Lesson Plan - Alief Independent School District

Alief ISD
Social Studies Lesson Plans
Grade 4 Unit 1
Date: _______________
Desired Results: (Unit
Geographic tools are used to
analyze, collect and interpret data
related to geography.
Time Allotted: Day 1
Students will locate specific
locations on a map using latitude
and longitude; unit test.
Objective/TEKS: TLW apply
geographic tools, including grid
systems, legends, symbols, scales, and
compass roses to construct and
interpret maps.
Anticipatory Set: (Hook) Universal Generalization Geography affects how people
Imagine that you are on a yacht out to sea and your boat breaks down. How will you be able
to tell the coast guard how to find you? Students will record answers in their ISN. Have
students give ideas about how they would let someone know where they were located.
Discuss reasons why it is important to read a map.
Instructional Input: (Line)
Show students the globe pointing out important lines such as the equator and the prime
meridian. Point out similar lines (latitude and longitude) on the globe and explain how they
are used to pinpoint positions on the map. Using the world map with lines of latitude and
longitude, demonstrate how students can find points on the map with coordinates. Model with
the hands on map (yarn for lines of lat. and long.)
Prime Meridian
Guided Practice: (Line)
Give each student a map with yarn to represent the long. and lat. Ask students to find the
equator, prime meridian, various coordinates of longitude and latitude. Ask questions like: Is
it land or water? What city is near ___ coordinates?, What continent are certain coordinates
in? What ocean are named coordinates in?, etc. Monitor students while they find the
coordinates to see that they understand the longitude and latitude.
Independent Practice: (Sinker)
Partner students up to practice calling and locating coordinates on their maps. Have them
take turns calling and finding and checking each other’s understanding. If some students
seemed to have trouble during the whole group practice, the teacher could work with a small
group to reteach and practice more until they feel more competent.
Teacher will help students where needed.
Think back to the hook that students wrote about in their ISN at the beginning of the lesson.
What would their answer be now? What have they learned today that would help the Coast
Guard find them?
4th Grade Unit 1
How will you
check for
Monitor students
while they find the
coordinates to see
that they
understand the
longitude and
latitude. Have
them show you
their maps to see
of correct
coordinates are
Alief ISD
Social Studies Lesson Plans
Grade 4 Unit 1
Date: _______________
Desired Results: (Universal and
Unit Generalizations)
Geography affects how people live.
Geographic tools are used to
analyze, collect and interpret data
related to geography.
Anticipatory Set: (Hook)
Anticipation Guide Sheet (attached)
Time Allotted: Day 2
Assessment: Students will locate
specific locations on a map using
latitude and longitude; unit test.
Objective/TEKS: TLW apply
geographic tools, including grid
systems, legends, symbols, scales, and
compass roses to construct and
interpret maps.
Instructional Input: (Line)
Introduce the strategy of Anticipation Guide (see attached directions). This prereading
strategy will hook into students’ prior knowledge and have them make predictions about the
text they will read. It also gives them a purpose for reading…to determine if their predictions
were correct. Give directions for reading pages H8-H11 in their social studies books, and set
them up with partners if needed. Pull a small group that may need help with the reading to
work with the teacher for support.
Guided Practice: (Line)
Before reading, have students complete the Anticipation Guide. Students read pages H8-H11
in their social studies books. They may read on their own or with a partner. This will
reinforce the lesson for today. As they read, they should confirm their predictions and make
adjustments on false statements to make them true.
Independent Practice: (Sinker)
No IP for today.
Prime Meridian
How will you
check for
Teacher will help students where needed.
Allow students who need help reading the textbook to read with a partner, or pull a small
group to read with the teacher.
Review key terms from today: hemisphere, equator, prime meridian, longitude, latitude. Ask
students to share important points from the reading.
4th Grade Unit 1
Monitor students as
they read to
determine if they
understand. Check
for understanding
of key terms.
Watch to see if
students can
identify important
points from the
Alief ISD
Anticipation Guide
Students engage in prediction, activate prior knowledge, and access information others have if done in small groups.
Statements, unlike questions, get students more involved in their learning (pressure to be right is not present). The
guide helps teachers plan for learning since misinformation or lack of information is usually revealed.
Students become more motivated when teachers help to develop the natural anticipation learners have. Enhanced
comprehension usually results.
With non-fiction text, statements are more concept-oriented. In fiction, they may relate to the problem, setting, or
characters. In both cases, personal opinion statements are used.
The strategy has eight parts:
1. Identify major concepts or ideas.
2. Determine students’ prior knowledge of these concepts or ideas.
3. Create statements that focus students on helpful pre-thinking.
4. Decide statement order and presentation mode. (Sequence of statements, on overhead, in small groups, etc.)
5. Present guide to students with directions after having modeled.
6. After students complete the guide, briefly discuss each statement.
7. Have students read the text.
8. Conduct a follow-up discussion.
4th Grade Unit 1
Alief ISD
Name: __________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________
Anticipation Guide
Map and Globe Skills
Directions: Place a “+” beside the statements with which you agree and a “-“ beside the ones with which you
A map is a small model of the Earth you can hold in
your hands.
Two imaginary lines that divide the Earth into halves
are called the equator and prime meridian.
South America is located in the Northern Hemisphere.
The Indian Ocean is located in the Eastern
Lines of latitude are a set of circles that go north to
Lines of longitude are the set of circles that go north
and south.
Follow Up
Read pages H-8 through H-11 in your social studies textbook. Once
you have read these sections and determined if your predictions are
correct or not, have a discussion with a partner to share what you
learned. Be sure to change the statement to make it correct.
4th Grade Unit 1
Alief ISD
Social Studies Lesson Plans
Grade 4 Unit 1
Date: _______________
Desired Results: (Universal and
Unit Generalizations)
Geography affects how people live.
Geographic tools are used to
analyze, collect and interpret data
related to geography.
Anticipatory Set: (Hook)
Rivet Vocabulary Strategy
Time Allotted: Day 3
Assessment: Students will locate
specific locations on a map using
latitude and longitude; unit test.
Objective/TEKS: TLW apply
geographic tools, including grid
systems, legends, symbols, scales, and
compass roses to construct and
interpret maps.
Instructional Input: (Line)
Review terms from yesterday. Tell students that there are other important parts of a map that
are necessary to be able to read the map correctly. Introduce the terms compass rose,
cardinal directions, intermediate directions, locator, map scale, grid, and map key using the
vocabulary strategy called Rivet. See the attached directions for Rivet.
Show students how to fold and make a French Doors Foldable. It is folded and cut so that
they have 8 flaps of windows. Have them record a vocabulary word on the outside of each
flap. As they read they should draw a picture or write words that remind them of the meaning
of the vocabulary word. See the list of vocabulary words to the right under the
topics/concepts column. They should use all but grid, and that will give them eight.
compass rose
map scale
map key
Ask students to read pages H12-H15 in their social studies books. They may read on their
own or with a partner.
Guided Practice: (Line)
Students read their social studies books as directed above. They should read to determine the
vocabulary word meanings. Words are found in bold in their textbook. They may take notes
about the meanings or draw pictures to represent the meanings of the vocabulary words.
Independent Practice: (Sinker)
When students complete their reading and vocabulary foldable, allow time for sharing big
ideas contained in the text, and to share meanings of words. Direct students to keep these
vocabulary notes in their ISN to refer to for a later project.
Ultimate sinker: Students will create a map of their own. All maps must include at least 2 or
more each of lines of latitude and longitude, compass rose, map title, map key with symbols
showing features of the map, scale, and the map must be labeled and colored.
Teacher will help students where needed.
Allow students who need help reading the textbook to read with a partner, or pull a small
group to read with the teacher.
Review key terms from today: compass rose, cardinal directions, intermediate directions,
locator, map scale, grid, map key, longitude, and latitude. Ask students to share important
points from the reading.
4th Grade Unit 1
How will you
check for
-Wander the room
and monitor as
students read, or
work with a small
group to support
- Listen during
share time for
understanding or
Clear up
Alief ISD
RIVET is a prereading vocabulary strategy used to help activate prior knowledge, introduce vocabulary,
make predictions, and model spelling of specific vocabulary words.
This strategy has 8 basic steps:
1. Choose five to eight interesting and important words from the selection to be read.
2. Create a visual representation of the words in a numbered list, leaving lines for each letter in the
words. You may want to provide students with a copy of this.
3. Fill in the letters of the first word, one by one. Have students fill in their sheets or copy the words
along with you. Ask students to predict what the word might be.
4. Continue this process for each word on the list.
5. Make sure students understand word meanings. Encourage them to share.
6. Using the list of words, have students make predictions about the text. Record them.
7. Encourage students to ask questions prompted from the list of words. Record them.
8. Read the text. Revisit predictions to confirm or modify. Answer questions on the list.
1. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
2. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
3. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
4. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
5. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Source: Cunningham, P. Phonics They Use. Harper Collins, 1995.
4th Grade Unit 1
Alief ISD
Social Studies Vocabulary with Rivet
1. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ (two words)
2. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (two words)
3. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (two words)
4. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
5. ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (two words)
6. ___ ___ ___ ___
7. ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ (two words)
8. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
9. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
4th Grade Unit 1
Alief ISD
Social Studies Vocabulary with Rivet
1. compass rose
2. cardinal directions
3. intermediate directions
4. locator
5. map scale
6. grid
7. map key
8. longitude
9. latitude
4th Grade Unit 1
Alief ISD
Social Studies Lesson Plans
Grade 4 Unit 1
Date: ____________________
Desired Results: (Universal and
Unit Generalizations)
Geography affects how people live.
Time Allotted: Day 4
Assessment: Students will locate
specific locations on a map using
latitude and longitude; unit test.
Objective/TEKS: TLW apply
geographic tools, including grid
systems, legends, symbols, scales, and
compass roses to construct and
interpret maps.
Geographic tools are used to
analyze, collect and interpret data
related to geography.
Anticipatory Set: (Hook)
Ask students to review their vocabulary foldable from yesterday to review words and
meanings. Tell them that today they will have a chance to use many of these geographic
tools with a map to learn how they help determine locations and distances.
compass rose
map scale
map key
Instructional Input: (Line)
Review terms from yesterday. Tell students that these are important parts of a map that are
necessary to be able to read the map correctly. Review the terms compass rose, cardinal
directions, intermediate directions, locator, map scale, grid, and map key and show students
where they are located on the Texas map. Pass out the Texas maps with yarn for longitude
and latitude. Model and help students locate the various tools on their maps (consult
vocabulary for tools)
Guided Practice: (Line)
Give each student a Texas map with yarn to represent the long. and lat. Ask students to find
coordinates of longitude and latitude. Ask questions like what state are the coordinates in?
What city is near ___ coordinates, etc. Monitor students while they find the coordinates to
see that they understand the longitude and latitude. Also ask students to point to the map
scale and to try to use it to calculate distance between cities or states. Locate the compass
rose and practice telling what direction places are in relation to one another. Also work with
the map scale. Practice until students seem comfortable with the maps and tools on the map.
Independent Practice: (Sinker)
Using the textbook, page 133, students will complete the Texas Geography Challenge
(attached) by finding cities and points on the map. The teacher will model several times
before the students break into pairs or small groups to finish the challenge.
How will you
check for
-Monitor students
while they find the
coordinates to see
that they
understand the
longitude and
latitude. Have
them show you
their maps to see
of correct
coordinates are
-Check challenge
for understanding
Ultimate sinker: Students will create a map of their own. All maps must include at least 2 or
more each of lines of latitude and longitude, compass rose, map title, map key with symbols
showing features of the map, scale, and the map must be labeled and colored.
Teacher will help students where needed.
Review key terms from today: hemisphere, equator, prime meridian, longitude, latitude. Ask
students to share important points from the reading.
4th Grade Unit 1
Alief ISD
Name: _________________________________ Date: _________________________
Texas Geography Challenge
1. Which lines of latitude and longitude meet near El Paso, Texas?
2. Which line of latitude is closest to Austin, Texas?
3. Which line of longitude is closest to Amarillo, Texas?
4. Which two cities shown on the map are closest to 28 N latitude?
5. Which city is located closest to 98 W longitude?
6. Name some cities located between the latitudes of 32 N and 34 N longitude?
7. What city is near the coordinates of 32 N latitude and 106 W longitude?
8. What city is near the coordinates of 30 N and 98 W?
4th Grade Unit 1
Alief ISD
Social Studies Lesson Plans
Grade 4 Unit 1
Date: _______________
Desired Results: (Universal and
Unit Generalizations)
Geography affects how people live.
