Encoding Higher-Level Cognition as Concurrent Communicating Processes Pierre Bonzon University of Lausanne, Switzerland pierre.bonzon@unil.ch Abstract We present a computational encoding of higher-level cognition that equates mental activity with concurrent communicating processes within a model of social agents. We instantiate this encoding under the form of a virtual machine interpreting dialogs. This machine can interpret itself, thus allowing for introspective processes. We argue that the resulting layered model enjoys a property it shares with a conscious mind i.e., it is shown that a proto-form of consciousness can be achieved through the closure of two mental activities i.e., deliberation and introspection. 1. Introduction Briefly stated, the information processing hypothesis of cognitive science postulates that the human brain basically behaves like a computer. But then, the objection goes, many of the brain’s capabilities, such as thinking, consciousness, and so on, cannot be reduced to computable functions, and thus are out of the reach of computers. J. Searle’s well known “Chinese room” argument exemplifies this objection by pointing out rightfully that syntax in itself is insufficient to produce meaning. An algorithm, defining a static functional relation between input and output sets, is not to be confused however with its embedding within an interactive system embodying multiple dynamic (i.e., time-varying) non-functional relations with its environment. What matters then about syntax is not the output string resulting from a computation, but the concurrent interactive processes it allows to define (something similar can be said of the human discourse, whose meaning is not in the utterances themselves, but for example in the speech acts they imply). In other words, systems enjoy properties they are not traceable and/or reducible to their constituents, but emerge from their overall behaviour. For example, life is considered an emergent property of naturally embodied systems, namely biological systems. Similarly, emergent properties could well arise out of artificially embodied systems comprising sensors and effectors connected to a computer mimicking the human brain. The behavioural properties of these systems would then follow from concurrent interactive processes (as opposed to a single function computation). Their evolution would be essentially unpredictable i.e., their futures states could not be derived beforehand, even though their behaviour might be reproducible and deterministic. This “process” approach can be contrasted with the traditional “analytical” approach, based for instance on differential equations. In the analytical approach, a future state can be determined without computing the intermediate states the system will have to go through. In the process approach, one must necessarily compute all those intermediate states: in other words, we cannot determine future states without unfolding the time. As a consequence, running processes are systems that embed time as a concrete (although possibly simulated) dimension: there is no possible substitute for it (unlike we have for instance for ordinary space, let it be in 1D, 2 D or 3D representations, which allow for selected properties to be computed at any point). There might be at least two diametrically opposed approaches towards purely computational embodied systems (and a whole spectrum in between) i.e., one might start with the simplest of models, and look for the emergence of formalisms, or take the opposite approach i.e., start from the most formal of systems, and look for the emergence of the simplest of behaviour (e.g., memory). While connectionist models seem to follow the former approach, we favour the latter one for the following reasons. First of all, and similarly to theories in the physical sciences that require advanced mathematical concepts to account for the complexity of real phenomena, artificially embodied systems may have to rely on sophisticated computational abstractions (e.g., concurrent communicating systems). Secondly, similarly to biological systems where the functioning of a living cell cannot be explained in terms of its atomic constituents but necessitates the intermediate level of molecular structures with definite functions, artificial embodied systems should have a layered structure with explicit interlayer relationships and processes. We will take further inspiration from a philosophical tradition, namely the so-called layered model [8]. Simple layered models such as the Oppenheim and Putnam’s hierarchy [11] (fig. 1), tries to elicit the regularity of entities of increasing complexity through a level-to-level relationship (i.e., a kind of aggregation property) that is uniform from top to bottom. 