Read the documentation - Felsenstein/Kuhner lab

COALESCE -- Metropolis-Hastings Markov Chain Monte Carlo genealogy
For use in cases without recombination, selection or migration and with
constant population size.
Version 1.5 beta, September 7, 1995
WARNING: All versions of this program previous to 1.0 beta contained
serious errors in the likelihood calculations. Please do not use
earlier versions or results produced by them.
This docoment contains:
0. Changes for version 1.5
1. Description of COALESCE
2. Compiling the program
3. Input files
4. Menu
5. Output files
6. Program constants
7. Parameter file
8. Time and Space
9. Past, future and credits
10. Distribution
11. References
12. Sample files
Troubleshooting advice is in a separate file, errors.doc.
As of 1.5:
The Categories option now works (in previous versions it appeared to
work, but actually did nothing). The G option for printing out the
genealogies also works.
As of 1.3:
Multiple loci can now be presented to the program, and it will
attempt to make a joint estimate of theta over all loci. This will have
misleading results unless the mutation rate is roughly the same over all
loci: it is not a good idea to combine coding and noncoding sequences
for this test.
Several bugs which made very large samples (>400 sequences) fail
have been fixed. This version will run with 800 sequences on our
This program takes as input a set of aligned DNA or RNA sequences
from different individuals in a population and uses them to make a
likelihood estimate of the parameter "theta," using the method described
in Kuhner et al. (1995). Theta is defined as 4 times the
effective population size times the mutation rate in a diploid organism,
or 2 times the effective population size times the mutation rate in a
haploid. (Note that this is mutation rate per site, not per locus.)
COALESCE assumes that the sampled population is of constant size,
and that the loci sampled are not affected by selection or
recombination. If these assumptions are violated the results
may be erroneous. The algorithm begins with a genealogy for
the sequences and sequentially makes modifications in it, accepting
or rejecting the modifications based on the sequence data, and
sampling the current genealogy at intervals. From the sampled
genealogies it constructs a likelihood curve and maximum likelihood
estimate for theta. The aim is to preferentially sample those
genealogies which can contribute substantial information to the estimate
of theta, avoiding the myriads of possible but unlikely and thus
uninformative genealogies. If more than one locus is analyzed,
likelihoods from all loci are summed to make an overall likelihood curve
and estimate of theta.
The basic unit of progress of the program is a "step"--one proposed
change to the genealogy, which may be accepted or rejected. A continuous
series of steps, all using the same parameter values, is a "chain".
COALESCE is written in C. It uses some ANSI standard conventions
(most notably function prototyping) that are not found in earlier
versions of C: a separate version of the program (ocoalesce.c) is
provided for those with archaic C compilers. (Our experience is that
most Sun systems will require use of the ocoalesce.c form.)
For UNIX systems a Makefile is provided, and the program can be
compiled by typing simply "make coalesce". Users of other operating
systems will need to use the appropriate commands to link in the math
library and header files.
You may need to allocate additional heap or stack space when
compiling this program as it uses an enormous amount of space,
especially with large numbers of sequences.
We have successfully compiled and run COALESCE on a DECstation 5000
running Ultrix (using both native cc and GNU's gcc compiler) and on a
386 PC running DOS (using WATCOM C). The ocoalesce.c form has been
successfully compiled and run on Sun Sparcstations running SunOS and
using the native cc.
Minimum input for COALESCE is a single file, "infile", containing the
aligned sequences. Three other input files, "intree", "parmfile" and
"seedfile", are optional--the program will use them if they are present,
but does not require them.
COALESCE expects as input a file named "infile" containing aligned
nucleotide sequences in one of two formats: interleaved (first line of
all sequences, second line of all sequences, etc.) or sequential (all
of sequence 1, then all of sequence 2, etc.). The first line of the
file gives the number of loci.
After that, the loci are presented one
at a time, each introduced by a single line which gives the number of
sequences at that locus and the number of sites in each sequence.
