NITB’s Great Days Out for Groups Ballyscullion Park and Bellaghy Bawn “A day of pure undiluted pleasure,” Margaret Monteith, Chairperson Strabane U3A, 2014 Day visit to Ballyscullion Park, a private historic house near Bellaghy, with a treasure chest of fascinating historical stories from St Patrick to the present day, and Bellaghy Bawn, Centre for History and Poetry. Heritage Christian Heritage Myths & Legends Nature Gardens Culture Literature Local History 10am Bellaghy Bawn tour. 11am Ballyscullion Park. Tea, coffee and scones. Talk by Richard Mulholland. 12.30pm Lunch with a glass of wine. Followed by garden tour. 3.30pm Depart OR lecture by Dr Sophia Hillan with afternoon tea. The tour begins at Bellaghy Bawn, centre for history and poetry, which also has a fascinating exhibition about the Plantation of Ulster. The present village was built by the Worshipful Company of Vintners in the early 1600s. Seamus Heaney was brought up around Bellaghy and the area inspired much of his poetry throughout his life. Some of his original manuscripts and memorabilia can be viewed here. After your tour of the Bawn, Richard and Rosalind Mulholland welcome you into their family home, Ballyscullion Park, just 1 mile away. Coffee and scones are served in the beautiful drawing room. Richard gives a highly entertaining talk about the history of the house, which was designed by Sir Charles Lanyon on a site selected for its fine picturesque setting by 18C eccentric, The Earl Bishop of Derry. The area has been inhabited since 2,000 BC and has an early monastic settlement established by St Patrick on Church Island. During World War II, Camp Ballyscullion was home to British and US army. Richard’s family were big linen producers and he recounts the story of this important industry in Northern Ireland. Lunch is served in the elegant dining room. All food is freshly prepared in house by Rosalind using local ingredients and produce from the garden. After lunch you will have a tour of the 3 acre walled garden, with herbaceous borders and vegetable garden, the courtyard and the ruins of the Earl Bishop’s vast palace. You may also see the new wedding venue in the recently restored stable block. We also offer an option of an illustrated lecture by Dr Sophia Hillan on the subject of her 2011 book ‘May, Lou and Cass: Jane Austen’s Nieces in Ireland’. Richard is descended from Jane Austen’s niece Cassandra Knight. Dr Hillan also lectures on Seamus Heaney Country, with the opportunity to visit some of the locations which Seamus Heaney writes about in his poetry, his school, and finally his grave in Bellaghy churchyard. The lecture is followed by tea, coffee and home-made cake. There is an additional charge. £25 per head. Wednesdays only from March. To BOOK contact: Richard or Rosalind Mulholland, Ballyscullion Park, Bellaghy, Co Londonderry BT45 8NA 028 7938 6235 07729 856504 Bellaghy Bawn, Castle Street, Bellaghy, Magherafelt Co Londonderry BT458LA Tel: (028) 7938 6812 Eating Out suggestions: Sizzlers Restaurant, 23 Market St, Magherafelt, County Londonderry 028 7963 1300 Church Street Restaurant , 3 Church Street, Magherafelt, BT45 6AP 028 7932 8083 The Inn, Castledawson 028 7946 9777 Retail therapy suggestions: Mid Ulster Garden Centre. 35 Station Rd, Maghera BT46 5BS 028 7964 2324 Meadow Lane Shopping Centre, Magherafelt. Extending your visit: Clarks Linen Mill, Upperlands. Last functioning beetling mill in Ireland. Coffee shop. Springhill, Moneymore. National Trust property. Coffee shop. Location: Co. Londonderry Length of visit: Full day: Can be tailored to suit group. Accessibility: Moderate walking. Please bring suitable footwear for walking in the woods and garden. Outdoors: Both Refreshments included: Yes Lunch included: Yes Coffee Shop / Restaurant / Refreshments to purchase, on site: Included Shopping opportunity: Yes Coach car-parking: Yes Wheelchair access: Yes Group size: 50 maximum for buffet lunch.