Oxbridge Entrance Successful Oxbridge Entry: Some Personal Views on the Current Myths & Realities (C) Data & Conclusions TGGS Oxbridge Candidates Academic Profile 2009 Students GCSE Profile AS Profile Average AS UMS % Other Relevant Successfully (Range 7A* to 10A*) (Range 3A &1B t0 4A & score Information 1B) (Range 81%-97%) Obtaining a Conditional Offer A 10 A* 4A & 1B 91% A Grade in AL Maths in Y12 (taking Further Maths). A in AS Critical Thinking. B 10 A* 4A 88% A Grade in AL Maths in Y12 (taking Further Maths) C 8 A* 3 A & 1B 95% 300/300 UMS in one AS. BMAT. D 9 A* 3 A & 1B 87% Suburb interviewee E 7 A* 3 A & 2B 81% A in AS Critical F 9 A* 3A 93% Thinking. A Grade in AL Maths in Y12 (taking Further Maths). G 10 A* 3A 97% A Grade in AL Maths in Y12 (taking Further Maths). Unsuccessful Students GCSE Profile AS Profile Average AS UMS % Other Relevant (Range 4A* to 8A*) (Range 3A &1B t0 5A) score Information (Range 83%-99%) H 8 A* 3 A & 1B 86% I 7A* 5A 88% A in AS Critical Thinking J 4A* 3A&1B 99% 300/300 UMS in one K 8 A* 3A&1B 83% AS. BMAT. Comments Twenty one Y12 students initially either expressed an interest in applying for Oxbridge themselves &/or were recommended by staff. The ten that eventually decided not to make an Oxbridge application did so for a variety of reasons including: Deciding that the Oxbridge ‘experience’ & approach to learning was not for them; Availability of alternative, & for them preferable University courses & Institutions; Disappointing AS results. All eleven students who eventually applied were predicted straight A grades in their A level subjects (& eventually achieved these grades). All eleven (100%) students who applied successfully obtained interviews – seven (64%) were offered & eventually gained places. The average Oxbridge Application Success Rate in tends to be around 24% (Source: www.oxbridgeapplications.com) All eleven candidates (whether successful or not) found the application experience worthwhile & felt they learned something from the process! 1 TGGS Oxbridge Candidates Academic Profile 2010 Students GCSE Profile AS Profile Average AS Successfully (Range 6A* to (Range 3A/1B to UMS % Obtaining a 9A*) 4A) (Range 87% to Conditional Offer A University Other Relevant Information 97%) 9A* 4A 94% Cambridge Phenomenal evidence of passion demonstrated. 198/200 UMS in one AS. B 8A* 3A; 1B 89% Cambridge A grade in AL Maths in Y12. C 7A* 5A 93% Cambridge Work submitted. 200/200 UMS in one D* 6A* 5A 87% Oxford AS. * Obtained Conditional Offer - BUT 3 UMS below Grade A in AL Chemistry so failed to obtain place! ABA Bacc. Grade A for EP. A (very high) A grade in AS Critical Thinking. Unsuccessful Students GCSE Profile AS Profile Average AS (Range 2A* to (Range 2A & 2B to UMS % 9A*) 4A & 1B) (Range 75% to University Other Relevant Information 82%) E 9A* 3A; 2B 82% Oxford AQA Bacc. Grade A for EP. B in F 7A*; 3A; 1B 82% Oxford G 7A* 3A; 2B 81% Oxford ELAT taken. H 6A* 2A; 2B 82% Oxford Obtained AS Critical Thinking. BMAT taken. AQA Bacc. Grade A for EP. A (low) in AS Critical Thinking. LNAT taken. Interview. (Experimental Psychology) TSA taken. I 4A* 3A; 1C; 1D 75% Oxford TSA taken. AQA Bacc. Grade A for EP. Grade A (90%) in AS Critical Thinking J 2A* 3A; 2B 78% Oxford LNAT taken. AQA Bacc. Grade A for EP. Grade B in AS Critical Thinking. K 2A* 4A; 1B 80% Cambridge Obtained Interview (Architecture – late subject choice) Work submitted. AQA Bacc. Grade A for EP. L 2A* 2A; 2B 80% Oxford ELAT taken. AQA Bacc. Grade A* for EP. M 1A* 3A; 1B; 1C 79% Oxford TSA taken Comments Twenty two Y12 students initially expressed an interest in applying for Oxbridge. The eleven students that decided not to make an Oxbridge application did so for the same reasons as the Class of 2009 All thirteen students who eventually applied were predicted straight A grades in their A levels The successful subjects were: Architecture, Biological Sciences*, Modern & Medieval Languages & Natural Sciences The unsuccessful subjects were: Architecture, Economics & Management, English Literature, English Literature & Language, Experimental Psychology, Law (two) PPE & Medicine, The overall success rate (in terms of obtaining Conditional Offers) was 31% with 46% gaining interviews. Once again, all eleven candidates (whether successful or not) were (eventually!) very positive/philosophical about the application experience worthwhile & were glad they applied! 