There is no requirement that each locus contain sequences from the same
individuals. Note that each sequence must have a ten character name
(padded out with blanks if necessary) and these names must match the
in the tree for the locus, if a tree is provided.
Sequences may contain blanks, but may not end with blanks, and
blank cannot be used to indicate a deletion (use X, N or ? instead).
The standard ambiguity symbols are available. RNA and DNA are both
If the user wishes to provide starting genealogies for COALESCE,
should be placed in the file "intree" in standard format (see sample
files). The input trees *must* have clocklike branch lengths, and their
sequence names must be identical to those used in "infile". COALESCE
can construct its own starting genealogy, but does so in a very
arbitrary way: results may be improved by providing a reasonable
starting genealogy such as a UPGMA tree of the sequences.
To reduce the number of menu options that have to be set each run,
the user can create a file "parmfile" giving defaults for the menu
settings. The parmfile is discussed in more length in section 7, since
it is not necessary to running the program.
Normally COALESCE prompts for a random number seed at the beginning
of each run, but if "seedfile" is present it will be used instead. The
file should contain a single integer number of the form 4n+1 (that is,
one greater than a multiple of four). COALESCE does not update this
A sample menu:
Hastings-Metropolis Markov Chain Monte Carlo method, version 1.3
Input sequences interleaved?
Echo the data at start of run?
P Print indications of progress of run?
Print out genealogies?
Transition/transversion ratio:
Use empirical base frequencies?
One category of substitution rates?
Use Watterson estimate of theta?
No, sequential
Use user tree in file "intree" ?
Number of short chains to run?
Short sampling increment?
Number of steps along short chains?
Number of long chains to run?
Long sampling increment?
Number of steps along long chains?
Are these settings correct? (type Y or the letter for one to change)
Unless a file "seedfile" is present, the program will prompt for a
random number seed before displaying the menu. The random number
generator used is deterministic, so two runs with the same seed and
parameters will be identical. Seeds should be of the form 4n+1, that is
they should be one greater than a multiple of 4. If "seedfile" exists
the program will read its seed from that file and will not prompt for
The I option controls whether the input sequences are in interleaved
sequential format (see Input Formats). The E option allows you to print
the sequence data at the beginning of the output, which can be useful
for verifying that it has been read correctly. The P option will produce
voluminous text tracing the progress of the run; this is useful if you
know how long the program will take and want to keep an eye on its
The G option determines whether or not the genealogies from the final
run will be written out into "treefile".
T controls the ratio of transitions to transversions; a ratio of 2.0
means that transitions are twice as likely as transversions. Due to a
limitation of the model used, a transition/transversion ratio of 0.5
(corresponding to no preference for transitions) will cause an error.
If you wish to test this case, set the T ratio to 0.50001. Due to
constraints of the model, there is no way to deal with a ratio less
than 0.5 (preference for transversions).
The F option determines whether the base frequencies are estimated
the data or input by the user. If it is toggled to allow user input,
the program will prompt for base frequencies: these should be entered
on one line separated by blanks. They should be positive fractions
summing to 1.0. The program will not work correctly if any frequency
is 0; if you wish to run it with data in which one or more nucleotides
do not occur you must use the F option to set frequencies, and set the
frequency of the missing base(s) to a very low value. You should also
set the transition/transversion ratio very high to reflect the presumed
lack of transversions. For example, if you wish to run a data set
containing only purines, you can use the F option to set the frequencies
the purines A and G to 0.49 and the frequencies of the (absent)
pyrimidines C and T to 0.01, and use the T option to set the transition/
transversion ratio to 100.0. The program will then run correctly. This
approach may be useful when you have reason to expect that the neutral
mutation rate is substantially different between purines and
pyrimidines, and therefore wish to treat them as two separate data
The C (categories) option allows the user to specify how many
of substitution rates there will be, and what are the rates and
for each. The user first is asked how many categories there will be (for
moment there is an upper limit of 5, which may be restrictive). Then the
program asks for the rates for each category. These rates are only
relative to each other, so that rates 1.0, 2.0, and 2.4 have the exact
effect as rates 2.0, 4.0, and 4.8. Note that a category can have rate of
change 0, so that this allows us to take into account that there may be a
category of sites that are invariant. Note that the run time of the
will be proportional to the number of rate categories: twice as many
means twice as long a run. Finally the program will ask for the
of a random site falling into each of these categories. These
must be nonnegative and sum to 1. Default for the program is one
with rate 1.0 and probability 1.0 (actually the rate does not matter in
If more than one category is specified, then another option, R,
visible in the menu. This allows you to specify that you want to assume
sites that have the same rate category are expected to be clustered. The
program asks for the value of the average patch length. This is an
length of patches that have the same rate. If it is 1, the rates of
sites will be independent. If it is, say, 10.25, then the chance of
change to
a new rate will be 1/10.25 after every site. However the "new rate" is
randomly drawn from the mix of rates, and hence could even be the same.