2 2. A model of social agents with plans Social groups Multi-cellular living things Cells Molecules Atoms Fig. 1: Oppenheim and Putnam’s layered model The recurring debate about reduction v/s emergence can then be expressed by the following question: to what extend can higher levels be reduced to lower ones or, on the contrary, enjoy properties not found in their lower parts? Cells, for example, truly enjoy a property that cannot be reduced to that of molecules, namely life. Life therefore is an emergent property of cells. Mind, at first sight, similarly seems to be an emergent property of some multi-cellular living things, namely humans. However, as pointed out by J. Kim, nothing in the idea of emergence prohibits mind’s emergence out of non biological processes. This is also well in line with R. Brooks vision, which can be summarized by the following motto:” the behaviors are the building blocks, and the functionality is emergent” [5]. Our layered model will comprise various relationships i.e., a level can be interpreted, compiled or simply represented by its lower level. Our framework will thus take the form of the successive embedding of computational processes (fig. 2). Concurrent virtual machines Concurrent agent dialogs Agent plans Virtual agent machine Physical machine Fig. 2: Layered model of a social agent We shall distinguish, from the bottom to the top - a physical machine - a virtual agent machine interpreted by this machine - agent plans interpreted by this virtual agent machine - agent dialogs that can be compiled into agent plans - concurrent virtual machines defined by agent dialogs. As a result of this construction, the agent machine can execute itself (i.e., it interprets compiled models of itself). While this framework does not constitute stricto sensu a model of the mind, it will allow us to depict one of its most intriguing properties i.e., the possibility to operate on (e.g., to think about) itself via introspection. This will be implemented using reflective processes driven by selfexecuting machines. Before that, we shall give a formal description of each level. We start the construction of our layered model with a description of its second and third level i.e., by showing how a social agent’s plans can be interpreted by a virtual machine. Towards this end, we shall use a simplified machine obtained from a more general machine for classes of communicating agents based on deduction [3]. A physical machine with deductive capabilities is then all we will need in order to get an executable model. This can be obtained by formulating the virtual machine as a logical program and by inserting an additional layer above the physical machine, namely the compilation of this program into machine code (e.g., a Prolog compilation). According to a well established theory [14], autonomous intelligent agents (thereafter called agents in short) are entities enjoying reactive, proactive and social (i.e., communicative) capabilities. Reactivity means that they are able to respond to changes in their environment, proactiveness refers to their capacity to act towards a goal, and finally sociability allows them to interact with other agents, and possibly with humans. Our model of an agent’s behavior comprises two specific components, namely - a core model, defining the reactivity and pro-activeness of individual agents - a communication model, representing the social ability of agents in a multi-agent system. 2.1 The core model In order to achieve pro-activeness, we extend Wooldridge’s definition of a reactive agent to include the notion of plans. Intuitively, an agent’s plan can be described as an ordered set of actions that may be taken, under certain conditions, to meet a certain objective. Formally, let us assume - a set of actions A = {a1, a2,…} - a set of plans P = {p1, p2,…} and two predicates plan and act. To each plan pP we associate first a set of implications “condition” plan(p) where “condition” is a condition on the state of the agent that defines the applicability of plan p. In turn, another set of implications “condition” do(p, a) defines the executable actions a of plan p. Example: a vacuum cleaner robot To illustrate this, let us consider a vacuum cleaner robot that chooses to work i.e., to execute actions move and suck, if it senses some dirt, or otherwise goes home (e.g., at location 0) by executing action back. These two behaviors correspond to two possible plans, i.e. work and home. The robot's overall behavior can be defined by the following implications: 3 ∃X dirt(X) plan(work) ∃X dirt(X) plan(home) ∀X in(X) dirt(X) do(work,suck(X)) ∀X in(X) dirt(X) do(work,move(X)) ∀X in(X) do(home,back(X)) where the predicates in(X) and dirt(X) mean "the agent is at location X" and "the agent has sensed dirt at location X", actions move(X) and back(X) mean “move one step forward from location X" and "back one step from location X", and action suck(X) has an obvious meaning. Let us further assume - a set of states E = {e, e2,…} for the environment - a set of states L = {l, l2,…} for the agent. The core model will then be given by the following procedures defining the run of an agent i.e., the successive states it will go through, given its initial states e0 and l0 , where l p means “p can be deduced from l”. procedure run(e,l) loop sense(e,l); react(e,l) procedure sense(e,l) if l percept(p) process(p,a) then l l(l,a) procedure react(e,l) if l plan(p) do(p,a) then e e (e,a) Fig. 3: The core agent model An agent’s run is thus defined as a loop alternating sense and react steps. In the first step, the deduction of percept(p) process(p,a) means that the percept p has been captured and that an action a must be done to process this percept, and then the state transformer function l calculates the transition l l(l,a) representing the change in the agent’s state. In the next step, the deduction of plan(p) do(p, a) first selects an agent’s plan (thus accounting for its pro-activeness), then picks up an applicable action, and finally the transition e e (e,a) represents the effect of this action on the environment. A careful examination of the above procedures show that plans are not executed blindly. As the agent state l is possibly updated at the beginning of each cycle, the deductions that follow can lead each time to a different plan. This mechanism allows an agent to adopt a new plan whenever a certain condition occurs, and then to react with an appropriate action. Plans and actions are thus selected and executed one at a time, as it is required from truly reactive systems. 