Year Group Subject Science History Year 1 Theme: Magic Pots Duration Approx 6 weeks Skills (National Curriculum ref) Materials Describe the properties of a material. Working scientifically – perform simple tests to explore questions. Observe closely, using simple equipment. Perform simple tests. Identify and classify. Gather and record data to help in answering questions. Seasonal changes – Describe and observe weather associated with spring. Seasonal changes- make tables charts about the weather. Talk about changes across the seasons. Significant historical events, people and places in their locality. (Geography Link: Make observations about pottery industry in the local area. Use photographs to recognise landmarks and humans features related to the pottery industry in the local area) DT and Art Distinguish between present and past people’s lives. Show knowledge and understanding of aspects of the past beyond living memory. To shown an emerging sense of chronology by placing a few events on a simple time line, relating to Josiah Wedgwood and pottery industry. To find begin to identify some of the different ways the past is represented e.g. photographs of old kilns, related to modern factories, and use of artefacts related to the pottery industry, visiting a factory, speakers. Find answers to simple questions about the past from sources of information. How the past has influenced modern day industry in our locality. ART: To be taught about the work of a range of artists and designers, describing the differences and similarities. In particular looking at a range of pottery styles, Moorcroft, Wedgwood, Doulton. To use drawing to represent designs they Term Spring 2 Teaching activities Children to select and draw objects and describe the properties of each object. To explore making a house number of their choice using different materials. To carry out a simple test to decide what the best material is for an umbrella. To carry out a simple test to decide what the best material is for the lining of a dog basket. To understand the weather patterns, record the temperature, make a rain catcher, make a weather dice. Record rain fall and air temperature. Draw and describe a tree in spring comparing to autumn and winter. To use a map to locate the Potteries, start at UK level and filter in. Use Google map, and classroom map of UK. To look at places found in the potteries, what do children know is in their local area, have a variety of leaflets of attractions for children to look at and discuss. Assessment of previous knowledge of UK. Introduce Josiah Wedgwood. Add birth onto classroom time line and other local events. (Spitfire, Stoke City football club, when school built) Distinguish between past and present. Look at photographs of past landscape of the potteries, what is a kiln? Discuss jobs in the potteries industry and what life would be like as a worker in an old factory. Look at a range of artefacts that were used in the pottery industry, children to understand their uses. Explore the events of Josiah Wedgwood’s lifevisit to Barlaston. Look at pottery industry now and invite a current employee in to school to discuss the factories now. To look at a range of pottery styles, Moorcroft, Wedgwood and Doulton, observe the differences/similarities, and children’s likes and dislikes. Draw favourite design using line and shape, colour if appropriate. Draw and design a plate or cup, add own designs Music RE PHSE have observed. To recreate 3D pieces. To use painting and brushes to experiment with and enjoy colour. Create pattern using different tools and colours. DT: To use pictures and word to convey what item of pottery they want to design and make. Describe their drawings of their ideas and intentions. Add notes to drawings to help explanations. Identify good and bad points of their designs. Use clay/salt dough to mould 3D objects. To evaluate what they like and don’t like about their model and why. To know the names of percussion instruments. To explore and have experience of playing a wide variety of percussion instruments both tuned and untuned. To make simple rhythms using percussion instruments. To perform a piece of music relating to a literacy text, use piano, forte and dynamics. Perform the sound picture using percussion instruments to an audience. To record composition and evaluate. Engage with stories and extracts from religious literature and talk about their meanings. To know different books are special to different people. To listen to a story from the Bible, Torah and Qur’an. To understand the story has a meaning. How should we behave to one another in the classroom. Muslims put their trust in Allah. Good to be me. To understand how different things can make us special. To be able to think of one thing that makes them special. To talk about what they are good at. To explore feelings, and in particular feeling proud. To understand that we all good at different things. To listen carefully whilst others discuss onto them either using style of favourite designer or events that occurred in the Potteries. Make and mould a piece of pottery using design. Transfer decorative design onto their piece of pottery, using paints. Evaluate their piece of pottery. To explore a range of percussion instruments. To learn the names of the names of the instruments and discuss how to correctly play them. To copy rhythms performed by an adult and then other children in the class. To play instruments to make quiet, loud, long, short, fast, slow sounds. Using a piece of text children to explore which percussion instruments could accompany the mains events of the story, children to practise, evaluate, and change ready to perform. To perform and record the piece of music and evaluate. Look at different stories from different religious sacred books. To explain that stories have meanings. To ask children to draw their special book and explain why it is special to them. What is a neighbour, read the story of the Good Samaritan, children design a card for a neighbour. To investigate different books that religions read, use website for clips. Begin to understand that everyone has special gifts, show through a story. Games to discuss what they are good at or what others are good at. To explore when we feel proud, and explain that is good to feel proud, Use the story of Leon. To understand and tell when we are feeling worried or anxious, read the story of the wobbly tooth. Discuss when we feel like this and what we can do to help ourselves. ICT their talents. I can help another person feel proud. I can use the problem-solving process. Understand that our actions affect others. I can tell when I am feeling worried or anxious. I can explain some things that help me stop worrying. Text - to use the spacebar, backspace, enter, shift and arrow keys. Text- word process short texts. Change font and size. Text and graphics , to use save, retrieve, amend and print. To begin to use two hands when typing. Graphics- Use ICT to generate ideas for their own work. To save using paint and to use brushes, pens, spray and lines. Gymnastics Graphics and text, retrieve and amend work and use the stamp and spay tools. •To travel in different ways from low to high •To combine travelling actions together and remember a short sequence •To describe and copy simple ways of travelling •To be aware of others in space •How the body feels when relaxed and tense •To balance on small body parts e.g. hands and feet • To explore different ways of moving e.g. under, over, through apparatus •Know the names of pieces of apparatus •Learn how to carry apparatus safely To combine balancing and travelling using the same combination of body parts to make a short sequence To type both names on the computer using the the special keys of shift to type a capital letter. Backspace to delete.Enter/return to make a new line. To explore typing a short text and experiment changing the font style, size and colour. To type a piece of text relating to topic and they will learn to save, retrieve and print their work. To design a piece of art using paint and use the following tools; brush, pen, shape and flood fill. To retrieve and amend a picture adding text using paint and add detail using stamps and spray. To practise different ways of travelling on the floor and on the apparatus around the hall. To create a short sequence using a balance, push, pull and a slide. To use the apparatus safely and learn how to assemble and put away pieces of equipment safely. To observe other performances and discuss good points and points to be improved upon.