DRAFT – Info in italics will be removed in final version

PTEAC Minutes
Thursday, December 17, 2015
1104 Kirkhof Center
3:00 PM
Present: Campbell, Coffey, Evans (recorder), Gibbs, Helder, P. Lancaster, Masko, McDonnell,
Pettes-Guikema, Pickett, Shinsky, Thelen, Ysasi, Zwart
Welcome (John Shinsky)
COE Dean’s Search Update (John Shinsky)
A. Four candidates were considered for the deanship; failed search
i. Continuing with the transition
ii. Search to continue in January
Updates on SPA Reports from CLAS (Caryn King)
A. Seeking feedback from CLAS advisors who have sought data from Wesley Jackson
i. Has been working on standard deviation issues
ii. Reformatting and sending out
iii. Wesley was curious to know if he should reformat/send out social studies
data due in 2018
a. Self-study
b. Working on which data to gather
iv. Wesley has been very helpful for English and Modern Languages
v. One issue has been the three different rubrics that the COE is using
a. COE data remains troublesome because it is on three separate
b. This is an example of how CLAS faculty work is tripled because we
cannot wait to see if the state requirements will remain, before we
jump on the data gathering wagon
c. Rationale provided
1. State piloted an annual report process, and then decided to
not use this process
d. Practicum performance rubric was developed based off of surveys
given to COE faculty, CLAS faculty, field supervisors, and all cooperating
1. Competencies based on these data
2. Clear alignment with the InTASC standards based on the
survey feedback related to competencies
vi. Comingled data for modern languages was also challenging
a. If this can be separated in the future, this may be helpful
b. Reexamination of the rubrics may help, this is something that
Associate Deans King and Pettes-Guikema can work on together
Update on MI Science Standards (Caryn King)
A. New science standards parallel the next generation science standards
i. These standards may impact the work toward the integrated science
comprehensive major
B. We also have draft social studies standards for review on the MDE website
i. Public feedback period
C. Every time they update the standards, there are changes to the MTTC subject area
test that follow
i. GVSU/CLAS has been involved in the science standard revisions
Update on COE Catalog Language RE: MTTC Testing (Caryn King)
A. MTTC test scores were distributed in November
i. Scores representative of three calendar years
ii. These are the scores that will be represented in your SPA reports/self-studies
B. Handout to provide clarification on when students should take certain tests
i. First major change under the major/course advising section
a. State of Michigan mandate for PRE passage outlined
b. What is the equivalent?
1. ACT, SAT, or combination of tests
c. Students should take the PRE as soon as possible in their collegiate
d. PRE is based on high school standards
ii. CSAT majors are strongly encouraged to pass the Elementary MTTC test
during the semester of their CSAT capstone course
a. Timing aligned with the synthesis of all of their Elementary
iii. Admission requirements outlined
a. Significant progress in content minor will be reinserted into the next
catalog copy
b. Not a new requirement; just missing from the current catalog
iv. These recommendations are not subject to the curriculum process as we are
not changing requirements, but clarifying when students need to pass which
C. Discussion
i. Encouraging students to prepare for this test like the LSAT
ii. Resources available in CLAS have been helpful
iii. Continuing discussions with the State Superintendent to request allowance
of the Praxis exam in place of the PRE
a. Nationally normed, validated, etc.
