Mastering Concepts 20.1 1. In what ways are fungi important in ecosystems? Fungi are important as decomposers that break down dead organic matter, releasing inorganic nutrients. Some are parasites of plants and animals, whereas others help plants absorb nutrients or fight disease. 2. What characteristics define the fungi? Fungi are eukaryotic and heterotrophic; they digest their food externally. They have cell walls made of chitin, and they store carbohydrates as glycogen. Most fungi are multicellular, although the yeasts are unicellular. In most species, the only diploid cell is the zygote. 3. What evidence suggests that fungi are more closely related to animals than to plants? Fungi and animals produce chitin, are heterotrophs, and use glycogen as a storage carbohydrate. Molecular data support the close relationship between fungi and animals. 4. Describe the major structures of a fungus. Hyphae are filamentous structures that make up a fungal body. A mycelium is a visible mass of hyphae. Spores are the reproductive structures of fungi, and in many species a fruiting body produces the spores. 20.2 1. How do flagellated cells adapt chytrids to moist environments? A chytrid’s gametes and zoospores are motile cells that swim in a film of water, allowing chytrids to reproduce and spread in moist or wet environments. 2. What do chytrids eat? Chytrids are decomposers that eat cellulose, chitin, and keratin. 20.3 1. Where do zygomycetes occur? Zygomycetes occur in decaying organic matter in soil (and they often decay spoiled food as well). 2. How do zygomycetes reproduce asexually and sexually? They reproduce asexually when haploid hyphae create spore sacs that release haploid spores. They reproduce sexually when two hyphae fuse, merging their nuclei to form a diploid zygospore. 3. How does the zygospore fit into the zygomycete life cycle? A zygospore is formed by the union of two haploid hyphae. Inside the zygospore, two nuclei fuse into a zygote. The zygote then undergoes meiosis and develops into a spore sac that releases haploid spores. 20.4 1. What are the distinctive features of glomeromycetes? Glomeromycetes live only in association with plant roots, forming arbuscular mycorrhizae. They also have unusually large asexual spores, and they lack sexual life cycles. 2. Describe arbuscular mycorrhizae. In arbuscular mycorrhizae, hyphae colonize a plant’s roots, exchanging water and minerals from the soil for sugars that the plant produces in photosynthesis. The fungus produces arbuscules inside root cells; the arbuscules are the sites where materials are exchanged between the fungus and the plant. 20.5 1. List examples of ascomycetes that are important to humans. Ascomycetes that are important to humans include the fungi that cause Dutch elm disease, chestnut blight, athlete’s foot, and other diseases. Some produce antibiotics and immune-suppressing drugs. Others add flavor to some cheeses. Morels and truffles are ascomycetes. Yeasts are used in baking, brewing, winemaking, and the production of soy sauce. 2. Describe asexual and sexual reproduction in an ascomycete. In asexual reproduction, haploid hyphae produce haploid conidia by mitosis. In sexual reproduction, two haploid hyphae of compatible mating types fuse, producing a dikaryotic hypha. The nuclei fuse, forming the diploid zygote, which immediately undergoes meiosis (and usually mitosis) to produce eight haploid ascospores. 3. How do dikaryotic cells fit into the ascomycete life cycle? Dikaryotic cells form when two hyphae fuse but the nuclei remain separate. Inside the fruiting body, the nuclei fuse to form a diploid zygote. Meiosis follows, and the haploid spores form within asci. 4. How does an ascus come to contain eight ascospores? An ascus comes to contain eight ascospores after a diploid nucleus within an ascus undergoes meiosis. The result is four haploid nuclei, which each immediately undergo mitosis to produce eight nuclei (that mature into eight ascospores). 20.6 1. What are some familiar basidiomycetes? Familiar basidiomycetes include mushrooms, toadstools, puffballs, stinkhorns, bracket fungi, and bird’s nest fungi. 2. How are basidiomycetes different from ascomycetes? Basidiomycetes typically produce four sexual spores per club-shaped basidium, whereas ascomycetes typically produce eight sexual spores in each saclike ascus. 3. Describe the sexual life cycle of basidiomycetes. Haploid basidiospores germinate, producing haploid hyphae. Two compatible hyphae fuse and form a dikaryotic mycelium, which grows within the food source. When conditions are right, a mushroom is produced. Lining the gills are the basidia, where the two nuclei fuse to form the diploid zygote. The zygote undergoes meiosis, producing four haploid basidiospores. 4. How does a “fairy ring” form? A “fairy ring” forms as hyphae grow outward from a food source, producing mushrooms near the outer edge of the ring. 20.7 1. What are endophytes? Endophytes are fungi living within the tissues of plants without causing disease. 