2 TGGS Oxbridge Candidates Academic Profile 2011 Students Successfully GCSE Profile (Range 8 to 10A*) Obtaining a Conditional Offer A AS Profile Average AS (Range UMS % 4A/1B to (Range 85% to 90%) University Other Relevant Information Cambridge Late choice of subject (Architecture) – 3A,2B) 8A* 3A (1A*), 2B 85% massive effort to build up Passion Portfolio. Work submitted. AQA Bacc. A in Critical Thinking. B 9A* 4A (3A*), 1B 87% Oxford A in Critical Thinking. AQA Bacc. C 9A* 4A (3A*) 91% Oxford Engineering D 10A* 4A 90%+ Oxford Sixth Form in USA . (equivalent) Very proactive in seeking TGGS support (attended two Seminars!) Unsuccessful Students GCSE Profile AS Profile Average AS (Range 1A* 11A* ) (Range 1A, UMS % 3B, 1C to (Range 79% to 89%) University Other Relevant Information 5A) E 2A* 4A (1A*), 1B 84% Oxford Obtained Interview (Geography) A grade in Critical Thinking. Work submitted. Applied AQA Bacc. to Permanent Private Hall . F !A* 1A, 3B, 1C 80% Oxford (1 Unit 96%) Obtained Interview (History). Took HAT Admissions Test. AQA Bacc. Work submitted. Phenomenal passion for subject. B in Critical Thinking G 9A* 3A, 2B (incl 81% Oxford Chemistry) BMAT taken. B in Critical Thinking. Medical family. AQA Bacc. H 5A* 2A (1A*), 2B 80% Cambridge Late subject choice . Very early de-selection. I 4A* 4A, 1B 85% Oxford Obtained Interview (Modern Foreign Languages). AQA Bacc. Work submitted. B in Critical Thinking J 7A* 3A, 2B (incl 79% Oxford Chemistry) BMAT taken. AQA Bacc. A in Critical Thinking (retake). Medical family. K 11A* 6A (3A*) 89% Cambridge L 11A* 5A (2A*) 89% Oxford Obtained Interview. BMAT taken. AQA Bacc. A in Critical Thinking. Medical family. BMAT taken. AQA Bacc. A in Critical Thinking . Medical family. Clinical v Science Tension re medicine. M 8A* 4A , 1B 81% Cambridge (Chemistry) BMAT taken. AQA Bacc. A in Critical Thinking . Medical family. Submitted SAQ without support. Very early de-selection. Comments Thirty one Y12 students initially expressed an interest in applying for Oxbridge. The eighteen students that decided not to make an Oxbridge application did so for the same reasons as the Class of 2009 All thirteen students who eventually applied were predicted straight A grades in their A levels The successful subjects were: Architecture, Biological Sciences, Engineering & Politics, Philosophy & Economics The unsuccessful subjects were: Engineering, Geography, History, Medicine (5), Modern Foreign Languages The overall success rate (in terms of obtaining Conditional Offers) was 31%., with 62% of applicants gaining interviews – pleasingly more at Oxford than in 2010. Once again, all eleven candidates (whether successful or not) were (eventually!) very positive/philosophical about the application experience worthwhile & were glad they applied! 3 TGGS Oxbridge Candidates Academic Profile 2012 Students Successfully GCSE Profile AS Profile (Range 6 to 13A*) (Range 6A to UMS % 4A) (Range 88% to 94%) Obtaining a Average AS University Other Relevant Information Cambridge Remarkable evidence of her passion (e.g. Conditional Offer A 9A* 5A (5A*) 93% numerous practical experiences linked to subject & voracious reader). AQA Bacc including A* in CT. BMAT taken. Utterly reliable. B 6A* 4A (3A*), 1B 88% Oxford Extremely teachable & both proactive (e.g. gained place on Oxford Summer Law School) & receptive to advice. AQA Bacc including A* in CT. LNAT taken. C 11A* 6A (4A*) 92% Oxford D 11A* 4A 94% Cambridge AQA Bacc including A* in CT. Long track record of Architecture related interests. Outstanding Portfolio E 13A* 6A (2A*) 89% Cambridge AQA Bacc including A in CT. BMAT taken. Unsuccessful Students GCSE Profile AS Profile Average AS (Range 1A* 12A* ) (Range 2A, UMS % 2B, 1D to (Range 73% to 95%) University Other Relevant Information 5A) F 4A* 2A , 2B & 1D 73% Cambridge Minority subject choice & family links with it (Asian & Political Studies). A grade in CT. Very early de-selection. G 10A* 4A (2A*), 1C 86% Oxford Obtained Interview ELAT taken. AQA Bacc including A in CT. Work submitted. H 12A* 5A ( 2A* ) 88% Oxford I 11A* 5A (5A*) 95% Oxford Obtained Interview ELAT taken. AQA Bacc including A* in CT. Work submitted. Obtained Interview BMAT taken. Tension re outstanding scientist & clinical issues important at I/V. J 12A* 3A (1A*), 2B 85% Oxford Late decision to apply & uncertainty re subject choice. ELAT taken. AQA Bacc including C in Critical Thinking. Work submitted. K 8A* 1A, 3B & 1C 76% Cambridge Obtained Interview BMAT taken. AQA Bacc including B in CT. Contextual information via Ucas Reference important. L 1A* 1A, 2B at AL 78% at A2 Oxford Took HAT. Obtained interview in 2011 – Y14 ‘post’ applicant. AQA Bacc. Work submitted. Phenomenal passion B in CT Comments 26 started Y12 students initially expressed an interest in applying for Oxbridge. The 14 students that decided not to make an Oxbridge application did so for the same reasons as the Class of 2009 All 12 students who eventually applied were predicted straight A grades in their A levels The successful subjects were: Architecture, Chemistry, Law, Natural Sciences & Vet Science The unsuccessful subjects were: English Lang & Lit (2), Chemical Engineering (via natural Sciences), English & German, History & Medicine The overall success rate (in terms of obtaining Conditional Offers) was 42% with 75% of applicants gaining interviews: the subjects & Colleges chosen by the successful candidates were very competitive/prestigious. Once again, all 12 candidates (whether successful or not) were (eventually!) very positive/philosophical about the application experience worthwhile & were glad they applied! 4