(Note: BC Archives have no directories for 1906, 07, 08

Peter Grauer
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(Note: BC Archives have no directories for 1906, 07, 08.)
Official Henderson Gazeteer and Directory for 1904
Vol 11
Published by the Henderson Publishing Co, Victoria and Vancouver
Arch Call #
1904 C.2
Vancouver June 21 1904
(This directory was dictated into a tape recorder at the BC Archives, then transcribed by
the author during the winter of 2002. To be absolutely sure of the correctness of the data
and the spelling, please refer to the original documents in the archives.)
(See also Granite Creek, see also Copper Mountain,
A post settlement on the Similkameen River, near Vermillion Forks, southern Yale
Nearest railway station and telegraph office - Spences Bridge - 110 miles
Kamloops distance - 132 miles.
Lower Nicola - 75 miles
Post master - CE Thomas
Aldous, Charge. Prop. Tulameen Hotel
Allison, EM. Rancher
Allison, George. Rancher
Allison, RW. Rancher and butcher
Asp, Chas. Rancher
Baker, Fred. Rancher
Barber, C. Lumber merchant.
Beatty, J. Teamster.
Bell, Alex. Merchant
Bromely, John H. Rancher
Bryant, Herbert. Miner
Budd, TC. Livery stable keeper.
Birch, Charles. Farmer.
Bull, James. Miner
Carlson, August. Rancher
Clay, C. Rancher.
Cook and Company. Merchants
H Webb branch of Granite Creek
Coulter, WE. Carpenter.
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Cowen, Hugh. Barber.
Cramer, Robert. Mine owner.
Davis, WA. Blacksmith.
Dickson, RB. Rancher
Erickson, John. Rancher
Findley, M. Rancher.
French (DM) and Day (DO) Plumbers and Tinsmiths
Gibson, Luke. Rancher and blacksmith.
Goldsborough, George. Road Foreman.
Green, William. Farmer
Gulliford, John. Rancher
Hall, E Bar, Rancher.
Hardwick, Edward E.
Hand, Foster M. Printer.
Harris, Charles. Farmer.
Harris, Charles B. Assayer.
Hedgerman, William H. Farmer.
Hill, AD. Printer
Hill, Charles W. News Agent.
Hislop, James. PLS.
Hitchcock, AE. Bartender.
Hopkins, E. Teamster
Howse, AE. Gen store, Charles Revely mgr
Hunter, Hugh. Mining recorder, collector, and Constable.
Jackson, JH. Hotel proprietor, notary public.
Jacobs, James E. Rancher.
Jamieson, James. Rancher.
Johnson, Charles. Rancher.
Johnson, Charles W. Rancher.
Johnson, Peter. Miner.
Kennedy, H. Rancher.
Lamont, Angus. Rancher.
Lee, Andrew. Rancher.
Lindberg, Charles. Rancher.
McAlpin, George. Bridge builder
McAlpin, P. Sawmill Prop.
McCosky, George. Rancher
McKenzie, AC. Rancher
McLeod, Angus. Rancher
McFarlane, John. Miner.
McMullen, Joseph. Miner.
Martin, William. Rancher
Martin, William M. Sawyer.
Murdoch, Gordon. Blacksmith.
Norman, Jno. Rancher.
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Olerich, AF. Rancher.
Olerich. Fred C. Rancher.
Oland, Henri. Rancher.
Olsen, John. Rancher.
Pearce, Samuel. Rancher.
Peterson, Charles. Rancher.
Rowlands, Percy. Farmer.
Schisler, Currie. Farmer.
Scurly, WD. Rancher
Silverson, Rachel. Bakery.
Similkameen Star, AE Howse Prop.
Spencer, Samuel. Prospector.
Stevenson, Robert. Mine owner.
Summers. Butcher.
Sunset Copper Co. Owners of Sunset.
Thomas, Arthur Ernest. Prospector
Thomas, Charles E. Merchant and Post Master.
Thomas, Herbert A. Merchant
Thomas, WH. Carpenter
Urgmore, Joseph. Comedian
Vermilion Forks Mining and Development Company Ltd. (FGN.), London, E.