2. Which types of fungi form arbuscular mycorrhizae and ectomycorrhizae? Glomeromycetes are arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, while some basidiomycetes and ascomycetes are ectomycorrhizal fungi. 3. How do ants, plants, fungi, and bacteria interact in leaf-cutter ant colonies? In leaf-cutter ant colonies, the ants harvest plant materials and transport them into their underground nests. There, they process the leaves into a paste and inoculate the paste with fungal spores. The fungi develop into structures that the ants eat. Bacteria on the ants’ cuticles secrete a potent antibiotic that kills an ascomycete that attacks the cultivated fungus. 4. How do fungi and autotrophs interact in a lichen? Fungi and autotrophs exist in a symbiotic relationship in a lichen. The fungus absorbs water and minerals and the photosynthetic organism produces the carbohydrates. 5. How do scientists use lichens to monitor pollution? Lichens absorb toxins from surrounding air and water. The disappearance of lichens from a habitat is therefore an indicator of polluted air. 20.8 1. According to figure 20.22, were young leaves with endophytes significantly less damaged than those without endophytes? Explain how you know. Yes, young leaves with endophytes were significantly less damaged than those without endophytes. Different letters above the bars indicate a statistically significant difference. 2. How would you design an experiment to determine whether one species of endophyte or some combination of multiple species protects leaves against pathogens? The test above could be repeated, but the treatment levels could be modified to include leaves sprayed with different numbers of fungal species. Write It Out 1. Give examples of fungi that are important economically, ecologically, and as food for humans. Economically important fungi – Yeast are used in the baking industry. Penicillium and other fungi are used in making antibiotics. Ecologically important fungi – Many species of fungi are decomposers in nature; many others form mycorrhizae in association with plant roots. Several species of fungi cause athlete’s foot, ringworm, and other infections. Rusts, molds, blights, and smuts are common plant pathogens. Food for humans – Some mushrooms, morels, and truffles are valuable sources of food for humans. Fermenting fungi also participate in the production of many foods and beverages. 2. Fungi and animals are both heterotrophs. What does this mean? How do fungi and animals differ in how they obtain food? Heterotrophs are organisms that must consume organic molecules as a source of carbon and energy. Fungi obtain food by secreting digestive enzymes into their food source and then absorbing the products of digestion. In contrast, animals ingest food, digest it internally, absorb the products of digestion, and eliminate the indigestible wastes. 3. Suppose you are digging in forest soil and find a whitish structure. If you had access to a microscope, what features would you look for to determine whether the object is a plant root or a fungus? The presence of starch granules or a cellulose cell wall would suggest it was a plant. To determine if it were a fungus you could check for spores, chitin in the cell walls, the absence of starch, and the presence of glycogen. 4. Create a Venn diagram including the characteristics of fungi, animals, and plants. The diagram should include the following unique features and areas of overlap. All fungi, animals, and plants are eukaryotic. Only fungi and animals are heterotrophic, whereas most plants are autotrophic. Fungi have cell walls are made of chitin, whereas plants have cell walls made of cellulose. Animals don’t have cell walls. Both fungi and animals store carbohydrates as glycogen; plants store carbohydrates as cellulose. Plants and fungi have spores. All plants and animals are multicellular, whereas some fungi (the yeasts) are unicellular. 5. What characteristics distinguish each phylum of fungi? Chytrids are fungi that produce swimming cells (gametes and zoospores). Zygomycetes feature two haploid hyphae merging to form a diploid zygospore. Ascomycetes are known as the sac fungi because they produce sexual spores (ascospores) in saclike asci. Basidiomycetes are called the club fungi because they produce basidia, which are clubshaped cells that produce sexual spores called basidiospores. 6. Many fungi produce chemicals that inhibit bacterial growth. Why might the genes encoding these chemicals be adaptive to fungi? Fungi compete for resources with bacteria. Inhibiting bacterial growth increases the reproductive success of fungi. 