So the
actual observed length of patches with the same rate will be somewhat
than 10.25.
The W option allows you to use an estimate of theta by the method of
Watterson (1975) as the initial theta0, or provide your own. Our
implementation of Watterson's test counts sites with 3 different
nucleotides as 2 changes and sites with 4 different nucleotides as 3
changes, and will therefore produce a slightly higher estimate than
the alternative method of counting each variable site as 1 change.
The U option determines whether COALESCE generates its own initial
to start the Metropolis-Hastings process or uses a tree from the file
"intree". The tree generated by COALESCE simply strings together all
sequences in the order they are found in the input file, and will
generally be an extremely poor one. We do not recommend using it;
results will be better with a reasonable starting tree such as a UPGMA
COALESCE is somewhat sensitive to the initial value of theta0
assumed. The best strategy for overcoming this sensitivity is to
run several short chains to get a good working value of theta0, then one
or more long chains to refine the estimate. Only the trees from the
final long chain will be written out to "treefile". The final curve and
point estimate of theta are based on all the long chains, using
a weighting scheme due to Geyer (1991).
If you wish to run only one chain, use the long chain settings and
the number of short chains to 0. We don't recommend this procedure as
it is sensitive to the choice of initial tree and initial theta.
The sampling increment options (1 and 3) control how often trees are
saved for use in making the estimate of theta (and also how often trees
are saved into "treefile" during the final chain). If you are simply
trying to estimate theta, it is most efficient to sample as often as you
can afford to (but beware: sampled trees take up space, and space can
be limiting for this program). If, however, you wish to use the
sampled trees as a representative set of trees (for example, as a
set) you should sample infrequently enough that the trees are fairly
independent. We recommend a sampling interval of at least 3 times the
number of sequences in this case. If you wish to save and use the
trees in "treefile" you should make runs with only one locus at a time,
otherwise trees from all loci will be run together in the file.
The number of steps options (2 and 4) control how many genealogies
tried. For efficiency these should always be multiples of the sampling
increment (otherwise the last few genealogies are wasted since they
occur after the last sample is taken). We find that the short chains
can usefully be very short--a few hundred steps--since their function is
simply to get the genealogy and theta0 into the right ballpark.
we don't have solid figures on how many steps to do in the long chains,
except that it must increase as the number of sequences increases. For
50 sequences we have achieved good results with 10,000-20,000
iterations divided over one or two long chains.
Results of the run are found in a file named "outfile". After some
information summarizing the parameters under which the run was made, it
will give a table for each locus showing the log likelihood of the
genealogies at various values of theta. These values include the theta0
value of each chain and some predetermined points to make the curve
The program also estimates the maximum of the curve, which
is a maximum likelihood estimate of theta. Users are encouraged to look
at the curve as well as the point estimate, since it provides useful
information about the error inherent in the estimate. A log-likelihood
difference of approximately 2 corresponds to significance at the 95%
When more than one chain is run, the curve may have multiple peaks,
up to one per chain, although they will generally be very close
together. In this case, the program will attempt to find the highest
peak in calculating the point estimate.
