KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 13170 JULY NEWSLETTER Fellow Knights, We are about to embark on a new fiscal year. On July 1st I became the 9th Grand Knight to lead this council. My time in the council has been short in comparison to many you. Over that brief period of time I have established many friendships and learned from the members of this council what it means to be a Knight. I met with Father Pat and we talked about the Knights and how it is our duty to provide support to him and the Parrish in whatever way we can. We plan on meeting throughout the year. The goal is to keep the lines of communication open, understand each others goals and work together so we, as a council, can have a great year. I plan on meeting with the incoming officers of the council and the trustees to go over expectations for the year. We will review the calendar that I presented to Father Pat and his staff. The officers and I are planning on having some different types of social events this year. They include a night at the races, trivial Pursuit Night, Italian night (Thanks Paul Kosco) to name a few. As always Casino Night is the main event for us and so far Jim Lincoln and his team are working hard so we can have another great event. In 1882 Father Mcgivney had the first meeting of the Knights of Columbus. He had a dream to build an organization of Catholic gentlemen that would be a fraternal benefit society. Years have passed and the Knights of Columbus are a strong organization built on Father McGivney’s dream – Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. The fiscal year will go by quickly. I’m looking for your help and support in making this a year, that we as a council, can be fully embrace the four principles of the Knights. Thank you, Dan Gracey Grand Knight NEWSLETTER My goal is to put together a news letter each month. It will be on the website and also a paper copy will be available at each meeting. I hope to have pictures included for future issues. OASIS Another spectacular event. Although we all sweat off some pounds there was plenty of good food and beverages to replenish what we lost. My thanks to Kevin Perry and Mark Davidson who planned and organized this year’s event. Let us not forget the cooks – Dan Knaresboro, Paul Hinski and Kevin Daniels and are head server Gary Senatore. CALENDAR for JULY July 1 – Monthly meeting July 14 – Casino Night Meeting/Officers Meeting July 18 – Colonial Downs Trip July 23 – Installation of Officers COLONIAL DOWNS This year’s event will be held on July 18. Tickets will be $30.00 a person. As always breakfast burritos will be served, along with some liquid refreshments. Please contact Kevin Judson to purchase your tickets. INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS The installation will take place on Friday evening, July 23, 2010 at 7:00PM at the church. Our head chef, Joe Sedlack, is planning on having chicken Marcella as the main course for the dinner afterwards. Please contact me if you plan on attending so we can have enough food and beverages on hand. As always all incoming officers will be required to wear a jacket and tie to the installation. I understand that one of the state officers will be attending the installation. That being said it would be great to see a large turnout from the council and their families. THANK You I would like to thank all of the members who came out to say the Rosary for Sandy Phillips. I talked to Bob afterwards and he thanked us for being there. The members who said the rosary were Tom Loviza, Phil Seyfried, Dave McCrum, Bill McTiernan, Henry Billings, Bear Bryan, Lou Seminare, Elmer Dela Cruz, Mike Conroy, Rob Katzman and myself. Please try to come out and say the Rosary and support the families whenever we are called upon. Also a Thank You to all of you who attended Sandy’s Mass. Please make every attempt to attend our monthly meetings. They are on the first Thursday of the month at start at 7:00PM at the church. Let’s have a great year being Knights of Columbus and living Father McGivney’s dream Charity - Unity – Fraternity – and Patriotism. BIRTHDAYS FOR JULY Please take some time and wish our fellow Knights a Happy Birthday when you see them. DOUGLAS JOHN TERRY FRANK JAMES SCOTT BILL DAN JAMES PAUL RICHARD MICHAEL BRUCE ANDREW PHIL GARY JAMES DAVID TONY AMBROSE BEDNAR BOWES DI FAZIO GALLAGHER GRABHAM HENNESEY KNARESBORO KOCHANSKI KOSCO LALICH MAROLLA NADLER OWENS SCHAEDEL SENATORE SEWELL SHADDOW ZATKULAK 07-27 07-15 07-29 07-26 07-17 07-12 07-13 07-19 07-16 07-17 07-10 07-09 07-13 07-11 07-22 07-17 07-27 07-06 07-07