Core MSc modules common to all five MSc courses (Soil Mechanics, Soil Mechanics & Engineering Seismology, Soil Mechanics & Environmental Geotechnics, Soil Mechanics & Business Management, Soil Mechanics & Sustainable Development CONSOLIDATION AND SEEPAGE LECTURER Dr C O’Sullivan (Room 528A); 30 hours of contact time (lectures and tutorials) INTRODUCTION This course includes lectures, tutorials, group work and pc lab sessions. The subject is dealt with in a theoretical and analytical manner, yet ties in with many of the more practical applied courses to be studied this year. The subject deals with the flow of water in compressible and incompressible soil strata. Particular attention is given to the formulation of the governing equations, boundary conditions and to their use in the solution of engineering problems. The course will enable the student to formulate, in a realistic way, the solutions to real engineering problems; either by direct analytical or numerical methods. COURSE STRUCTURE The course is broken down into the following sections: Introductory session covering what is to be studied and why. Principle of effective stress. Physical phenomenon observed in the field. Flow of water through soil - physics of flow, Darcy's law, covering history, experimental determination, mathematical derivation and its validity. Continuity and volume change. Development of Terzaghi 1xD, Terzaghi-Rendulic 3xD, and Biot consolidation equations. Develop seepage equations - Laplace equation. Solutions and boundary conditions (confined and unconfined): a. 1xD consolidation - Fourier series and Laplace transform, introducing the time factor Tv and the degree of consolidation U; time stepping finite difference solutions. b. 2xD and 3xD approaches from Carrillo and Barron assumptions for drains. c. Seepage - finite element, finite difference, flow net, aquifer and pumping well solutions including Dupuit's assumption. RECOMMENDED TEXTS Lamb and Whitman. Soil Mechanics. (Wiley) Terzaghi, Peck and Mesri. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice. (Wiley) Verruijt. Groundwater Flow. (Macmillan). Other books and papers which have some relevance will be mentioned in the lecture courses. STRENGTH AND DEFORMATION SUBJECT LECTURER Professor J B Burland (Room 502) 30 hours of contact time (lectures and tutorials) INTRODUCTION In geotechnical engineering we are dealing with a highly complex range of materials. Unlike most other construction materials, the geotechnical engineer has to make do with what nature has provided. Because of their particulate nature and the wide ranges of particle sizes, shapes, grading and packing arrangements, the development of mathematical models to describe and predict the behaviour of soils is a difficult and challenging task. Developing an understanding of the mechanical properties of soils forms an important part of geotechnical engineering. The aim of this course is to explore, in some detail, the mechanical properties of soils and to develop appropriate mathematical models to describe and predict the engineering behaviour of the ground. By the end of the course you will be familiar with modern approaches to determining the strength and stiffness of soils and the application of these properties in practice. COURSE STRUCTURE Topic 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The concept of effective stress. Concepts of stress and strain, stress paths and earth pressure at rest. Shear strength and failure criteria. Drained strength of sands and clays, peak, post-rupture and residual strength, the Critical State Concept, the work of Hvorslev. Ideal porous elastic materials. Compressibility of natural clays. The Critical State framework and the work of Rendulic. Elastic-plastic volume change of clays. Undrained strength. The stress-strain behaviour of clays. RECOMMENDED TEXTS FOR BOTH COURSES The course is self contained with full notes, but students are referred to the following basic texts: ATKINSON and BRANSBY, The Mechanics of Soils, McGraw-Hill (out of print but copies in Library). ATKINSON, An Introduction to the Mechanics of Soils and Foundations, McGraw-Hill. CRAIG, Soil Mechanics, Spon Press, seventh edition. LAMB and WHITMAN, Soil Mechanics, Wiley. MUIR WOOD, Soil Behaviour and Critical State Soil Mechanics, Cambridge. MITCHELL, Fundamentals of Soil Behaviour, Wiley. PARRY, Mohr Circles, Stress Paths and Geotechnics, Spon, second edition. TERZAGHI, PECK and MESRI, Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, Wiley. Other books and papers which have some relevance will be mentioned in the lecture courses. EMBANKMENTS & EARTHWORKS SUBJECT CO-ORDINATOR Dr J R Standing (Room 528B) COURSE TEACHERS Dr J R Standing (Room 528B) and Professor R J Jardine (Room 530) 21 contact hours (lectures and tutorials) COURSE STRUCTURE About 17 hours of lectures and contact time in the Spring Term. LECTURE CONTENTS The course deals with the principles of soil mechanics as applied to earthworks and embankments, including water-retaining embankments. Topics dealt with are the pore pressures