2.2 The communication model Agent communication models are commonly based on speech act theory [12], and thus rely on the so-called “mental attitudes” of agents, such as goals, beliefs, and so on. As a result, communicative actions require strong preconditions on the part of the agents. Recently, a completely new approach has been advocated [6]. It defines logical communicative primitives as “neutral” actions, so that core agent models do not need to distinguish between goals and beliefs. An important feature in this new approach is the use of synchronized communication. Two agents whishing to communicate must be ready for an exchange i.e., each of them must have issued a predefined message. When put together, these two messages must constitute one of two possible pairs exchanged between a sender and a receiver. In the tell/ask pair, the sender proposes some data that the receiver uses to make a deduction of his own. In the req/offer pair, the sender proposes a conclusion that the receiver will try to deduce using means of his own. The processing of these two pairs of messages thus defines deductive (in the case of the tell/ask pair) or abductive (for the req/offer pair) tasks that are delegated to the receiver. All that is required in order to implement concurrent communicating processes is simple data communication without any need for either deduction or abduction. We shall therefore give up the req/offer pair and define a simplified ask/tell pair. In what follows, r designates the receiver, s the sender. The simplified pair tell/ask is defined in three steps: - message tell(r,) from s provides r with the data - message ask(s,) from r requires s to provide data - when synchronized with s, r then computes a most general substitution such that =. 2.3 The integrated multi-agent system To integrate a core agent model with a communication model one essentially needs to extend the individual agent model of section 2.1 into a multi-agent system of identical agents. The pair of primitive messages just introduced above will be considered as possible agent actions, and incorporated into plans. To achieve synchronization, agent plans will have to include explicit synchronization conditions. Defining these conditions is quite an intricate task, so we will not dwell into that (see [4] for an example). As human do engage in communication without referring to such conditions, we shall step up one level in our layered model, and present a language for agent dialogs that relies on compiled synchronizations. Let us just mention here however that the synchronization of each tell/ask pair requires the victual machine to raise a pair of corresponding ack flags. As a result, messages can be traced across layer boundaries. 4 3. A language for concurrent agent dialogs The syntax of this language is defined by the following grammar, where [m1|[m2|…[]]]=[m1,m2,…]. We do not reproduce the usual syntax for first order expressions (note though that our variables start with capital letters). <dialog> ::= dialog(<dialogName>(<dialogParams>), <varList>,<mesTree>) <varList> ::= [] || [<varName>|<varList>] <mesTree> ::= [] || <seq> || [<alt>] <seq> <alt> ::= [<mes>|<mesTree>] ::= <guardMes> || (<guardMes>;<alt>) <guardMes> ::= <mesTree> || (<guard>|<mesTree>) <mes> ::= <messageName>(<messageParams>) <messageName> ::= ask || tell || start || end || execute Fig 4: BNF productions for agent dialogs Each dialog consists of a tree structure whose sequences contain messages separated by a conjunctive “,” and end with alternatives containing guarded messages (i.e., messages that might be subject to conditions) separated by a disjunctive “;”. Besides the ask/tell communicating pair introduced in 2.2, the possible messages are start/end (to create and delete a dialog thread) and execute (allowing for the execution of any non-communicating actions i.e., including start/end). Each dialog thread is re-entrant and will be automatically resumed at the end of each sequence and/or alternative. The language just briefly reviewed can be compiled into agent plans comprising synchronizing conditions, and thus executed (i.e., indirectly interpreted) by the virtual machine. Its precise operational semantics can be then given by compiling functions [4]. As dialogs can contain execute messages, this language constitutes a general model of concurrent communicating processes. As an example (of yet non-communicating processes), consider the following two dialogs that, when executed as concurrent threads, will lead to the same behaviour as the core agent machine defined in section 2.1 dialog(sense, [P,A], [((percept(P), process(P,A) dialog(react, [P,A], [((plan(P), do(P,A) | [execute(A)]))]) | [execute(A)]))]) Fig. 5: The core agent model as concurrent dialogs To establish the equivalence, the effect of executing the actions A selected by predicate process(P,A) and do(P,A) must represent the transitions l l(l,a) and e e(e,a) defined in section 2.1. As a result, an agent can be considered as a multi-threaded entity interleaving concurent dialogs. Note that messages can be exchanged between different threads of the same agent, as between different agents. Furthermore, as dialogs are compiled into plans, an agent can execute itself. 