Lecture Notes 复杂疾病的遗传学 张咸宁(细胞生物学与医学遗传学系) 2012/09 I. Overview Any disease is the result of the combined action of genes and environment. Classification of genetic disorders: 1. Chromosome disorders: 2. Single-gene disorders: 3. Complex (multifactorial, polygenic) disorders: 4. Somatic cell genetic disorders: 5. Mitochondrial genetic disorders: Genetic Susceptibility: An inherited predisposition to a disease or disorder which is not due to a single-gene cause and is usually the result of a complex interaction of the effects of multiple different genes, i.e. polygenic inheritance. Liability: A concept used in disorders which are multifactorially determined to take into account all possible causative factors. Trait: Any detectable phenotypic property or character. Qualitative trait: A genetic disease trait that either present or absent. The pattern of inheritance for a qualitative trait is typically monogenetic, which means that the trait is only influenced by a single gene. Quantitative trait: are measurable characteristics such as height, blood pressure, serum cholesterol, and body mass index. A quantitative trait shows continued variation under the influence of many different genes. II. Roles of genetics and environment in disease In the past most people would have said that all disease has a genetic component except perhaps for infection and trauma. However, it has become clear that genetic differences can influence the susceptibility to and progression of infectious agents. For example, a relatively common 32-basepair deletion in the leukocyte receptor gene CCR5 confers resistance to HIV infection by the usual sexual routes. For trauma there may be genetic influences on risk-taking behavior as well as tissue responses to injury. Even for “single-gene” disorders there are environmental influences on the phenotype. A classic example is phenylketonuria (PKU), most often caused by mutations in the gene for phenylalanine hydroxylase that catalyzes conversion of phenylalanine and tyrosine. Individuals with PKU, if untreated, develop severe mental retardation. However, if started in the first month of life on a special diet restricted in 1 phenylalanine and supplemented with tyrosine, representing an alteration of the dietary environment, then these same individuals develop completely normal intelligence. As another example, we know that different patients with the same mutations in the cystic fibrosis gene may have vastly different severities of their disease. This may be due to the influence of unknown “modifier genes” and/or environmental factors. There are approaches that can be used to attempt to sort out the contributions of genetic and environmental factors: Familial aggregation of disease: This can be measured by the relative risk ratio, r, which compares the prevalence of the disease in relatives of an affected proband compared with prevalence in the general population. In practice the ratio is specific to a particular class of relative, e.g., sibs, parents, etc. The higher the familial aggregation, the larger the r. If r = 1, then the relative is at no greater risk than anyone in the general population. Of course, one must always keep in mind that members of a nuclear family may share both genetic and environmental factors. Concordance and allele-sharing among relatives: The closer the genetic relationship in a family, the more alleles they share in common. For example, monozygotic twins share 100% of their genes in common, whereas first-degree relatives, such parents, sibs (including dizygotic twins) and offspring have 50% of their genes in common. Environmental influences can be evaluated, for example, by comparing individuals adopted into a family with biological relatives. Similarly, comparisons of disease frequencies in monozygotic and dizygotic twins reared together or apart can be useful. This can help to separate the genetic from the environmental influences and determine the degree of heritability of a trait. III. Differences and similarities between rare, “single-gene” disorders and common complex diseases A. Phenotypes of all genetic diseases are complex traits Classically there has been a conceptual dichotomy. Simple Mendelian diseases were considered to be rare, single-gene disorders, whereas complex genetic diseases were considered to be common, polygenic disorders. A corollary to this simplistic view was that a specific mutation in a single-gene disorder would correlate with the presentation and prognosis among different individuals with that disease. In other words, genotype would predict phenotype. However, as data began to accumulate, we recognized that the same mutation might have very different presentations and prognoses for different individuals, even within the same family. The conclusion is that genetic and environmental modifiers influence the phenotypic expression even for “simple” Mendelian disorders. Therefore, single-gene and polygenic diseases represent points on a continuum and not distinct entities. 2 B. Common genetic diseases and complex genetic etiologies Is a common, complex disease due to the same set of genetic and environmental influences in each patient with that disorder? The answer is probably not! Let’s take as a hypothetical example type 2 diabetes mellitus or non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). Some patients with this disease may have a primary genetic mutation, whereas others may have a polygenic etiology. For the latter, let us speculate that there may be 25 genes involved, but for any individual an average of five genes among these 25 will have the greatest influence; i.e., not all 25 genes are involved in all individuals. Since there will be a variety of genetic variations in each of these genes associated with NIDDM, therefore even for these “common” diseases the composite genotypes for individual patients will be relatively rare. IV. Specific Disease Examples A. Complex diseases may show varying levels of heritability Heritability (h2) is the percentage of population variation in a trait (or disease) that is due to genes as opposed to environmental influences. This is often calculated from twin studies. CMZ - CDZ h = ----------------------100 -- CDZ 2 CMZ is the concordance rate for monozygotic twins, and CDZ is the concordance rate for dizygotic twins. For traits that are largely determined by genes, so that MZ twins show much higher concordance than DZ twins, h2 