Time Allotted: Day 5
Assessment: Students will locate
specific locations on a map using
latitude and longitude; unit test.
Objective/TEKS: TLW apply
geographic tools, including grid
systems, legends, symbols, scales, and
compass roses to construct and
interpret maps.
Geographic tools are used to
analyze, collect and interpret data
related to geography.
Anticipatory Set: (Hook)
If you were looking at a map, how could you tell how far it was between cities like Houston
and San Antonio? Why is it important to know? Have students record their thoughts in their
map scale
Instructional Input: (Line)
Tell students that they have been learning about the parts of a map, including a map scale.
Today they will practice using the map scale to measure distance on a map. Using a color
transparency (if possible) and a ruler, have students gather in front of the overhead and
demonstrate how to use the map scale to estimate distance. Have one or two students try it
as well for the others to see.
Guided Practice: (Line)
Have students return to their seats and take out their social studies textbooks and turn to
pages 288-289. Have students compare the map scales on the two maps. The first map
shows a scale of 1 inch=250 miles while the second shows 1 inch=10 miles. Why would the
scales be different? Discuss.
Independent Practice: (Sinker)
In their ISN, have students show the distances between different cities using rulers and a
student atlas. Have them record the distances on the Distance Chart and glue onto their line
part of their notebook.
Ultimate sinker: Students will create a map of their own. All maps must include at least 2 or
more each of lines of latitude and longitude, compass rose, map title, map key with symbols
showing features of the map, scale, and the map must be labeled and colored.
Students may work with peers if needed to complete the assignment.
Teacher may pull a small group to support as needed.
Go over the directions for the map project. The Map Guidelines are attached. Students will
plan and create a map incorporating all of the new geographic tools they have been learning
about. When maps are complete, students will share their maps by conducting a gallery walk
around the room.
4th Grade Unit 1
How will you
check for
-Monitor students
as they complete
their distance
-Check distance
charts for
correctness and
identify students
needing more
practice and
Alief ISD
Name: ____________________________ Date: ____________________
Distance Chart
Directions: Measure and record the distance from the city in the left column to the cities listed in
each of the other columns.
El Paso
0 miles
0 miles
El Paso
0 miles
0 miles
Name: ____________________________ Date: ____________________
Distance Chart
Directions: Measure and record the distance from the city in the left column to the cities listed in
each of the other columns.
0 miles
0 miles
El Paso
0 miles
4th Grade Unit 1
El Paso
0 miles
Alief ISD
Map Guidelines
Your map should include the following elements:
 A neatly drawn map of any shaped land including roads and highways;
cities and towns (including capitals); parks; natural features such as
rivers, lakes, mountains, deserts, etc.; borders or boundaries between
states and countries
 All areas or features of the map must be correctly labeled and
capitalized (use best handwriting)
 Two (2) lines of latitude clearly marked with degrees
 Two (2) lines of longitude clearly marked with degrees
 A map title of your creation (example: Michelleland or LaRoche Island)
that is capitalized correctly
 A compass rose with cardinal directions
 A map scale
 A map key with symbols that match areas shown on the map (Use
different colors to make is easier to read)
 A product that is neatly drawn and includes all the elements
 A product that is turned in on time. Points will be deducted from all
maps turned in late.
My map is due on ______________________________________
4th Grade Unit 1
Alief ISD
Social Studies Lesson Plans
Grade 4 Unit 1
Texas Geography
Date: _________________________
Desired Results: (Universal and
Unit Generalizations)
Regions of Texas Geography
affects how people live. The size,
history and geography of Texas
shaped its growth and diversity.
Assessment: Read IP responses
for understanding of how
geography and landforms affect
peoples’ lives.
Time Allotted: Day 1
(TLW) I can describe a variety of
regions in Texas including landforms
and waterways that result from
physical characteristics.
Anticipatory Set: (Hook)
Ask students to describe features of the earth’s surface they have seen from a high-rise
building, a mountaintop, or an airplane.
Instructional Input: (Line)
Show students pictures of landforms and discuss important features. (Use vocabulary cards
from Avenues kit.) Use map & key (pg. 15) to show how to use map features.