4. Introspective agents A self-executing agent run is defined as follows: the procedures defining the core agent model of section 2.1 will first interpret the sense/react dialogs of fig. 5, and these in turn will interpret an agent’s plans, with sensing and reacting occurring concurrently. Introspective agent models will then follow from self-executing runs involving dialogs that represent extensions of the core machine. Towards this end, we shall first define an extension that allows for an explicit plan deliberation. 4.1 Deliberative agents In contrast to reactive agents (whose plan selection occurs through the deduction l plan(p) and is thus conditional on their current state only), deliberative agents can take into account their current action in order to select their plan. Towards this end we shall define plan(p) as servers i.e., as a set of dialogs, each of which will repeatedly tell react a particular plan p. Furthermore, servers will be started and ended through a new dialog deliberate. This new dialog will in turn be told by both sense and react the last action they performed. Dialog deliberate is thus a communicating process that will execute actions controlling the servers. Similarly to react, these actions will be deduced from deliberative plans defined by implications “condition” intend(p, a) or assertions intend(p, a), where p represents the last action performed by either sense or react, and a is a new action. Suppose that predicate process is defined uniformly as∀P process(P,store(P)). Then ∃X dirt(X) plan(work) ∃X dirt(X) plan(home) might be represented by the following deliberative plan (other similar plans might refer to move and back actions) ∀X intend(store(dirt(X)), switch(work)) ∃X dirt(X) ∀Y intend(suck(Y),switch(home)) where action switch(p) ends the current plan server (if there is any) and starts an new server plan(p). This leads to the following extension, where act now replaces react dialog(sense, [P,A], [((percept(P), process(P,A) dialog(deliberate, [X,P,A], [ask(X,P), ((intend(P,A) dialog(plan(P), [], [ tell(act,P)]) dialog(act, [P,A], [ask(plan(P),P), ((do(P,A) | [execute(A), tell(deliberate,A)]))]) | [execute(A)]))]) | [execute(A), tell(deliberate,A)]))]) Fig. 6: Dialogs for defining a deliberative agent 5 In contrast to act, sense still receives its data via a predicate i.e., percept(p), an indication of its nondeliberative interface with underlying sensors. Note that in message ask(X,P), the use of variable X allows for deliberate to communicate with any dialog. 4.2 Introspective agents An introspective agent is defined as an agent that can reflect on (i.e., remember and then use) its past deliberations. We propose to implement this process as a meta-deliberation i.e., to consider introspection as yet another communicating process introspect that, similarly to act, will communicate with servers driven by deliberate. Whereas in the basic deliberation the servers plan(p) were controlled using deliberative plans and actions, the servers for meta-deliberation will be direct reflections of the successive deliberations i.e., will be implemented as detached threads reflect(p), each of which will reflect a past deliberative action p. Furthermore, new introspective plans will allow for the deduction of introspective actions e.g., for simply reporting remembered past actions. For example, having the agent do this reporting when idle i.e., after having backed home, might be defined as follows ∀P in(0) think(P, report(P)). We define this extension as dialog(deliberate, [X,P,A], [ask(X,P), ((intend(P,A) dialog(reflect(P), [], [tell(introspect,P)]) dialog(introspect, [P,A], [ask(reflect(P),P), ((think(P,A) | [execute(A), start(reflect(A))]))]) | [execute(A)]))]) Fig. 7: Dialogs for defining an introspective agent Threads being continuously resumed, this introspection process, unless it is reset by ending its reflective servers reflect(P), will loop on past actions. As a possible way to control introspection, one might consider defining a metameta-level deliberation by simply letting introspect tell in turn its introspective actions to deliberate as follows dialog(introspect, [P,A], [ask(reflect(P),P), ((think(P,A) | [execute(A), tell(deliberate,A)]))]) Fig. 8: Closing introspection and deliberation 4.3 Proto-conscious agents Having introspect tell in turn its action to deliberate amounts to an indirect recursive call closing the two processes i.e., allowing for meta-processes, meta-metaprocesses, and so on. Having the agent introspect on his introspection, and then as a result stop introspecting, can be considered as equivalent to saying: “the agent will stop introspecting as soon as he gets conscious of his introspection”. In order to account for this hypothetical form of proto-consciousness, let us introduce a last consciousness process defined as follows: dialog(consciousness, [P,A], [((conscious(P), realize(P,A) | [execute(A), tell(deliberate,A)]))]) Fig. 9: Dialog for defining proto-consciousness Similarly to sense, this process does not receive its data through communication, but via a predicate conscious. This truly reflects the non-deliberative origins of consciousness, which like sensing seems to have deep physiological correlates [1]. Translated into our layered model, this means having to step down to some lower level. As mentioned at the end of section 2.3, tell/ask messages can be traced across layer boundaries using ack(s,tell(r,a)) flags that are raised by the virtual machine, where r and s are the sender and receiver threads, respectively. The hypothetical