Syllabus for COMP 780/835, Spring 2015 Networking Technologies Subject to change; due dates are approximate until the assignment is posted. Lecture Topic Computer Networks Assignments Jan 26 Network Introduction Ch 1, 2 A0 Feb 2 Physical Layer / Transmission Ch 3 A0 due; A1 9 Link Layer / Ethernet Ch 4 A1 due; A2 Network & Transport Layer (IP Ch 5, Selected 16 A2 due; A3 - UDP / TCP; IPv6, Multicast) Readings Network & Transport Layer Ch 5, Selected 23 A3 due, A4 cont’d Readings Mar 2 Class of Service (QOS) Selected Readings A4 due 9 TAKE HOME MID-TERM 16 SPRING BREAK Ch 5, Selected TAKE HOME DUE; 23 IP Routing Readings A5 Ch 5, Selected 30 IP Routing (Cont’d) A5 due; A6 Readings Cellular and Wireless Apr 6 Ch 7 A6 due; A7 Technologies 13 Network Design Ch 6 A7 due; A8 20 LAN/WAN design Ch 7/8/9 A8 due; A9 A9 due; A10; FINAL 27 BRAS Ch 10 EXAM A10 due; CLASS May 4 Security/Network Management Ch 11/12 PRESENTATIONS Data Centers/SDN/Future of FINAL EXAM / 11 Selected Readings Networking Concepts PROJECT DUE Instructor Information Name: Don Cochrane Web site: Cochrane.htm Email: or Phone numbers: Cell: 603-781-6972 Home: 603:664-7890 Grading: COMP780 Mid term: 20% Final 20% Semester Project: 20% Class Participation: 10% Assignments: 30% COMP835 Mid term: 15% Final 15% Semester Project: 10% Network Business Case Study: 20% Class Participation: 10% Assignments: 30% Class Work Breakdown Assignments Assignments (10 x 3 pts each, one free/extra credit) will be handed out in email format before the end of the day of each applicable class. They must be submitted as email attachments or written comments where appropriate. Best effort will be awarded 100%. Otherwise 0% will be awarded. Assignments must be turned in by the due date for credit. Mid Term and Final Exams Both of these exams will be take home format. They will be handed out and should be turned in .doc format. Semester Project COMP780 & COMP835 A written project citing references used. The project should consist of a minimum of 750 words (~3 typed pages). The subject matter will be based on topics relating to the subjects in Network Technology covered up to that time in class or by agreement of the Professor. Network Business Proposal Study This shall be a team project of no more than 3 students and no less than 2. Team assignments shall come at mid-semester. A Request for Proposal (RFP) will be issued by the professor simulating a real world business proposal for Network upgrade of services. Each technical item in the proposal will need to be answered with equipment that will fill the proposal’s and details justifying that equipment’s capability. The proposal will response will also require a cost of equipment purchase, installation, and follow-up service/support contract for 1 year after installation. An in class presentation of the proposal response will also be required. The final proposals will be presented the second to last week of class along with the last week in case of inclement weather/class postponement. The proposal shall be no longer than 30 minutes in length. Class Participation This is given out for coming to class, not texting and/or using social media for other purposes than class collaboration. These are the only requirements for these 10 pts. Reading List Required: Business Data Communications and Networking, 12th Edition Jerry Fitzgerald, Alan Dennis, Alexandra Durcikova ISBN-13: 978-1118891681 Recommended: Computer Networking , 5/e James F. Kurose & Keith W. Ross ISBN: 0-13-607967-9