MEASUREMENT OF SOLID PRECIPITATION AT AUTOMATIC WEATHER STATIONS Challenges and opportunities R Nitu(1), K Wong(2) (1) Meteorological Service of Canada, 4905 Dufferin St, Toronto, ON, M3H 5T4, Canada, tel. 1-416-739-4133, fax 1-416-739-5721, e-mail, (2) Meteorological Service of Canada, 4905 Dufferin St, Toronto, ON, M3H 5T4, Canada, tel. 1-416-739-4139, fax 1-416-739-5721, e-mail ABSTRACT The use of a wide range of instruments and configuration has major consequences for the measurement accuracy and consistency of local and global precipitation time series. Because of the non-consistent data sets, it is difficult to compile local and large-scale climatology of solid precipitation, develop accurate water budgets, or effectively validate satellite observations. The fourteenth session of the WMO Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation (CIMO-XIV) recognized the critical role played by the instrument experts in providing objective understanding of the quality of the precipitation data. For that reason it has established the assessment of methods for measurement and observation of solid precipitation, snowfall and snow depth, at automatic, unattended stations in cold climates (i.e. polar, alpine), as a priority for the Expert Team on Surface-Based Instrument Intercomparisons and Calibration Methods (ET-SBII&CM). In the first phase of this initiative, a survey was conducted in 2008 to develop the summary of current methods and instruments for measuring solid precipitation. The results of the survey indicate that a large variety of automatic precipitation gauges and configurations are currently used for the measurement of precipitation amount and solid precipitation, worldwide, including in the same country. Also a wide range of parameters are reported, measured or derived, which could create difficulties for the users accessing the precipitation databases. Given the information available, it is recommended that WMO leads the organization of a field intercomparison of automatic precipitation gauges and their configurations, in various climate conditions, building on the significant efforts currently underway in many Member countries. The intercomparison would evaluate the automatic gauges in their operational configuration and provide guidance on the consistency of precipitation data. A second key objective would be the development of comprehensive datasets to support studies of the homogeneity of records of precipitation with special consideration given to solid precipitation. INTRODUCTION Reliable precipitation measurements are critical for the development of regional and global precipitation data sets, and support scientific studies and engineering applications. Large uncertainties in precipitation estimates, in particular over the cold climate regions have been demonstrated [D Yang et al, 2005], which complicate the verification of model simulations of hydrological processes, including our understanding of water balances. Over the past decade, the transition from manual to automatic observation of precipitation has introduced new types of challenges with respect to the quality, consistency, compatibility, and representativeness of in-situ hydro-meteorological measurements. Although simple to be observed by humans, the measurement of solid precipitation has remained an area where the automatic gauges have not performed as expected. In addition to functional limitations of gauges, it has been widely demonstrated [ e.g. Nespor et all, 1998] that any automatic-based measurement of solid precipitation is subject to systematic errors caused by wind-induced undercatch, as well as wetting 1 and evaporation losses. The metadata describing the circumstances of measurements and the instrumentation used, are important for the users of data. While the consistency of precipitation data would be achievable more easily if the same or compatible gauges and siting criteria were used throughout, the technology development of the hydro-meteorological equipment has introduced an even higher variability of instruments used for this purpose. Between 1987 and 1994, WMO organized a Solid Precipitation Measurement Intercomparison (Goodison et al, 1998), which assessed the national measurement methods for solid precipitation at the time, when most of them were based on manual observations. Since then, automatic stations have gained an increased share in providing precipitation data. In some countries (e.g. Canada, Germany, USA), there are attempts to derive snowfall observations from automatic measurements, as an alternative for the significant decrease in the availability of manual observations. Recognizing the critical role played by the instrument experts in providing objective understanding of the quality of the precipitation data, the fourteenth session of the WMO Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation (CIMO-XIV) has established the assessment of methods for measurement and observation of solid precipitation, as a priority for the Expert Team on Surface-Based