generated in fills during construction, in long-term operation and in reservoir operation, and the boundary conditions which give rise to them; the properties of all types of fill materials, and the influence of construction techniques on these properties; the effect of weather conditions on fill placing; and materials which cause problems in earth-moving. The course includes lectures, supported by tutorial sessions on soft clay foundation engineering. The principal focus of the course is on embankments, but much of the material is also relevant to cuttings, tunnels and other foundation problems. The topics covered include: genesis of soft clays; mechanical properties and permeability; pore pressure and ground deformation response to loading; aspects of consolidation; vertical drains; single stage and multi-stage stability; field monitoring and case histories. RECOMMENDED TEXTS None. Full course notes will be given. STABILITY OF SOIL SLOPES SUBJECT CO-ORDINATOR: Dr Stavroula Kontoe (Room 535) LECTURERS: Dr Stavroula Kontoe (Room 535), Dr Clark Fenton (Room 534) 21 hours of contact time (lectures and tutorials) INTRODUCTION The course is designed to provide a detailed background to slope stability studies. It includes discussion of the classification of mass movement and landslide types, a thorough review of limit equilibrium methods of stability analysis, and detailed discussions of current ideas of the conditions leading to the failure of soil slopes. Methods of investigating existing slopes and landslides, and of the main methods of slope design and stabilisation are reviewed. COURSE STRUCTURE The course comprises about 21 contact hours of lectures and tutorials during the Spring Term. The lectures are grouped as follows: Lecture group 1 (SK) Classification of 'Mass Movement'. Landslide classification: geomorphological classification by liquidity index of sliding soil, geometry and/or morphology; geotechnical classification by degree of 'drainage', and as 'first-time' or reactivated movement. Lecture group 2 (SK) General methods of stability analysis. Simplified and rigorous limit equilibrium analysis of planar, circular and non-circular movements. Lecture group 3 (CHF, SK) Slope and landslide investigation and instrumentation. Location of shear surfaces; movement observations. Slope stabilisation methods: ground profile modification, drainage, retaining structures, other methods. Lecture group 4 (SK) Case studies. 'First-time' landslides and theories of landslide generation: 'softening' and progressive failure. Factors to be considered for design: rate effects, anisotropy, sample-size, etc. Landslide reactivation and residual strength. RECOMMENDED TEXTS Ambranson, L W, Lee T S, Sharma S and Boyce G M (2002) “Slope stability and stabilization methods” 2nd edition. Wiley, N Y. Bromhead, E N (1992) “The stability of slopes”, Blackie A & P, London. Duncan, J M and Wright S G (2005) “Soil Strength and Slope Stability”, Wiley, N J. FOUNDATIONS LECTURER Dr Lidija Zdravkovic (Room 532) 21 hours of contact time INTRODUCTION The course draws extensively on the material covered in the first term particularly on the strength and deformation of soils. The objectives of the course are to provide a revision of the fundamentals of foundation analysis, in particular bearing capacity theory, and then to introduce students to the most recent developments in foundation analysis and design. COURSE STRUCTURE 16 lectures and 5 tutorials TOPIC Behaviour of design and foundations Bearing Capacity Pile foundations Types of Piles and Defects Piles in Clay Negative Friction Bored Piles Pile Groups Piles in Sand Lateral Loading of Piles Pile Testing Procedure Settlement Elastic Stresses Beneath Loaded Areas Elastic Displacement Theory Methods of Settlement Prediction on Clays Accuracy of 1xD Settlement Predictions for Stiff 'Elastic' Materials Accuracy of 1xD Settlement Predictions on Soft Normally Consolidated Materials Settlement on Sand and Granular Materials Serviceability and Damage Soil/Structure Interaction RECOMMENDED TEXTS FLEMING, W G K et al, Piling Engineering, 2nd ed, Surrey University Press. CRAIG, R F, Soil Mechanics, 5th ed, Van Nostrand, Reinhold (UK) TOMLINSON, M, Foundation Design and Construction, 6th ed, Longman Scientific and Technical & WHITAKER, T The Design of Piled Foundations, Pergamon Press EARTH PRESSURES LECTURER Professor D M Potts (Room 505) 17 lectures and 4 tutorials INTRODUCTION This course covers the design and analysis of a variety of different earth retaining structures. In particular it considers: types of retaining structure, design requirements, Rankine states of stress, Coulomb method, approximate methods using current failure surfaces. Mobilisation of earth pressures. Layered soils. Water pressures. Tension cracks. Earth pressures due to surcharges. Earth pressures due to compaction. Design of gravity retaining walls. Design of embedded cantilever walls. Design of propped/anchored embedded cantilever walls, effect of prop position, effect of wall stiffness. Multi propped/anchored walls, the