Waterman Mgr.
Voigt, EF. Miner
Wallace, James. Hotel Keeper
Waterman, E. Secretary Vermilion Forks Mining Co.
Webb, H. Mgr for Cook and Co.
Wheeler, WH. Rancher
Whitmore, Joseph. Comedian
Willarson, Charles. Miner
Kwong Yuen, General Merchants
Sun Kee, Laundry
Granite Creek
(see also Princeton)
A mining camp situated at the forks of Granite Creek and Tulameen River. (N Fork of
Similkameen River.) 60 miles from Coutlee, Yale District, Railway station, telegraph
and express office , Spences Bridge, distance 110 miles.
Hope distance 77 miles, but all goods come to Spences Bridge, which is also the
telegraph office used.
Industries, placer mining for gold and platinum, and cattle raising.
Post Master. FP Cook
Amberty, John. Miner
Brooks, Steve, Miner
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Cook and Company, Fox Crowle, P. Cook and Lair and Company of Coutlee, General
Burdick, William. Miner.
Burns, Charley. Miner and Rancher
Connely, TA. Miner
Cooks, Fox Crowle, of Cook and Company
De darro, Charles. Hotel, Otter Flat
FitzHarris, Joseph. Miner.
Freemont, F. Rancher
Galinger, A. Mgr of Boulder Creek Mines, Granite Creek Hydraulic Mining Co.,
Gutirrez, Francis. Labourer
Hall, HE. Rancher
Hitchings, JM. Miner
Holmes, Phillip. Miner
Holmes, Walter H. Miner
James, Mrs A. Hotel.
Kelly, James. Miner
Lang, John. Miner
Lee, Thomas. Miner
Lockie, Alex. Rancher
McCallister, A. Miner
McDonald, John. Miner
McGonagle, Mike. Miner
MacKay, Daniel. rancher and logger.
MacEcker, M. Rancher
McPhail, Donald Stewart. Miner
McPhail, DAC. Miner
Manion, William. Rancher
Morriss, CW. Miner
Murphy, Thomas. Miner
Myren, GP. Rancher
Nicholls, Alex. Labourer
Pollock, James. Miner
Perkins. Rancher
Rabbitt, Thomas. Rancher, miner etc.
Riddell, John. Miner
Ross, AD. Miner
Smith, PY. Miner
Spearing, Gus. Miner
Speck, John. Miner
Swan, Alex. Mgr Slate Creek Mine.
Thynne, John. Rancher
Tingley, E. Miner
Tod, Emmett. Miner
Tyrrell, DP. Mine Mgr.
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Grande Prairie
(Also see Glen Emma)
A country Post Office on the Okanagan Road in the Yale District, 18 miles from Ducks,
where is the nearest railway station, mails semi-weekly. Has a public school, Methodist
and Episcopal Mission services. A large tract of country each side of the valley remains
unexplored. There is a government trail to Douglas Lake and Nicola from Grande
Post Master. Lucy Clemitson
Pop. Abt 150
Allen, Thomas J. Labourer
Anglican Church, St Luke's
Armstrong, Harold. Farmer
Armstrong, Mrs E. Farmer
Assembly Hall, Musical and Literary Society
Barnard, Frederick Charles, Farmer
Bedell, Herbert E. Labourer
Blackbourn, John Alexander. Farmer
Blais, Paul. Farm manager
Blais, Thomas. Lumberman
Brash, William. Foeman
Butler, Robert William. Farmer
Butler, George. Farmer
Campbell, John. Farm hand.
Cannien, John. Farmer
Clemes, Henry. Farmer
Clemes, James. Farmer and sawmill.
Clemes, Mrs William. Farmer
Clemitson, Mrs Robert M. Farmer and Post Master
Clemitson, Thomas Joseph. Farmer
Cotton, Percy Charles. Farmer
Duck, Albert William. Farmer and mail carrier
Fisher, James C. Farmer
Gordon, Frank. Farmer
Graham, Thomas John. Farmer
Hamer, Wilfred. Miner and Farmer
Harding, George Arthur. Farmer
Homfrey, Walter. Hotel and farmer.