Instrument Intercomparisons and Calibration Methods (ETSBII&CM). The first phase of the CIMO-XIV initiative has focused on developing an objective understanding of the variability of instruments and the circumstances of measurement of precipitation currently in use world wide, the primary focus being the measurement of solid precipitation. For this purpose, a survey was distributed in 2008, through CIMO. The survey invited all WMO Member countries to share information on their current practices for measuring precipitation, solid precipitation in particular, and their current development work towards improving the accuracy of measurement. The survey was focused primarily on the assessment of the variability of measurements methods and the challenges related to ensuring the expected quality of data, in correlation with the recommendations of the 1989-1994 WMO Intercomparison on solid precipitation (Goodison et al. 1998), and less on completing an accurate inventory of the number of stations providing specific parameters. The results of the 2008 CIMO survey build on the information gathered through two previous surveys conducted by CIMO, in late eighties and late nineties. These had estimated approximately 200,000 standards gauges being in use, worldwide, at the time (Sevruk and Klemm, 1989), with about one fifth being recording precipitation gauges (Sevruk, 2002). The extrapolation of the current results indicates a similar number of stations measuring and reporting precipitation, however the methods and instruments used have evolved significantly, leading to a much greater variability of the circumstances of measurement. SURVEY RESULTS AND RELATED CONSIDERATIONS The WMO Member countries were asked to provide information on the extent of using automation for measuring precipitation and the parameters monitored, on the instruments used and their metadata, on the development and application of adjustments to measurements, and on current development works taking place for improving the accuracy of measurement of precipitation. The NMHSs of 54 WMO Members, covering about 46% of the global land mass, at all latitudes, except Antarctica, responded. Thirty five (35) of the countries, covering about 28% of the global landmass, indicated that they monitor solid precipitation (by manual and automatic means). They reported to operate a total of 41673 sites measuring precipitation; of those17561 sites, or 42%, measure solid precipitation. 2 The results of this survey are conservative; a known limitation is the fact that in many countries the measurement of precipitation is configured and managed through several independent agencies in addition to the NMHSs. The survey indicates that total precipitation amount (solid and liquid) is measured and reported from all 41,673 stations indicated by the participating Members. Of the total, 18% of the sites have automatic instruments, with the balance of 82% using manual methods. The next most widely reported parameter is the depth of snow on the ground. The use of automatic gauges for measuring this parameter is limited to less than 7% of the sites reporting it. The other parameters reported are the type of precipitation, the snowfall amount, snowfall water equivalent, snow temperature/snow surface temperature, snow on the ground water equivalent. Measurement of Total Precipitation Amount (Solid and Liquid) There are essentially four types of automatic instruments used for measuring total precipitation amount, tipping bucker rain gauges (TBRG), 82.9%; weighing gauges (WG), 16.2%; optical sensors, 0.4%; and “level” gauges, 0.5%. A remarkable result of the survey is the extent of use and the variety of TBRGs for measuring precipitation amount, including in countries where solid precipitation is a frequent occurrence. Collectively, the Members responding to the 2008 CIMO survey use 28 different models of TBRGs, produced by 22 manufacturers, worldwide. The TBRG measures the amount of liquid precipitation by recording the numbers of tips corresponding to a fixed amount of precipitation, equal to the size of each of its two buckets, which gives the gauge sensitivity. The TBRGs are used in a heated or non-heated configuration. There is a significant variability in terms of functional and constructive parameters of the TBRGs in use. Their sensitivity ranges from 0.1 mm of precipitation to 0.5 mm of precipitation, the collecting area varies from 200 cm2 to 1000 cm2, the amount of heating applied to melt solid precipitation varies from a few watts to several hundred of watts, applied to various components of the gauge. In addition to that, the TBRGs in use have various constructive characteristics, e.g. cylinder or cone shaped, with various diameters. The WG weighs the precipitation collected in a bucket, and derives the amounts by integrating the weight over time. Three different principles of measurement are implemented; these are the vibrating wire load, the single point electronic load, the strain gauge. The WGs currently operational are from