source of protoconsciousness we just identified (i.e., having introspect tell its actions to deliberate) leads us to define ∀A ack(introspect,tell(deliberate,A)) conscious(A). thus taking into account the physiological origins (i.e., a physical signal) as well as the mechanism (i.e., the coupling of two mental processes) of this consciousness. As an example of associated consciousness plans, let us assume that the agent should end his reflective servers and thus reset his introspection when he gets conscious of having no more plans for act. Towards this end, let us consider the following extension of his deliberative plan that will allow him first to drop his last plan: in(0) ∀Y intend(back(Y), end(plan(home))). When the agent shall then report this action through introspection, he will get conscious of it, reset his introspection and report in turn this last action by using ∀A realize(report(end(plan(home))), (end(reflect (A)), report(reset(introspect)))). Example: the vacuum cleaner robot Let us suppose that the robot has just sensed and sucked a dirty spot. After backing home, it should report switch(work) switch(home)) end(plan(home)) reset(introspect). To effectively get this result, our Prolog implementation must ensure that threads introspect and consciousness are scheduled one after the other, in that order. This is required in order to render the true parallelism of physiological processes through the pseudo-parallelism of our concurrent threads implementation. 6 5. Conclusion A computational theory of thoughts relying on our layered agent model is now summarized below. It is based on the following grounding principle: Thinking is a mental activity that occurs concurrently with physical activity and follows the same reactive pattern i.e., the deduction of mental actions from various mental plans. More precisely, a basic mental activity (e.g., plan deliberation) is implemented as a communicating process (e.g., deliberate) that is synchronized with concurrent communicating processes representing physical activities (e.g., sense and act). Similarly to physical actions, mental actions (such as the activation and deactivation of plans) are deduced from mental plans, such as “condition” intend(p,a), and give rise to plan server communicating processes. Furthermore, mental actions are reflected into concurrent reflective processes i.e., deliberate(a). A nonbasic mental activity, such as introspection, is implemented as yet another communicating process (i.e., introspect), which uses its own introspective plans and actions and is coupled with deliberation through the reflective processes. Finally, proto-forms of consciousness can be achieved by closing deliberation and introspection i.e., by indirect recursive calls to both deliberate and introspect implemented by having process consciousness dig across layer boundaries. Unlike previous computational models of consciousness [2], this last point explicitly reflects the physiological origins of consciousness. Our model is also well in line with the idea that humans are not directly conscious of their thoughts but rely on intermediate representations and processes [7]. Consciousness comes in a variety of forms [1]. Roughly, access consciousness refers to the direct availability of mental content; monitoring (also called reflective) consciousness means direct availability of the mental activity itself; finally, phenomenal consciousness refers to the qualitative nature of feelings or sensations, and selfconsciousness is the possibility to think about ourselves. Our model allows for functionalities that are related to both access and monitoring consciousness. It also relates to a correlate of consciousness, namely the so-called episodic memory [13] that comes along with it. Deliberations we do perform consciously, or events that hit our consciousness, get somehow memorized i.e., we are able to remember them for some period of time afterwards. The vacuum cleaner robot works in a similar manner. This similarity does not allow us however to argue that it acts consciously. The only claim that we make is that it does enjoy an emergent property it shares with a conscious mind. Our layered model together with its implementation thus provides us with an operative model of proto-forms of both access and monitoring consciousness as well as of episodic memory. Thinking machines encompassing similar and extended functionalities might become ordinary tools for the cognitive scientist of tomorrow. Their performances in accomplishing various cognitive tasks could be benchmarked against that of humans, and the methods they implement hypothesized as operative models and explanations for our own capabilities. This methodology has already been adopted in experiments conducted with integrated cognitive architectures like ACR-T or Soar. These architectures have been used for modeling higher level cognitive capabilities such as adaptive communication [9] or episodic memory [10]. Because they manipulate low level concepts only (i.e., productions rules), they do not bring about the kind of insight that might be achieved with layered models. We thus expect next generation cognitive architectures to be based on higher level concepts e.g., the concurrent communicating processes included in our model. References [1] Atkinson, A.P., Thomas, M.S.C. & Cleermans, A., Consciousness: mapping the theoretical landscape, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Vol. 4, No10, 2000. [2] B.J. 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