X. Soft Tissue Injuries

X. Soft Tissue Injuries
Millions of people suffer disabling injuries each year. Thousands of lives are lost
each year as a result of injuries. The more common injuries involve the soft tissues of the
Two basic types of injuries are—
1. Soft tissue injury.
2. Musculoskeletal injury.
Soft tissues include the layers of skin, fat and muscle.
The skin is composed of two primary layers:
1. Outer (epidermis)
2. Deep (dermis)
The epidermis provides a barrier to bacteria and other organisms that can cause infection.
The dermis layer contains the—
1. Nerves.
2. Hair roots.
3. Sweat.
4. Oil glands.
5. Blood vessels.
The hypodermis, located beneath the epidermis and dermis, contains—
1. Fat.
2. Blood vessels.
3. Connective tissues.
The muscles lie beneath the fat layer and comprise the largest segment of the body’s soft
A wound is a physical injury involving a break in the layers of the skin. Wounds are
typically classified as either closed or open.
1. Closed wound—the soft tissue damage occurs beneath the surface of the skin.
2. Open wound—has a break in the skin.
The simplest closed wound is a bruise, also called a contusion.
Care for Closed Wounds
To decrease bleeding and to help control pain and swelling—
1. Apply direct pressure.
2. Elevate.
3. Apply cold.
In an open wound, the break in the skin can be as minor as a scrape of the surface
layers or as severe as a deep penetration. Four common types of open wounds:
1. Abrasion - most common type of wound; caused by skin that has been
rubbed or scraped away; usually painful because it exposes nerve endings
2. Laceration - jagged or smooth edge; usually bleed freely; may not be
painful if you damage nerves
3. Avulsion - a cut in which a portion of skin or other soft tissue is
partially or completely torn away; significant bleeding
4. Puncture - wound caused when a pointed object such as a nail, glass, or
knife pierces the skin. Does not bleed a lot. Easily infected
Care for Open Wounds
All open wounds need some type of covering to help control bleeding and prevent
infection. These coverings are commonly referred to as dressings and bandages.
A dressing is a pad placed directly over a wound to absorb blood and other body fluids
and to prevent infection.
A bandage is any material used to wrap or cover any part of the body.
A bandage applied snugly to create pressure on a wound or an injury is called a pressure
Commonly used bandages are—
1. Adhesive compress.
2. Bandage compress.
3. Roller bandage
4. Elastic roller bandage.
To apply a roller bandage—
1. Check feeling, warmth and color.
2. Elevate.
3. Secure the end of the bandage.
4. Do not cover fingers or toes.
5. If blood soaks through the dressings, do not remove them. Apply additional
dressings and another bandage.
Elastic roller bandages are designed to keep continuous pressure on a body part.
If properly applied, an elastic bandage can control swelling or support an injured limb.
If improperly applied, an elastic bandage can restrict blood flow and cause tissue damage
if not corrected. Always check the area above and below the injury site for feeling,
warmth and color.
Care for Minor Open Wounds
Follow these general guidelines:
1. Put on disposable gloves.
2. Wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water.
3. Place a sterile dressing over the wound.
4. Apply direct pressure for a few minutes.
5. Remove the dressing and apply an antibiotic ointment once the bleeding is
6. Apply a new sterile dressing.
7. Wash your hands immediately after giving care.
Care for Major Open Wounds
1. Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number.
2. Put on disposable gloves.
3. To control external bleeding use the general steps below:
a. Cover the wound with a dressing and press firmly against the wound
with a gloved hand.
b. Elevate the injured area above the level of the heart if you do not
suspect a broken bone.
c. Apply a pressure bandage. If blood soaks through the bandage, do not
remove it; add more pads and bandages to help absorb the blood.
d. Apply pressure at a pressure point.
4. Monitor airway and breathing.
5. Keep the victim from getting chilled or overheated.
6. Have the victim rest comfortably and reassure.
7. Wash your hands immediately after giving care.
If the victim has an avulsion in which a body part has been completely severed:
1. Put on disposable gloves.
2. Wrap the severed part in sterile gauze or any clean material.
3. Place the wrapped part in a plastic bag. Keep the body part cool by placing the
bag on ice.