six manufacturers. The collecting capacity of the WGs varies from 240 mm to 1000 mm; newer gauges are available with capacities above 1000 mm of precipitation. The WG collecting area varies between 200 cm2 and 1000 cm2. Heating of the WGs is a feature increasingly used to deal with ice buildup and snow capping, and the amount of heating power applied varies from gauge to gauge. In some cases, attempts have been made to derive the precipitation amount using optical non-catching sensors. An optical sensor uses the scattering or obscuration by hydrometeors, in some cases together with information gathered by other sensors such as rain sensor and temperature, to determine the type of precipitation and to estimate its intensity and accumulation. A “level” gauge captures and stores the precipitation in a buffer tank, and measures any increase of amount using a floater. This device was developed and used by the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI). Use of shields on precipitation gauges The participating Members indicated that, overall, only 28% of their automatic precipitation instruments are configured with wind shields. Of the automatic gauges that have wind shields, the WGs are used in a much larger proportion in this configuration. About 82% of all WGs, or 10% of the total of automatic instruments, are configured using single wind shields. The shields used are 3 type Alter, Nipher or Tretyakov. The National Weather Service (NWS) of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the USA is the only Service in process of adopting double shields, planning to install an Alter shield in addition to the Tretyakov shield, in use. The WGs installed as part of the network operated by the National Climate Data Centre (NCDC) of the NOAA use a double shield derived from the Double Fence Intercomparison Reference (DFIR), recommended at the end of the 1989-1994 WMO Precipitation Intercomparison, but with a smaller footprint. The TBRGs are equipped with windshields in a much smaller proportion; only about a third of them, or 18% of the total automatic instruments. It’s worth noting that over 90% of these are operated by two services, the Japan Meteorological Administration (JMA), and NWS of NOAA, USA. In some countries, only some of the TBRGs are protected with wind shields. These are Australia (only the TBRG at alpine sites are equipped with shields), Norway, and Switzerland. An assessment of automatic precipitation gauges and their configurations In 2008, Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) initiated a qualitative assessment of current precipitation gauges measuring precipitation amount –liquid and solid -, covering a large spectrum of measuring principles and constructive parameters, most of which are being used operationally by other Member countries. The gauges were installed in various configurations, with and without windshields, and, in some cases, using shields provided by the gauge manufacturers. The test was conducted at the Centre for Atmospheric Research and Experiments (CARE) of Environment Canada, in Egbert, Ontario, about 40 Km south of the Georgian Bay, the eastern side of the Great Lakes. The area is known for intense lake effect winter precipitation, mainly snow; however, rain precipitations are possible during the winter. The instruments evaluated and their configuration is given in Table 1. Instrument Geonor T200 (H2) in DFIR: used as field reference Belfort Fisher&Porter (FP) Vaisala VRG 101 (HF) Geonor T200 (H1) Geonor T200 (H3) OTT Pluvio 1, 1000 mm (HJ) OTT Pluvio 1, 1000 mm (HK) OTT Pluvio 2, 750 mm (HL) Vaisala PWD22 (HI) Vaisala 2G 13H (GE) All Weather 6021-B (GC) All Weather 6021-B (GI) Type WG Heating (Y/N) No Shield (Y/N) Yes WG WG WG WG WG WG WG Distrometer TBRG TBRG TBRG No Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No If Yes, Type DFIR Alter Shield Double Alter Shield Alter Shield Alter Shield Tretyakov Shield Tretyakov Shield CAE PMB22 (GG) TBRG Yes No Hydrological Services TB3 (GB) TBRG Yes No Hydrological Services TB3 (GH) TBRG Yes No Table 1: Precipitation Gauges and their configurations, CARE experiment 2008/2009 The cumulative precipitation amounts recorded by each gauge during the test period, December 2, 2008 to April 15, 2009, derived from the one minute measurement data of the gauges 4 under test, is plotted in the graph below. The reference for this test was a Geonor T200 gauge installed in a Double Fence Intercomparison Reference (DFIR). The DFIR used is that recommended following the WMO Intercomparison of 1989-1994 (Goodison et al, 1998), however the manual observation was replaced with a Geonor T200 gauge currently in use in the Reference Climate Network of MSC. Manual observations were not available for this test. Figure 1: Cumulative precipitation amounts: CARE experiment 2008/2009 The experiment results have shown that there is a distinctive difference in performance between WGs and the TBRGs; at the same time, all WGs, and all TBRGs, respectively, have displayed comparable performances. The