If more than one locus was analyzed, there will also be an overall
likelihood curve and overall point estimate. This estimate will be
meaningful only if the neutral mutation rate and population size for
each locus were roughly comperable. Beware of, for example, mixing
nuclear and mitochondrial loci as the overall estimate will be
If requested, the program will also write out the genealogies from
the final chain of each locus into "treefile".
The program writes out the tree of highest log likelihood encountered
into "bestree". This may or may not be one of the trees
sampled for the theta estimate. The log likelihood of the tree with
respect to the sequence data is indicated, as is the chain and step
producing it. Note that this likelihood is the likelihood of the tree
with respect to the sequence data, as would be calculated by PHYLIP's
DNAMLK (and should be identical within rounding to that program's
evaluation of the same genealogy); not the posterior probability used to
make the estimate of theta. In practice we have found that the "bestree"
entry is a good approximation of the maximum likelihood tree for the
data set, if COALESCE is run long enough. If the bestree is of
interest, only one locus should be run as only the best tree from the
final locus is preserved.
In the header file constants.h are several parameters which users may
occasionally wish to change:
length of sequence names. All names must be padded out
to this length with blanks, or truncated to fit.
how long to iterate the point estimate of theta. Increasing
this may gain precision at the cost of runtime.
whether the menu should be used. If this is set to false,
the program will run silently using the parmfile and
seedfile, and will write out its error messages to a
file named simlog. This option is provided for experienced
users who wish to do large-scale production runs.
how much accuracy to demand in estimates. Increasing this
will lead to more digits of precision at the cost of
use of "thetafile". If this constant is set to true, an
additional output file containing intermediate estimates of
theta will be written. This is mainly meant as a debugging
tool, but might be useful to some users.
onebestree contents of "bestree" file. If onebestree is set to true,
only the best tree ever found by the program will be
retained. If it is set to false, each tree that is better
than all previous trees will be appended to "bestree". The
latter option can lead to a rather large file and should be
used with caution.
smallest value presented in likelihood curve.
largest value presented in likelihood curve.
the largest number x for which exp(x) is a legal value.
This varies from computer to computer; the distribution
copy has a fairly safe value.
The remaining program constants should generally not be changed.
Optionally, COALESCE can take its default values from a parameter
file, "parmfile." The user is then prompted to change them if necessary.
This can save a lot of time when doing multiple runs with non-standard
settings. If "parmfile" exists the program will use it; if not, it will
use its inbuilt defaults.
The parmfile uses keywords to indicate the program options. Each
keyword must be typed precisely, followed by an equals sign and the
value it is to take, with no spaces. If a particular option requires
additional values, they are indicated with a colon and each additional
value is terminated with a semicolon. Example (meaning "Gene frequences
are not to be calculated from the data; they are A=0.25, C=0.33, G=0.25,
The keywords can be in any order, but they should all be present.
The majority can be set to either "true" or "false" (all lower case);
a few require numbers instead.
The "interleaved", "printdata", "progress" and "print-trees" keywords
control the input and output formats of the program.
The "freqs-from-data" keyword controls whether base frequencies are
computed from the data or provided by the user. If it is set to false,
the four base frequences must be provided in order A, C, G, T. They
should all be greater than zero and should sum to one.
The "categories" keyword determines how many categories of mutation
rate should be assumed. If it is set to false, one category will be
used and no subsidiary information is needed. If it is set to true, it
must be followed by the number of categories and then the relative rate
and frequency of each. For example, to set two categories, one with a
relative mutation rate of 1 and frequency of 95%, and the other with a
rate of 10 and frequency of 5%, "categories=true;2;1.0;0.95;10.0;0.05;".
The "autocorrelation" keyword has meaning only when more than one
category is present, and determines how long the expected runs of sites
with the same mutation rate should be, e.g.:
means that the average run of sites with the same rate is 10 bp.
The "watterson" keyword controls the use of Watterson's estimate of
theta as the initial value of theta. If it is set to false, an initial
estimate must be supplied: "watterson=false:0.001;"
The "usertree" keyword determines whether the user is providing a
starting tree. If it is set to true, the file "intree" will be expected
to contain the starting tree. If it is false, the program will generate
a starting tree.
