SUPERVISOR’S DISTRICT NO. ENUMERATION DISTRICT NO. WARD OF CITY DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE-BUREAU OF THE CENSUS STATE MINNESOTA COUNTY HENNEPIN TOWNSHIP OR OTHER DIVISION OF COUNTY FOURTEENTH CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES: 1920-POPULATION X NAME OF INCORPORATED PLACE (insert proper name and, also, name of class, as township, town, precinct, district, hundred, beat, etc. See Instructions.) NAME OF INSTITUTION MINNEAPOLIS CITY 5 219 SHEET NO. 6 A 12 (Insert proper name and, also, name of class, as city, village, town, or borough. See instructions.) X ENUMERATED BY ME ON THE 6 DAY OF JANUARY , 1920. EDWARD J. NELSON ENUMERATOR (Insert name of institution, if any, and indicate the lines on which the entries are made. See instructions.) PLACE OF ABODE NAME RELATION. TENURE. PERSONALDESCRIPTION. CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION NATIVITY AND MOTHER TONGUE. OCCUPATION. Placeofbirthofeachpersonandparentsofeachpersonenumerated. IfbornintheUnitedStates,givethestate orterritory. Ifofforeignbirth,givetheplaceofbirth and,inaddition,themothertongue. (Seeinstructions.) 36 37 38 39 2 3 4 * 3731 120 137 40 5 1 Meline , —, —, —, —, 6 2 Charles E . Hazel M. Wallace Robert C. Harry K Head Wife Son Son Son 7 8 9 10 11 12 O F M F M M W 29 M W 29 M W 6 S W 411/ S M W 12 3 /12 S 13 14 15 16 17 18 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MOTHER Place of birth Mother tongue Place of birth Mother tongue Place of birth Mother tongue 19 20 21 22 23 24 Minnesota Minnesota Minnesota Minnesota Sweden Canada Minnesota Minnesota Minnesota Minnesota Swedish English Norway Sweden Minnesota Minnesota Minnesota Whether able to speak English. FATHER. Whether able to write. read. If naturalized. year of naturalization. Attended school any time since Sept. 1, 1919. Whether able to Single, married, widowed, or divorced. Year of immigration to the United States. Naturalized or alien. Age at last birthday. Color or race. Street, avenue, road, etc. 1 Numof each person whose place of abode on Relationship of this ber of January 1, 1920, was in this family. person to the head of family the family. in order Enter surnames first, then the given name and middle of visinitial, if any. itation. Include every person living on January 1, 1920. Omit children born since January 1, 1920. Home owned or rented. If owned, free or mortgaged: Sex. PERSON. House Numnumber ber of or dwellfarm, ing etc. house (See in order instruc- of vitions.) itatioin. 25 Norwegain Yes Swedish Yes Employer, NumIndustry, business,or estab- salary or ber of Trade, profession, or partic- lishment in which at work, wage farm ular kind of work done, as as cotton mill, dry goods worker, or schedspinner, salesman, laborstore, farm, etc. working ule. er, etc. on own account. 26 Foreman None None None 27 Express ?? 28 3 29 W None * Snelling Avenue 1 Should be "Melin". "E." stands for "Everet". 3 Character(s) after "Express" difficult to read. 533559177 2 1/1 Saved: 2016 Feb 15 22:21:00 36 37 38 39 40