total accumulation for the duration of the test, for the Pluvio 2, the only WG without a windshield was the lowest of all WGs, however higher than all TBRGs. The test results indicated that the overall precipitation accumulation of the optical noncatching sensor was better than all the heated TBRGs, but below all WGs. It has been noted that the measuring differences between gauges with different principles of operation vary with the type of precipitation. For liquid precipitation all gauges under test were in better agreement than for reporting solid precipitation. The following two plots provide examples to illustrate this point. During the rain event of Feb 11-12, 2009, all gauges were in relative agreement in reporting precipitation accumulation over a 24-hour period. During the snow event of January 28-29, 2009, the precipitation amount reported from the same gauges during a 24-hour period, varied significantly. 5 24-hour Total Precipitation Accumulation: Feb 11-12, 2009 Ge Ge total accumulation: 24 hours on on or or T2 T2 00 00 Ge _D (H F 1 Va ono IR ) isa r T (H la 20 2) AW 2G 0 (H I 6 13H 3) AW 021 (G - B E) CA I 6 0 ( G 2 E 1- C) PM B B2 ( GI 2 ) TB (G G ) 3 Be T ( GB B lfo 3 ) ( rt F GH VR &P ) G (F P Pl 101 ) uv ( H i Pl uv Plu o 1 F) io vi (H Va 2, 7 o 1 J) isa 50 (H K la mm ) PW D2 (HL 2( ) HI ) 25 20 15 10 5 0 Gauge Figure 2: 24-hour comparative rain accumulation eo eon o no r T r T2 0 20 0_ 0 (H D 1 G eo F IR ) no r T ( H2 V ai ) 20 sa 0 la ( H 2 A G 1 3) W 3 I6 H 0 2 (G E) 1A W B I6 (G CA 0 21 C) -B E PM (G B2 I) 2 (G T B G) 3 (G TB B) Be 3 lfo (G rt F& H) P V RG (FP 10 ) Pl 1 (H uv io F) Pl 1 P uv (H lu io vi J) o 2, 1 75 ( H V 0 K ai ) sa mm la ( H PW L) D 22 (H I) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 G G 24-hour accumulation (mm) 24-hour total precipitation accum ulation Jan 28-29, 2009 Gauge Figure 3: 24-hour comparative snow accumulation Qualitatively, the results of this test have shown that TBRGs are significantly underestimating the amount of solid precipitation The same result was shown by Zweifel, A, and Sevruk, B. Adjustment to Measurements In the WMO/TD - No. 872, IOM 67 report, B Goodison et al, indicated that methods to adjust solid precipitation measurements for systematic errors should be tested and implemented on current and archived precipitation data for use by Members, and recommended that wind speed be monitored at the height of the gauge. As indicated in CIMO Guide #8, the gauge snowfall catch 6 efficiency depends on the wind speed at gauge height, the gauge profile, the effectiveness of the wind shield (if any), and the snow conditions. Among the 54 Members participating in the CIMO survey, 13 countries or 24%, indicated that they adjust the precipitation measurements for some known errors. The adjustments applied by the participating NMHSs are for Total Precipitation Amount (18.5% of respondents), type of precipitation (11%), depth of snow on the ground (9.3%), snowfall amount (7%), snowfall water equivalent (5.6%). On the topic of the measurement of wind and temperature at sites where solid precipitation parameters are observed, the responses indicated that wind is measured at gauge location by 44% of the participating NMHSs, while temperature is measured by 48%; but only 3.7% measure wind at the height of the gauge (e.g. 2 m, in Canada and USA). The role and importance of adjustments to precipitation data sets, to account for known systematic errors should never be underestimated. Work conducted by Climate Research Division of Environment Canada has allowed for a better understanding of the catch efficiency of the Geonor T-200B gauges in use in the MSC’s monitoring networks. A study conducted on the Bratt’s Lake, Saskatchewan test site, based on 24-hour accumulations, has allowed the development of comparative catch efficiency curves for the Geonor T-200 WG in various shield configurations (C Smith, 2009), as a function of wind speed. CE vs. Wind Speed Relationships 1.4 DFIR (Yang et al) Geonor-DF Geonor-SA Geonor-DA* 1.2 1 CE 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Figure 4: Geonor T200 catch efficiency versus wind speed. (Geonor-DF: Geonor in an DFIR, Geonor-DA: Geonor in an Double Alter shield; Geonor-SA: Geonor in a Single Alter Shield); courtesy Craig Smith-Environment Canada Wind Speed (m/s) The results demonstrate that the Geonor in a Double Alter shield (DA) catches more snow precipitation than the Geonor in a single Alter (SA); the DA is more effective as the wind speed increases. Also, it was shown that the Double Alter is not as effective as the large double fence, i.e. WMO DFIR or Geonor-DF. Based on the tests conducted, the following catch efficiency adjustments were proposed for the Geonor T200 gauge in a single Alter shield: CEGeonor-SA = e-0.22Ws CEGeonor-SA = e-0.20Ws r 2 = 0.61 1.40 r 2 = 0.36 Figure 1: Geonor SA catch efficiency curve (red: Bratt’s Lake, SK, Nov-2003 through March-2006; blue: Jokioinen, Finland, Dec-1998 through Feb-1993) courtesy Craig Smith, Environment