterium for tuberculosis). However, even in such cases of monocausality, disease manifestations can be polythetic, i.e. based on more than one criterion; in the case of tuberculosis, the disease is not always univocally recognizable, and complex clinical and immunological criteria have to be used. In other words, while for smallpox clinical diagnosis is unequivocal, tuberculosis is a complex constellation from a symptomatologic point of view, and the only way to recognize its different manifestations as belonging to a single entity is to refer to the causal agent. For many infectious diseases (another example is syphilis), the complex and polythetic clinical features can be unified in a single entity only because the causal agent can be identified or its presence can be inferred by immunological means. A univocally defined disease (on the basis of histology) such as lung cancer has several causes (in fact, different sorts of “INUS” in which no necessary component, according to current knowledge, is identifiable). Lung cancer cases have a certain histologic appearance in common, but they cannot be unified on the basis of their etiology. Finally, many psychiatric diseases are polythetic, both clinically and etiologically. For example, bulimia cannot be univocally distinguished from other conditions characterized by compulsive eating or obesity. As for causal hypotheses, they are still extremely vague and apparently at the border between psychiatry, genetics and social medicine. In this way, we can group diseases in four groups, which express, so to say, the epidemiologic transition from univocally defined, monocausal conditions to etiologically polythetic diseases such as lung cancer, down to the emerging conditions such as bulimia and other psychiatric or socially-determined disorders. It should be stressed that situations such as smallpox are an exception, while the rule is represented by “blurred” borders among different diseases, both on the side of symptoms and on the side of causal pathways. 7. From the analysis I have conducted it is clear that in the history of medicine a variety of concepts of cause have been used, that fit different purposes. Current medicine is probably the most evident expression of the intertwining of different traditions. On one side we have a rigorously empirical concept of proof, the one that dominates in the clinical trials on the efficacy of drugs: in this case the “gold standard” is the randomized trial, that is a strictly experimental approach based on the empirical comparison among different groups of patients with a heavy use of the probability theory. In this case attention is drawn towards a single cause because of the eminently practical (curative) goal. Epidemiology itself is largely depending on probabilistic relationships, but it does not refer any longer to single causes (not to speak of necessary causes), and in this sense it is related to historical “conditionalism”. On the opposite, many types of research in physiology and physiopathology are based on a counterfactual experimental logic, and apply a conception of cause not very different from the one proposed by Mackie. Finally, molecular research almost literally refers to Salmon’s idea of a a mark that can be followed along time. This heterogeneity does not imply conceptual confusion. Rather, I have the impression that different causal models be used according to the context. When the goal is a therapy, we wish to be as much effective as possible (partly for ethical reasons), and therefore we stick to rigorous empirical proof and controlled experiments. The epidemiologic approach to risk factors, although rigorous, is multicausal as a consequence of the complexities that characterize the relationships among individuals and their physical, biological and social environment. Rather than facing incompatible models of causality, I suspect we are simply considering different levels of reality. This is consistent with the theoretical framework that has been offered by Schaffner for biomedical sciences (7). According to Schaffner, biology is not characterized by “universal laws” (with exceptions such the genetic code), but by “middle-range” theories, that is theories that are intermediate between the simple observation of empirical regularities and universal statements on Nature. Middle-range theories have the peculiarity of being based on a reciprocal reinforcement among different types of observation, coming from different levels of reality and including a reference to the basic laws of Nature. The two main characteristics of middle-range theories are that they are expressed by time-related models (that is they refer to processes such as carcinogenesis), and by “overlapping interlevel models”, i.e. they aim at connecting different layers of reality. This is very clear if we consider the evidence in favour of the relationship between smoking and lung cancer. In addition to sound epidemiologic observations, we have several types of evidence referring to different layers of reality. For example, molecular studies tend to show that point mutations occurring in cancer genes (p53 or ras) can be specific for both the type of cancer and the type of environmental carcinogen (the hypothesis of fingerprints as an example of Salmon’s theory of the “mark”). In the mean time, the hypothesis that was provocatively advanced by Sir Ronald Fisher, that genetic predisposition on one side induces people to smoke, and on the other side increases their risk of cancer (thus creating a spurious association between smoking and cancer) has been clearly refuted on the basis of the observation of twins. This is a counterfactual conditional; the questions is: what would happen if we eliminate the role of genetics by studying monozygotic twins? In fact, the answer is simply that between two monozygotic twins, the one who gets lung cancer is the one who smokes. In conclusion, heterogeneity of the concept of cause in medicine should not be surprising, but it should rather persuade us that the word cause itself changes its meaning according to the different uses and contexts. References Mackie JL (1965) Causes and Conditions. American Philosophical Quarterly; 2, 245255. von Engelhardt D. Causality and Conditionality in Medicine around 1900. In: Delkeskamp-Hayes C., Gardell Cutter M.A. (Eds.) (1993) Science, Technology, and the Art of Medicine, Kluwer, Dordecht. Hempel C G (1966) Philosophy of Natural Science, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Nuland SB Doctors. The Biography of Medicine. Vintage Books, New York W. Salmon (1984) Scientific Explanation and the Causal Structure of the World, Princeton University Press. Vineis P et al (1999) Human Cancer, Carcinogenic Exposures and Mutation Spectra. Mutation Res 436, 185-194. Schaffner KF (1993) Discovery and Explanation in Biology and Medicine, Chicago University Press, Chicago.