ANNUAL French 1 B Goals – Core Body of Knowledge For each of the sections that follow, students may be required to analyze, recall, explain, interpret, apply, or evaluate the particular concepts being taught. Reprise: Bonjour! Grammar review ♦ The verb être ♦ Articles ♦ Adjective formation and agreement ♦ The verbs avoir and faire ♦ Regular –er verbs ♦ Negation ♦ Question formation Vocabulary review ♦ Family and friends ♦ Room and object vocabulary ♦ Leisure activities ♦ Likes and dislikes (preferences) ♦ Extending and responding to invitations ♦ Pets and animals ♦ Directions ♦ Weather and seasons ♦ Cultural and historical figures ♦ Places and events ♦ Numbers ♦ Days, months, dates ♦ Telling time ♦ Foods and customs Culture ♦ Aspects of French daily life ♦ The French speaking world ♦ French-American relations Unit 5: City Life, the home, the family, and urban activities “En ville” Grammar review The verb aller to express where you go Contractions with à Stress Pronouns Possessive Adjectives Aller + infinitive to form the future tense The verb venir Expression Chez Contractions with de Answering Questions in the Past Tense Vocabulary review City Places and Buildings Transportation Giving Directions Culture Rooms of the House Family Members Ordinal Numbers Activities (Sports, Musique, Games) Pastimes in France. Unit 6: Buying Clothes “Le shopping” Grammar review The verb mettre to express what you wear The verb préférer to express what you like or prefer The verb acheter to express what you buy The demonstrative ce The question word quel The pronoun on Making Comparisons Answering Questions about the Past Vocabulary review Clothing and Accessories Adjectives (Descriptive) Adjectives (BAGS) Numbers 100-1000 Money-related expressions Regular –re verbs Regular –ir verbs Culture Types of French stores. Euro Unit 7: Leisure-time Activities “le temps libre” Grammar review The use of the verb faire + de to express sports The verb voir to express what you see Past tense formation or –er, -ir, -re Verbs Past tense formation of irregular verbs Past tense formation with être Vocabulary review Weekend Activities Summer and Winter Sports Household Chores Transportation Divisions of Time Adverbs of Sequence Periods of Past Time Culture Common weekend activities in France. The Metro Unit 8: Food and Meals “Les repas” Grammar review The verb vouloir to express what you want to eat Partivtive Article Pronouns The verbs prendre, boire, connaitre, dire, and écrire Vocabulary review Food/Beverage Vocabulary Verbs of Preference Quantities Meals Place Setting Culture French Eating Habits Specialty Food Stores