7. Review figure 19.5, which shows the alternation of generations in plants. Compare and contrast the life cycles of zygomycetes, ascomycetes, and basidiomycetes with the basic plant life cycle. In plants, a multicellular haploid generation alternates with a multicellular diploid generation. Zygomycetes, ascomycetes, and basidiomycetes all have multicellular haploid generations, but none has a multicellular diploid generation. In zygomycetes, the majority of the life cycle consists of haploid hyphae that fuse to form the diploid zygospore. Meiosis in the zygospore regenerates haploid nuclei. In ascomycetes, the majority of the life cycle consists of haploid hyphae. The hyphae of two fungi fuse, but the individual nuclei from the two parents do not immediately merge. The resulting cell is dikaryotic (containing two nuclei from separate parents). The dikaryotic cell divides and gives rise to the fruiting body. In some of the dikaryotic cells, the nuclei fuse, forming a diploid zygote. The zygote immediately undergoes meiosis, producing haploid ascospores that germinate to yield a new haploid individual. In basidiomycetes, the basic life cycle is similar to that of ascomycetes, except that the haploid hyphae fuse earlier in the life cycle. 8. Sketch each of the following structures: mycelium; ascus with ascospores; zoospore; zygospore; basidium with basidiospores. [See illustrations in chapter] 9. Create a table with three columns. Write the following terms in the first column: mycelium, zygospore, basidium, conidium, and hyphae. Define the terms in the second column, and classify the terms as diploid, dikaryotic, or haploid in the third column. A mycelium is a mass of aggregated hyphae; the mycelium may be haploid or dikaryotic. A zygospore is the sexually produced spore of a zygomycete; it is diploid. A basidium is a club-shaped cell of a basidiomycete; it is diploid. A conidium is an asexual spore; most conidia are haploid. Hyphae are thin filaments making up the fungal body; hyphae may be haploid or dikaryotic. 10. How are hyphae similar to plant roots? How are these structures different? Both roots and hyphae grow through a medium (soil or an organic substrate) and absorb nutrients. Hyphae only absorb nutrients at the tip, whereas roots absorb nutrients through root hairs, which form just behind the root tip. 11. Describe the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction in zygomycetes. Why might asexual reproduction be more common than sexual reproduction? Haploid spores germinate into haploid hyphae, which may produce additional haploid spores asexually. Sometimes a hypha fuses with a neighboring hypha, producing a zygote inside a zygospore. The zygote undergoes meiosis and produces haploid spores by meiosis. One possible explanation for the prevalence of asexual reproduction is that any hypha can produce asexual spores, whereas sexual reproduction requires that two compatible fungi encounter one another. 12. Other than shared DNA sequences, what characteristics place ascomycetes and basidiomycetes together as sister groups? Both groups of fungi produce dikaryotic cells, and both may produce large, fleshy fruiting bodies. 13. Each ascus within an ascomycete fruiting body contains eight cells. Are these cells haploid, diploid, or dikaryotic? Is every cell within an ascus genetically unique? What is the fate of each cell? Meiosis produces four nonidentical haploid cells, and then each cell divides mitotically. So each ascus contains four pairs of identical haploid spores. Wind, water, or animals then disperse the spores. Each cell might germinate to form haploid hyphae. 14. An ascomycete causes chestnut blight, a disease that has killed most of the chestnut trees in the United States. If you were a plant breeder trying to bring back the chestnut, how would you use artificial selection to create disease-resistant varieties of the tree? Start by collecting seeds from trees that have survived the blight. Let the seeds germinate in a controlled environment. As the seedlings grow, expose them to the chestnut blight fungus. Cross-pollinate the trees that are the most blight-resistant (i.e., have the least amount of damage). Collect the new seeds and repeat the process until seedlings are all resistant to the blight. 15. Compare and contrast endophytes, mycorrhizae, and lichens. Endophytes, mycorrhizae, and lichens are all fungal interactions with other organisms. Endophytes are fungi that live within plants but do not produce disease symptoms. Mycorrhizae are mutualistic fungal associations with plant roots. Lichens are symbiotic interactions between fungi and green algae or cyanobacteria. 