CITY CELEBRATIONS VANCOUVER MONDAY, APRIL 4 Tsawwassen First Nations Long House 2148 Tsawwassen Drive, Tsawwassen 7:00 PM (doors open at 6:30 PM) MONTREAL TUESDAY, APRIL 5 Gerber Conference Centre 2 Cummings Square, Montreal (corner Cote St. Catherine & Westbury) 8:00 PM (doors open at 7:45 PM) OTTAWA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 Peace Tower Church 343 Bronson Avenue, Ottawa 7:00 PM Greetings! Bridges for Peace is pleased to join in hosting some very special celebrations in our nation with five other Canadian ministries whose focus is Israel. We invite you to be involved! CANADA CELEBRATES ISRAEL: THE LAND AND THE PEOPLE is an initiative that will take place in four Canadian cities in April. Each event will be hosted in cooperation with the local Christian and Jewish communities to celebrate and proclaim our strong support for the State of Israel and Canada's unwavering stand in the midst of international pressure. With joy we announce that a delegation of Members of the Israeli Knesset will attend each meeting to stand in solidarity with Christian and Jewish leaders and Members of our Canadian Government. The historic and timely nature of these gatherings is unmistakable in light of growing international hostility toward Israel and anti-Semitism world wide. We encourage you to take this opportunity to declare to the State of Israel that Canadian Christians and Jews are united in our love for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, and support the Land of Promise that God gave to the Jewish people. Mark your calendars! Attend one of the meetings and sign the CANADA- ISRAEL DECLARATION. Shalom, John Howson National Director, Bridges for Peace TORONTO THURSDAY, APRIL 7 Beth Tzedek Synagogue 1700 Bathurst Street, Toronto 7:30 PM __________________ CANADA - ISRAEL DECLARATION In addition to the Canada Celebrates Israel events, a Canada - Israel Declaration is available for you to sign stating our unwavering support of Israel. We invite you to sign on-line and to print the declaration and signature sheet to share with others. Please forward this message to others liberally! Rev. Giulio Gabeli Invite friends of Israel from across the nation to sign the Declaration. Send to churches, synagogues and prayer groups. We will be collecting the signed Declarations at all four Canada Celebrates Israel events so please bring them with you. Representive Knesset Christian Allies Caucus Later this year, the Declaration and signatures will be presented to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and to the Israeli Knesset showing Canada's grassroots support for Israel. Rev. Dr. John Tweedie If you are not able to attend one of the Canada Celebrates Israel events, please mail the signatures no later than Friday, April 15th to: Canada - Israel Declaration 400 Stewart Street, Suite 710, Ottawa, ON K1N 6L2 Canada National Leadership Team Christians for Israel Donna Holbrook International Christian Embassy Jerusalem Canada Rev. John Howson Bridges for Peace Annie Elliott For Zion's Sake Dean Bye Return Ministries _________________ Making it happen . . . An historic event like this requires significant funding. As Canadians who believe in God's purpose for Israel, may each of us consider it a privilege to sow financially into this endeavour. We would ask you to prayerfully consider partnering with us to bless Israel and our nation at this time. Please make cheques/money orders payable to: ICEJ Canada, 20 Bloor St. East PO Box 75149 Toronto, ON M4W 3T3. Or donate online. Please designate 'Canada Celebrates Israel' for receipted donations. Quick Links... This Letter We look forward to celebrating with you. Canada-Israel Declaration & Signature page Donate on-line __________________ Join Our Mailing List! Shalom and God bless you.