Blaine Basketball Volunteers Revised Meeting Minutes January 4, 2012 Blaine Basketball Volunteers: Current board members: Non-board members present: Next Meeting: Jan 18 at 6:30PM Place: Majestic Oaks *Larry Jorgensen, President *Tom Montbriand, Vice President * Shari Gillund, Treasurer *Julie Barthels, Secretary *Coach Mark Arzdorf *Jennifer Hobbs *Debbie Romashko * David Leo *Mark Romick Karla Erlandson *John Limberg *Lori Robel Dave Snyder * Lisa Snyder *Indicates Present Larry Jorgensen, President, opened the meeting. *Debbie Romashkol *Jennifer Minutes were Hobbs reviewed from*Julie the Barthels last meeting. * Karla Erlandson Motion was made and carried to accept minutes. *Indicates Present Treasurer’s Report: Strength by Struck was paid $500 for the strength training. Advertising money continues to come in. Lisa Snyder also purchased ad space for her business Skin Salvy. Other income to come will be from the BBCC Spaghetti Dinner on January 15 and February 4, we hope to raise $3,000 between the two events. The profit from the Baker Square Pie Sale, was $275. Pasta Feeds An updated handout from Shari Gillund was given to each of us showing who is having the carbo load or after game party. It was discussed and agreed upon that the parent’s having the carbo loads would absorb the cost of the food. It was suggested that the parents who do not have a carbo load at their home should help and contribute some food, such as chips and/or bars to the parent having the dinner. An email will be sent out to the parents not having a party, asking them to help and/or make some type of food. For the after parties, it was discussed that the 9th – 12th grade will be invited to come. Event Nights Parent’s Night on January 10, 2012. Two admission tickets will be given to each player to give to his parents. Information of the event will be posted on the web site. Deb Romashko and Lori Robel will organize the food. Tanner Schumacher’s mother Jodi, will take the pictures of parents and their son. Introduction of the parents and their son will take place between JV/Varsity game. A total of 50 boys, plus 5 managers will be announced. Still missing 3 email addresses from the freshmen team. Fan & Sponsors Night on January 30, 2012 It was discussed and decided that evening will be a “White Out Night,” where students wear all white. We will not be selling T-shirts for this event as we did last year. That evening we will also invite and recognize our sponsors at the half time of the game. Our sponsors are MDB, Acceleration Sports Training Center, Strength by Struck and Heat. Will ask the cheerleaders to do a poster for us, advertising the white out night and prizes for the top three super fans. The prize will be $20 Chili’s gift cards. Youth Night will be on February 10 more information to come at the next board meeting. Senior Night to be held on March 2 further details to come. Staff Appreciation night update. A total of 11 teachers came for the evening. Some board members heard that a lot of teachers did not know about staff appreciation night and it was suggested that an email invite should be sent out to all the teachers. It was questioned whether the boys’ handed out the invitation they were given. Only four teachers participated in the game of Lightening. A suggestion was made that maybe the boys should hand their basketball jersey to a teacher for them to wear for one day. It was also questioned whether we should continue this event. Item was tabled and will be brought back to the table at a later date. Thank you John for putting this event together. BBCC Tournament Update: The tournament will be held on January 21 and January 22, 2012 at Blaine High School, Roosevelt and Northdale Middle Schools. The tournament runs on Saturday from 8:00AM – 10:00PM, and Sunday 8:00AM – 6:30PM. Jennifer Hobbs is making a volunteer schedule for the times we need people to sell concessions. Each boy’s parents are expected to volunteer their time for this fundraiser. Each school will have a site coordinator(s). At BHS it’s Lori Robel and Jennifer Hobbs, NMS Mark Romick and RMS Shari Gillund on Saturday and John Limberg on Sunday. Runners are Larry Jorgensen and Julie Barthels. Coach Ardorf will coordinate the clock schedule for the boys. John Limberg is willing to help place the order for the concession items that we need. Jennifer Hobbs is coordinating the pick up of the order from SAM’S. We will sell Taco in the bag, the meat will be purchased from Systco Foods. John Limberg will find out the cost of the meat and any other items we may need. Price signs will need to be made for each site. The people that have any of the booster club bins please check what we have left and let Jennifer know. Need to find the hot dog rollers. Last year they were in the football shed. Year End Banquet: To be held on Sunday, April 15 at Majestic Oaks. Lori Robel will head up the banquet. An email will be sent out at a later date asking for help. The biggest project of the banquet is the year-end book for the boys. Game Program: The program has been turned in for printing at the district print shop. We still need to identify the manger names in the pictures. Chanticlear Pizza and Gold’s Gym expressed interest in ad space in the program. John Limberg will check with Gold’s Gym and Coach Arzdorf with Chanitclear Pizza. Other Business: A vendor, Maui Wowi, has expressed interest in selling fruit smoothies at the BBCC Tournament. There would be no costs for us. We would receive 20% of the profit. The costs for the smoothies are $3, $5 or $6. It was discussed if this would cut into the profits of our concession items. The board decided that we would try one site RMS. Machelle Pearson from the BBCC would contact the vendor to see if they are available that weekend. The food collection for Tiger Take, we received 197 items and $127 in cash. Chili’s Restaurant in Blaine has offered to have a Chili’s night for Blaine Boys Basketball and they will donate 10% of your purchase to the Booster Club. Must pick up a voucher from the booster club pizza table at a game Chili’s has also offered to sell Chips and Salsa to us for a $1 and we could sell it at games for whatever price we determine. Chili’s said they would like to have some team pictures and jerseys for their restaurant to hang up. We will need to see what we have available and what the cost would be to frame a jersey. Motion was made to adjourn. The next Booster Club meeting will be on Wednesday, January 18, 7:00PM at Majestic Oaks to go over the BBCC Tournament.