Chem I Honors

UNIT-Atomically Correct
Independent Project
O’s Story
Atoms are so tiny that we inhale billions of trillions with each breath. Every time you breathe in, you
inhale atoms that may have been exhaled from a dinosaur. Every time you breathe out you release atoms to the
air that spread and become part of everybody else. New babies and all who follow will be made of the atoms
that are now part of you.
Purpose: To demonstrate an understanding of atomic theory by using balanced chemical equations to show the
many chemical changes an oxygen atom goes through over time.
Your assignment is to create a story of the chemical changes that an oxygen atom has gone through over time.
The changes can be natural or man-made, but, they must be spontaneous under the conditions you describe. You
can choose chemical reactions from a variety of areas: geology, biology, meteorology, oceanography,
technology, etc...
Each chemical change you describe in your story must be accompanied by a balanced chemical equation that
illustrates the change. You must have a minimum of four (4) chemical changes in your story.
For each chemical change you should describe where it takes place (e.g. upper atmosphere, in a car engine) and
any special conditions that may be required for the change to take place. You should include a description of the
chemical reaction in terms of molecules and/or atoms.
Your story can be presented by a variety of media. It can be written, or illustrated, or both. You will be graded
not only on correctness of the chemical equations, but also how you tie these chemical equations together in an
interesting and unique story.
Four (4) different and correct balanced chemical
5 points
Chemical reactions have O connectivity.
2 points
Chemical reactions are described in terms of molecules
and/or atoms.
Relevant conditions given for reaction to occur and/or
description of where it occurs.
Creativity, extra effort.
1 point
1 point
1 point
10 points