Jones Bros. General merchants and farmers.
Jones, Frank Charles. JP. Farmer
Jones, Walter Joseph. Farmer
Kane. John. Farmer
Kelly, Mrs Mary. Farmer
King, Frederick William. Farmer
Kirkpatrick, Mrs A. Farmer
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Landry, Joseph. Farmer
Lund, Frederick. Rancher
McIntosh, Daniel. Farm Labourer
McBryan, Phillip. Farmer and stock raiser
McLean, Rodney R. Farmer
Mayo, Albert Thomas. Farmer.
Monck, William J. Farmer
Munger, F. Rancher
Nicol, John Carson. Miner
Pearse, Herbert Lloyd. Rancher, salmon River
Pearse, Stanley Hossiah. Farmer
Pearse, John Capell. Rancher, Salmon River
Pearse, Leslie Robert. Farmer, Duck Lake
Percival, Francis John. Farmer
Pringle, Mrs J. Farmer
Ridell, JH. Blacksmith
Simcox, JP. Farmer
Smith, Andrew Boa. Farmer
Smith, William Seabrook. Farmer
Stewart, George. Farmer.
Stewart, James. Farmer
St. Laurent, Joseph. Farmer
Talbot, Arthur Gerald. Farmer
Thynne, Bevil V. Farmhand
Webb, Frederick. Lumberman
Westrup, Frederick Edward. Farmer
Willard, Mrs CA. Farmer
Williamson, Arthur H. Clerk
Wood, William P. Farmhand
Woods, Richard Edward. Farmer
Post Offices, railway stations, mining camps and villages of British Columbia in
alphabetical order
Shortreed, J. Merchant
Anderson Creek
(Post Office Kamloops)
A ranching settlement in the Yale district. Kamloops distance 12 miles
Burns, Patrick Bernard. Cowboy
Connelly, John A. Rancher
Greenwood, George. Rancher
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Hull, JR and Co. Cattle dealers and ranchers. Also Kamloops.
Humphrey, J. rancher
Keene, Charles C. Farmer
Limberg, Antoine. Farmhand
McDairmid, Collin. Farmhand.
McDuff, John. Farmer
McLeod, William. Farmer
Menenteau, August. Rancher
Newman, Andrew. Rancher
Newman, James. Manager for Hull Bros.
O'Rourke, Charles S. Rancher
Park, Charles E. Farmer
Aspen Grove
A Post Office 35 miles north of Granite Creek and 25 miles south of Nicola.
Post Master. WA Dodds.
Angsladt, William. Miner
Bates, Jack E. Miner
Bates, Samuel. Miner
Brown, James. Miner
Dodd, W Alexander. Stock raiser, Post Master and general merchant
Eckar, Max. Rancher
Frembd, Fritz. Rancher
Garcia, Frank. Rancher
Gulliford, Richard. Rancher
Hall, W. Rancher
Lowe, EP. Miner
McPhail, Alex. Rancher.
Mansfield, Frank. Rancher
Marrion, William. Rancher
Munroe, Daniel L. Rancher
Myren, GP. Rancher.
Osen, B. Miner
Poulton, William. Rancher
Roberts, AB. Rancher
Price, Horace Hyland, rancher
Silverthorne, JB. Miner
Thynne, John George. Rancher
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Campbell Creek
Post office Kamloops
A ranching settlement on South Thompson River 15 miles east of Kamloops
Armanini, G. Farmer
Barnes, George. Farmer
Berrelle, William. Farmer
Bieler, G Frederick. Farmer
Bird, James Edwin. Farmer
Bleecher, J Anthony. Farmer
Buse, William H. Rancher
Campbell, Lewis Sr. Farmer
Campbell, Lewis Jr. Stockman
Campbell, Reid Z. Farmer
Campbell, Ulysses S. Farmer
Currie, Valentine David. Farmer
Frank, John. Stock Raiser
Hay, Robert. Farmer
McGlashan, Alexander. Farmer
McGillivray, Arch. Farmer
McLeod, Evander. Rancher
McLeod, John. Rancher
Park, Charles Cameron. Rancher
Pratt, Henry. Rancher
Pratt, Robert. Farmer
Sutherland, Granville. Teamster
Todd, James Sr. Farmer
Todd, James Jr. farmer
Todd, Joseph C. farmer
Walker, Donald. Farmer
Woodland, James. Farmer
Cherry Creek
A station on the mainline of the CPR 236 miles east of Vancouver, telegraph office
Kamloops, 15 miles, in north Yale district.
