Tuesday, March 1, 2011 Answer Sheet

SBI3U – Assigned Work – Answer Sheet
Monday, February 28, 2011
Learning Objective: To examine the process of meiosis in eukaryotic cells, to be able to label the main phases of meiosis and to
describe the different genetic components of the cell during meiosis.
Success Indicators: To be able to label the genetic components of a cell during a meiosis.
To be able to distinguish between the different phases of a reproductive cells’ life cycle – meiosis.
Read section 5.2:
Meiosis (pages 131-142)
Label the following Figures of a cell replicating [Meiosis I] and give a brief description of what is occurring
during that stage:
Stage: Prophase 1
- nuclear membrane is disintegrating
- centrioles are moving to poles
- homologous chromosomes pair
- synapsis (crossing over)
- nucleolus disintegrates
Stage: Telophase 1 / Cytokinesis 1
- nuclear membrane reforms
- chromosomes uncondensed
- cell membrane forms between cells –
Two unidentical cells
Stage: Interphase
- centrioles replicate
- DNA duplication
Stage: Metaphase 1 - homologous chromosomes
line up along metaphase plate
- spindle fibres attach to centromeres
Stage: Anaphase 1
- homologous chromosomes
move to opposite poles (still attached
at the centromere)
Label the following Figures of a cell replicating [Meiosis II] and give a brief description of what is occurring
during that stage:
Stage: Anaphase 2
opposite poles
-sister chromatids move to
Stage: Prophase 2
- nuclear membrane disintegrates
- centrioles move to opposite poles
Stage: Telophase 2 / Cytokinesis 2
Stage: Metaphase 2
- nuclear membrane reforms
- sister chromatids uncondensed
- new cell membrane formed between cells
- cells are haploid
- chromosmes line up along metaphase plate
Label the
Crossing Over
Homologous Chromosome
Homologous Chromosome
Sister Chromatids
The Cell Cycle
A Diagrammatic Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis