A PROCEDURE FOR DETECTION OF DEFORMATIONS USING SURVEY CONTROL NETWORKS By 1 Ali H. Fagir and Mudathir O. Ahmed 2 1-Sudan University of Science & Technology –Faculty of Engineering,, P.O. Box 72 Khartoum, 2- Omdurman Islamic University- Faculty of Engineering Sciences, e-mail- Modethirb@yahoo.com P.O. Box 382 ABSTRACT Survey control networks are used for detecting deformations in a specific area by measurements made at different epochs. The differences in coordinates of stations, obtained from least squares adjustments, are compared in order to assess if a deformation of a specified magnitude exists. Traditionally a global test (the global congruency test) is carried out so as to detect if the area of the network has undergone any changes in shape (uplift or subsidence) due to natural or man made causes. As a next step, localization methods are used to determine deformations at specific points in case there are changes in shape. In this study, a procedure is developed to detect deformations at specific points directly. The method is tested using a vertical control network measured at various epochs. The results indicate that deformations greater than 0.03m can be detected at a minimum significant level () of 0.05 (95% confidence level). ازااحدة لمواقد :الملخص تستخدم شبكات الضبط في المساحة كواحددٍ ندت تياتدات اكتشدا بعد الحصول علي اليتاسات الاسبتة لهده الايداط علدي.الاياط المحددٍ على سطح األرض فترات اناتة نختلفة تتم نيارنة ازحداثتات المحسوبة عت طريد نرريدة لقدل التربتعدات .لتحديد نيدار ازااحة لو الحركة لاياط الشبكة األرضتة ) لجمتدGlobal Congruency Test جرت العادٍ علي استخدام االختبار الشدانل نيدداط الشددبكة لتحديددد نددا إذا كدداه ااالددا إااحددة كلتددة لمواق د نيدداط الشددبكة كاتددا للعوانددل َيتب ادا االختبار بأحد االختبارات الجزئتة لتحديد نيدار ازااحدة.الطبتعتة لو الحضارية .عاد كل نيطة على حدٍ في حالة وجود تغترات في الشكل تدم.في اذا البحث قدنت طريية لتحديد نيدار ازااحةَ نباشرٍ ً للاياط بصفة فرديدة تطبتد اددده الطرييددة علددي شددبكة راسددتة لخددذت لرصدداداا علددي فتددرات اناتددة نختلفددة ثددم .ًقورنت الاتائج التي تم الحصول علتها ن واحدٍ نت الارريات المستخدنة سلفا بعددد تطبت د اددده الطرييددة علددي الشددبكة نوضددود االختبددار ىوجددد له الحددد األدنددى نتر) عادنا تستخدم نسبة احتمال لوقود0.030 لإلااحة المكتشفة حوالي ثالثة ساتمترات .5% ) ال تيل عت خطأٍ نت الاود األول INTRODUCTION One important application of survey control networks is the detection of expected deformations at a specified area. This is done by measurements made at successive epochs and the most probable values of the coordinates are obtained using the well known method of least squares. From the results of the two epochs adjustment it is possible to calculate the displacement (deformation) vector dxˆ and its associated variance covariance matrix C dxˆ from (James, 1985). dxˆ xˆ 2 xˆ1 ....................................................... (1) C dxˆ C xˆ1 C xˆ2 (assuming that xˆ1 and xˆ 2 are uncorrelated). However, the use of coordinates and, therefore, coordinate differences to define deformations depends on the way the system of coordinates is defined. The convenience of using coordinates as parameters to be estimated from measurements and their associated weight matrix has a disadvantage in deformation studies since such coordinates are datum dependent (Cross, 1983). In constrained (fixed) networks the datum is usually defined by the fixation of some points. The positions of such points should not be affected by the adjustment process adopted i.e. the least squares corrections are assumed to be zero. The least squares estimates of parameters is given by the well known equations (Cross, 1983): ……………………………. (2) xˆ ( AT WA) 1 AT Wb and the variance-covariance matrix of the parameters is readily obtained from: C xˆ ( AT WA) 1 ……………………………….. (3) where: A: is the design matrix, W: is the weight matrix, b: is a vector related to the observations. Conversely, the free network concept depends on the assumption that all points are affected by the least squares process and the parameters are obtained using the Moore-Penrose inverse instead of the usual Caiely inverse in equations (2) and (3) (Serif Hekimogolu, Huseyn Demiret and Caneyt Aydin, 2002). The credibility of using constrained or free networks depends on whether the fixed points shall undergo any deformations expressed by changes in their position. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the nature of the expected deformations and their extent is of prime importance in the choice of constrained or free datum networks (Chen, 1983). In this research a constrained simulated vertical control network (Fig. 1) is used to test for the smallest vertical deformation that can be detected in a particular area. The network is simulated to represent different epochs and a procedure is developed to test for expected vertical movements. Review of Existing Procedures for the Detection of Deformations The global congruency test is the most commonly methodology adopted for the detection of general deformations in a given area i.e. an overall change in shape (Wan Aziz, W.A. Othman, Z. and Nagib, H., 2001). The displacement vector ( dxˆ ) from a two epochs adjustment and its associated variance-covariance matrix are given by equations (1). The null hypothesis of the global congruency test can be stated as follows: H o : E (dxˆ ) 0 and the alternative hypothesis is given by: H A : E(dxˆ) 0 where the letter E indicates expectation (expected value). If the null hypothesis is accepted, then the points are assumed to be stable, (i.e. the network is stable). Conversely, if the null hypothesis is rejected, then the network has undergone a change in shape. The test statistic known as the global congruency test is established as follows (Caspary 1987, Pelzer, 1971): Fh,f (i.e. has a Fisher (F) distribution with h and f h o2 degrees of freedom. where: dxˆ T C dxˆ1 dxˆ h: is the rank of C dxˆ . ˆ o2 ( f1ˆ o21 f 2ˆ o22 ) / f f = f1 + f 2 f1 : is the degrees of freedom of x̂1 , f2 :is the degrees of freedom of x̂ 2 . o21 : is the unit variance of the first epoch, o22 : is the unit variance of the second epoch. A suitable significance level is selected and the result of the test will show if the two networks are congruent or not. Furthermore, localization methods (Niemeir, 1985; Welsch et al., 2000) are used to identify the presence of deformations at particular points in the area of the established network. The success of the global congruency test depends on the following factors (Caspary, 1987): i- the use of one datum (free or constrained ) for both epochs. ii- the influence of systematic errors must be accounted for by standard testing procedures. iii- the effect of the largest undetectable gross errors on the coordinates must be known and accounted for. An important drawback for the use of this method is that it gives an overall picture of the expected deformations in the area. This implies that deform-ations in particular places, which might be more important, can only be detected by some other secondary steps. A New Strategy for Deformation Detection Following the ideas of Baarda concerning gross error detection e.g. (Baarda, 1968). we can formulate the deformation problem as follows: The displacement dxˆ i for any single point (i) obtained from a two epochs solution is assumed to be normally distributed with zero mean and variance d2x̂ i.e dxˆ i N (0, d2xˆ ). In this case no movement has taken place i.e. no deformation exists. On the other hand, if the point is subjected to any movement, then the displacement dxˆ i , will be normally distributed with a shifted mean and variance d2xˆ i following the mean shift model i.e dxˆ i N ( , d2xˆ ). Therefore we can set up the null and alternative hypotheses as follows: Ho : E (dxˆ i ) 0 , HA: E (dxˆ i ) 0 After standardizing each element of the displacement vector, the testing can be established as follows: dxˆ Ho: i = i N (0,1) dxˆi and HA : i = dxˆ i dxˆ N ( ,1) i RESULTS A levelling network consisting of seven stations is simulated such that individual loop misclosuers shall not exceed 10 k millimeters where k is the distance levelled in kilometers and station (1) is assumed to be fixed with zero variance (Fig. 1). The simulated network is used as a reference i.e. representing the first epoch. (Table 1) shows the reference network i.e. before expected deformations are inflicted. The observations are altered three times by multiples of their standard errors while keeping the loop misclosures to acceptable limits. Heights and their standard errors representing four different epochs are obtained using equations (2) and (3) respectively. The displacement vectors and their standard errors are shown in Table (2). The procedures outlined in sections (2) and (3) are applied. A significance level of 0.05 is used and results are outlined in (Tables 3) and (4) respectively. 