Community Education Council District 2 333 Seventh Avenue New York, New York 10001 Tel (212) 356-3915 Fax (212) 356-7506 Shino Tanikawa, President Simon Miller, 1st Vice President Elizabeth Weiss, 2nd Vice President Sarah Chu, Treasurer Tamara Rowe, Recording Secretary Beth Cirone Demetri Ganiaris Cheryl D. Glover Eric Goldberg Michael Markowitz, P.E MINUTES Calendar Meeting – Official Copy Wednesday, August 8, 2012 I. Call to Order and Roll Call: The Calendar Meeting (“CM”) of Community Education Council District 2 (hereinafter “Council” or “CECD2”) was called to order by Shino Tanikawa at 6:45 pm. Present: Demetri Ganiaris, Eric Goldberg, Simon Miller, Shino Tanikawa and Elizabeth Weiss In attendance: Mariano Guzman, Community District Superintendent 5 present; 5 absent Sarah Chu, excused absence Beth Cirone, excused absence Cheryl Glover, excused absence Tamara Rowe, excused absence Michael Markowitz, arrived at 7:15 pm Ms. Tanikawa made a motion to change the order of the meetings and to start with the calendar meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Miller and the vote was unanimous. II. Guest Speaker: Mike Mirisola, School Construction Authority Mr. Mirisola gave the following update on District 2 projects: Art & Design/PS 59 is ready to open 9/12. PS 281 and 51 are moving along and are expected to open 9/13. PS 51 is actually ahead of schedule Foundling (340) is still on scheduled for 2014. The work has not started yet. MS 868 (Clinton) and Beacon High School construction contracts were just awarded and the schools are scheduled to open 9/15. Peck Slip (PS 343) construction contract is not awarded yet, but it is still on scheduled for 9/15. Our Lady of Good Counsel is renovating and adding seats upstairs. There was a discussion on the lease. It is believed to be between 7 and 10 years. There was a discussion on St. Michael’s lease and it is also believed to be between 7 and 10 years. There was also discussion on PS 281 and the development of the area and the fact that there is a fenced in large crater adjacent to the school that is potentially dangerous and needs to be filled. III. Public Session: The following individuals addressed the council: Jeannine Kiely, CB2 Enrique Lopez, Senator Tom Duane’s Office David Czyzyk, Manhattan Borough President’s Office IV. President’s Report: Ms. Tanikawa mentioned that CB2 (which was instrumental in obtaining 75 Morton Street) and has decided to set up a task force on 75 Morton Street. CB2 wants to make sure that the community has input in deciding what to do with 75 Morton Street rather than wait for the DOE to decide alone. CB2 wants to make sure 75 Morton Street responds to the needs of the community. Ms. Tanikawa requested that two CECD2 members be on the task force. Ms. Tanikawa and Mr. Markowitz will be on the task force. There will be a public hearing in October. Mr. Miller suggested a similar task force be established for PS 281 and there was a discussion on this issue. V. Superintendent’s Report: Superintendent Guzman gave an update on some of the following items: Mandated kindergarten bill passed and will start 6/13. The earliest implementation with be 9/14. The DOE is in the process of developing policy, procedures and directions that schools will be receiving soon. There was a discussion on this issue. Recommended after a quality review that PS/IS 111 truncate to a K to 5 school. The middle school might adopt international model for area population which is Puerto Rican, Middle Eastern and Eastern European. Plan continuing will have more information within the next couple of month. Hope to implement by 9/13. Will recruit a student member in early September for CECD2. Suggested having student member involved in projects and research. There was a discussion on this issue. Great Oaks Charter School public hearing on August 30, 2012. 2 DLT (District Leadership Team) which is composed of the President Council, Principals, Community Superintendent, District Family Advocate, HS Superintendent and Union Representation met several times over the last couple of months regarding changes in the state law which affects the DCEP (District Comprehensive Educational Plan). The team decided that they need to focus on priorities such as the bi-annual review which was sent out to SLTs. Some of the areas of concern are parent engagement, not enough information on curriculum, budget etc. What can parents do at home to help their kids in school? Will have a workshop with the UFT on the role and function of the SLT on October 1st and 10th. Looking at DLT beyond districts to see why districts are labeled at DINI (Districts In Need of Improvement). Need to look at process and how data is collected. Possibility of having forums with the participation of network leaders to discuss various topics like core curriculum etc. Michael Markowitz arrived at 7:15 pm. VI. Approval of Minutes: Calendar/Working Business Meeting Minutes of 6/27/12 Calendar/Working Business Meeting Minutes of 7/11/12 The minutes were adopted with edits. VII. Committee Reports Zoning Committee: Mr. Goldberg mentioned that he will be meeting with Drew Patterson from Portfolio Development regarding the proposed zoning for PS 281 on Tuesday morning to talk about some of the parameters. He noted that this is anticipation of introducing the zoning maps at the September calendar meeting and laying out the schedule for the public hearings. The 281 rezoning will affect the following schools PS 40, 116, 59 and 267. Some of the items they will discussed are: questions around whether there will be a push to incubate Foundling or zone the school this year to give the community time to plan, use of PS 158 - the DOE is waiting for the enrollment data for this year on the UES before making a recommendation, creating a new middle school zoning map for the district, questions around programming at various schools, set up mini task force with the PTA’s at rezoning affected schools. There was a discussion on these issues. Ms. Tanikawa stated that she would like to see the proposal before the September meeting. Bylaws Committee: Nothing to report VIII. Public Session: No speakers. 3 IX. Adjournment: Ms. Tanikawa made a motion to adjourn which was seconded by Mr. Markowitz. The vote was unanimous and the meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm. Linda Lumpkin Administrative Assistant 4