My Child Has Diarrhoea and Vomiting

Dolphin House Surgery
6-7 East Street, Ware, Herts. SG12 9HJ
Tel: 01920 468777
Fax: 01920 484892
My Child Has Diarrhoea and Vomiting
Gastroenteritis is a common illness in children and often can be treated at home without a
trip to the doctor. This will also limit the spread of the disease to others.
Usually caused by a virus it will get better on its own with simple fluid replacement as
dehydration is the main risk to health. If several members are affected and symptoms came
on after a meal out or a take away then see section on ‘food poisoning’.
If your baby or child appears well, alert and has warm hands and feet then they are unlikely
to be dehydrated and will probably get better quickly. Moist lips, tongue and gums are a
good sign your child is coping with the illness.
If they become lethargic, have decreased urine output, changes in skin colour and cold
extremities the doctor will probably suggest seeing the child to assess hydration. If this is
confirmed and the child has a fast heart rate, fast breathing rate and poor circulation then a
trip to hospital to consider intravenous hydration will be necessary.
Key points to improve the outcome are:
If your child is hydrated then continue breast feeding and even offer milk feeds in babies,
encouraging more liquids in between in particular Oral Rehydrating Solutions such as
‘Dioralyte’ (ask the pharmacist about various hydrating fluids available). Fluids should be
given little and often. Full strength fruit juices are to be avoided due to the high sugar content
that can worsen diarrhoea.
If dehydrated give 50mls of hydrating fluid per kilogram body weight every 4 hours in addition
to normal feeds.
Some babies and children can get very frothy watery diarrhoea due to milk intolerance in
addition to the virus bug. This normally occurs when vomiting has stopped and diarrhoea
has gone on a few days. If this is suspected then the milk should be withdrawn temporarily
and hydrating fluids and starchy foods (toast, rice, plain pasta) given instead.
Diarrhoea and Vomiting is normally better after a few days. If prolonged (greater than 1-2
weeks) or associated with severe pain or blood loss then always seek medical advice.
Dr M. Baverstock, Dr D. Maddams, Dr J. Watson, Dr M. Davies,
Dr R. Morgan, Dr F. O’Reilly, Mrs J. O’Brien (Managing Partner)