shohei Chap 2 Vocab Exercise #3 Cloze

Chapter 2 Vocabulary Exercise #3
Cloze Exercise: Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the word bank. In
your groups, follow these steps:
1. Read each vocabulary word.
2. Review the meaning of the word.
3. Review the grammar function of the word.
4. Read the two paragraphs below. Pay attention to what words come before the
blank, come after the blank, and the sentence content.
5. Review vocabulary words, and fill in the blanks with the correct word.
Word Bank
Depending upon the Violate, societies may have different Conformity.
Since norms can vary from culture to culture, the world is much like a
rainbow because cultural Variation can be colorful and beautiful as well.
Every culture seeks some degree of Expectations from its individual
members. The process of conforming to a certain culture can produce a
certain kind of Culture in its members. Certain personality traits seem to
be common among people from the same culture. When an individual
member does not conform to the cultural norms, he or she Violate a
folkway, mores, or law. In order for society to keep its culture, the
person who goes against the norms must experience some form of
punishment. Depending on the violation, the guilty individual may
receive a very mild reprimand from a family member or a life long
sentence to prison from a judge.