critical height of a vertical cut, the critical depth of excavation, prop loads and bending moments, numerical methods. COURSE STRUCTURE 16 lectures and 5 tutorials TOPICS Classification of earth retaining structures. Design requirements. Mobilisation of earth pressure. Gravity walls. Embedded cantilever walls. Single propped embedded cantilever walls. Multi-propped walls. RECOMMENDED TEXTS None. Full course notes will be given. ANALYSIS AND CONSTITUTIVE MODELLING LECTURER Dr L Zdravkovic (Room 532) 33 hours of contact time (lectures and tutorials) INTRODUCTION The course begins by considering general design requirements, fundamental theoretical considerations and conventional methods of analysis used in geotechnical design. The majority of the course then concentrates on finite element analysis: the full theoretical background of the finite element method is derived for linear materials in 2D problems; the necessary adjustments are then explained for the method to be used for analysing nonlinear problems; the boundary conditions specific to geotechnical problems are presented; elastic and elasto-plastic constitutive laws for soil behaviour are introduced; the necessary requirements for 3D analysis are presented; finally some restrictions and pitfalls of the method are illustrated to point out that method is good and viable only if used in the correct way. The objective of the course is to arm students with sufficient knowledge about finite element analysis so that they can assess and compare the capabilities of available commercial software, as well as to judge the credibility of numerical results that they may obtain, or review, in the future. COURSE STRUCTURE 24 lectures 9 tutorials TOPICS Geotechnical analysis Finite element theory for linear materials Geotechnical considerations Elastic constitutive models Elasto-plastic behaviour Simple elasto-plastic models Nonlinear finite element analysis 3D analysis Restrictions and pitfalls. RECOMMENDED TEXT Potts D M and Zdravkovic, L (1999). Finite element analysis in geotechnical engineering: Theory, Thomas Telford, London. A full set of lecture notes will also be provided. LABORATORY AND FIELD TECHNIQUES SUBJECT CO-ORDINATOR Professor R J Jardine (Room 530) INTRODUCTION The course describes the techniques used to characterise soil properties and quantify the mechanical behaviour of soils. COURSE STRUCTURE 30 contact hours (25 lectures and 5 tutorials) over the Autumn term LECTURERS Professor R J Jardine (RJJ - Room 530) In addition, half-day practical laboratory sessions are undertaken; these are organised by Professor M Coop. Two colloquia are held in which the students present summaries of their practical soil mechanics work. LECTURE CONTENTS Lectures 1-8 Lecturer RJJ Topics Drilling and sampling; in-situ testing and interpretation: SPT; vane; cone; pressuremeter. Measurement of soil suction. 9 - 17 RJJ Field instrumentation; settlement gauges; extensometers; inclinometers; piezometers etc; measurements of in-situ stresses and permeabilities; suction measurements and air entry. 18 - 25 RJJ Laboratory methods: role and scope of lab tests; fundamentals of stress-strain and strength measurements; minimising errors for forces, stresses, pore pressures and strains; transducers and control systems; practical applications. GROUND INVESTIGATION INTRODUCTION The Engineering Geology Course comprises three main elements; Ground Profiles, Ground Investigation, Engineering Geology of Soils and Rocks and field work. Further details are given below. SUBJECT CO-ORDINATOR Dr C H Fenton (Room 534) INTRODUCTION This course explains, by example, the reasons why a correct description of the profile of strata on site is crucial for safe and economic ground engineering presents a rationale for the design of ground investigations. COURSE STRUCTURE The course starts with 6 hours of lectures, supported by field work later in the term when the principles of soil description will be practised. This forms the first part of the course in which the geological factors that can influence the design of a ground investigation are considered. These are based upon the need to create a conceptual model of the ground and its response to natural and engineered change. The course describes the types of data that have to be used (qualitative and quantitative) and how they may be employed to assist engineering design. The course is supported by field trips to Kent and Bristol during the First Term. LECTURERS Prof J B Burland - (JBB Room 502) Dr C H Fenton - (CHF Room 534) LECTURE CONTENTS Lectures Lecturer Week 2 JBB Week 3 CHF Topics Significance of profiles and engineering description of soils Design of Ground Investigation & Ground Models Week 4 CHF Possible site visit Week 5 CHF Desk studies and Walk-over surveys Week 6 CHF Maps and sections Week 7 CHF Week 8 CHF Site Investigation - Aspects of Invasive Ground Investigation Uncertainty and Risk Management Week 9 CHF Soils & the Quaternary Environment Week 10 CHF Parameter Determination Week 11 CHF Ground Investigation Tutorial (In-class coursework)