4. Make sure the severed part is transported with the victim to the medical facility.
5. Wash your hands immediately after giving care.
If the victim has an embedded object in the wound—
1. Put on disposable gloves.
2. Do not remove the object.
3. Use bulky dressings to stabilize the object.
4. Control bleeding by bandaging the dressing in place around the object.
5. Wash your hands immediately after giving care.
Burns account for about 25 percent of all soft tissue injuries. Burns break the skin and
can cause infection, fluid loss and loss of body temperature control.
The severity of a burn depends on—
1. The temperature of the source.
2. The length of exposure to the source.
3. The location of the burn.
4. The extent of the burn.
5. The victim’s age and medical condition.
Burns are classified by their source—
1. Thermal (Heat).
2. Chemicals.
3. Electricity.
4. Radiation.
Burns are also classified by depth:
1. Superficial (first-degree)
2. Partial thickness (second-degree).
3. Full thickness (third-degree).
Superficial (first degree) burns involve only the top layer of skin. First-degree burns—
1. Appear red and dry.
2. Are usually painful.
3. May swell.
4. Generally heal in 5 to 6 days without permanent scarring.
Partial-thickness burns (second degree) involve both the epidermis and the dermis.
Partial-thickness burns—
1. Appear red.
2. Have blisters that may open and weep clear fluid.
3. May look mottled (blotched).
4. Are usually painful.
5. May swell.
6. Usually heal in 3 or 4 weeks. Scarring may occur.
Full-thickness burns (third degree) involve all the layers of skin, as well as any or all of
the underlying structures—fat, muscles, bones and nerves. Full-thickness burns—
1. Appear brown or charred (black), with the tissues underneath sometimes
appearing white.
2. Can either be extremely painful or relatively painless if the burn destroyed
nerve endings in the skin.
3. Can be life threatening.
4. Take longer to heal and usually result in scarring.
Identifying Critical Burns
A critical burn requires the attention of a medical professional. Critical burns are
potentially life threatening, disfiguring and disabling.
Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number if the victim—
1. Has trouble breathing.
2. Has burns covering more than one body part or a large surface area.
3. Has suspected burns to the airway. Note burns around the mouth or nose.
4. Has burns to the head, neck, hands, feet or genitals.
5. Has a full-thickness (third degree) burn and is younger than age 5 or older than
age 60.
6. Has burns resulting from chemicals, explosions or electricity.
Care for Burns
Check the scene.
Check first for life-threatening conditions. Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number if
burns are suspected to be critical.
To care for a thermal burn, follow these steps:
1. Check the scene for safety.
2. Stop the burning by removing the victim from the source of the burn.
3. Check for life-threatening conditions.
4. Cool the burn.
5. Cover the burn.
6. Prevent infection.
7. Take steps to minimize shock.
8. Comfort and reassure the victim.
To care for minor superficial burns—
1. Cool the area.
2. Wash the area with soap and water and keep it clean.
3. Apply an antibiotic ointment.
4. Watch for signs of infection.
Chemical Burns
To care for chemical burns—
1. Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number.
2. Flush the burn with large amount of cool, running water for at least 20 minutes
or until EMS personnel arrive.
If the chemical is dry or powdered—
1. Brush the chemical from the skin with a gloved hand.
2. Then flush the residue from the skin with large amounts of water.
3. If possible, have the victim remove contaminated clothes.
If the chemicals are in the eyes—
1. Flush affected eye with water until EMS personnel to arrive.
2. Try to prevent the chemical from getting into an unharmed eye.
Electrical Burns
Electrical burns can cause both serious internal and external injuries.
Signals of an electrical injury include—
1. Unconsciousness.
2. Dazed, confused behavior.
3. Obvious burns on the skin’s surface.
4. Trouble breathing or no breathing.
5. Burns both where the current entered and where it exited the body
To care for a victim of an electrical burn—
1. Make sure the scene is safe. The source of the electricity must be turned off.
2. Check for other hazards.
3. Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number immediately.
4. When the scene is safe, check for life-threatening conditions.
5. Look for two burn sites. These are entry and exit wounds indicating where
electricity passed through the body.
6. Check for additional injuries, such as fractures.
7. Cover any burn injuries with a dry, sterile dressing.
8. Take steps to minimize shock.
To care for a victim of a radiation burn caused by the sun—
1. Cool the burn.
2. Prevent further damage by staying out of the sun or wearing a protective lotion
or clothing.
3. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for recommendations on products for sunburn
4. Do not break blisters. Intact skin helps prevent infection.