Canada CE (Geonor/DFIR) 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Wind Speed (m/s) 7 9.0 10.0 Depth of Snow on the Ground and Snowfall Amount (Depth of Fresh Snow) The CIMO survey results have indicated that there are a total of 823 automatic sites in 11 countries reporting the depth of snow on the ground, and a total of 689 automatic sites in 7 countries reporting snowfall amount, which is obtained mostly on the basis of snow depth measurements using automatic instruments. The majority of the instruments are ultrasonic depth sensors, also known as sonic ranging depth sensors. In Slovenia, this parameter is obtained using forward scattering sensors. Newer instruments are becoming available, operating on the principle of phase variation of visible laser when it bounces off the snow surface. All the countries except Canada have one instrument per site, and Canada has one or three instruments per site. The sonic ranging sensors measure the elapsed time between emission and return of an ultrasonic pulse sent vertically down to the snow covered ground surface. The most widely used sonic ranging sensors are manufactured by Campbell Scientific, models SR-50/ SR-50A. Several other sensors in use are Sommer Ultrasonic snow depth sensor USH-8 (Austria), MPS System SwS-3 (Slovakia), ultrasonic snow level meters model JMA-95-1, from Ogasawara Keiki Seisakusho, and JMA-89, JMA-93, JMA-04-1 from Ultrasonic Kaijo Sonic Corp (Japan). Other sensors used are the so-called weight sensors or snow pillows, determining the snow water equivalent by measuring the weight of the snow over a specific area. The working principle of the sensor is based on the detection of the hydrostatic pressure caused by the layer of snow on top of the pillow. They use four tensiometric sensors, situated under each corner of a steel frame on which the plate is mounted. Data on the weight of the overlying snow is combined with the snow depth measured with an ultrasonic snow sensor, to derive the snow water equivalent. The standard dimensions of a snow pillow are 3 x 3m or 4 x 4m. Summary on the Topic of Derived Measurements Among the 54 surveys, there are only 7 countries, or 13% of the surveyed countries, that currently derive any parameters from automatic stations in their services. The derived parameters are depth of freshly fallen snow (Austria, Canada, Finland and France), precipitation type (Finland, France, Germany and The Netherlands), and snow amount (Denmark). Meteorological Service of Canada has invested considerable effort towards developing an algorithm to derive snowfall from snow on the ground measurements, using data from three collocated sonic ranging sensors and the total precipitation accumulation measurement, all available at its automatic weather stations. The algorithm is based on finding correlations between positive changes in snow depth between concurrent snow depth time series. These concurrent measurements are combined to construct a “consensus” SF measurement; while the output of a WG is used as a verification to ensure that changes observed in the snow depth levels reported by the SR50’s, had indeed occurred during a period of precipitation (Fischer, A, et all, 2008). The testing to date of this algorithm indicate that using a triple configuration of SR50 Sensors to derive daily snowfall from changes in the snow pack levels, statistically, yields a better answer then deriving daily snowfall values using just one SR50. The use of the output of a WG as precipitation occurrence verification helps minimizing false reports of snowfall. That being said, better diagnosis of snow drift will be needed to further minimize snowfall measurement errors. While this algorithm has shown promise, more work is needed to deal with the snow drift, and improve the measurability of very light snowfall events, often missed by the WG, as well. Test and Development of New Instruments and Methods Among the 54 surveys, 18 countries, or about a third of the surveyed countries, currently test/develop new instruments and methods of measurement of solid precipitation at Automatic Weather Stations. These are Austria, Denmark, Germany, France, Lithuania, Switzerland, 8 Morocco, Slovakia, Canada, Portugal, New Zeeland, Norway, USA, Sweden, United Kingdom, Ukraine, The Netherlands, and Republic of Belarus. Their efforts are focused on four topics: snow depth sensors, surfaces for the snow depth sensors, precipitation gauges (WG and TBRG) and their configurations, and present weather sensors. The efforts include the comparison of instruments from different manufacturers, improvement of sensor outputs with the use of measurements, and developing new algorithms. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The results of the survey indicate that a large variety of automatic precipitation gauges is currently used for the measurements of precipitation amount and solid precipitation, worldwide, including in use in the same country. Also there is a wide range of parameters reported, measured or derived, which could create difficulties for the users accessing the precipitation data bases. The gauges vary in terms of their measuring system, orifice area, capacity, sensitivity, and configuration. This variety exceeds by far the variety of manual standard precipitation gauges (Goodison et. al, 1998). The detailed analysis of the results will be published by WMO in a IMOP report in 2010. These results lead to a legitimate question on the spatial and temporal consistency of precipitation data, including in the same country using more than one method and instrument to measure the same parameter. The need for increasing the accuracy and the consistency of local and global precipitation time series and the effective support of applications relying on the ground observation of precipitation (e.g. satellite measurement validation), require that an up-to-date body of knowledge on the performance of measurement of the gauges in use and their relativity, in all climate conditions, is made available. Developing the understanding of the correlation between measurements obtained from different configurations, is a key contribution of the instrument experts towards improving the accuracy and validity of scientific and engineering studies, using precipitation data. This should cover maintaining the consistent performance of measurement of gauges in their operational configuration, throughout their expected life cycle, and in all conditions where are expected to operate. Given the information obtained through the 2008 CIMO survey, and the significant local and regional efforts, it is recommended that WMO leads the organization of a field intercomparison of automatic precipitation gauges and their configurations, in various climate conditions. The proposed intercomparison should build on the significant work currently underway in many countries, and should aim at understanding and improving the ability to reliably measure solid precipitation using automatic gauges, to meet the expectations of their user communities. The following objectives are proposed for a WMO led intercomparison of methods and instruments for automatic snowfall/snow depth/precipitation measurements: evaluate and report on the performance of the instruments and methods in field conditions; evaluate and provide guidance on the operational configuration of automatic gauges (e.g. use of heating, use of windshields, height of installation, redundancy), to achieve data consistency. assess the feasibility of developing multi-parameter algorithms to improve the quality of precipitation data reported from an Automatic Weather Stations. provide datasets to support studies on the homogeneity of long-term records of precipitation with special consideration given to solid precipitation; enable the development of adjustment procedures of the systematic errors of precipitation measurements. establish the WMO field reference standard using recording precipitation gauges; 9 provide feedback to manufacturers to enable the development of recording precipitation gauges, addressing known limitations. draft recommendations for consideration by CIMO. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank to Igor Zahumensky and Isabelle Rüedi (WMO CIMO Secretariat), Michel Leroy and Eckhard Lanzinger (WMO-CIMO Expert Team on Surface Based Instrument Intercomparisons and Calibration Methods), and Alexandre Fischer and Craig Smith of the Environment Canada, for their support and input in developing, distributing, collecting, and analyzing the information used in this paper. In addition, our thanks to all those who responded to the CIMO questionnaire and provided the information on behalf of their NMHSs. REFERENCES: B.E. Goodison et al, The WMO Solid Precipitation Measurement Intercomparison” - Final Report, (WMO/TD - No. 872, IOM 67), 1998 WMO 2008: WMO Guide To Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation(WMONo.8) B. Sevruk, WMO Questionnaire On Recording Precipitation Gauges State-Of-The-Art, Water Science and Technology, 45(02), 139-145, 2002 Sevruk, B. and Klemm S. (1989). Catalogue of national standard precipitation gauges. WMO, Instruments and Observing Methods Rep., WMO/TD-No. 313, 50 pp., 1989. Yang, D et al, Bias correction of long-term (1973-2004) daily precipitation data over the northern regions, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol 32, 2005 Smith, C., Watson, S., An assessment of the double Alter wind shield for reducing wind bias in snowfall measurements made with the Geonor T-200B, CMOS Congress 2009, May 31-June 4, Halifax, NS, Canada Fischer, A., Nitu, R., Improving the quality of in-situ measurement of solid precipitation in Canada, TECO conference, St Petersburg, Nov, 2008 Nespor, V. and Sevruk, B, Estimation of Wind-Induced Error of Rainfall Gauge Measurements Using a Numerical Simulation, , Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanographic Technology, Volume 16, 1998 Zweifel, A, and Sevruk, B, Accuracy Of Solid Precipitation Measurement Using Heated Recording Gauges In The Alps 10