The "ttratio" keyword sets the transition-transversion ratio, and
expects a number ("ttratio=2.0").
Keywords "short-chains", "short-inc", and "short-steps"
control, respectively, the number of short chains to run, the number of
trees to skip between samples when running short chains, and the number
steps to run in each short chain. They expect integers. Keywords
"long-chains", "long-inc", and "long-steps" control the same parameters
for long chains.
The parmfile must end with the word "end" on a line by itself.
Version 1.3 incorporates several changes to speed up the program
and reduce its space demands. We have successfully run cases on our DEC
workstation with 800+ sequences, although it is not clear how many
iterations are needed to do an adequate job of searching the very large
space of possible genealogies in such a case. Runtime (for a given
number of iterations) goes up less than linearly with number of
and much less than linearly with number of sites.
COALESCE is unusually fast for a likelihood program because (a) it
not attempt to optimize branch lengths, and (b) it does not re-evaluate
the entire likelihood at each cycle, but only the terms which are
affected by the rearrangement. In practice we find that computer
memory, not run time, is limiting. COALESCE will probably not be
very useful on a machine with less than 16 megabytes, and some work may
be needed to get it to run on small machines such as 386/486 PCs (such
as installing a memory manager).
COALESCE was written by Mary Kuhner and Jon Yamato by cannibalizing
code from DNAML (written by Joe Felsenstein), and translated into C by
Sean Lamont. We thank Peter Beerli for debugging assistance and Richard
Hudson for testing. This work was supported by National Science
grants BSR-8918333 and DEB-9207558 and National Institute of
Health grant 2-R55GM41716-04, all to Joseph Felsenstein.
We are very interested in hearing about problems with this
program; however, we offer sympathy but very little chance of help to
those who can't get it to run due to memory size limits. It has been
slimmed down as far as we know how, but storing information on thousands
of sampled genealogies is intrinsically space intensive.
This program is available as part of the LAMARC package by anonymous
from in directory /pub/coalescent.
Currently we are only providing source code, not executables: you will
need access to a C compiler to use these programs.
PLEASE register your copy via email to,
so that we can reach you with bug fixes and other information. Questions
and bug reports can be sent to the same address.
We do not have the resources to do diskette distribution of this
program; please don't send or request diskettes unless there is
*absolutely* no way you can retrieve the program electronically (i.e.
you live in a country with no access to the Internet).
Geyer, C. J., 1991 Estimating normalizing constants and reweighting
mixtures in Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Technical Report No. 568, School
of Statistics, University of Minnesota.
Kuhner, M. K., J. Yamato and J. Felsenstein, 1994 Estimating effective
population size and neutral mutation rate from sequence data using
Metropolis-Hastings sampling. Genetics submitted.
Watterson, G. A., 1975 On the number of segregating sites in genetical
models without recombination. Theor. Pop. Biol. 7:256-276.
The sample case presented takes approximately 6 minutes on our DEC
workstation. Note that a larger set will not take proportionally
longer: we regularly run data sets of 50-100 sequences.
The random number seed for the sample run was 101. If the Progress
option is turned on, progress reports should be visible almost
------SAMPLE INFILE----------1
5 20
------SAMPLE INTREE----------(((Alpha:0.02655,Beta:0.02655):0.04755,(Delta:0.05675,Epsilon:0.05675)
------SAMPLE PARMFILE----------interleaved=false
------SAMPLE OUTFILE---------Hastings-Metropolis Monte Carlo ML method, version 1.3
Locus 1
5 Sequences,
20 Sites
Base Frequencies:
Transition/transversion ratio =
(Transition/transversion parameter =
Watterson estimate of theta is 0.14400000
Single chain point estimate of theta (from final chain)= 0.22163024
Combined point estimate of theta =
0.22366490, lnL =
There were
There were
10 short runs; each producing
2 long runs; each producing
20.0 trees
1000.0 trees