REQUEST FOR PROJECT PREPARATION GRANT (PPG) PROJECT TYPE: Full-sized Project THE GEF TRUST FUND Submission date: 15 January 2010 GEF PROJECT ID1: 3990 GEF AGENCY PROJECT ID: COUNTRY(IES): Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Montenegro, Syria and Tunisia. The Palestinian Authority also participates. PROJECT TITLE: Integration of climatic variability and change into national strategies to implement the ICZM Protocol in the Mediterranean. GEF AGENCY(IES): UNEP, (select), (select) OTHER EXECUTING PARTNER(S): UNEP Coordinating Unit for the Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP), MAP’s Regional Activity Centers (RACs): Priority Actions Programme (PAP/RAC) and Blue Plan (BP/RAC); and Global Water Partnership - Mediterranean (GWP-Med). GEF FOCAL AREA(s): International Waters GEF-4 STRATEGIC PROGRAM(s): SP1, SP3 NAME OF PARENT/PROGRAM/UMBRELLA PROJECT (if applicable): Mediterranean Sustainable Development Program, (“Sustainable Med”) A. PROJECT PREPARATION TIMEFRAME Start date of PPG Completion date of PPG 02/01/10 02/01/11 B. PAST PROJECT PREPARATION ACTIVITIES ($) List of Past Project Preparation Activities Output of the Activities Project Preparation Amount (a) Total Project Preparation Financing 0 Co-financing (b) Total c=a+b 0 0 C. PROPOSED PROJECT PREPARATION ACTIVITIES ($) Describe the PPG activities and justifications: A project preparation phase is required to consult with all stakeholders, analyze latest results of programmes and initiatives and develop together with countries and partners, the most targeted and cost effective activities to ensure that data and capacity gaps are met to increase ability for climate change and variability and demonstrate the benefits of incorporation of climate variability issues into Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). Through stakeholder consultation the project preparation phase will enable the development of the full project document, annexes and Request for CEO Endorsement. Specifically the following activities will be undertaken: 1. PPG Project Coordination arrangement. The PPG coordination will utilize the coordination and management of the GEF approved Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean Large Marine Ecosystem – UNEP regional component (SPMS), and will be closely coordinated with the WB “Sustainable Med” programme with their coordination unit in Marseilles. UNEP/MAP will lead the 1 Project ID number will be assigned by GEFSEC. If PIF has already been submitted, please use the same ID number as PIF. 1 2. 3. 4. PPG phase, supported by the project management unit of the SPMS in Athens and consultants. On a national level, coordination will be established with National Communication teams, ICZM teams, national institutions, NGOs, private sector etc, with national meetings held where required during the PPG phase and activities agreed for the full scale project concerning national level coordination and stakeholder involvement, the identification of existing policy and technological tools and options, as well as best practices, and gaps. The PPG Steering Committee (SC) will comprise of the same members as the SPMS Steering Committee, with additional experts invited and potential co-financers. One meeting will be held in conjunction with the 1st SC meeting of the SPMS, between month 1-3 of the PPG phase2, with the aim to agree on PPG activities, roles and responsibilities and work-plan. A second SC meeting will be held between month 8 and 11 of the PPG phase to present, discuss and agree on all activities defined for the full-scale project. Preliminary analysis and development of activities for the Regional Database and Programme to monitor climate variability impacts, and integration into ICZM monitoring. During the PPG phase a preliminary analysis of indicators for climate variability will be undertaken (led by BP/RAC)3, to be followed by an analysis on the data available to monitor climate change and variability in the Mediterranean, and gaps identified for development into activities for the full scale project. Key vulnerable areas at risk to climate variability will be agreed upon in national and regional consultations. Gaps in capacity in national and regional institutions will be identified and developed into a capacity building programme (see under component 3 below). A detailed stakeholder involvement plan will be developed for the full scale project and a communication strategy to compliment and utilize the communication strategy for the SPMS. Activities and partnerships developed for the assessment of vulnerability and impacts scenarios of the Mediterranean coastal zone to Climate change and variability. Activities will be developed based on research and assessments undertaken by the project partners (MAP, BP/RAC, PAP/RAC and GWP-Med) in the region as well as other organizations and programmes, in particular the MedClivar 4 programme and CIRCE5, as well as consultations with national stakeholders meetings. For analysis of modeling data and agreement on modeling requirements during the full scale project, partnership will be established with a relevant organization(s).6 A capacity building and training programme will be developed for the full scale project, ensuring countries have the capacity and tools to monitor climate indicators, run appropriate models and analyze their results. Also activities will be developed and agreed for the