APM 40.22 - Landscape & Ext. Services

40.22 -- Landscape & Exterior Services (LES)
October 21, 2013
A. General. Landscape & Exterior Services (LES) is made up of the following divisions:
Landscape; Building & Exteriors; Garage/LES Shops; Recycling/Surplus/Solid Waste; Campus
Storage; Campus Mail Services; Shop Stores; and the UI Arboreta. LES maintains a large portion
of the green space, hardscape, landscape furnishings, roofs and brick/masonry exteriors across
campus. To request assistance from LES related divisions, please contact Facilities at (208) 8856246 or facilities@uidaho.edu.
B. Definitions.
B-1. Electronic Waste (E-waste): for this policy, electronic waste is any unit that has a
plug, battery, or microchip.
B-2. Extraordinary Solid Waste: any waste generated from campus events; construction;
remodeling; building cleanouts; building upgrades; and other non-routine functions
across campus. Disposal costs are billed directly to the waste generator.
B-3. General Education (Gen Ed) Receptacles: containers (tow units, toters, dumpsters,
rolloffs, trash cans) placed on campus by Recycling, Surplus and Solid Waste (RSSW)
staff for municipal solid waste that is billed to the UI central waste budget.
B-4. Hazardous Waste: waste not allowed in general education municipal solid waste
receptacles across campus. These include, but may not be limited to: paints, spray
cans, liquids, toxic substances, pesticides, oils, chemicals, fluorescent tubes, improperly
containerized biological materials like blood, body parts, animal parts, body wastes,
B-5. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) : any solid waste produced by general education or
auxiliary units, other than hazardous, infectious or unacceptable waste.
B-6. Sharps: any item having corners, edges, or projections capable of cutting or piercing
the skin. (Usually related to bio-hazardous materials, but not necessarily.)
B-7. UI Resident: those students currently registered with university Housing as living on
the UI Campus in their residential facilities.
B-8. Unacceptable Waste: other waste not allowed in municipal solid waste receptacles
across campus. These include but are not limited to: furniture, metals, electronic
waste, construction materials and debris, monitors, tv’s, etc. Contact Environmental
Health & Safety (EHS) or Recycling, Surplus and Solid Waste (RSSW), if you have
C. Animal and Pest Control in Buildings and on University Grounds. Facilities utilizes an
Integrated Plant Management (IPM) program to control pests and manage overall plant health
throughout the campus landscape. The IPM program requires the consideration of a wide variety
of cultural, biological, environmental, and chemical controls to provide the best growing
conditions for the wide variety of plant species found on campus. Interior and building pest
control measures are handled and authorized by building services staff and programs.
Landscape pest control measures are handled by LES staff and programs. To arrange inspection
of an area or arrange authorization for control measures please contact Facilities at (208) 8856246 or facilities@uidaho.edu. [rev. 9-07]
C-1. Hunting, fishing, trapping, snaring, baiting of any campus wildlife on the University of
Idaho campus is strictly prohibited unless such activity is for educational and research
purposes (see C-6 below). Educational and research activities are allowed as long as prior
written authorization is received from Facilities before an activity of this nature is started.
Facilities authorization may include and be conditioned on implementation of any necessary
safety measures to accommodate the proposed activity. [add. 9-07, ed. 3-09]
C-2. Live trapping of pets or feral animals if not for research and educational purposes and
authorized pursuant to B-1 above, is allowed only if Animal Control or Humane Society
officers, or, in the case of a pet, the pet owner, installs and monitors the trap. Facilities
(885-6246) must be notified and must authorize any live trapping activity prior to placement
of any trap. The notification and request for authorization must come from an Animal
Control Officer or the pet owner. Prior authorization is required so that all involved campus
entities can be notified of this event and contact information is available if questions or
problems arise from the trapping. (While cats and birds are allowed by Family Housing Policy
neither are allowed to roam free outside of the resident’s domicile. For more detailed
information on the University Residences Pet Policy contact Housing at (208) 885-6571 or
see policy at http://www.uidaho.edu/universityhousing/resources-and-services/forms-andpolicies
C-3. Feeding of natural and feral wildlife is prohibited because of ongoing safety and health
issues, vermin population increases around campus buildings, and damage to landscape
plant materials from increased and non-sustainable animal populations. [add. 9-07]
C-4. Pets of any kind are not allowed to be left on campus unattended. Pets must be
leashed or constrained and kept with their owner at all times. Tying pets to landscape
fixtures is unsafe for both the campus community and the pet. If pets are brought onto
campus, the owner is responsible for monitoring, caring and cleaning up after their pet, as
well as any resulting damages. See APM 35.35 Section J for further information.
C-5. No pets are allowed on any campus recreation play fields. This is a safety and health
issue for all field users.
C-6. In addition to any of the requirements in this policy, all use of animals for education and
research must be approved by the University’s Animal Care and Use Committee (see FSH
1640.12). [add. 3-09]
D. Recycling, Surplus and Solid Waste (RSSW) Programs. Recycling stations are located at
over 300 sites on campus, including, classroom buildings, residence halls and housing areas that
are serviced by outside collection stations. Recycling and solid waste staff make over 500 stops
per week to service the campus. For questions concerning the type of wastes recycled please go
to UI Recycling website, contact the recycling team at recycle@uidaho.edu or at (208) 885-2091.