Possible resource: Geography from A to Z by Jack Knowlton
Guided Practice: (Line)
Give each student a sheet of colored paper to create “French Doors”. Students read through
textbook pages 15-17 to draw, label and define a picture of each landform. Generally “French
Doors” have 8 windows, so you will need to choose the 8 landforms or waterways that you
want your class to focus on for this activity. Recommended landforms to include: escarpment,
plateau, plain, canyon, river, lake, valley, and basin.
Independent Practice: (Sinker)
Ask students, “If you were a ________ (farmer, fisherman, rancher), what part of Texas
would you choose to live in and why?” Be sure to include information about any landforms in
that area that would be important to your job. Have students write responses. They may use
the maps on pages 14, 15, and 18 to help them locate a place. The Student Atlas, page 88 is
also helpful because it includes symbols for the industries.
Teacher will circulate, monitor, and help where needed.
Students share responses from independent practice activity in pairs and then as a group.
Allow time for in depth discussion and debate.
4th Grade Unit 1
How will you
check for
Assess “French
Doors” for
Listen during sinker
share time for
understanding or
Clear up
Alief ISD
Social Studies Lesson Plans
Grade 4 Unit 1
Texas Geography
Date: _________________________
Desired Results: (Universal and
Unit Generalizations)
Regions of Texas Geography
affects how people live. The size,
Time Allotted: Days 2-6
Create a rubric to assess their
advertisement. Include critical
attributes you want students to
TLW identify reasons why people have
modified and adapted to their environment in
Texas such as use of natural resources to
meet basic needs.
TLW analyze consequences of human
modification of the environment in Texas.
history, geography, and resources
of Texas shaped its growth and
Anticipatory Set: (Hook)
Ask students to make a list in their ISN of materials they need to meet their needs at school
and home (pencils, notebooks, food, clothing, etc.) Explain that they will be reading about
materials and resources in Texas that people depend on.
Instructional Input: (Line)
Within a shared reading format, read pages 20-44. Teacher takes responsibility for reading
while students have access to the text and follows along. Stop to monitor comprehension and
provide time for student to “turn and talk” about what is being read. Remember these pages
are to be broken up and read in parts over several days.
Natural resources
Renewable resources
Guided Practice: (Line)
Students will participate in Jigsaw strategy using the following topics:
-natural resources -climate -severe weather - plants and animals of Texas
1.Assign students to “home” teams of 4 or 5 students (generally their regular cooperative
learning teams). Have students number off within their teams.
2. Assign one topics to “home” team members
3. Have students move to “expert” groups where everyone in the group has the same topic as
4. Students work with members of their “expert” group to read about and/or research their
topic. They prepare a short presentation and decide how they will teach their topic to their
“home” team. These posters can contain important facts, information, and diagrams related to
the study topic.
5. Students return to their “home” teams and take turns teaching their team members the
material. Team members take notes or record the information in their journals in some way.
You may want them to complete a graphic organizer or chart with the new information.
Independent Practice: (Sinker)
-Show sample of advertisement (attached) and ask students what is being sold and ask
whether students would want the item. Discuss why or why not.
- Ask students “What do you like about Texas?”
-Now discuss what features of Texas might be an incentive for people to relocate.
Students will participate in a RAFT activity:
Students will create an ad
Role: Texas land developer
to entice people to move to
Audience: Potential land buyers
Texas. Make sure students
4th Grade Unit 1
use topics previously read
How will you check
for understanding?
Monitor students
during shared reading
to look for
Look at notes and
Alief ISD
Format: Advertisement
Topic: Resources, climate, plants and animals of Texas
monitor rereading to
determine if students
are getting the main
points and
Teacher will help students where needed. Allow students who need help reading the textbook
to read with a partner, or pull a small group to do the rereading and note taking with the
Students present their advertisements to the class.
4th Grade Unit 1
Alief ISD
Sample Advertisement (This picture can be used to show students what an advertisement looks
like. A newer magazine or newspaper ad could be substituted):
4th Grade Unit 1
Alief ISD
Name: ______________________________________ Date: _____________________________
Note Taking Sheet
Main Points
4th Grade Unit 1