4.2 Review Packet (Answers)

Lesson 4.2 Review Packet AnswersSection: 6-_____
Photosynthesis: the process which plants, algae, and some
bacteria use sunlight, carbon dioxide to make food
 Cellular Respiration: Oxygen is used to break down glucose
molecules and release ATP (energy).
 Fermentation: When no oxygen is used to break down food and
release energy. Lactic acid may build up in muscles.
 A plant is an example of a (producer/ consumer). Plants make their
own food.
 A human is an example of a (producer/ consumer).
 When a person feels a cramp in his/her muscle, he/she is feeling the
buildup of lactic acid.
 Cellular respiration can happen with or without oxygen.
 Only plants have this organelle: chloroplast (hint: it is where
photosynthesis takes place)
 Before food can be used as energy it must be transferred into
molecules of ATP(energy).
6CO2 + 6H2O + light energy  C6 H12 O6 + 6O2
List the reactors (inputs) by name:
Carbon dioxide, water, light energy
List the products (outputs) by name:
Glucose, and oxygen
What do the large numbers before the (inputs/outputs) stand for?
a) Atoms b) Molecules c) Base Unit
What do the small numbers in the equation represent?
a) Atoms b) Molecules c) Base unit
What elements are found in the equation? carbon, oxygen and
What organelle does photosynthesis take place in? chloroplast
What types of cells undergo photosynthesis? Plant cells
Cellular Respiration:
C6 H12 O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O + energy (ATP)
List the reactors (inputs) by name:
Glucose and oxygen
List the products (outputs) by name:
Carbon dioxide, water and ATP
What do the large numbers before the (inputs/outputs) stand for?
a) Atoms b) Molecules c) Base Unit
 What do the small numbers in the equation represent?
a) Atoms b) Molecules c) Base unit
 What elements are found in the equation? Carbon, hydrogen and
 What organelle does cellular respiration take place in? mitochondria
 What types of cells undergo cellular respiration? Plant and animal cells
Understanding Formulas:
6CO2 + 6H2O + light energy  C6 H12 O6 + 6O2
How many Molecules of Carbon Dioxide are inputs? 6
How many Molecules of Water are inputs? 6
How many Molecules of Glucose are outputs? 1
How many Carbon Atoms go in? 6
How many Hydrogen Atoms go in? 12
How many Oxygen Atoms go in? 18
How many Carbon atoms come out?6
How many Hydrogen atoms come out?12
How many Oxygen atoms come out?18
Cellular Respiration:
C6 H12 O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O + energy (ATP)
How many Molecules of Carbon Dioxide are outputs? 6
How many Molecules of Water are outputs? 6
How many Molecules of Glucose are inputs? 1
How many Carbon Atoms go in? 6
How many Hydrogen Atoms go in? 12
How many Oxygen Atoms go in? 18
How many Carbon atoms come out?6
How many Hydrogen atoms come out?12
How many Oxygen atoms come out?18