Blakely, John Charles. Rancher
Blakely, William James. Farm hand.
Cornwall, Gilbert. Rancher
Cornwall, Henry AG. Cattleman
Cornwall, Mrs M. Rancher
Humphries, James. Farmer
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Newberry, John Pete. Farmer
Roper, William J. Farmer
Salby, Fred P. Farmer
(See also Nicola Lake, Lower Nicola, Quilchena, Rockford and mamit L:ake and Otter
A money order Post Office on the Nicola Road 8 miles below Nicola Lake. The nearest
railway and telegraph office is Spences Bridge 42 miles. Telephone to Kamloops and
intermediate points. Kamloops distance 60 miles. It is a good agricultural section and is
chiefly occupied by cattle ranchers. Good coal mines and silver ledges are located here
and are being worked. Mail bi-weekly. This is the point where the road branches to
Mamette Lake, Granite Creek and Similkameen Mines and to Voght Valley and
Coldwater Valley.
Post Master. HGT Armytage
Armytage, Henry GT of Blair and Co.
Blair and Co. General Merchants (Also Granite Creek and Princeton.)
Case, Charles. Rancher
Chapman, James. Farmer
Chapman, John. Farmhand
Charters, William. Farmer
Cleasby, Henry S. Farmer
Cleasby, Joseph. Farmer
Collett, Alfred George. Rancher
Collis, JW. Miner
Costillion, Joseph. Rancher
Coutlie, Alex Joseph. Farmer
Coutlie, Jesse. Farmer
Elliott. Miner
Garcia, Frank. Farmer
Garcia, Jesus. Farmer
Garcia, John. Farmer
Godey, A. Rancher
Graham, Joseph. Miner
Harmon, Samuel. Stockraiser
Harman, William H. Stockraiser
Harrison, T. Farmer
Howarth, G. Farmer
Howarth, W. Farmer
King, D. Farmer
Lindley, George Wesley. Farmer
Lindley, Henry. Farmer
McEvoy, William. Rancher
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McGillivray, Angus. Blacksmith
McInnes, Daniel. Rancher
Marquart, John. Labourer
Murchison, James. Carpenter
Murray, JE. Rancher
Murray, JW, Rancher
Murray, WG. Trapper
Neilson, Martin. Farmer
Newhisk, William. Farmhand.
Newkirk, Charles M. Dairy Farmer
Olsen, Martin, Farmer
Potocki, Arthur. Miner
Poulton, WB. Miner
Reed, C. Farm hand
Reynolds, Andrew. Trapper
Richards, JRA. Hotelkeeper
Schmidt, Henry. Farmhand.
Schmidt, HH. Rancher
Schubert, Oscar. Farm hand
Sim, Alex. Rancher
Smith, A. Blacksmith
Solomon, SJ. Clerk
Steffens, H. Rancher
Sutcliffe, HW. Miner
Thompson, Lewellyn. Farmer
Voght, Timothy. Farmhand.
Voght, William. Farmer
Voght, WH. Rancher
Williams, Thomas. Stage Driver
Douglas Lake
(see also Coutlee, Lower Nicola and Nicola Lake.)
A country post office in the Yale district, 65 miles south of Kamloops, and 20 miles south
east of Nicola Lake. Nearest railway station and telegraph office Kamloops district 60
miles mails weekly.
Postmaster. Joseph B Greaves
Beairsto, Robert.
Campbell, Ewen. Rancher
Cattle DL and Co. General Store
Coutle, Joseph. Douglas Lake Cattle Co., ranchers and General Store
JB Greaves Mgr
Fountain, William.
Goodwin, Alfred RG, Stockraiser
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Goodwin, Benjamin, Rancher
Goodison, Herbert. Rancher
Greaves, John Blackbourn. Post master
Greaves, Joseph B. Rancher
Lauder, William M. Stockraiser.
Lowe, William. Labourer
McDonnel, Jeremiah. Blacksmith
Greer, Thomas. Rancher
Thomson, John. Rancher
Whitford, James. Labourer
Whitford, John
Post Office is called Monte Creek (See Monte Creek)
Station on the mainline of the CPR 268 miles east of Vancouver on the South Thompson
River 18 miles east of Kamloops in Yale District; has a telegraph office and a Post Office
called Monte Creek. Mails daily. Ranching is a principle industry in this section. Stage
to Grande Prairie semi weekly
Post Master William Plumm
Glen Emma. Four miles from the Salmon River Bridge and half way between
Enderby and Grande Prairie.
Hedley City situated on 20 Mile Creek on Similkameen River, 19 1/2 miles from
Keremeos, 24 1/2 miles from Princeton and 90 miles from Midway; adjacent to the town
is the Nickel Plate Mountain, on which lies the famous Nickel Plate Mine.
Bradshaw, Thomas. Hotel at 15 Mile.
Daly Reduction Company. Oil Reducers.
Gillespie, FM. Deputy Mining Recorder.
Green, HA. Blacksmith
Grand Union Hotel, Herring and Winkler prop.
Hackney, DG. Hotel Hedley
Hedley Brewing Co.
Headlund, Lewis
Lyon, Geo B. Drygoods.
JJ MacDonald and Co. Sawmill
MacLean, WA. Contractor Proprietor Commercial Hotel
Oliver, Charles E, M.E., Agent Giant Powder Co.
Revelry, WF. Livery
Rolls, James F. Druggist
Schubert, James A. General Store, also at Penticton
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Shatford WT and Co. General Store. Also at Fairview, Vernon, Slocan City
Wells, FM. Manager, Kingston Mine.
Willby, WE. Stage Line. Hedley to Penticton
Yale Mining Co. (Anaconda, Montana, Head Office)
NK Rogers, Manager at Hedley, William Jones, Foreman, Nickel Plate Mine.
Mamete Lake
Dupuis, Alfred. Rancher
(skipped balance.)
Monte Creek
(See Ducks Station, Shuswap)
In the Dominion electoral district of Yale and Caribou, and the provincial north riding of
Yale. Situated on the mainline of the CPR. There is a money order office, telegraph and
express office. Chief industry is stock raising. The climate is dry and healthy. Fishing
and shooting cannot be beaten. Stage leaves here every Wednesday and Saturday for
Grande Prairie, which is 20 miles south. Population 1904 - 180.
Post Master. William Plumm
Adam, William C. Storekeeper.
Allen, Alexandra. Farmer
Allen, Tom. Farmer
Barnard, Frederick Charles. Farmer
Beal, Constance. Farmer.
Beal, Joseph. Farmer
Bell, Miss Ettie L. Teacher, Public School
Bishop, Steven Walsh. Farmer
Bostock, Hewitt. Farmer
Daniels, Robert Edward. Farmer
Davidson, Samuel. Carpenter
Derroo, Joseph. Farmer
Desdero, Barnard. Farmer
Desdero, Fred. Farmer
Dodd, AGW, BA. Teacher, private school
Elwell, John W. Farmer
Endall, George Wilfred. Farmer
English, Soden A. Farmer
Fawcett, John James. Farmer
Fox, Fred. Farmer
Fox, Louis. Farmer
Harrison, William. Farmer
Hatton, Bert. Farmer
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Herbert, Alfred. Farmer
Herbert, Amos. Farmer
Hill, Thomas. Farmer
Hickson, Thomas H. Farmer
Holley, William. Farmer
Hoffman, George. Farmer
Kinnear, Alfred. Farmer
Kinnear, John MacDonald. Farmer
Layland, H. Farmer
Leplante, Alphonse. Farmer
Lesnier, Alphonse. Farmer
Null, Charles. Farmer
Martin, Charles. Farmer
Martin, F. Stockraiser
Martin, Henry. Farmer
Martin, Frank. Farmer
Martin, George. Farmer
Miller, Thomas O. BA, Presbyterian Minister
Munger, F. Farmer
Pearse, Leslie Robert. Farmer
Pearse, Stanley J. Farmer
Pemberton, AG, Rancher
Plumm, William. Post Master and operator CPR
Ross, Valentine. CPR employee
Sinclair, Henry. Farmer
Smith, Albert B. Ranch Manager
St. Laurent, Joseph. Farmer
Swaine, Theodore, Farmer
Ulvile, John. Section Foreman, CPR
Ward, Albert A. Farmer
Ward, Elmar. Farmer
Ward, GB. Farmer
Warren Frederick. Farmer
Nicola Lake
(see also Otter Valley, see also Lower Nicola, Quilchena and Rockford.)
