
Frequently asked questions
I am a regulated agent/known consignor, but not listed in the database.
Listing is the responsibility of the national appropriate authority. Please
contact your national database co-ordinator. The Helpdesk cannot assist.
I am a regulated agent/known consignor, but my details as shown in the
database are incorrect.
Amendments can be made by the national appropriate authority, but not by the
Helpdesk. Please contact your national database co-ordinator.
Security managers
I am the security manager for a regulated agent/known consignor and
have not received my user id/password for the database.
Check that:
 you are in fact the named security manager in the details provided to
your national database co-ordinator ;
 the e-mail address provided to the national database co-ordinator is
your e-mail box is not full;
the message has not been diverted to the spam folder.
If all the above are in order:
go into the database using a password composed on the basis of your
details as follows- FIRSTNAME.LASTNAME8000, e.g.
click on 'Forgot Password';
in most cases, a new password will then be sent to you;
if you do not receive a new password, contact the Helpdesk.
I am the security manager for a regulated agent/known consignor, but my
user name/password for the database do not work.
Check that:
you are using the correct address for the database;
you are using the details for a security manager and NOT those for
a simple user (many security managers have been entered as both a
manager and a user and therefore receive 2 sets of log-in details.
The simple user password requires decryption before use and will
normally end in 1000);
you have typed the user name/password correctly.
If problems persist with the username, inform the Helpdesk.
If problems persist with the password, select the ‘Lost password’ option and a
new one will be sent to you. If the new password does not work, inform the
I am the security manager for a regulated agent/known consignor, but
have not received login/password details for users.
Check that:
 you have provided the correct details to your national appropriate
the authority has uploaded them;
if the answers to both the above are yes, go into the database using a
password composed on the basis of their details as followsFIRSTNAME.LASTNAME1000, e.g..RICARDO.PONTI1000,
click on 'Forgot Password';
in most cases, new encrypted passwords will then be sent to you as
security manager;
if you do not receive new passwords, contact the Helpdesk;
Note that security managers must activate users and decrypt user
passwords in the Administration section of the database.
I am a database user for a regulated agent/known consignor and have not
received a user name/password for the database.
These will have been sent to your security manager.
I am a database user for a regulated agent/known consignor, but my user
name/password for the database do not work/I receive a 'User not active'
Check that your security manager has:
activated you as a user in the database;
provided you with a DECRYPTED password;
if the answer to both the above is yes, go into the database using a
password composed on the basis of your details as followsFIRSTNAME.LASTNAME1000, e.g. RICARDO.PONTI1000,
click on 'Forgot Password';
in most cases, a new password will then be sent to your security
if you do not receive a new password, contact the Helpdesk.
I need a password for XML
There are no separate passwords for XML. Any simple user password will
Can I get a list of known consignors via XML?
No, only the list of regulated agents is available via XML.
'Already logged in' message
I am an administrator/manager/user, but when I have logged out of the
database and then want to go back in, I receive the message 'User already logged
The session timeout of the application is 30 minutes, although this may be
reduced in the future.
This means that if you do not log out correctly, you will be locked out of the
system for up to 30 minutes. The correct logout procedure is to click on the
'Logout' button and NOT to close the application by clicking on top right 'X'.
Clicking on 'X' will only log you out correctly if you are using Internet
Explorer and have all Windows updates installed. It will not work with
If you encounter problems, please contact the Helpdesk, providing the detailed
number of the version of Internet Explorer you are using and the relevant
system information. These details can be found by clicking on the browser
Help button and looking under 'About Internet Explorer'.