Reservation Application

Diaconal Ordination & Eat and Pray with the Saints in Central Italy
October 1, 2013 – October 12, 2013
Reservation Application
Last Name/First Name/Middle Name (Must match passport exactly)(one reservation page per traveler)
Date of Birth _________________________________US Passport Number __________________________________
Passport Expiration Date __________________If not US, where was your passport issued? ____________________
Name as you want it on Name Tag ____________________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________
State ______________
Zip ___________________
Home # ______________________ Work# ______________________ Cell # ________________________
Email _____________________________________________________________________________________
What is the best way to contact you?
Home #
Work #
Cell #
Emergency Contact Name ____________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact Tel. Numbers _____________________________________________________________
Special Diet Needs __________________________________________________________________________
Any Special Medical Needs ___________________________________________________________________
Number of people traveling with you _____ Number of Rooms Needed ______Number in each room ________
Rooming With ______________________________________________________________________________
____I prefer a Private Single Room at $531 and pending availability.
Payment Schedule
$350 Per Person Non-refundable Deposit due with Reservation Application to secure your name on this trip by January
15, 2013
Final Payments for land and air due July 1, 2013. (You can make additional payments prior to that if you would like)
Please mail Reservation Application & Deposit Payment by check payable to Divine Travels LLC, along with a copy of
your Passport information, to:
Divine Travels LLC
P. O. Box 51541
Casper, WY 82605
Phone: 307-277-0480/Melinda
Enrollment and Deposit Payment for this tour constitutes your acceptance of all terms and conditions
as stated on back of this sheet.
Divine Travels LLC & Religious Travel International, LLC – Terms and Conditions
By making a deposit or paying in full for your Divine Travels LLC & Religious Travel International LLC, (RTI), trip, you acknowledge and
agree to the terms and conditions set forth below .
& RTI makes no representation or guarantees You must report any disability requiring special
A $350 per person deposit is required at the time of concerning reimbursements of funds.
attention to Divine Travels LLC & RTI at the time of
booking with a completed application. The initial
deposit must be received within 5 days of receiving
your application. Additional deposits will be required
for certain packages and will be indicated on the
initial quote. Payment of the deposit constitutes
acceptance of the itinerary.
Airline Tickets purchased from Divine Travels LLC &
RTI are contracted fares and thus carry restrictions
and penalties for any change, however slight. Airline
tickets are non-endorsable and non-refundable. Prior
to payment, airlines may impose fuel surcharges or
tax increases with or without notification, which are
the responsibility of the passenger. Once payment is
made, Divine Travels LLC & RTI considers the
information contained on the itinerary to be correct
and any fees associated to changes or cancellation is
the responsibility of the passenger.
Bank or Certified Checks or Money Orders are
accepted forms of payment at any time. Personal
checks are acceptable if received more than 30 days
prior to departure date. Returned checks will incur a
$75 service fee. In case of computer or human billing
error, we reserve the right to re-invoice participants SEAT ASSIGNMENT
with corrected billing.
Random seats are assigned for all group participants.
If you must have specific seat, we recommend you to
be at the airport at least three hours prior to
Rates are based on double or twin occupancy. All departure and arrange the seat assignment with your
prices are shown in U.S. Dollars and are calculated airline's gate agent. Bulkhead and exit row seating
on currency rates and fares in existence on date of can never be requested prior to the day of departure.
final payment. Divine Travels LLC & Religious Travel Divine Travels LLC & RTI can never guarantee
International, LLC, (RTI), reserves the right to alter specific seats, which are at the discretion of the
prices at any time prior to departure and without airline & are pending availability, subject to
prior notice if circumstances so warrant. Any aircraft/seat map changes.
devaluation or revaluation of currencies may affect
published price.
Hotel accommodations are based on twin-bedded or
double rooms. Divine Travels LLC & RTI reserves the
Passport & Visa fees, as well as Customs & right to substitute similar category hotels without
Immigration Fees are not included. Also not included prior notice.
are items of a personal nature, such as telephone
calls, mini bar, laundry, etc. (These extra items will PRIVATE ROOMS and SINGLE SUPPLEMENT
be billed to you before leaving the hotel or A limited number of single rooms are available (on
request basis only) at the supplement price.
A valid US passport is required for US citizens.
Passports must be valid at least 6 months after
return date. For non-US citizens, please consult the
country’s consulate. When and if a Visa is required, it
is the passenger’s responsibility to obtain one.
Cancellations due to lack of appropriate documents
will incur the usual penalties. Passport information,
including passport number, expiration date and date
of birth, is required to confirm services.
Final documents are issued upon receipt of final
payment only and within 3 weeks of departure.
Documents are not guaranteed if final payment is not
received on time. Upon receipt of your documents
you are responsible to check your itinerary, spelling
of your name, dates, times and other important
information to insure their validity. Should your final
documents have any errors, it is the passenger’s
responsibility to contact Divine Travels LLC
Once a deposit or partial/full payment has been
made, cancellations will only be accepted in writing.
Cancellation terms will be applied based on the date
that the written cancellation is received. In addition
to a $350 per person administration fee, the
following charges apply if a cancellation is made
before departure (per person of total tour price):
90-61 days prior to departure…………10%
60-45 days prior to departure…………45%
44-30 days prior to departure…………75%
29 days or less prior to departure - no refund
Also, once airline tickets are issued, the cancellation
policies of the airline are applied and followed with
no exception.