D-1. Solid Waste Disposal. Solid waste disposal is heavily regulated by federal, state, and
local agencies. Regulations change frequently requiring ongoing compliance. Solid waste
disposal at UI is broken down into two major categories:
Category 1: Municipal Solid Waste, and
Category 2: Extraordinary Solid Waste
Billings accrue for all non-general education buildings in Category 1 and for all Category 2
solid waste generation. Generating parties are required to pay the additional cost of the solid
waste disposal. For more details about solid waste billing, contact RSSW at (208) 885-2091.
Gen Ed Receptacles around campus are intended for disposal of municipal solid waste only.
Contact EHS at 885-6524 or safety@uidaho.edu; or RSSW at 885-2091 or
recycle@uidaho.edu for proper disposal of non-MSW items.
Use of Gen Ed Receptacles for Category 2 functions is prohibited. Arrangements should be
made with RSSW to handle these situations prior to an event, situation, or project that will
generate such waste.
D-2. Theft of Services. ALL solid waste receptacles located on the University of Idaho
campus are for the sole use of the University of Idaho. Anyone using these receptacles
without authorization or written permission is in violation of Idaho Code 18-2403 Section 5 –
“Theft of Services”. Anyone caught doing so can be prosecuted. No contractor, vendor, UI
employee or student shall dispose of private waste using any UI Solid Waste Receptacle. (UI
Residents are “authorized” users, and as such, are excluded from this provision.)
D-3. Recyclables & Surplus Property in the Solid Waste Stream. Besides the items
listed above as unacceptable waste, recyclable items should also be diverted from the
municipal solid waste stream whenever possible, and recycled through the various recycling
programs available on campus and in the community. If there is any question about whether
an item should be disposed of in the solid waste stream, please contact RSSW at (208) 8852091. Certain items can and will be rejected by waste haulers due to more stringent disposal
regulations. The following list provides examples of recyclable items that should not go into
the regular solid waste stream:
 #1 & #2 plastics
 aluminum cans
 magazines
 newspapers
 batteries
 colored ledger paper
 phone books
 computer paper
 printer cartridges
 corrugated cardboard
 tin cans
 white ledger paper
Also, e-waste or red/yellow/blue property tagged UI/State/Federal equipment or materials
should never be put in any solid waste receptacle. All these items must be disposed of
through Campus Surplus.
D-4. Hazardous Waste/Sharps Disposal. See APM 35.40. For requests for collection of
hazardous materials contact the EHS at (208) 885-6524 or safety@uidaho.edu.
D-5. Surplus Property Office. For further information or questions concerning campus
surplus programs or operations visit the Campus Surplus website, at surplus@uidaho.edu, or
at (208) 885-2091.
E. Roof Leaks. When a roof leak occurs, Facilities should be contacted at (208) 885-6246
immediately. Maintenance staff will be dispatched to contain the water and minimize water
damage. Maintenance personnel will attempt to determine the cause of the leak and take steps
to stop the leak. [Note: Most repair work will be postponed for dry weather in order to properly
repair the leak.] If the roof leak is discovered during non-working hours or on a holiday, call the
Steam Plant at (208) 885-6271 for immediate response. Steam Plant personnel will dispatch
maintenance workers to minimize damage to buildings and contents. [ed. 9-07]
F. Snow Removal. During normal working hours every effort is made to keep building entries
and steps clear of snow and ice. Sanding is used as needed. When snow on sidewalks reaches
one inch, teams are dispatched to remove the snow. Every weekday morning, sidewalks are
checked for ice or frost. If needed, the tractor or hand crew will sand them. When notified of an
event occurring on campus, the snow removal team clears and sands/rocks sidewalks, streets,
and parking lots around the event site, prior to the event.
F-1. Street and Parking Lot Snow Removal. When two or more inches of snow have
fallen, or a heavy frost or ice is present, street and parking lot snow removal and
sanding/rocking begins.
F-2. Disabled Parking and Walkway Area Snow Removal. Parking spaces for the
disabled in parking lots and streets are cleared as a priority while the major campus
walkways are cleared. Every effort is made to provide clear routes for disabled students.
F-3. Information or Service Requests. For any problems or requests concerning snow or
ice removal, contact Facilities at (208) 885-6246 or facilities@uidaho.edu .
G. Campus Storage. Rental space for UI units is available on a short or long term basis.
Contact LES at (208) 885-6633 for current prices and space availability.
H. Garage/LES Shops (GLS). GLS is responsible for repairs and maintenance of all LES
equipment for campus upkeep. GLS performs routine preventative maintenance and repair of
Facilities and other UI fleet vehicles as requested by the owning unit. For major or highly
technical repairs, vehicles are sent out to various specialized shops throughout the Palouse. For
questions or service appointments contact GLS by email at garage@uidaho.edu or call (208)
I. Campus Mail Services (CMS). See APM 40.27 and/or the Campus Mail Website for
questions and details.
J. Parking Lot Problems. Parking and Transportation Services (PTS) determines the
maintenance & repair activities in the parking lots on campus and requests services from
Facilities Trades for work to be completed. To report parking lot problems, contact PTS at (208)
885-6424 or by email at parking@uidaho.edu, or visit http://www.uidaho.edu/parking . [ren. &
ed. 9-07, ed. 7-09]
K. Site Lighting Problems. Exterior lighting for streets and campus is maintained by the
Facilities Electric Shop. All lighting problems should be reported to Facilities at (208) 885-6246
or facilities@uidaho.edu. [ren. & ed. 9-07]