analysis of economic costs of climate change and variability and variability impacts in key areas identified. Regional Partnership, stakeholder involvement, sharing of tools and methods and awareness raising. UNEP/MAP during the PPG phase will make the preliminary actions to establish a regional partnership for addressing climate variability and change in the Mediterranean, involving other projects, and organizations, and bringing in the experiences from other programmes and projects from beyond the region. Coordination will be established with other regional and national initiatives (GEF and non-GEF) and partnership’s will be sought with potential co-financiers at both regional and national level. As part of the Communication strategy, there will be a focus on community awareness raising and potential tools to be used for the full-scale project. This will utilize the Communication Strategy of the SPMS and the work coordinated under the WB “Sustainable Med” programme. The programme on the training of technical tools and options, modeling and technologies available for climate change and variability will utilize existing regional organization including the project partners mentioned, the WB, EC and other centers to be defined (i.e. the U.K. Meteorological office). Activities for the strengthening of existing (or new) centers of excellence for climate change and variability will be developed and agreed. 2 Assuming the 1st Steering Committee meeting of the SPMS will be conducted between July and September 2009. Based on Impacts of Europe's changing climate — 2008 indicator-based assessment Joint European Environment Agency (EEA), European Commissions Joint Research Centre (JRC) and World Health Organization (WHO). 4 Mediterranean Climate Variability and Predictability 5 CIRCE Integrated Project - Climate Change and Impact Research: the Mediterranean Environment 6 Preliminary informal agreement has been established with the United Kingdom Meteorological Office to provide as cofinancing for the project their models, specifically adapted for climate change and variability in the Mediterranean. 3 2 Based on the above activities, UNEP will prepare and submit the Request for CEO Endorsement and Full UNEP Project Document. This will include: Baseline Analysis, Project Strategies specifying Objective, Outcomes, Outputs and Activities, Coordination mechanisms with other initiatives, regional and national initiatives, Work-plan and Budget, M&E Plan, Stakeholders Involvement Plan, co-financing letters and responses to reviews from GEF Secretariat and Council, STAP and GEF Implementing Agencies Project List of Proposed Output of the PPG Activities CoTotal Preparation financing Project Preparation c=a+b Amount (a) (b) Activities 1. PPG Project regional PPG Regional and National Coordination: 76,000 80,000 156,000 PPG work-plan developed and approved by and national UNEP; Coordination 2. Preliminary analysis and development of activities for the Regional Database and Programme to monitor climate change and variability and variability impacts, and integration into ICZM monitoring. 3. Activities and partnerships developed for the assessment of vulnerability and impacts scenarios of the Mediterranean coastal zone to Climate change and variability International and national consultants support aspects of project development through UNEP/MAP; Coordination mechanism established at national level with National Communication teams, ICZM teams, national institutions, NGO’s, private sector etc –one national meeting held per country; Steering Committee Meeting (consisting of participating countries, UNEP, EAs and potential co-financiers) convened for the following objectives: • Presentation and agreement on all results of the project preparation process and activities agreed for the full scale project; • Appraisal and endorsement of the full agency project documents (clearly defined project goal, outcomes, outputs and detailed activities, sub-project documents for demonstration projects, stakeholder involvement plan, M&E plan and indicators, project governance structures, TORs for project staff, consultants national institutions etc) for the full scale project; and • Approval of the financial report presented by an EA for PPG fund Preliminary analysis of indicators for climate change and climate variability and ICZM; Preliminary analysis of Mediterranean data available and gaps; Preliminary analysis of capacity gaps required to monitor and track climate change and variability and variability impacts and support models; Stakeholder Involvement Plan developed for full scale project; Communication Strategy developed for full scale project Analysis of existing model data and assessments available, Consultation and agreement on the key requirements in terms of detailed modeling and assessments of vulnerable sites to climate change and variability and variability and issues such as reduction of fresh-water quality and quantity, marine water quality (acidification), coastal erosion, loss of critical 30,000 40,000 70,000 30,000 35,000 65,000 3 4. Regional Partnership, stakeholder involvement, sharing of tools and methods and awareness raising 5. Submission and Approval of Full project habitats, and vulnerability to extreme events; Partnerships defined and agreed with meteorological centers/organizations for the application of modeling and assessments; National and regional level training