instructions on how to use the herdbook site

Instructions on how to use the Herd Book part of the Longhorn Cattle Society web site
Once on the herd book site:
Click on “member search” to find a member. Type in part of the name, or select a region,
or tick “own animals” and then click on “search” for a list to be displayed. Double click on
anyone on the list to view their details.
Click on “animal search” to find an animal. Type in a breeder or owner herd number, or
part of the animal’s name to produce an initial list. Double click on an animal to view its
details. From the animal screen click on “pedigree” for a full pedigree or “progeny” for a
progeny list. Click on any animal in blue for its details.
Members can also notify the society office of births, registration applications, deaths and
transfers by clicking on the “manage your own herd” button.