The Egypt Exploration Society A Limited Company registered in England No.25816. Registered Charity No.212384 Excavation Fund 2009 The Egypt Exploration Society invites application for grants of up to £5,000 from its Excavation Fund. It is expected that most of the funds awarded will be expended in the field. The closing date for applications is 30 September 2009. No application received after that date will be considered. Interviews will not be held and all applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by 31 October 2009. All applications must be submitted electronically to: Conditions Preference will be given to projects which fall within the Society’s current Research Strategy (below), particularly those which bring novel approaches to clearly-defined research questions, and which demonstrate advance consideration of possible outputs: The Society’s strategic aim for the immediate future is to facilitate and support research by focussing on clearly defined research projects to fill gaps in current knowledge. This will be achieved by non-invasive surveys and geophysical studies, together with the epigraphic recording of standing monuments and, where possible, targeted excavations. The results of research supported by the Society will be disseminated as widely as possible to the public by the most appropriate means. Applications are welcome from international teams but preference will be given to projects headed by a Director from a UK-based institution. All awards will be for one year of work only with no presumption or guarantee of continued or future funding for the project. Previous holders of grants from the Excavation Fund may apply. Applications should not apply ‘Full Economic Costing’ (FEC). The Project Director will be responsible for submitting the application to the SCA. The application must be submitted in the name of the Director’s institution but ‘in association with’ the Society. The Project or Field Director must keep proper accounts of expenditure of the grant and submit these, with receipts (all sterling ones, Egyptian pound ones where available) to the Society within two months from the completion of the fieldwork. Any unspent monies must be Society with the accounts. Project or Field Directors will be expected (where mutually convenient) to give talks on their work for the education and benefit of the public, and to submit reports for consideration for inclusion in the Society’s regular publications. The Society may also ask recipients to conduct a short presentation to donors returned to the Egypt Exploration to the Excavation Fund and/or to EES members. The Egypt Exploration Society does not undertake automatically to publish (in book or electronic format) the results of work undertaken with an Excavation Fund grant. However, all applications must address the project's publication plans. The Egypt Exploration Society EES Research Strategy Introduction Within Egypt, there is still a great deal of archaeological work which can and needs to be done. The high water table, caused in part by the building of the Aswan Dam, and climate change are causing environmental changes throughout Egypt, impacting on ancient sites. In addition, increasing population density has led to pressure to develop land around, and sometimes upon, ancient sites throughout the country, but especially in the Nile Delta. Research Strategy The Society’s strategic aim for the immediate future is to facilitate and support research by focusing on clearly defined research projects to fill gaps in current knowledge. This will be achieved by non-invasive surveys and geophysical studies, together with the epigraphic recording of standing monuments and, where possible, targeted excavations. The results of research supported by the Society will be disseminated as widely as possible to the public by the most appropriate means. Major EES projects The Society will continue to support the Egyptian Supreme Council for Antiquities in its campaign for rescue archaeology in the Nile Delta, where excavation permits are available. Through the work of the Delta Survey, which is now an ‘Approved Research Project’ of the British Academy, we will continue recording and documenting sites which are under threat, and working in the field in order to record and preserve as much of the archaeology as possible in the changing environment. The Society will also continue and develop the research of the Survey of Memphis into river movements and settlement patterns in the Memphis/Saqqara region and beyond. Since the Society already holds a concession for the Memphis area, limited targeted excavation at the site, to answer specific research questions, will continue to be possible. Support for other projects The Society will open up the ‘Excavation Fund’ to applications for new projects which will further the strategic research aims described above. Chronologically, the Society will consider support for applications relating to research from the geologically earliest periods to the start of the eighteenth century AD and geographically for work on sites and material remains of Egyptian culture whether in Egypt or in neighbouring countries. The Egyptian Supreme Council for Antiquities will only, at present, consider new applications for excavation in the Nile Delta so proposals for new fieldwork in Middle or Upper Egypt should, for the moment, concentrate on geophysical and other non-invasive surveys together with the epigraphic recording of standing monuments. This policy will be kept under review to reflect any future changes in SCA guidelines. The Egypt Exploration Society Excavation Fund 2009 Title of project: What are the main research questions? Please give a description of the project and the methods to be used (800 words): What outputs are envisaged (including print and/or electronic publication)? The Egypt Exploration Society Excavation Fund 2009 Contact details of Applicant Name Address Telephone E-mail Date of application Budget Form Name of Project Director Academic Institution Name of Field Director (if different) Academic Institution Site Intended dates of work in Egypt Sterling Expenditure £ Air Fares. Please state number required, estimated fare per person, and note if any are not UK/Egypt/UK. Travel to/from airports (please give details) Equipment to be purchased in the UK (please give details) Visa expenses (number of people and price per visa) Post-excavation expenses (please provide full details and costings) Other sterling expenditure (please give details) Total sterling expenditure £ Expenditure in Egypt LE Off-site living expenses 1. Hotels (please give daily rate and number of person-nights) 2. Meals 3. Other (please give details) Public transport/taxis/vehicle hire Living expenses on site (please give total and per diem rate per person) Wages of domestic staff (please give total and also details of pay rates) Payments to specialists on site (please give total and also details of pay rates) Wages of workmen on site (please give total and also details of pay rates) Social Security (give estimated cost and number of people for whom it is paid) Excavation/research equipment purchased in Egypt (please give details) Inspector’s expenses (at rate set by SCA – currently LE50 a day or LE1,500 a month) Other (please give details) Total for expenditure in Egypt Convert Egyptian pounds into sterling at a rate of LE 8 :£1 LE £ Total for sterling expenditure Total sterling required for expenditure in Egypt £ £ Total budget requested from the Egypt Exploration Society** £ Have any applications for funding for this work been made to any other funding body? Are any such applications intended? If so, please give details of the funding bodies concerned, the amounts requested and the date by which the outcome of the application will be known. ** If any income is expected from outside sources which will reduce the amount requested of the Society please indicate this below. Total budget (final figure from table above) £ Less donations expected from outside sources (please give details) £ Total requested from the Egypt Exploration Society £ The Egypt Exploration Society Excavation Fund 2009 Referees. Two references will be required. Please ask each referee to complete the enclosed form and supply their contact details below. Full-time postgraduate students may select referees from their own institutions but all other applicants must select referees from outside their own institutions. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that they arrive by 30 September 2009. Without them the application will not be considered. 1st Referee: Name Institution E-mail address Day-time phone number 2nd Referee: Name Institution E-mail address Day-time phone number Please return this form by e-mail to by 30 September 2009. Thank you. The Egypt Exploration Society Excavation Fund 2009 Name of applicant: Institution: Title of project: ___________________________________________________________________________ _____ Reference Name of Referee: Institution: 1. Indicate the capacity in which you know the applicant: 2. Do you feel the applicant is qualified to undertake the project as described? 3. Evaluate the project with particular attention to its scholarly value and its cost-effectiveness: 4. Do you feel the project will answer the research questions proposed by the applicant? 5. Add any additional comments which you feel will assist the EES in assessing fairly the application. Please e-mail this reference to by 30 September 2009. Thank you