Divine Travels LLC & RTI wants your trip to be worryfree. Travel Insurance is provided by Travel Guard.
Please read description of coverage carefully. Travel
protection premiums are not refundable or
transferable once purchased. Divine Travels LLC
registration. We make every effort to accommodate
disabled passengers; however, we cannot guarantee
and are not responsible for any denial of services by
carriers, hotels, restaurants, or other independent
Where the Americans with Disabilities Act is not
applicable, facilities for disabled individuals may be
limited. We regret that we cannot provide individual
assistance to any tour participant for walking, dining,
while in their room, on flight, or getting on and off
motor coaches and other vehicles. Additionally,
airlines are not able to guarantee or provide
assistance for disabled tour participants, including
special seating. A qualified and physically able
companion must accompany travelers who need
special assistance.
Pregnant women considering
international travel should be advised to evaluate the
potential problems as well as the quality of medical
care available at the destination and during transit.
Divine Travels LLC & RTI is not responsible for any
medical condition that occurs prior to, during or after
the tour.
Travelers who are less than 18 years old on the
departure date must be accompanied by an adult.
Due to heightened security, many countries have
adopted practices to prevent international abductions
of children. If a child will be traveling with adults
other than the parents or with only one parent, it is
recommended that a notarized letter be written, by
the parents or non-traveling parent, granting
authorization for the child to travel internationally,
including the travel dates. We also suggest that you
contact the appropriate consulate and airlines
In some hotels, triple accommodation is possible; because they may have additional requirements.
however, no reduction in cost can be guaranteed.
Please be aware that during your participation on
Special meals cannot be guaranteed, but Divine tours operated by Divine Travels LLC & RTI, certain
Travels LLC & RTI will try to accommodate your risks and dangers may arise beyond our control.
needs: however you must indicate at initial booking Divine Travels LLC & RTI does not have liability
any special meal requirements. In case you choose regarding provisions of medical care or the adequacy
not to have a meal, there is no refund for unused of any care that may be rendered.
Please note that almost all destinations serviced by
Baggage rules are set by each individual airline and Divine Travels LLC & RTI require physical fitness and
subject to change at any time. Generally each tour a lot of walking, sometimes up or down hills; and at
participant is permitted to bring one checked times, on very rough terrain. You may certainly stay
suitcase, one small carry-on bag (8" x 14" x 22"), behind for some parts of the journey; however, it is
and one personal item (i.e. purse, laptop case). In suggested that 3 to 4 weeks before your departure,
general, the airlines permit 1 checked bag weighing you should begin preparing physically by walking one
up to 50 lbs. (23 kg) and maximum dimensions of 62 or two times a day. Build up to 2-3 miles with no
in. (158 cm) calculated by adding the length + the discomfort.
width + the height of the bag. Please check with your
specific airline to verify the size and weight SERVICE INQUIRIES AFTER THE TRIP
allowances. Divine Travels LLC & RTI is not If upon returning from your trip, you wish to inquire
responsible for the loss of, theft of, delay, or damage about any services provided, please ensure that all
correspondence is received by Divine Travels LLC , P.
to a participant's belongings.
O. Box 51541, Casper, WY 82605 within 30 days of
the tour completion date. This will enable a timely
Divine Travels LLC & RTI acts as a tour operator. The investigation.
suppliers providing transportation, meals, sightseeing
arrangements and hotel accommodations for the tour TOUR CANCELLATION BY OPERATOR
program are independent contractors and are not Be clearly advised that from time to time a tour
agents or employees of Divine Travels LLC & RTI. By departure may be cancelled due to lack of
utilizing the service of the suppliers, you agree that participation. In such case, the operator's sole
Devine Travels LLC & RTI will not be liable for any responsibility is to provide a full refund. Divine
change in flight or itinerary schedule due to Travels LLC & RTI is not responsible and does not
circumstances beyond its control, such as strikes, assume responsibility for any additional costs or any
acts of governments, acts of war and/or terrorism, fees relating to the issuance and /or cancellation of
war, or acts of God or nature. Though every effort air tickets or other arrangements not made through
will be made to follow the itinerary, it should be Divine Travels LLC & RTI. Cancellations due to state
considered as an indication of the tour, rather than a advisories and/or state warnings, acts of war, war,
contract of places to be visited. Occasionally, local terrorism, acts of God, natural disaster or any other
religious holidays, national holidays, traffic conditions circumstance outside the control of Divine Travels
and other events may necessitate changes in the LLC & RTI, are not the fault of Divine Travels LLC &
RTI. Great effort will be made to accommodate
sequence of visits or the missing of certain visits.
travelers to another trip or to revise the itinerary;
Divine Travels LLC & RTI is not responsible for
however, cancellation for any of these reasons will
compensation for cities/sites omitted from the
not be eligible for refund. PRINTING DISCLAIMER
itinerary due to circumstances beyond its control.
– Divine Travels LLC & RTI is not responsible for typographical or
print errors, including errors in trip cost. We reserve the right to reSPECIAL MEDICAL CONDITIONS
Diaconal Ordination & Eat and Pray with the Saints in Central Italy
October 1, 2013 – October 12, 2013