b. Students do not necessary stay within the state of Michigan
iv. COE is not requiring passage of the PRE prior to teacher assisting because we
were concerned that we would be imposing a requirement above what the law
a. Rationale provided
b. Either we could decide to hold them up at Teacher Assisting, or we
could decide to hold them up in accordance with the law (at Student
c. Holding students up prior to Teacher Assisting is not preferable to
holding people up prior to Student Teaching (because we are mandated
to do so)
d. It is important that we give students as much information as we can
to determine whether they want to continue to try to pass the PRE,
continue in pursuit of teacher preparation
e. This is the student’s choice to make
f. University Counsel perspective on this decision; these students can
still choose to graduate with their content major
v. Awaiting an update from the state regarding ACT reading test scores
a. Once we have this information we will also be able to share this with
DARTEP Update from December 4, 2015 (Caryn King)
A. State Board of Education has also approved new world language education standards
i. Students must take/pass the OPI prior to recommendation for teacher
ii. These standards are in the process of being updated
B. Huge early literacy initiative underway at the state level
i. Paula is leading a group of COE/CLAS faculty engaged in the CEEDAR project,
in concert with the early literacy initiative at the state level
ii. Upcoming retreat in January
iii. This work may necessitate various curricular changes
C. Discussion
i. Survey given: looking at initial data and instrument
a. Considering a pre/post-test model for future surveys
ii. Work also includes broad faculty perspectives
iii. The idea is that we are working to prepare our students to utilize early
diagnostic instruments and interventions to better prepare young children for
literacy success
Highlighting Collaborative Work
A. School psychology program collaborative work discussed
B. Collaborative work with Esther Billings discussed
i. Teacher Education forum idea once a semester
ii. Alternating campuses
iii. Roundtable discussions
C. Teaching Works discussed
i. Identifying standards of practice for all beginning level teachers throughout
the state of Michigan
ii. Identification, agreement, and embedding these practices within our
iii. Development of common language that we can use across our programs;
enhancement of a shared understanding of how well prepared our students are
in comparison to the alternative providers
a. These are arguments that we cannot win unless we understand our
own high leverage practices
b. We want to get to the point as a profession where we can agree
between institutions, between programs, the high leverage practices
that we teach beginning teachers
iv. Excitement on this work with Math and Science discussed; also presented to
all students (who are very exciting about this work)
v. Seeking a winter forum around teaching practices; a fall forum regarding
a. Introduction
b. 6-8 roundtables
c. Unanimous support
d. More information to come
D. These discussions highlight the collaborative nature of PTEAC; all of us working
together to most effectively train the best teaching candidates in the state of Michigan
VIII. Announcements/Discussions
A. Ongoing analysis of ED 432 - secondary content seminars - to see how well this is
working for everyone
i. Considering a January survey
ii. We could change one of the content seminars to help facilitate the best time
to meet/discuss with everyone
B. Promotion of the teaching profession
i. Janel working to contact recently graduated practicing teachers to have them
share their experiences
a. Paula will share names of some alumna who will be able to assist
C. Urban Education Institute
i. Full year placement in one school in GRPS
ii. Partnership program under development
iii. Linda Pickett expressed interest in working on this from an Early Childhood
iv. Student perspective/excitement on this program shared
a. This is a program that is being developed
D. TRIO TP-SSS program discussed
i. TRIO project that is aimed at teacher preparation from underrepresented
ii. Student recruitment underway
a. What is the recruiting plan?
b. In the process of hiring a Director to implement the plan
c. More information will come out during the winter semester
d. Seeking to catch these students as early on as possible
iii. Five years of federal funding; in process of hiring a director for this program
iv. If anyone is interested with research in this area, this is a golden opportunity
to add to that knowledge base
a. Please share this with people who are interested in this line of work
v. Once we have a Director hired, we will seek CLAS faculty participation on the
TP-SSS Advisory Board
a. We will be looking for/recruiting mentors for the students who
engage in this program
E. Math in Action February 27, 2016
i. Christopher Danielson: Common Core Math for Parents
ii. Eugenia Chen: Scientist in Residence at the School of Math and Art in Chicago
a. Connections with mathematics with art, music, baking, etc.
iii. On campus conference; minimal costs associated with attendance and open
to everyone
iv. www.gvsu.edu/mathinaction
a. Shawn will share this information with all COE faculty/staff
F. Discussion related to the passage of ESSA
i. Required states to provide alternative routes to Teacher Education; does not
require that those alternative routes meet the same standards as Teacher
Preparation Institutions
a. We have to be better than the alternative routes; this is the only
valid response
ii. We have a unique program that is sought after; we produce teacher leaders
a. We need to be present in the schools
b. We ought to start framing the teachers we prepare with the word
c. We will need to be able to demonstrate that our teachers are
quantitatively better
1. Even qualitatively will help beyond anecdote
d. The evidence that Teach for America utilizes has been disproven, but
they continue to present it as fact and it remains out in the public
1. We need a more grounded argument
2. We will continue to address these ideas; formulate
arguments; and address issues that are framed within our
G. We are looking forward to continuing these conversations next year
i. Thank you for all of your hard work this semester; and happy new
year/holiday break
IX. Adjourned (4:29 p.m.)