Glynn Middle School LFS Weekly Lesson Plan Teacher: L. Clements , B. Knittel Grade/Subject: ELA Dates/Pace: Sept. 23-27 Unit Topic: Subject/verb agreement in writing Standard: Note to Self: Classes are 35 minutes this week, except Monday due to Benchmark Testing schedule ELACC7RL1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text ELACC7RI8: Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is sound and the evidence is relevant and sufficient to support the claims ELACC7W1: Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. ELACC7W4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.) Prior to teaching: Subjects/predicates, clauses, elements of a sentence, transition words in writing, using prepositional phrases for detail, as well as variety in sentence structure. Monday Tuesday Essential Question and/or Key Questions What is subject/verb Which indefinite agreement? How do I pronouns are determine if a subject commonly mistaken for and verb agree? In being plural when they which two ways must a are actually singular? subject and verb What does this have to agree? (in gender and do with subject/verb in number) agreement? Activating/Acceleration: Wednesday Thursday Friday Writer’s Workshop Response to Literature: How do I “respond” to what I’m reading without simply regurgitating the text? Writer’s Workshop Response to Literature: How do I “respond” to what I’m reading without simply regurgitating the text?. Review and Summarizing: Searching for prepositional phrases in literature. How do prepositional phrases improve the text? (They add more detail and provide specific information!) Glynn Middle School LFS Weekly Lesson Plan (Some ideas: KWL, Pre-reading, Think Pair Share, Thinking Maps, Vocabulary Overview, Word Splash, Survey, Big Four) Do Now-Daily Do Now-Daily Do Now-Daily grammar (10 Grammar (10 Grammar (10 Do Now –Daily minutes. min) min) Grammar (10 min) Activator: Brain Pop Mini-lesson: Studetns are subject verb Opinions and Writing prompts shown 5 agreement (5 responding to from sentences on min) and quiz literature yesterday’s the Smartboard (Smartboard) 10 articles (2 in which the min. meaty subjects and paragraphs) on verbs disagree. Smartboard. (15 Students are min) asked what is wrong with these sentences. (5 min) Cognitive Teaching Strategies: include time for distributed practice or summarizing Daily Grammar (10 min) Students read one of two articles: either I Printed My Robohand or Going for Broke (10 min) and write a reaction based on the articles. Students who need help with Prepositional phrases: We search for prepositional phrases in the text (printed list of prepositions as helpful tool). (Some ideas: Lecture/Question, Read/Discuss, TIMS, Hands on Activity, Thinking Map, Pictograph, Research, Vocabulary, Diagrams/Graphs, Comprehension) Mini lesson: Teacher-led on subject/verb agreement (on Smartboard) using the sentences on the board, as well as others. (15 min) Textbook support: page 208 in Language Network. Classwork assignment: 110 page 210. (15 min) Students choose 1 article from “Junior Scholastic” magazines… Either Home from Afganistan or Should Trash Talk Be Banned? (10 min) Glynn Middle School LFS Weekly Lesson Plan min) (10 min) Summarizing Strategies: (Some ideas: Ticket Out the Door, 3-2-1, The Important Thing, One Word, Learning Logs) Ticket out the Homework Ticket out the Checklist door: students worksheet 1-10 Door: “Rename (Check your are given 5 subject/verb the Title” own work) Did I subjects, and agreement (Summarizing use transition they are asked strategy). words, to add a verb of prepositional their choosing. phrases, and a The verb must variety of agree with the sentence subject. (5 min) structure? Extending/Refining Activity: This is for all students. After they acquire, then take them up a notch with thinking skills/writing prompts. (Some ideas: Cause/Effect, Compare/Contrast, Write, Classify, Analyze, Evaluate, Inductive, Deductive) Assignment and/or Assessment: A variety of informal, performance, constructed response, selected response Ticket out the Door Homework assignment assignment, as well as classwork Language Network 1-10 Differentiation:Students have a choice as to which article and writer’s prompt they choose. Students needing extra support from last week’s prepositional phrase lesson are split into a small group with me while other students work Glynn Middle School LFS Weekly Lesson Plan on response to literature. Accommodations: (Sped, 504, SST) Preferential seating, read alouds for formal assessments, modified assignments, writing templates and writing prompts to help students get started.