16. Use the Internet to find examples of chytrids, zygomycetes, ascomycetes, and basidiomycetes that cause diseases in plants or animals. How does each fungus infect a host and spread to new hosts? What can humans do to fight each disease? What are the costs and benefits of doing so? [Answers will vary] 17. Some endophytes produce compounds that fight bacteria, making them potential new sources of antibiotics. Describe an experimental method that would allow you to screen endophytes for antibacterial activity. One possible strategy would be to spread bacteria uniformly over plates of agar. Before the bacteria have a chance to grow, place bits of endophyte-infected leaves (or endophyte fungi alone) in different areas of each plate. After incubating the plates, look for clear areas around the endophyte fungi. These clear areas present areas where bacteria are unable to grow. 18. Describe how experiments might show that: a. chytrids are killing amphibians. b. fungi benefit more from a lichen relationship than do algae. c. bacteria help leaf-cutting ants cultivate one fungus while killing another. d. overharvesting of mycorrhizal basidiomycetes harms forest health. e. mold on a building’s walls can cause illness in the building’s occupants. Many answers are possible; a few examples follow. (a) Laboratory experiments can verify that chytrid zoospores can infect frogs and cause a lethal skin disease. Isolation of the chytrids from frogs in field experiments can reveal how commonly the disease occurs in nature. (b) Laboratory experiments can determine whether fungi and algae grown separately grow as well as the same organisms together as a lichen. (c) Scientists can apply antibiotics to kill the bacteria living on leaf-cutting ants and determine whether the fungus gardens grow as well as they do when bacteria are present. (d) Scientists can divide a forest into large plots and restrict harvesting of mushrooms from some of the plots. They can then compare the plots for long-term measures of forest health (e.g. photosynthetic rate, tree biomass). (e) Scientists can keep experimental animals in two rooms, one with mold and one without. They can then observe the animals in the two rooms for signs of illness. 19. Genome sequencing projects are complete or in progress for many fungi other than Neurospora crassa. Search the Internet for a list of these fungi, choose one, and describe some discoveries that have come from research on the species you chose. [Answers will vary]. 20. Why might it be challenging to produce drugs that treat fungal infections without harming human cells? Fungi and animals are closely related, so they share many cellular structures and metabolic pathways. Producing drugs that target only fungal cells can therefore be challenging. In contrast, antibiotics that kill bacteria often leave human cells unharmed because bacteria and animal cells have many physical and metabolic differences. 21. White nose syndrome is an illness that weakens and kills bats roosting in caves. Affected animals have a white fungus around their muzzle and on their wings, but no one knows if the fungus causes the illness or simply infects bats that are weakened by some other disease. White nose syndrome was discovered in 2006 and has since spread to several states in the eastern and Midwestern United States. Search the Internet for the latest information about white nose syndrome, then propose a testable hypothesis to explain how the fungus might have entered bat populations. What information would you need to determine whether the fungus actually causes the disease? How can people help prevent the spread of the fungus from cave to cave? If the disease continues to spread, how might the widespread death of bats affect ecosystems? [Answers will vary] 22. Create a graph showing the number of species in each group of fungi. Which group is least diverse? Based on the habitats and reproductive structures of these fungi, propose an explanation for their relatively low diversity. Table 20.1 and figure 20.24 show the number of known species in each group of fungi. The glomeromycetes are the least diverse group. Glomeromycete fungi always live in association with plant roots, which might limit the number of niches the fungus can occupy and the ability of the fungus to disperse to new niches, if they do arise. They also are known only to reproduce asexually, providing limited opportunities for genetic variation. Finally, many undiscovered species are likely to remain, meaning that we currently underestimate their biodiversity. Pull It Together 1. Add at least one characteristic of each group of fungi to the concept map Many answers are possible. Chytrids are mostly aquatic. Zygomycetes are fast-growing fungi that mostly reproduce asexually. Glomeromycotes always form mycorrhizal partnerships with plant roots. Ascomycetes spend most of their lives as haploid hyphae. In basidiomycetes, most of the life cycle is dikaryotic. 2. Why are fungi important to other species? Fungi are important to other species mainly because they decompose organic matter, releasing inorganic nutrients that become available for plants to absorb. Some are also an important source of nutrition for heterotrophs, some live symbiotically with plants (mycorrhizal fungi), and others live symbiotically with cyanobacteria or green algae (lichens). 3. Add hyphae and mycelium to the concept map. “Spores” connects with the phrase “germinate to form” to “hyphae,” which in turn connects with the phrase “aggregate into a” to “mycelium.”