A settlement in the Nicola Valley situated at the western end of Nicola Lake 12 miles
west of Quilchena. Has money order and savings bank. Mail stage twice a week.
Nearest railway and express office Spences Bridge distance 50 miles. Kamloops 60
miles. Has Presbyterian and Methodist churches, public school, good water power and
extensive grazing lands. It is reached by the Kamloops and Spences Bridge stage. In
Yale dictrict. Has telephone connection with Kamloops and Lower Nicola. Population
1902 - 150
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Post Master AR Carrington
Barwick, NJ & C. Saddle and harness makers.
Barwick, Nathaniel Joseph. Carpenter
Bent, George. Chaplin.
Carrington, Arthur R. Merchant and Post Master
Carrington, AH. Clerk
Carrington, Thomas. Farmer
Chenhall, James. Hostler
Clark, John. Farmer and mail contractor
Clark, Laidlaw. Mail carrier
Clark, Walter. Mail carrier
Corbett, John. Farmer
Corbett, James. Farmer
Dalley, Edwin. Stock raiser
Dodds, WA. Farmer
Driard Hotel, HE Howse Proprietor
Fremb, F. Farmer
French, BM. Plumber
Gailsthorpe, A. Farmhand
Gillie, JD. Farmer
Goettlich, Edwin. Saddler
Goodison, Alfred. Farmer
Gulliford, R. Stockraiser
Gulliford, Richard Jr. Farmer
Heslop, Thomas. Farm labourer
Howarth, William. Farmer
Howes, Albert Elgin. General Merchant and sawmill.
Howes, Frederick Armstrong. Clerk
Hunter, Thomas. Labourer
Johnson, Thomas Darwin. Farm labourer.
Kirby, S. Manager, Driard Hotel
Lambert, Frank. Painter
McArthur, Neil. Farmer
McCullough, George. Stockraiser.
McCullough, William. Stockraiser
McPhaul, Alexander. Stockraiser
McQuiston, JC. Tailor
Mansfield, Frank. Farmer
Marquant, Mathew. Farm Labourer
Marquant, Peter. Farmer
Mason, Reverend George. Presbyterian minister
Monroe, William. Farm labourer
Murray, AY George. JP., Government Agent
Murray, JF
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Murray, WG
Myren, JP. Farmer
Paige, Frederick George. Blacksmith
Phillip, George R. Clerk
Pollard, Robert. Miner
Pooley, James. Farmer
Pooley, William. Stockraiser
Potocki, A
Price, J. Schoolteacher
Pye, JF. Methodist pastor
Riley, Eli John. Labourer
Riley, Peter. Labourer
Riley, William. Blacksmith
Stewart, MP. Manager Clark and Stewart's Express
Sutcliffe, HW. Farmer
Tutill, GH. Physician and Surgeon
Thynne, JG. Farmer
Walker, Edward. Farmer
Williams, FH. Stage Driver.
Winney, HR. Stockman.
Ziegler, FW. Farmer
(see also Nicola Lake, Lower Nicola, Rockford and Minnie Lake)
A post settlement in the Nicola Valley on Nicola Lake, Yale District. Nicola Lake
distance 8 miles. Spences Bridge - 60 miles. Kamloops - 50 miles and is reached by
stage. Telegraph Kamloops or Spences Bridge.