will approach or exceed 1. For traits that are largely environmental, so that the concordances for MZ and DZ twins are almost the same, h2 will approach 0. Some examples are shown in the table below: Trait or Disease Alcoholism Autism Cleft lip/palate Diabetes, type 1 Diabetes, type 2 Measles Schizophrenia Concordance Rate MZ twins DZ twins 0.6 0.92 0.38 0.35-0.5 0.7-0.9 0.95 0.47 0.3 0.0 0.08 0.05-0.1 0.25-0.4 0.87 0.12 3 Heritability 0.6 >1 0.6 0.6-0.8 0.9-1.0 0.16 0.7 B. Complex diseases may be caused by various combinations of genes and environmental factors Alzheimer disease (AD) is a common neurodegenerative disease with a prevalence that increases dramatically with age. It is characterized by a progressive deterioration of memory and higher cognitive functions. Pathological changes include neuronal degeneration in specific cerebral cortical regions, particularly the temporoparietal cortex and the hippocampus. The empiric risk data indicate that by 85 yrs of age, first degree relatives of patients with AD have 0.38 probability or 38% risk of developing AD. Complex genetic contributions to AD may come from: - One or more incompletely penetrant genes that act independently; - Multiple interacting genes; and/or - A combination of genetic and environmental factors. Approximately 10% of AD patients have a monogenic form of the disease with highly penetrant, age-related, autosomal dominant inheritance. Familial AD presents earlier in life than typical AD: as early as the third decade (20s) compared with the seventh to ninth decades for typical AD. The genes involved in autosomal dominant AD include -amyloid precursor protein (APP), presenilin 1 (PS1) and presenilin 2 (PS2). Another gene, APOE, appears to have a strong, though not strictly Mendelian, influence on the heritability of AD. It encodes apolipoprotein E (ApoE), a protein component of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particle. It is involved in LDL clearance by interaction with hepatic receptors. ApoE is a constituent of the cerebral amyloid plaques that are typically seen in AD. ApoE binds A peptide, derived from the normal amyloid protein precursor and the most important plaque component. There are three ApoE alleles: 2, 3 and 4. Sibpair analysis revealed excess allele sharing in the region of the APOE locus. Association studies between APOE alleles and AD, with appropriately matched patients and controls, showed that a genotype with at least one 4 allele was observed 2-3 times more frequently in those with AD than in controls in the U.S. and Japan. Age of onset and APOE genotype in one study of AD patients and controls: 4/4: <10% disease-free by 80 yrs 2/3: >90% disease-free at 80 yrs However, the overall predictive value of this genetic factor is poor: 50-75% of 4 heterozygotes never develop AD Many with 4/4 live to extreme old age without AD Because of its poor predictive value and the absence of an effective therapeutic intervention to prevent onset of the symptoms, testing of asymptomatic individuals for 4 remains controversial. 4 There are also environmental factors involved. An association between the presence of an 4 allele and AD following head trauma is seen in professional boxers. C. A minority of cases of many common, complex diseases are due to strong genetic factors showing Mendelian inheritance Just as most cases of Alzheimer disease are sporadic but a few families show strong dominant inheritance due to the genes noted above, a number of other common diseases also show a Mendelian (often dominantly inherited) form in a minority (typically <10%) of cases. Some examples are shown in the following table: Common Disease Mendelian Subtype Involved Gene Atherosclerosis Familial hypercholesterolemia LDL receptor (LDLR) Breast cancer Familial breast/ovarian cancer BRCA1, BRCA2 Amyotrophic lateral Familial ALS Superoxide dismutase (SOD1) Sclerosis Parkinson disease Alzheimer disease Hypertension Familial Parkinson disease -synuclein Familial AD PS1, PS2, APP Liddle syndrome Renal sodium channel (SCNN1B) V. How to Determine the Genetic Components of Complex Diseases? • Family, twin and adoption studies • Segregation analysis • Linkage analysis • Association studies and linkage disequilibrium • Identification of DNA sequence variants conferring susceptibility Genome-wide linkage studies (GWAS) followed by positional cloning have been very successful in identifying causal variants for Mendelian disorders. exome sequencing has now been applied in multiple situations where (a) several affected siblings in a family, (b) several unrelated cases and (c) sporadic cases are available for analysis where the causal variants for a number of Mendelian disorders have been successfully identified. In addition, exome sequencing has also been shown to be more robust to study disorders with genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity. It has also proved viable to study Mendelian disorders if only a single case is available. In addition, de novo causal variants have also been successfully identified for sporadic cases. Exome sequencing has also been demonstrated as a powerful tool in diagnostic application. Integration with linkage and homozygosity data has greatly facilitated the discovery of causal variants and candidate genes for Mendelian disorders. GWAS of common diseases have had a tremendous impact on genetic research over the last five years; the field is now moving from microarray-based 5 technology towards next generation sequencing. VI. Characteristics of Inheritance of Complex Diseases 1. Diseases with complex inheritance are not single-gene disorders and do not demonstrate a simple Mendelian pattern of inheritance. 2. Diseases with complex inheritance demonstrate familial aggregation, because relatives of an affected individual are not likely to have disease-predisposing alleles in common with the affected person than are unrelated individuals. 3. Pairs of relatives who share disease-predisposing genotypes at relevant loci may still be discordant for phenotype(show lack of penetrance) because of the crucial role of nongenetic factors in disease causation. The most extreme examples of lack of penetrance despite identical genotypes are discordant MZ. 4. The disease is more common among the close relatives of the proband and becomes less common in relatives who are less closely related. Greater concordance for disease is expected among MZ verse DZ. 6