7 6 5 3 4 1 Fig. (1): A simulated vertical control network 2 Table (1): Simulated Observations of the First Epoch From point 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 To point 2 3 4 3 4 6 5 6 6 7 7 Observation (Height diff.) (m) 1.510 2.775 1.618 1.250 -1.175 1.322 1.800 2.480 0.700 1.876 1.200 Distance (km) 2.000 2.500 2.549 2.061 1.118 2.828 1.118 3.354 2.549 4.031 2.121 Standard error (m) 0.014 0.016 0.016 0.014 0.011 0.017 0.011 0.018 0.016 0.020 0.015 Table (2): Displacements and Their Standard Errors at the Three Epochs Epoch (2) Point No. dxˆ i 2 3 4 5 6 7 (m) -0.0140 -0.0160 -0.0160 -0.0270 -0.0330 -0.0470 Epoch (3) dxˆ i dxˆ i ( m) 0.0158 0.0147 0.0159 0.0202 0.0202 0.0254 (m) -0.0280 -0.0320 -0.0320 -0.0540 -0.0660 -0.0940 Table (3): Global Tests Results Epoch No. (h. o2 ) 2 3 5.523 4 12.427 . 1.381 * * Where (*) is denoting the rejected value of the deformation test. Epoch (4) dxˆ dxˆ i dxˆ ( m) 0.0158 0.0147 0.0159 0.0202 0.0202 0.0254 (m) -0.0420 -0.0480 -0.0480 -0.0810 -0.0990 -0.1410 (m) 0.0158 0.0147 0.0159 0.0202 0.0202 0.0254 i i Table (4): Results of the New Method Epoch(2) Point No. i Epoch (3) dxˆ i dx 2 0.886 3 1.091 4 i i Epoch(4) dxˆ i dx 1.772 i i dxˆ i dx 2.658 * 2.183 * 3.274 * 1.006 2.012 * 3.018 * 5 1.339 2.678 * 4.017 * 6 1.635 3.270 * 4.905 * 7 1.853 3.706 * 5.559 * i Where (*) is denoting the rejected value of the deformation test. DISCUSSTION From the results of this study, the global test in (Table 3) show that all deform-ations of the second epoch are accepted using the significance level of (0.05) i.e. the value of the global test is found to be less than the tabulated one of (3.22) from (Cross, 1983). Conversely, the method succeeded in detecting deformations from displacements obtained from the third and fourth epochs. On the other hand the results of the new method shown in (Table 4) give the acceptance of all deformations at the second epoch using the same level of significance i.e. the individual test values for displacements are accepted compared with the critical value of (1.96) using (Cross, 1983). More than one value of the test is found to be rejected for deformations of the third and fourth epochs. This means that the two methods succeeded to detect the deformation at the two last epochs. The rejection of the global test needs to be followed by a localization method to detect individual deformations. This is introduced by more than study, such as (Caspary, 1987). Using the new procedure deformations can be detected directly at specific points, this what is shown by results of the third epoch in (Table 4) i.e. only the first point can be assumed as a stable point. In (Table 4) it can be seen that the minimum size of detected deformation given at point (3) is about 0.03m. Then, it can be said that the new strategy failed to detect deformations less than 0.03m. However, the minimum size of deformation to be detected depends on the size of its standard error. In this particular network the size of the standard error corresponding to displacements of 0.03m must be less than 0.015. This size of deformation with this standard error is accepted by (Wan Aziz, W.A. Othman, Z. and Nagib, H., 2001) using other methods. CONCLUSIONS The new method detects deformations at specific points directly, deformations greater than (0.03m) can easily be detected by the new method at a significant level greater than 0.05 and the method gives the same results when compared with the global method. REFERENCES 1- Baarda, W. (1967). Statistical Concepts in Geodesy. Neth. Geod. Com. Publ. on Geodesy. New Series 2, No. 4, Delft, Netherlands. 2- Caspary, W.F. (1987). 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