Post Master. A Jackson
Blackwell, John. Rancher
BC Cattle Co. Frank W Jackson ranch manager.
Brown, Samuel. Ranch hand,
Campbell, Neil. Labourer
Caulk, Benjamin. Gardener
Case, Charlie. Rancher
Chancelor, Robert. Labourer
Charters, Robert. Gentleman
Earnshaw, HJ. Trapper
Goodison, Herbert. Gentleman
Guichon, Joseph. Rancher
Guichon, Lawrence. Rancher
Haggarty, Charles. Labourer
Hare, Thomas. Labourer
Jackson, Archibald. General Merchant and Post Master
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Jackson, Frank W. Ranch Manager, BC Cattle Co.
Lawson, William. Prospector
Lee, Harry. Labourer
Lewis, Arthur E. Ranch hand.
Madden, James. Farm Hand
Meikle, Mrs F. (Widow) Rancher
Menzies, John. Labourer
O'Rourke, Edward. Quilchena Hotel and Rancher
Pie, Pie. Sheepherder.
Raspberry, Archibald T. Rancher
Raspberry, Edwin. Labourer
Riley, Peter. Government Road Foreman
Roman Catholic Church
Strachan, William. Labourer
Todd, E. Prospector.
A country Post Office in the Nicola Valley, Yale District, 5 miles from the head of Nicola
Lake. Mail twice a week. Nearest railway, telegraph and express office, Kamloops,
distance 35 miles. It's principal industries are stock-raising. Has Presbyterian and
Methodist churches. Pop. 1902 - 150.
Postmaster. Robert Scott.
Aird, James. Rancher.
Bohman, Joseph. Horse dealer.
Bullman, Thomas. Rancher.
Carboult, John. Rancher.
Cellie, Daniel. Labourer
Clark, Richard. Labourer.
Clapperton, John. Labourer
Collett, Charles. Labourer.
Collett, John. Farmhand.
Collett, Joseph. Rancher
Derby, James. Labourer
Friskin, James. Rancher
Friskin, William. Rancher
Fraser, George. Rancher
Fraser, John. Rancher
Holls, W. Labourer
Jones, Thomas H. Rancher
Lauder, Joseph D. JP. Rancher. Resident at Kamloops
Lauder, William M. Rancher
McDonald, William R. Rancher. Napier Lake
McLeod, John. Stock Raiser
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McLeod, William. Rancher
Moore, John. Nicola. Stock Raiser and Rancher
Moore, Joseph Cunningham. Rancher. Resident at Kamloops
Nicola Milling Co Ltd of London England.
Nichols, William. Rancher
O'Neill, Edward. Labourer
Palmer, William Fredrick. Rancher
Peterson, John. Rancher
Rear, Thomas G. Farmhand.
Scott, Robert. Rancher, Hotel keeper and Post Master
Scott, Samuel James P. Rancher
Scott, William A. Rancher
Tanhill, John. Stock Raiser and Rancher
Walter, Donald. Rancher
A town on the main line of the CPR 250 miles east of Vancouver. Called the "Inland
Capitol". The name Kamloops is aboriginal meaning "Meeting of the Waters". It is
situated at the confluence of the North and South Thompson Rivers, the main tributaries
of the Fraser. These magnificent streams, one of which, the north branch is navigable for
80 miles above the town, while the other is navigable for twice that distance. It's
situation is beautiful. Health in this climate is delightful. Large deposits of copper gold
ore are available in the immediate vicinity. In no place in Canada is there longer summer
and consequently a shorter winter that could be called winter. Though it's winters are
short and sharp they are bright and would not be dispensed with if such a thing were
possible. Has Money Order and Post Office and savings bank, express, telegraph and
telephone office, two chartered banks, weekly and one semi weekly newspaper, has
Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist and Roman Catholic churches and public
school. Daily attendance about 200. Courthouse and Goal, two steam sawmills capacity
66,000 feet per day, system of waterworks supplies the town for fire and domestic