Unit outline Japanese Unit 2B Cell 1 私の町 My town Assessment type Notional hours Oral communication 10 ふるさとは、どんなところですか。 – What is your home town like? Outcome 1 Listening and responding Outcome 3 Viewing, reading and responding Outcome 2 Spoken interaction Outcome 4 Writing 私の町 Model text: ‘My town’ 旅行(りょこう)のアドバイザー Travel advisor 私の町 Model text: ‘My town’ 私のふるさと My home-town Students view and listen to a West Australian senpai nihongojin introducing her town of Esperance to Japanese friends. Students make notes to help them answer questions orally. Using information provided by senpai, students respond to questions posed by a Japanese student who is interested in visiting Esperance. Students view a video and read the audio script of an interaction between a senpai and her Japanese-speaking friend. Students identify the important features of language used, eg language elements for clarifying and comparing. Using the senpai’s presentation script as a model, students write an entry to the communication website, describing features of their own town. Assessment task Students respond to questions posed by Japanese speakers who are interested in visiting their town, demonstrating an understanding of Japanese culture and Japanese people’s point of view. Linguistic resources Textual conventions Forms and features of language Vocabulary and useful expressions for format of oral presentation conversation/oral protocols of organising and maintaining communication conventions associated with making comparisons Language learning and communication strategies seeking opportunities to interact with background speakers reviewing the evaluation points for oral presentation shadowing for practising speech guessing meaning from text note-taking dictionary skills including use of online tool decoding meanings of kanji learning grammar points through examining common errors Intercultural understandings describing characteristics of a locality Grammar review/reinforce useful 2A grammar structures eg ~たことが ある, ~することができる, ~なければならない, ~と思いま す, ~たいと思います, ~く/ になります、~と言います, common sentence final particles noun って/というのは: clarifying noun は noun とくらべて: comparing ~そう: hearsay Sound and writing system Kanji for words related to nature: 雪、雨、花、風、海 everyday social interactions landscape/tourism/recreation degree of formality in different texts diversity of and pride in local culture in Japan © WestOne Services 2010 Unit outline 1 Unit outline Japanese Unit 2B Cell 2 オーストラリアの人々 Australian people Assessment type Notional hours Response (Reading) 10 オーストラリア人って、どんな人ですか。 – What kind of people are Australians? Outcome 1 Listening and responding Outcome 3 Viewing, reading and responding Outcome 2 Spoken interaction Outcome 4 Writing はだしのオージー Model text: ‘Barefoot Aussie’ どちらが好きですか Which do you like better? はだしのオージー Model text: ‘Barefoot Aussie’ くつとはだしとどちらが好きですか Which do you prefer, shoes or barefoot? Students listen to a Japanese person living in Australia speaking about his experience of culture shock as well as the comments from his Australian friend. Students summarise the points discussed regarding Australian and Japanese lifestyle/points of view. Students interview Japanesespeaking friends and exchange views about Australian lifestyle. Students read a blog by a Japanese person describing her/his observations and experience of culture shock living in Australia, as well as the comments from his Australian friend. Students write a journal/blog entry describing an aspect of Australian lifestyle, indicating their preferences. Assessment task Students respond to a comment posted in a Japanese blog, demonstrating their language skills and understanding of the Japanese point of view as well as their skills of sharing their own point of view. Students make notes in Japanese in preparation for writing. Linguistic resources Textual conventions Forms and features of language Vocabulary and useful expressions for journal/blog entry conversation/oral protocols of organising and maintaining communication conventions associated with making comparisons Language learning and communication strategies seeking opportunities to interact with background speakers writing diary/journal entry guessing meaning from text note-taking dictionary skills decoding meanings of kanji Intercultural understandings describing the character of people and lifestyle making comparisons indicating possibility Grammar comparing: noun と noun と, noun は noun とおなじ(indicate similarity), noun は noun とちがう (indicate difference), noun より noun のほうが でしょう, かもしれません: possibility Sound and writing system kanji: 国(country)、物(things) stereotyping degree of formality in different texts © WestOne Services 2010 Unit outline 2 Unit outline Japanese Unit 2B Cell 3 Assessment type Oral communication Response (Listening) けんこう Staying fit Notional hours 10 おすすめのアクティビティは? – What outdoor activities do you recommend in Australia? Outcome 1 Listening and responding Outcome 3 Viewing, reading and responding Outcome 2 Spoken interaction Outcome 4 Writing 海のスポーツの楽しみ方 Model text: ‘Enjoy water sports!’ べんりな一言 Have a go! 海のスポーツの楽しみ方 Model text: ‘Enjoy water sports!’ 私のけいけん My experiences Students listen to a West Australian senpai nihongo-jin, giving some advice and recommendations to her Japanese friend about how to enjoy outdoor activities and promote health and safety in Australia. Students make notes and summarise the main points. Using information provided, students respond to different statements, choosing suitable expressions to keep conversation flowing naturally. Students read the model text and identify the important features of the language used, eg language elements for comparing, expressing conditions. Students write a journal/blog entry giving their experiences about leisure activities in Australia. Assessment task Students respond to questions posed by a Japanese student who is interested in outdoor activities in Australia, giving their recommendations as well as providing appropriate safety precautions. Students record their response to submit for assessment. Linguistic resources Textual conventions Forms and features of language Vocabulary and useful expressions for conversation/oral protocols of organising and maintaining communication conventions associated with making comparisons Language learning and communication strategies seeking opportunities to interact with background speakers shadowing for practising speech guessing meaning from text note-taking dictionary skills decoding meanings of kanji learning vocabulary using word association Intercultural understandings describing outdoor activities and safety precautions keeping conversation flowing naturally giving one’s advice and recommendations on things to do Grammar plain form verb より、plain form verb ほうが: comparing plain form verb のと、plain form verb のと: comparing ~たら: conditional Sound and writing system kanji for words related to body and mind/health : 目、口、手、 体、耳、心、薬、病 preferences for leisure activities in Japan and Australia everyday social interactions degree of formality in different texts © WestOne Services 2010 Unit outline 3 Unit outline Japanese Unit 2B Cell 4 日本からのおきゃくさま Entertaining a guest Assessment type Notional hours Response (Reading) 9 オーストラリア料理をおしえてくれませんか。 – Can you teach me about Australian food/cooking? Outcome 1 Listening and responding Outcome 3 Viewing, reading and responding Outcome 2 Spoken interaction おいしいベジマイト・トーストの作り方 Model text: ‘How to make yummy Vegemite on toast’ おいしいベジマイト・トーストの作り方 Model text: ‘How to make yummy Vegemite on toast’ Students listen to a West Australian senpai nihongo-jin, teaching how to make yummy Vegemite on toast to her Japanese friend. Students make notes and summarise the main points. Students view a video and read the audio script of an interaction between a senpai and her Japanese-speaking friend. Students identify the important features of language used, eg ~は、 はじめてです. Outcome 4 Writing ありがとう Thankyou card Students think of one person who has done something for them and write a thankyou card, using ~てくれて、ありがとう. Assessment task Students read questions from a Japanese visitor who is interested in Australian food culture and respond in Japanese providing him/her with simple instructions, in writing, on how to prepare a particular Australian dish. Linguistic resources Textual conventions Forms and features of language Vocabulary and useful expressions for instructions/recipe conversation/oral protocols of organising and maintaining communication Language learning and communication strategies seeking opportunities to interact with background speakers shadowing for practising speech guessing meaning from text, aural and visual clues jotting down key words and phrases note-taking dictionary skills decoding meanings of kanji learning vocabulary using word association describing food and recipe making instructions to teach how to make things Grammar ~は、はじめて: something is new to someone ~と: conditional, expressing consequences ~てくれる、~てあげる、~てもらう: giving and receiving favour Sound and writing system kanji for verbs and adjectives: 聞、始、終、楽、好 Intercultural understandings everyday social interactions Japanese food culture degree of formality in different texts © WestOne Services 2010 Unit outline 4 Unit outline Japanese Unit 2B Cell 5 ネットでのけいかく Making plans on the net Assessment type Notional hours Response (Listening) 8 一番いい行きかたをおしえてくれませんか。 – What is the best way to get there? Outcome 1 Listening and responding Outcome 3 Viewing, reading and responding Outcome 2 Spoken interaction Outcome 4 Writing ウェブサイトのつかい方 Model text: ‘Website navigation’ あきおのりょこうけいかく Model text: ‘Aki’s travel itinerary’ ホリデーのけいかく Plans for next holiday Students listen to a West Australian senpai nihongo-jin explaining how to use a government tourism website. Students make notes and summarise the main points. Students view and read a Japanese student’s travel itinerary and respond to questions to check their comprehension. Students are also required to provide suggestions for the itinerary. Students select some places of interest and write a short paragraph explaining their plans and give reasons for their choice. Assessment task Students listen to a conversation between Japanese visitors and complete an itinerary based on the ideas discussed. Linguistic resources Textual conventions Forms and features of language Vocabulary and useful expressions for format and layout of travel itinerary conversation/oral protocols of organising and maintaining communication Language learning and communication strategies seeking opportunities to interact with background speakers shadowing for practising speech guessing meaning from text note-taking dictionary skills decoding meanings of kanji learning vocabulary using word association describing and organising travel itinerary Grammar verb plain form + つもりです : intention verb stem form +方: how to do ~やすい:easy to do ~にくい: hard to do Sound and writing system kanji for time of the day and week : 夜、夕、曜、朝、昼、晩 Intercultural understandings every day social interactions tourism/sharing travel advice degree of formality in different texts © WestOne Services 2010 Unit outline 5 Unit outline Japanese Unit 2B Cell 6 きせつのイベント Seasonal activities Assessment type Notional hours Written communication 8 一番いいきせつはいつですか。 – When is the best season? Outcome 1 Listening and responding 好きな日本のきせつ Model text: ‘My favourite season in Japan’ Students listen to a Japanese student’s podcast about his favourite season and recommendations for visitors to Japan. They also identify the appropriate photos for each paragraph. Outcome 3 Viewing, reading and responding Outcome 2 Spoken interaction 好きなきせつはいつですか。 Which season do you like best? オーストラリアのきせつ Model text: ‘Seasons in Australia’ Students interview Japanesespeaking friends about their favourite season. Students read a Japanese student’s blog entry on Australian seasons and respond to questions to check their comprehension. Students identify the important features of language used, eg ~ながら. Outcome 4 Writing Assessment task Students write a short entry about their favourite season and recommended activities for their Japanese-speaking friends. Linguistic resources Textual conventions Forms and features of language Vocabulary and useful expressions for account/consolidation of sequencing of ideas and structuring texts conversation/oral protocols of organising and maintaining communication Language learning and communication strategies seeking opportunities to interact with background speakers shadowing for practising speech guessing meaning from text note-taking dictionary skills decoding meanings of kanji learning vocabulary using word association describing seasons and activities associated with seasons in Japan and Australia Grammar ~ながら:simultaneous action Sound and writing system kanji for season: 春、夏、秋、冬 Intercultural understandings every day social interactions natural environment in Japan and Australia eg climatic factors and influence on daily life © WestOne Services 2010 Unit outline 6