NGf L CYMRU GCaD Chairs Subject: D&T/ Science/Maths/ Year 4&5 Date: Autumn Term Skills Science: o study the properties of materials relating to their uses o compare the features and properties of some natural and made materials D&T: o use a range of information sources to generate ideas for products o investigate how existing products look and function as a source of ideas for their own products, e.g. examine a range of products related to their task, toys, healthy eating o develop and communicate their design ideas in a variety of ways, using models where appropriate o discuss their products, and evaluate their work, e.g. explain why and how they made their product and what they think about its function, features, performance, taste o choose appropriate materials, ingredients, equipment, tools and techniques, from a range made available to them o measure, mark out, cut, shape, join, weigh and mix a range of materials, using appropriate tools, equipment and techniques o develop their design and technology capability through tasks in which they explore and investigate simple products in order to acquire technological knowledge and understanding that can be applied in their designing and making o use a range of materials and components, making choices based on their developing knowledge of how they should be used, e.g. using square-section timber or lollypop sticks to strengthen a cardboard structure o learn about the efficient use of materials, e.g. planning cutting from sheet materials to minimise waste Maths: o select and use the appropriate mathematics, materials, units of measure and resources to solve problems Success criteria Skills Framework- Main Focus Stimulus and introduction: o As part of the ‘What facilities?’ question, begin to think about furniture. Focus on chairs. Use the ‘Chairs’ PowerPoint to introduce key questions about materials and different chair designs. Children cut out a range of pictures of chairs from catalogues. Group the chairs according to the children’s own criteria e.g. material, where it would go, design similarities. Pupil activity: o Look at the pictures of chairs cut out and record their ideas about: What materials do the children think the chairs are made from and why have these materials been chosen? o Discuss the kinds of materials chairs are made from. Elicit the children’s ideas: How are wooden chairs put together? How are plastic chairs made into their shapes? o Focus on two differing styles of chair. Record what materials the chairs could be made from, how they think the chairs were made and then compare the two. Look for similarities and differences. Use the similarities to establish the common features of all chairs. o Design 4 different chairs labelling their materials. o Measure different types of chairs to establish appropriate sizes for their own chairs. Add this information to their initial plans. o Choose 1 design to be turned into a model. o Create a design planning sheet which includes A growing understanding of why we have different styles of chairs according to purpose. Thinking: Gathering information Activating prior skills, knowledge and understanding Communicating: Developing information and ideas Thinking: The children will begin to understand the design processes that go into designing and making a chair, including choice of material. Understand that all chairs must have certain features to function. Design 4 chairs then develop 1 idea using all features looked at. Make a model of their design. Determining the process/method and strategy Identify and make links with prior skills and knowledge related to context. Generating and developing ideas Begin to experiment with own and others’ ideas. Follow the planned process/method. Evaluate own learning and thinking Communicating: Represent and respond to information in different forms. Number: Choose and use everyday units of measure and familiar measuring equipment; read NGf L CYMRU GCaD size of the model (considering scale) and method of construction in the form of written instructions. Decide on appropriate materials using a given selection (card, cardboard, paper, plasticine). o Make their prototype chair following their instructions exactly and noting down any changes they need to make, what worked well and what didn’t. o Evaluate their designs based on their own making experience and the feedback from the rest of the class. Evaluate their product in terms of what worked and what didn’t, what needs improvement. scales to an appropriate degree of accuracy. Collect data systematically by counting and by measuring. Sort objects, using one or more criteria.