programme in modeling and analysis developed for full-size project; and Methodology and activities developed and agreed for the analysis of economic costs of climate change and variability impacts. Network and coordination channels established with other adaptation initiatives on a regional and global level (i.e. WB and EC, policy development initiatives and organizations, meteorological offices etc) Coordination with other regional and national initiatives (GEF and non-GEF) established via appropriate national or regional channels; Partnership established with potential cofinanciers at both regional and national level; Development of training programme on policy and technical tools and options, modeling and technologies available for climate change and variability; Activities defined for Mediterranean Platform of exchange experiences and best practices; and Activities defined for the strengthening of existing centers of excellence on climate change and variability. Harmonization of activities with the UNEP/MAP framework on climate change adaptation under development. Request for CEO Endorsement and UNEP Full Project Document developed; Project Appraisal Committee meeting convened and Project Documents endorsed; Full Project Documents and Annexes (including STAP Review) finalized and cleared by UNEP; All required documentation submitted to GEF Sec for endorsement; and GEF comments adequately addressed, endorsement secured Total Project Preparation Financing 20,000 25,000 45,000 0 0 0 156,000 180,000 336,000 D. FINANCING PLAN SUMMARY FOR PROJECT PREPARATION GRANT: ($) Project Preparation GEF financing Co-financing 156,000 180,000 336,000 Total E. PPG Agency Fee 15,600 15,600 REQUESTED BY AGENCY(IES), FOCAL AREA(S) AND COUNTRY(IES) 1 GEF Focal Area Country Name/ (in $) 4 Agency Agency Fee (b) Global PPG (a) UNEP International Waters Regional Mediterranean (select) (select) (select) (select) (select) (select) (select) (select) (select) (select) Total PPG Requested 1 Total c=a+b 156,000 15,600 171,600 156,000 15,600 171,600 No need to provide information for this table if it is a single focal area, single country and single GEF Agency project. F. PPG BUDGET REQUEST Cost Items Local consultants * International consultants* Travel Office facilities, equipment, vehicles, personnel, and communications Miscellaneous Total PPG Budget Total Estimated Person Weeks for GEF Grant (PW) 25 32 GEF ($) Co-financing ($) Total ($) 25,000 96,000 35,000 0 10,000 10,000 60,000 80,000 35,000 106,000 95,000 80,000 0 156,000 20,000 180,000 20,000 336,000 * the Annex A for Consultant cost details should be prepared first before completing this table. 5 G. GEF AGENCY(IES) CERTIFICATION This request has been prepared in accordance with GEF policies and procedures and meets the GEF criteria for project identification and preparation. Agency Coordinator, Agency name Maryam Niamir-Fuller Director, DGEF UNEP GEF Agency Coordinator Signature Date (Month, day, year) 11/20/2009 Project Contact Person Kelly West Telephone +452 42 264 2422 Email Address 6 Annex A Consultants Financed by the Project Preparation Grant (PPG) Position / Titles $/ Person Week1 Estimated PWs2 Tasks to be performed 1,000 25 Consultants to develop project activities at the national level. To include: Ensure that project activities link to ongoing national planning, National Communications, ICZM activities and other projects and initiatives Ensure that latest assessments and results are included from institutions, projects and programmes; Involve all stakeholders at the national level and participate in national workshops, i.e. national Communications and ICZM meetings; Identification of capacity and knowledge gaps and best practices Project Coordinator 3,000 20 Climate Variability, coastal zone and stakeholder expert(s) 3,000 12 Coordinate all activities for the PPG phase Specific duties include but not limited to: Responsible for the overall coordination of the preparatory activities, including the development of PPG work plan to be approved by UNEP to ensure the timely completion of the PPG activities. Ensure the high quality of all documents/reports produced during the PPG phase to be submitted to UNEP; Develop all TOR’s for the project; Development of Request for CEO Endorsement and Full Project Documents, (includes: Baseline Analysis, Project Strategies specifying Objective, Outcomes, Outputs and Activities, Coordination mechanisms with other initiatives, regional and national initiatives, Work-plan and Budget, M&E Plan, Stakeholders Involvement Plan and co-financing letters) Finalization of Full Project Documents and Annexes (including responses to GEF, UNEP, and STAP Review). Organize, participate and report to the PPG Steering Committee meeting. To prepare an assessment that ensures all latest climate variability assessments, data are considered in the development of the project proposal, and that the activities Local National Consultants for development of national level activities (between 2 and 4 national consultants) International 7 are harmonized with the UNEP/MAP framework on climate change adaptation and; Work with national focal points and national experts to development an assessment of capacity and knowledge requirements for the project. 1 2 Or person month, if applicable. Please indicate clearly. Provide weeks or months as appropriate that corresponds to the rate provided in the previous column. 8